/** \file dbitmap.c * Print to Bitmap */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <assert.h> #include "custom.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "layout.h" #include "messages.h" #include "param.h" #include "paths.h" #include "track.h" static long outputBitMapTogglesV = 3; static double outputBitMapDensity = 10; static struct wFilSel_t * bitmap_fs; static long bitmap_w, bitmap_h; static drawCmd_t bitmap_d = { NULL, &screenDrawFuncs, 0, 16.0, 0.0, {0.0, 0.0}, {1.0,1.0}, Pix2CoOrd, CoOrd2Pix }; static int SaveBitmapFile( int files, char **fileName, void * data ) { coOrd p[4]; FLOAT_T y0, y1; wFont_p fp, fp_bi; wFontSize_t fs; coOrd textsize, textsize1; assert( fileName != NULL ); assert( files == 1 ); SetCurrentPath( BITMAPPATHKEY, fileName[ 0 ] ); bitmap_d.d = wBitMapCreate( (wPos_t)bitmap_w, (wPos_t)bitmap_h, 8 ); if (bitmap_d.d == (wDraw_p)0) { NoticeMessage( MSG_WBITMAP_FAILED, _("Ok"), NULL ); return FALSE; } y0 = y1 = 0.0; p[0].x = p[3].x = 0.0; p[1].x = p[2].x = mapD.size.x; p[0].y = p[1].y = 0.0; p[2].y = p[3].y = mapD.size.y; if ( (outputBitMapTogglesV&2) ) { DrawRuler( &bitmap_d, p[0], p[1], 0.0, TRUE, FALSE, wDrawColorBlack ); DrawRuler( &bitmap_d, p[0], p[3], 0.0, TRUE, TRUE, wDrawColorBlack ); DrawRuler( &bitmap_d, p[1], p[2], 0.0, FALSE, FALSE, wDrawColorBlack ); DrawRuler( &bitmap_d, p[3], p[2], 0.0, FALSE, TRUE, wDrawColorBlack ); y0 = 0.37; y1 = 0.2; } if ( (outputBitMapTogglesV&3) == 1) { DrawLine( &bitmap_d, p[0], p[1], 2, wDrawColorBlack ); DrawLine( &bitmap_d, p[0], p[3], 2, wDrawColorBlack ); DrawLine( &bitmap_d, p[1], p[2], 2, wDrawColorBlack ); DrawLine( &bitmap_d, p[3], p[2], 2, wDrawColorBlack ); } if (outputBitMapTogglesV&1) { fp = wStandardFont( F_TIMES, FALSE, FALSE ); fs = 18; DrawTextSize( &mainD, GetLayoutTitle(), fp, fs, FALSE, &textsize ); p[0].x = (bitmap_d.size.x - (textsize.x*bitmap_d.scale))/2.0 + bitmap_d.orig.x; p[0].y = mapD.size.y + (y1+0.30)*bitmap_d.scale; DrawString( &bitmap_d, p[0], 0.0, GetLayoutTitle(), fp, fs*bitmap_d.scale, wDrawColorBlack ); DrawTextSize( &mainD, GetLayoutSubtitle(), fp, fs, FALSE, &textsize ); p[0].x = (bitmap_d.size.x - (textsize.x*bitmap_d.scale))/2.0 + bitmap_d.orig.x; p[0].y = mapD.size.y + (y1+0.05)*bitmap_d.scale; DrawString( &bitmap_d, p[0], 0.0, GetLayoutSubtitle(), fp, fs*bitmap_d.scale, wDrawColorBlack ); fp_bi = wStandardFont( F_TIMES, TRUE, TRUE ); DrawTextSize( &mainD, _("Drawn with "), fp, fs, FALSE, &textsize ); DrawTextSize( &mainD, sProdName, fp_bi, fs, FALSE, &textsize1 ); p[0].x = (bitmap_d.size.x - ((textsize.x+textsize1.x)*bitmap_d.scale))/2.0 + bitmap_d.orig.x; p[0].y = -(y0+0.23)*bitmap_d.scale; DrawString( &bitmap_d, p[0], 0.0, _("Drawn with "), fp, fs*bitmap_d.scale, wDrawColorBlack ); p[0].x += (textsize.x*bitmap_d.scale); DrawString( &bitmap_d, p[0], 0.0, sProdName, fp_bi, fs*bitmap_d.scale, wDrawColorBlack ); } wDrawClip( bitmap_d.d, (wPos_t)(-bitmap_d.orig.x/bitmap_d.scale*bitmap_d.dpi), (wPos_t)(-bitmap_d.orig.y/bitmap_d.scale*bitmap_d.dpi), (wPos_t)(mapD.size.x/bitmap_d.scale*bitmap_d.dpi), (wPos_t)(mapD.size.y/bitmap_d.scale*bitmap_d.dpi) ); wSetCursor( wCursorWait ); InfoMessage( _("Drawing tracks to BitMap") ); DrawSnapGrid( &bitmap_d, mapD.size, TRUE ); if ( (outputBitMapTogglesV&4) ) bitmap_d.options |= DC_CENTERLINE; else bitmap_d.options &= ~DC_CENTERLINE; DrawTracks( &bitmap_d, bitmap_d.scale, bitmap_d.orig, bitmap_d.size ); InfoMessage( _("Writing BitMap to file") ); if ( wBitMapWriteFile( bitmap_d.d, fileName[0] ) == FALSE ) { NoticeMessage( MSG_WBITMAP_FAILED, _("Ok"), NULL ); return FALSE; } InfoMessage( "" ); wSetCursor( wCursorNormal ); wBitMapDelete( bitmap_d.d ); return TRUE; } /******************************************************************************* * * Output BitMap Dialog * */ static wWin_p outputBitMapW; static char *bitmapTogglesLabels[] = { N_("Print Titles"), N_("Print Borders"), N_("Print Centerline"), NULL }; static paramFloatRange_t r0o1_100 = { 0.1, 100.0, 60 }; static paramData_t outputBitMapPLs[] = { #define I_TOGGLES (0) { PD_TOGGLE, &outputBitMapTogglesV, "toggles", 0, bitmapTogglesLabels }, #define I_DENSITY (1) { PD_FLOAT, &outputBitMapDensity, "density", PDO_DLGRESETMARGIN, &r0o1_100, N_(" dpi") }, #define I_MSG1 (2) { PD_MESSAGE, N_("Bitmap : 99999 by 99999 pixels"), NULL, PDO_DLGRESETMARGIN|PDO_DLGUNDERCMDBUTT|PDO_DLGWIDE, (void*)180 }, #define I_MSG2 (3) { PD_MESSAGE, N_("Approximate file size: 999.9Mb"), NULL, PDO_DLGUNDERCMDBUTT, (void*)180 } }; static paramGroup_t outputBitMapPG = { "outputbitmap", 0, outputBitMapPLs, sizeof outputBitMapPLs/sizeof outputBitMapPLs[0] }; static void OutputBitMapComputeSize( void ) { FLOAT_T Lborder=0.0, Rborder=0.0, Tborder=0.0, Bborder=0.0; FLOAT_T size; ParamLoadData( &outputBitMapPG ); bitmap_d.dpi = mainD.dpi; bitmap_d.scale = mainD.dpi/outputBitMapDensity; if (outputBitMapTogglesV&2) { Lborder = 0.37; Rborder = 0.2; Tborder = 0.2; Bborder = 0.37; } if (outputBitMapTogglesV&1) { Tborder += 0.60; Bborder += 0.28; } bitmap_d.orig.x = 0.0-Lborder*bitmap_d.scale; bitmap_d.size.x = mapD.size.x + (Lborder+Rborder)*bitmap_d.scale; bitmap_d.orig.y = 0.0-Bborder*bitmap_d.scale; bitmap_d.size.y = mapD.size.y + (Bborder+Tborder)*bitmap_d.scale; bitmap_w = (long)(bitmap_d.size.x/bitmap_d.scale*bitmap_d.dpi)/*+1*/; bitmap_h = (long)(bitmap_d.size.y/bitmap_d.scale*bitmap_d.dpi)/*+1*/; sprintf( message, _("Bitmap : %ld by %ld pixels"), bitmap_w, bitmap_h ); ParamLoadMessage( &outputBitMapPG, I_MSG1, message ); size = bitmap_w * bitmap_h; if ( size < 1e4 ) sprintf( message, _("Approximate file size : %0.0f"), size ); else if ( size < 1e6 ) sprintf( message, _("Approximate file size : %0.1fKb"), (size+50.0)/1e3 ); else sprintf( message, _("Approximate file size : %0.1fMb"), (size+5e4)/1e6 ); ParamLoadMessage( &outputBitMapPG, I_MSG2, message ); } static void OutputBitMapOk( void * junk ) { FLOAT_T size; if (bitmap_w>32000 || bitmap_h>32000) { NoticeMessage( MSG_BITMAP_TOO_LARGE, _("Ok"), NULL ); return; } size = bitmap_w * bitmap_h; if (size >= 1000000) { if (NoticeMessage(MSG_BITMAP_SIZE_WARNING, _("Yes"), _("Cancel") )==0) return; } wHide( outputBitMapW ); if (bitmap_fs == NULL) bitmap_fs = wFilSelCreate( mainW, FS_SAVE, 0, _("Save Bitmap"), #ifdef WINDOWS _("Bitmap files|*.bmp"), #else _("Bitmap files|*.xpm"), #endif SaveBitmapFile, NULL ); wFilSelect( bitmap_fs, GetCurrentPath( BITMAPPATHKEY )); } static void OutputBitMapChange( long changes ) { if ((changes&(CHANGE_UNITS|CHANGE_MAP))==0 || outputBitMapW==NULL) return; wControlSetLabel( outputBitMapPLs[I_DENSITY].control, units==UNITS_METRIC?"dpcm":"dpi" ); ParamLoadControls( &outputBitMapPG ); OutputBitMapComputeSize(); } static void DoOutputBitMap( void * junk ) { if (outputBitMapW == NULL) { outputBitMapW = ParamCreateDialog( &outputBitMapPG, MakeWindowTitle(_("BitMap")), _("Ok"), OutputBitMapOk, wHide, TRUE, NULL, 0, (paramChangeProc)OutputBitMapComputeSize ); } ParamLoadControls( &outputBitMapPG ); ParamGroupRecord( &outputBitMapPG ); OutputBitMapComputeSize(); wShow( outputBitMapW ); } EXPORT addButtonCallBack_t OutputBitMapInit( void ) { ParamRegister( &outputBitMapPG ); RegisterChangeNotification(OutputBitMapChange); return &DoOutputBitMap; }