/* * $Header: /home/dmarkle/xtrkcad-fork-cvs/xtrkcad/app/bin/dcustmgm.c,v 1.4 2009-07-30 16:58:42 m_fischer Exp $ */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "track.h" #include <errno.h> #include "i18n.h" #ifdef WINDOWS #include <io.h> #define F_OK (0) #define W_OK (2) #define access _access #endif /***************************************************************************** * * Custom List Management * */ static void CustomEdit( void * action ); static void CustomDelete( void * action ); static void CustomExport( void * action ); static void CustomDone( void * action ); static wPos_t customListWidths[] = { 18, 100, 30, 80, 220 }; static const char * customListTitles[] = { "", N_("Manufacturer"), N_("Scale"), N_("Part No"), N_("Description") }; static paramListData_t customListData = { 10, 400, 5, customListWidths, customListTitles }; static paramData_t customPLs[] = { #define I_CUSTOMLIST (0) #define customSelL ((wList_p)customPLs[I_CUSTOMLIST].control) { PD_LIST, NULL, "inx", PDO_DLGRESETMARGIN|PDO_DLGRESIZE, &customListData, NULL, BL_MANY }, #define I_CUSTOMEDIT (1) { PD_BUTTON, (void*)CustomEdit, "edit", PDO_DLGCMDBUTTON, NULL, N_("Edit") }, #define I_CUSTOMDEL (2) { PD_BUTTON, (void*)CustomDelete, "delete", 0, NULL, N_("Delete") }, #define I_CUSTOMCOPYTO (3) { PD_BUTTON, (void*)CustomExport, "export", 0, NULL, N_("Move To") }, #define I_CUSTOMNEW (4) { PD_MENU, NULL, "new", PDO_DLGWIDE, NULL, N_("New") }, { PD_MENUITEM, (void*)CarDlgAddDesc, "new-part-mi", 0, NULL, N_("Car Part") }, { PD_MENUITEM, (void*)CarDlgAddProto, "new-proto-mi", 0, NULL, N_("Car Prototype") } } ; static paramGroup_t customPG = { "custmgm", 0, customPLs, sizeof customPLs/sizeof customPLs[0] }; typedef struct { custMgmCallBack_p proc; void * data; wIcon_p icon; } custMgmContext_t, *custMgmContext_p; static void CustomDlgUpdate( paramGroup_p pg, int inx, void *valueP ) { custMgmContext_p context = NULL; wIndex_t selcnt = wListGetSelectedCount( (wList_p)customPLs[0].control ); wIndex_t linx, lcnt; if ( inx != I_CUSTOMLIST ) return; if ( selcnt == 1 ) { lcnt = wListGetCount( (wList_p)pg->paramPtr[inx].control ); for ( linx=0; linx<lcnt && wListGetItemSelected( (wList_p)customPLs[0].control, linx ) != TRUE; linx++ ); if ( linx < lcnt ) { context = (custMgmContext_p)wListGetItemContext( (wList_p)pg->paramPtr[inx].control, linx ); wButtonSetLabel( (wButton_p)customPLs[I_CUSTOMEDIT].control, context->proc( CUSTMGM_CAN_EDIT, context->data )?_("Edit"):_("Rename") ); ParamControlActive( &customPG, I_CUSTOMEDIT, TRUE ); } else { ParamControlActive( &customPG, I_CUSTOMEDIT, FALSE ); } } else { ParamControlActive( &customPG, I_CUSTOMEDIT, FALSE ); } ParamControlActive( &customPG, I_CUSTOMDEL, selcnt>0 ); ParamControlActive( &customPG, I_CUSTOMCOPYTO, selcnt>0 ); } static void CustomEdit( void * action ) { custMgmContext_p context = NULL; wIndex_t selcnt = wListGetSelectedCount( (wList_p)customPLs[0].control ); wIndex_t inx, cnt; if ( selcnt != 1 ) return; cnt = wListGetCount( (wList_p)customPLs[0].control ); for ( inx=0; inx<cnt && wListGetItemSelected( (wList_p)customPLs[0].control, inx ) != TRUE; inx++ ); if ( inx >= cnt ) return; context = (custMgmContext_p)wListGetItemContext( customSelL, inx ); if ( context == NULL ) return; context->proc( CUSTMGM_DO_EDIT, context->data ); #ifdef OBSOLETE context->proc( CUSTMGM_GET_TITLE, context->data ); wListSetValues( customSelL, inx, message, context->icon, context ); #endif } static void CustomDelete( void * action ) { wIndex_t selcnt = wListGetSelectedCount( (wList_p)customPLs[0].control ); wIndex_t inx, cnt; custMgmContext_p context = NULL; if ( selcnt <= 0 ) return; if ( (!NoticeMessage2( 1, MSG_CUSTMGM_DELETE_CONFIRM, _("Yes"), _("No"), selcnt ) ) ) return; cnt = wListGetCount( (wList_p)customPLs[0].control ); for ( inx=0; inx<cnt; inx++ ) { if ( !wListGetItemSelected( (wList_p)customPLs[0].control, inx ) ) continue; context = (custMgmContext_p)wListGetItemContext( customSelL, inx ); context->proc( CUSTMGM_DO_DELETE, context->data ); MyFree( context ); wListDelete( customSelL, inx ); inx--; cnt--; } DoChangeNotification( CHANGE_PARAMS ); } static struct wFilSel_t * customMgmExport_fs; EXPORT FILE * customMgmF; static char custMgmContentsStr[STR_SIZE]; static BOOL_T custMgmProceed; static paramData_t custMgmContentsPLs[] = { { PD_STRING, custMgmContentsStr, "label", 0, (void*)400, N_("Label") } }; static paramGroup_t custMgmContentsPG = { "contents", 0, custMgmContentsPLs, sizeof custMgmContentsPLs/sizeof custMgmContentsPLs[0] }; static void CustMgmContentsOk( void * junk ) { custMgmProceed = TRUE; wHide( custMgmContentsPG.win ); } static int CustomDoExport( int files, char ** fileName, void * data ) { int rc; wIndex_t selcnt = wListGetSelectedCount( (wList_p)customPLs[0].control ); wIndex_t inx, cnt; custMgmContext_p context = NULL; char *oldLocale = NULL; assert( fileName != NULL ); assert( files == 1 ); if ( selcnt <= 0 ) return FALSE; SetCurrentPath( PARAMETERPATHKEY, fileName[ 0 ] ); rc = access( fileName[ 0 ], F_OK ); if ( rc != -1 ) { rc = access( fileName[ 0 ], W_OK ); if ( rc == -1 ) { NoticeMessage( MSG_CUSTMGM_CANT_WRITE, _("Ok"), NULL, fileName[ 0 ] ); return FALSE; } custMgmProceed = TRUE; } else { if ( custMgmContentsPG.win == NULL ) { ParamCreateDialog( &custMgmContentsPG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Contents Label")), _("Ok"), CustMgmContentsOk, wHide, TRUE, NULL, F_BLOCK, NULL ); } custMgmProceed = FALSE; wShow( custMgmContentsPG.win ); } if ( !custMgmProceed ) return FALSE; customMgmF = fopen( fileName[ 0 ], "a" ); if ( customMgmF == NULL ) { NoticeMessage( MSG_CUSTMGM_CANT_WRITE, _("Ok"), NULL, fileName[ 0 ] ); return FALSE; } oldLocale = SaveLocale("C"); if ( rc == -1 ) fprintf( customMgmF, "CONTENTS %s\n", custMgmContentsStr ); cnt = wListGetCount( (wList_p)customPLs[0].control ); for ( inx=0; inx<cnt; inx++ ) { if ( !wListGetItemSelected( (wList_p)customPLs[0].control, inx ) ) continue; context = (custMgmContext_p)wListGetItemContext( customSelL, inx ); if ( context == NULL ) continue; if (!context->proc( CUSTMGM_DO_COPYTO, context->data )) { NoticeMessage( MSG_WRITE_FAILURE, _("Ok"), NULL, strerror(errno), fileName[ 0 ] ); fclose( customMgmF ); RestoreLocale(oldLocale); return FALSE; } context->proc( CUSTMGM_DO_DELETE, context->data ); MyFree( context ); wListDelete( customSelL, inx ); inx--; cnt--; } fclose( customMgmF ); RestoreLocale(oldLocale); LoadParamFile( 1, fileName, NULL ); DoChangeNotification( CHANGE_PARAMS ); return TRUE; } static void CustomExport( void * junk ) { if ( customMgmExport_fs == NULL ) customMgmExport_fs = wFilSelCreate( mainW, FS_UPDATE, 0, _("Move To XTP"), _("Parameter File|*.xtp"), CustomDoExport, NULL ); wFilSelect( customMgmExport_fs, curDirName ); } static void CustomDone( void * action ) { char *oldLocale = NULL; FILE * f = OpenCustom("w"); if (f == NULL) { wHide( customPG.win ); return; } oldLocale = SaveLocale("C"); CompoundCustomSave(f); CarCustomSave(f); fclose(f); RestoreLocale(oldLocale); wHide( customPG.win ); } EXPORT void CustMgmLoad( wIcon_p icon, custMgmCallBack_p proc, void * data ) { custMgmContext_p context; context = MyMalloc( sizeof *context ); context->proc = proc; context->data = data; context->icon = icon; context->proc( CUSTMGM_GET_TITLE, context->data ); wListAddValue( customSelL, message, icon, context ); } static void LoadCustomMgmList( void ) { wIndex_t curInx, cnt=0; long tempL; custMgmContext_p context; custMgmContext_t curContext; curInx = wListGetIndex( customSelL ); curContext.proc = NULL; curContext.data = NULL; curContext.icon = NULL; if ( curInx >= 0 ) { context = (custMgmContext_p)wListGetItemContext( customSelL, curInx ); if ( context != NULL ) curContext = *context; } cnt = wListGetCount( customSelL ); for ( curInx=0; curInx<cnt; curInx++ ) { context = (custMgmContext_p)wListGetItemContext( customSelL, curInx ); if ( context ) MyFree( context ); } curInx = wListGetIndex( customSelL ); wControlShow( (wControl_p)customSelL, FALSE ); wListClear( customSelL ); CompoundCustMgmLoad(); CarCustMgmLoad(); #ifdef LATER curInx = 0; cnt = wListGetCount( customSelL ); if ( curContext.proc != NULL ) { for ( curInx=0; curInx<cnt; curInx++ ) { context = (custMgmContext_p)wListGetItemContext( customSelL, curInx ); if ( context && context->proc == curContext.proc && context->data == curContext.data ) break; } } if ( curInx >= cnt ) curInx = (cnt>0?0:-1); wListSetIndex( customSelL, curInx ); tempL = curInx; #endif tempL = -1; CustomDlgUpdate( &customPG, I_CUSTOMLIST, &tempL ); wControlShow( (wControl_p)customSelL, TRUE ); } static void CustMgmChange( long changes ) { if (changes) { if (changed) { changed = 1; checkPtMark = 1; } } if ((changes&CHANGE_PARAMS) == 0 || customPG.win == NULL || !wWinIsVisible(customPG.win) ) return; LoadCustomMgmList(); } static void DoCustomMgr( void * junk ) { if (customPG.win == NULL) { ParamCreateDialog( &customPG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Manage custom designed parts")), _("Done"), CustomDone, NULL, TRUE, NULL, F_RESIZE|F_RECALLSIZE|F_BLOCK, CustomDlgUpdate ); } else { wListClear( customSelL ); } /*ParamLoadControls( &customPG );*/ /*ParamGroupRecord( &customPG );*/ LoadCustomMgmList(); wShow( customPG.win ); } EXPORT addButtonCallBack_t CustomMgrInit( void ) { ParamRegister( &customPG ); ParamRegister( &custMgmContentsPG ); RegisterChangeNotification( CustMgmChange ); return &DoCustomMgr; }