/* \file dcmpnd.c * Compound tracks: Turnouts and Structures */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include "compound.h" #include "cundo.h" #include "custom.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "messages.h" #include "param.h" #include "shrtpath.h" #include "track.h" #include "utility.h" /***************************************************************************** * * Update Titles * */ static wWin_p updateTitleW; typedef enum { updateUnknown, updateTurnout, updateStructure } updateType_e; static updateType_e updateListType; static BOOL_T updateWVisible; static BOOL_T updateWStale; typedef struct { updateType_e type; SCALEINX_T scale; char * old; char * new; } updateTitleElement; static dynArr_t updateTitles_da; #define updateTitles(N) DYNARR_N( updateTitleElement, updateTitles_da, N ) static void UpdateTitleIgnore( void* junk ); static wIndex_t updateTitleInx; static paramData_t updateTitlePLs[] = { { PD_MESSAGE, "This file contains Turnout and Structure Titles which should be updated." }, { PD_MESSAGE, "This dialog allows you to change the definitions in this file." }, { PD_MESSAGE, "To replace the old name, choose a definition from the list." }, { PD_MESSAGE, "If the required definition is not loaded you can use the Load button" }, { PD_MESSAGE, "to invoke the Parameter Files dialog to load the required Parameter File." }, { PD_MESSAGE, "If you choose Cancel then the Titles will not be changed and some" }, { PD_MESSAGE, "features (Price List and Label selection) may not be fully functional." }, { PD_MESSAGE, "You can use the List Labels control on the Preferences dialog to" }, { PD_MESSAGE, "control the format of the list entries" }, #define I_UPDATESTR (9) { PD_STRING, NULL, "old", PDO_NOPREF, (void*)400, NULL, BO_READONLY }, #define I_UPDATELIST (10) #define updateTitleL ((wList_p)updateTitlePLs[I_UPDATELIST].control) { PD_DROPLIST, NULL, "sel", PDO_NOPREF, (void*)400 }, { PD_BUTTON, (void*)UpdateTitleIgnore, "ignore", PDO_DLGCMDBUTTON, NULL, N_("Ignore") }, #define I_UPDATELOAD (12) { PD_BUTTON, NULL, "load", 0, NULL, N_("Load") } }; static paramGroup_t updateTitlePG = { "updatetitle", 0, updateTitlePLs, sizeof updateTitlePLs/sizeof updateTitlePLs[0] }; static void UpdateTitleChange( long changes ) { if ( (changes & (CHANGE_SCALE|CHANGE_PARAMS)) == 0 ) return; if (!updateWVisible) { updateWStale = TRUE; return; } wControlShow( (wControl_p)updateTitleL, FALSE ); wListClear( updateTitleL ); if (updateTitles(updateTitleInx).type == updateTurnout) TurnoutAdd( listLabels, updateTitles(updateTitleInx).scale, updateTitleL, NULL, -1 ); else StructAdd( listLabels, updateTitles(updateTitleInx).scale, updateTitleL, NULL ); wControlShow( (wControl_p)updateTitleL, TRUE ); updateListType = updateTitles(updateTitleInx).type; } static void UpdateTitleNext( void ) { wIndex_t inx; wIndex_t cnt; track_p trk; struct extraData *xx; updateTitleInx++; if (updateTitleInx >= updateTitles_da.cnt) { wHide( updateTitleW ); updateWVisible = FALSE; InfoMessage( _("Updating definitions, please wait") ); cnt = 0; trk = NULL; while (TrackIterate( &trk ) ) { InfoCount(cnt++); if (GetTrkType(trk) == T_TURNOUT || GetTrkType(trk) == T_STRUCTURE) { xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk); for (inx=0; inx<updateTitles_da.cnt; inx++) { if ( updateTitles(inx).old && strcmp( xx->title, updateTitles(inx).old ) == 0 ) { xx->title = MyStrdup( updateTitles(inx).new ); break; } } } } DYNARR_RESET( updateTitleElement, updateTitles_da ); InfoMessage(""); InfoCount( trackCount ); changed++; SetWindowTitle(); DoChangeNotification( CHANGE_MAIN ); return; } ParamLoadMessage( &updateTitlePG, I_UPDATESTR, updateTitles(updateTitleInx).old ); if (updateWStale || updateTitles(updateTitleInx).type != updateListType) UpdateTitleChange( CHANGE_SCALE|CHANGE_PARAMS ); } static void UpdateTitleUpdate( void* junk ) { void * selP; turnoutInfo_t * to; wListGetValues( updateTitleL, NULL, 0, NULL, &selP ); if (selP != NULL) { to = (turnoutInfo_t*)selP; updateTitles(updateTitleInx).new = to->title; } UpdateTitleNext(); } static void UpdateTitleIgnore( void* junk ) { updateTitles(updateTitleInx).old = NULL; UpdateTitleNext(); } static void UpdateTitleCancel( wWin_p junk ) { wHide( updateTitleW ); DYNARR_RESET( updateTitleElement, updateTitles_da ); updateWVisible = FALSE; } void DoUpdateTitles( void ) { if (updateTitles_da.cnt <= 0) return; if (updateTitleW == NULL) { ParamRegister( &updateTitlePG ); updateTitlePLs[I_UPDATELOAD].valueP = (void*)ParamFilesInit(); updateTitleW = ParamCreateDialog( &updateTitlePG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Update Title")), _("Update"), UpdateTitleUpdate, UpdateTitleCancel, TRUE, NULL, 0, NULL ); RegisterChangeNotification( UpdateTitleChange ); } updateTitleInx = -1; wShow( updateTitleW ); updateWVisible = TRUE; updateListType = updateUnknown; UpdateTitleNext(); } EXPORT void UpdateTitleMark( char * title, SCALEINX_T scale ) { int inx; updateTitleElement * ut; if ( inPlayback ) return; for (inx=0; inx<updateTitles_da.cnt; inx++) { if (strcmp(title,updateTitles(inx).old) == 0) { return; } } DYNARR_APPEND( updateTitleElement, updateTitles_da, 10 ); ut = &updateTitles(updateTitles_da.cnt-1); if ( tempEndPts_da.cnt > 0) ut->type = updateTurnout; else ut->type = updateStructure; ut->scale = scale; ut->old = MyStrdup(title); ut->new = NULL; } /***************************************************************************** * * Refresh Compound * */ static BOOL_T CheckCompoundEndPoint( track_p trk, EPINX_T trkEp, turnoutInfo_t * to, EPINX_T toEp, BOOL_T flip ) { struct extraData *xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk); coOrd pos; DIST_T d; ANGLE_T a, a2; pos = GetTrkEndPos( trk, trkEp ); Rotate( &pos, xx->orig, -xx->angle ); pos.x -= xx->orig.x; pos.y -= xx->orig.y; if ( flip ) pos.y = - pos.y; d = FindDistance( pos, to->endPt[toEp].pos ); if ( d > connectDistance ) { sprintf( message, _("End-Point #%d of the selected and actual turnouts are not close"), toEp ); return FALSE; } a = GetTrkEndAngle( trk, trkEp ); a2 = to->endPt[toEp].angle; if ( flip ) a2 = 180.0 - a2; a = NormalizeAngle( a - xx->angle - a2 + connectAngle/2.0 ); if ( a > connectAngle ) { sprintf( message, _("End-Point #%d of the selected and actual turnouts are not aligned"), toEp ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } int refreshCompoundCnt; static BOOL_T RefreshCompound1( track_p trk, turnoutInfo_t * to ) { struct extraData *xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk); EPINX_T ep, epCnt; BOOL_T ok; BOOL_T flip = FALSE; epCnt = GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk); if ( epCnt != to->endCnt ) { strcpy( message, _("The selected Turnout had a differing number of End-Points") ); return FALSE; } ok = TRUE; for ( ep=0; ep<epCnt; ep++ ) if (!CheckCompoundEndPoint( trk, ep, to, ep, FALSE )) { ok = FALSE; break; } if ( !ok ) { if ( ep > 0 && epCnt == 2 && CheckCompoundEndPoint( trk, 1, to, 1, TRUE ) ) { flip = TRUE; ok = TRUE; } else if ( ep > 0 && epCnt == 3 && CheckCompoundEndPoint( trk, 1, to, 2, FALSE ) && CheckCompoundEndPoint( trk, 2, to, 1, FALSE ) ) { ok = TRUE; } else if ( ep > 0 && epCnt == 4 && CheckCompoundEndPoint( trk, 1, to, 3, FALSE ) && CheckCompoundEndPoint( trk, 2, to, 2, FALSE ) && CheckCompoundEndPoint( trk, 3, to, 1, FALSE ) ) { ok = TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } UndoModify( trk ); FreeFilledDraw( xx->segCnt, xx->segs ); MyFree( xx->segs ); xx->segCnt = to->segCnt; xx->segs = (trkSeg_p)MyMalloc( xx->segCnt * sizeof *(trkSeg_p)0 ); memcpy( xx->segs, to->segs, xx->segCnt * sizeof *(trkSeg_p)0 ); if ( flip ) FlipSegs( xx->segCnt, xx->segs, zero, 90.0 ); ClrTrkBits( trk, TB_SELECTED ); refreshCompoundCnt++; CloneFilledDraw( xx->segCnt, xx->segs, FALSE ); return TRUE; } typedef struct { char * name; turnoutInfo_t * to; } refreshSpecial_t; static dynArr_t refreshSpecial_da; #define refreshSpecial(N) DYNARR_N( refreshSpecial_t, refreshSpecial_da, N ) static wIndex_t refreshSpecialInx; static BOOL_T refreshReturnVal; static void RefreshSkip( void * ); static paramListData_t refreshSpecialListData = { 30, 600, 0, NULL, NULL }; static paramData_t refreshSpecialPLs[] = { #define REFRESH_M1 (0) { PD_MESSAGE, NULL, NULL, 0/*PDO_DLGRESIZEW*/, (void*)380 }, #define REFRESH_M2 (1) { PD_MESSAGE, NULL, NULL, 0/*PDO_DLGRESIZEW*/, (void*)380 }, #define REFRESH_S (2) { PD_MESSAGE, NULL, NULL, 0/*PDO_DLGRESIZEW*/, (void*)380 }, #define REFRESH_L (3) { PD_LIST, &refreshSpecialInx, "list", PDO_LISTINDEX|PDO_NOPREF|PDO_DLGRESIZE, &refreshSpecialListData, NULL, BO_READONLY }, { PD_BUTTON, (void*)RefreshSkip, "skip", PDO_DLGCMDBUTTON, NULL, N_("Skip") } }; static paramGroup_t refreshSpecialPG = { "refreshSpecial", 0, refreshSpecialPLs, sizeof refreshSpecialPLs/sizeof refreshSpecialPLs[0] }; static void RefreshSpecialOk( void * junk ) { wHide( refreshSpecialPG.win ); } static void RefreshSpecialCancel( wWin_p win ) { refreshSpecialInx = -1; refreshReturnVal = FALSE; wHide( refreshSpecialPG.win ); } static void RefreshSkip( void * junk ) { refreshSpecialInx = -1; wHide( refreshSpecialPG.win ); } EXPORT BOOL_T RefreshCompound( track_p trk, BOOL_T junk ) { TRKTYP_T trkType; struct extraData *xx; int inx; turnoutInfo_t *to; SCALEINX_T scale; if ( trk == NULL ) { InfoMessage( _("%d Track(s) refreshed"), refreshCompoundCnt ); refreshCompoundCnt = 0; for ( inx=0; inx<refreshSpecial_da.cnt; inx++ ) if ( refreshSpecial(inx).name != NULL && refreshSpecial(inx).to == NULL ) refreshSpecial(inx).name = NULL; return FALSE; } trkType = GetTrkType(trk); xx = GetTrkExtraData(trk); scale = GetTrkScale(trk); if ( trkType != T_TURNOUT && trkType != T_STRUCTURE ) { ClrTrkBits( trk, TB_SELECTED ); return TRUE; } refreshReturnVal = TRUE; for ( inx=0; inx<refreshSpecial_da.cnt; inx++ ) { if ( refreshSpecial(inx).name != NULL && strcasecmp( xx->title, refreshSpecial(inx).name ) == 0 ) { to = refreshSpecial(inx).to; if ( to == NULL ) return TRUE; if ( IsParamValid(to->paramFileIndex) && to->segCnt > 0 && CompatibleScale( GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk)>0, to->scaleInx, scale ) ) { if ( RefreshCompound1( trk, refreshSpecial(inx).to ) ) { if ( strcasecmp( xx->title, to->title ) != 0 ) { MyFree( xx->title ); xx->title = MyStrdup( to->title ); } return TRUE; } } } } if ( ( to = FindCompound( FIND_TURNOUT|FIND_STRUCT, NULL, xx->title ) ) != NULL && RefreshCompound1( trk, to ) ) return TRUE; if ( refreshSpecialPG.win == NULL ) { ParamRegister( &refreshSpecialPG ); ParamCreateDialog( &refreshSpecialPG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Refresh Turnout/Structure")), _("Ok"), RefreshSpecialOk, RefreshSpecialCancel, TRUE, NULL, F_BLOCK|F_RESIZE|F_RECALLSIZE, NULL ); } ParamLoadMessage( &refreshSpecialPG, REFRESH_M1, _("Choose a Turnout/Structure to replace:") ); ParamLoadMessage( &refreshSpecialPG, REFRESH_M2, "" ); refreshSpecialInx = -1; wListClear( (wList_p)refreshSpecialPLs[REFRESH_L].control ); if ( GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk) > 0 ) to = TurnoutAdd( listLabels, scale, (wList_p)refreshSpecialPLs[REFRESH_L].control, NULL, GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk) ); else to = StructAdd( listLabels, scale, (wList_p)refreshSpecialPLs[REFRESH_L].control, NULL ); if ( to == NULL ) { NoticeMessage( MSG_NO_TURNOUTS_AVAILABLE, _("Ok"), NULL, GetTrkEndPtCnt(trk)>0 ? _("Turnouts") : _("Structures") ); return FALSE; } FormatCompoundTitle( listLabels, xx->title ); ParamLoadMessage( &refreshSpecialPG, REFRESH_S, message ); while (1) { wListSetIndex( (wList_p)refreshSpecialPLs[REFRESH_L].control, -1 ); wShow( refreshSpecialPG.win ); if ( refreshSpecialInx < 0 ) { if ( refreshReturnVal ) { DYNARR_APPEND( refreshSpecial_t, refreshSpecial_da, 10 ); refreshSpecial(refreshSpecial_da.cnt-1).to = NULL; refreshSpecial(refreshSpecial_da.cnt-1).name = MyStrdup( xx->title ); } return refreshReturnVal; } to = (turnoutInfo_t*)wListGetItemContext( (wList_p)refreshSpecialPLs[REFRESH_L].control, refreshSpecialInx ); if ( to != NULL && RefreshCompound1( trk, to ) ) { DYNARR_APPEND( refreshSpecial_t, refreshSpecial_da, 10 ); refreshSpecial(refreshSpecial_da.cnt-1).to = to; refreshSpecial(refreshSpecial_da.cnt-1).name = MyStrdup( xx->title ); if ( strcasecmp( xx->title, to->title ) != 0 ) { MyFree( xx->title ); xx->title = MyStrdup( to->title ); } return TRUE; } ParamLoadMessage( &refreshSpecialPG, REFRESH_M1, message ); ParamLoadMessage( &refreshSpecialPG, REFRESH_M2, _("Choose another Turnout/Structure to replace:") ); } } /***************************************************************************** * * Custom Management Support * */ static char renameManuf[STR_SIZE]; static char renameDesc[STR_SIZE]; static char renamePartno[STR_SIZE]; static turnoutInfo_t * renameTo; static paramData_t renamePLs[] = { /*0*/ { PD_STRING, renameManuf, "manuf", PDO_NOPREF | PDO_STRINGLIMITLENGTH, (void*)350, N_("Manufacturer"), 0, (void *)sizeof(renameManuf) }, /*1*/ { PD_STRING, renameDesc, "desc", PDO_NOPREF | PDO_STRINGLIMITLENGTH, (void*)230, N_("Description"), 0, (void *)sizeof(renameDesc) }, /*2*/ { PD_STRING, renamePartno, "partno", PDO_NOPREF|PDO_DLGHORZ|PDO_DLGIGNORELABELWIDTH | PDO_STRINGLIMITLENGTH, (void*)100, N_("#"), 0, (void *)sizeof(renamePartno) } }; static paramGroup_t renamePG = { "rename", 0, renamePLs, sizeof renamePLs/sizeof renamePLs[0] }; EXPORT BOOL_T CompoundCustomSave( FILE * f ) { int inx; turnoutInfo_t * to; BOOL_T rc = TRUE; for ( inx=0; inx<turnoutInfo_da.cnt; inx++ ) { to = turnoutInfo(inx); if (to->paramFileIndex == PARAM_CUSTOM && to->segCnt > 0) { rc &= fprintf( f, "TURNOUT %s \"%s\"\n", GetScaleName(to->scaleInx), PutTitle(to->title) )>0; if ( to->customInfo ) rc &= fprintf( f, "\tU %s\n",to->customInfo )>0; rc &= WriteCompoundPathsEndPtsSegs( f, to->paths, to->segCnt, to->segs, to->endCnt, to->endPt ); } } for ( inx=0; inx<structureInfo_da.cnt; inx++ ) { to = structureInfo(inx); if (to->paramFileIndex == PARAM_CUSTOM && to->segCnt > 0) { rc &= fprintf( f, "STRUCTURE %s \"%s\"\n", GetScaleName(to->scaleInx), PutTitle(to->title) )>0; if ( to->customInfo ) rc &= fprintf( f, "\tU %s\n",to->customInfo )>0; rc &= WriteSegs( f, to->segCnt, to->segs ); } } return rc; } static void RenameOk( void * junk ) { sprintf( message, "%s\t%s\t%s", renameManuf, renameDesc, renamePartno ); if ( renameTo->title ) MyFree( renameTo->title ); renameTo->title = MyStrdup( message ); wHide( renamePG.win ); DoChangeNotification( CHANGE_PARAMS ); } static int CompoundCustMgmProc( int cmd, void * data ) { turnoutInfo_t * to = (turnoutInfo_t*)data; turnoutInfo_t * to2=NULL; int inx; char * mP, *pP, *nP; int mL, pL, nL; BOOL_T rc = TRUE; switch ( cmd ) { case CUSTMGM_DO_COPYTO: if ( to->segCnt <= 0 ) return TRUE; if ( to->endCnt ) { rc &= fprintf( customMgmF, "TURNOUT %s \"%s\"\n", GetScaleName(to->scaleInx), PutTitle(to->title) )>0; if ( to->customInfo ) rc &= fprintf( customMgmF, "\tU %s\n",to->customInfo )>0; rc &= WriteCompoundPathsEndPtsSegs( customMgmF, to->paths, to->segCnt, to->segs, to->endCnt, to->endPt ); } else { rc &= fprintf( customMgmF, "STRUCTURE %s \"%s\"\n", GetScaleName(to->scaleInx), PutTitle(to->title) )>0; if ( to->customInfo ) rc &= fprintf( customMgmF, "\tU %s\n",to->customInfo )>0; rc &= WriteSegs( customMgmF, to->segCnt, to->segs ); } return rc; case CUSTMGM_CAN_EDIT: return (to->endCnt != 0 && to->customInfo != NULL); case CUSTMGM_DO_EDIT: if ( to->endCnt == 0 || to->customInfo==NULL ) { renameTo = to; ParseCompoundTitle( to->title, &mP, &mL, &pP, &pL, &nP, &nL ); strncpy( renameManuf, mP, mL ); renameManuf[mL] = 0; strncpy( renameDesc, pP, pL ); renameDesc[pL] = 0; strncpy( renamePartno, nP, nL ); renamePartno[nL] = 0; if ( !renamePG.win ) { ParamRegister( &renamePG ); ParamCreateDialog( &renamePG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Rename Object")), _("Ok"), RenameOk, wHide, TRUE, NULL, F_BLOCK, NULL ); } ParamLoadControls( &renamePG ); wShow( renamePG.win ); } else { for (inx=0; inx<turnoutInfo_da.cnt && to!=turnoutInfo(inx); inx++); if ( inx > 0 && turnoutInfo(inx-1)->customInfo && strcmp( to->customInfo, turnoutInfo(inx-1)->customInfo ) == 0 ) { to2 = to; to = turnoutInfo(inx-1); } else if ( inx < turnoutInfo_da.cnt-1 && turnoutInfo(inx+1)->customInfo && strcmp( to->customInfo, turnoutInfo(inx+1)->customInfo ) == 0 ) { to2 = turnoutInfo(inx+1); } EditCustomTurnout( to, to2 ); } return TRUE; case CUSTMGM_CAN_DELETE: return TRUE; case CUSTMGM_DO_DELETE: to->segCnt = 0; return TRUE; case CUSTMGM_GET_TITLE: ParseCompoundTitle( to->title, &mP, &mL, &pP, &pL, &nP, &nL ); sprintf( message, "\t%.*s\t%s\t%.*s\t%.*s", mL, mP, GetScaleName(to->scaleInx), nL, nP, pL, pP ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #include "bitmaps/turnout.xpm" #include "bitmaps/struct.xpm" EXPORT void CompoundCustMgmLoad( void ) { int inx; turnoutInfo_t * to; static wIcon_p turnoutI = NULL; static wIcon_p structI = NULL; if ( turnoutI == NULL ) turnoutI = wIconCreatePixMap( turnout_xpm ); if ( structI == NULL ) structI = wIconCreatePixMap( struct_xpm ); for ( inx=0; inx<turnoutInfo_da.cnt; inx++ ) { to = turnoutInfo(inx); if (to->paramFileIndex == PARAM_CUSTOM && to->segCnt > 0) { CustMgmLoad( turnoutI, CompoundCustMgmProc, (void*)to ); } } for ( inx=0; inx<structureInfo_da.cnt; inx++ ) { to = structureInfo(inx); if (to->paramFileIndex == PARAM_CUSTOM && to->segCnt > 0) { CustMgmLoad( structI, CompoundCustMgmProc, (void*)to ); } } }