/** \file dease.c * Easement Button Hdlrs */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <math.h> #include "ccurve.h" #include "cjoin.h" #include "cstraigh.h" #include "custom.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "param.h" #include "track.h" static wButton_p easementB; static DIST_T easeX = 0.0; static DIST_T Rvalues[3]; static DIST_T Lvalues[3]; static DIST_T oldEasementVal; static wIcon_p enone_bm; static wIcon_p esharp_bm; static wIcon_p egtsharp_bm; static wIcon_p eltsharp_bm; static wIcon_p enormal_bm; static wIcon_p eltbroad_bm; static wIcon_p ebroad_bm; static wIcon_p egtbroad_bm; static wIcon_p ecornu_bm; /**************************************** * * EASEMENTW * */ static wWin_p easementW; static void EasementSel( long ); static void SetEasement( DIST_T, void * ); static void EasementOk( void ); static void EasementCancel( void ); static char *easementChoiceLabels[] = { N_("None"), N_("Sharp"), N_("Normal"), N_("Broad"), N_("Cornu"), NULL }; static paramFloatRange_t r0n1_100 = { -1.0, 100.0, 60 }; static paramFloatRange_t r0_100 = { 0.0, 100.0, 60 }; static paramFloatRange_t r0_10 = { 0.0, 10.0, 60 }; static long easeM; static paramData_t easementPLs[] = { #define I_EASEVAL (0) { PD_FLOAT, &easementVal, "val", PDO_NOPSHUPD, &r0n1_100, N_("Value") }, { PD_FLOAT, &easeR, "r", PDO_DIM|PDO_DLGRESETMARGIN, &r0_100, N_("R"), BO_READONLY }, { PD_FLOAT, &easeX, "x", PDO_DIM|PDO_DLGHORZ, &r0_10, N_("X"), BO_READONLY }, { PD_FLOAT, &easeL, "l", PDO_DIM|PDO_DLGHORZ, &r0_100, N_("L"), BO_READONLY }, #define I_EASESEL (4) { PD_RADIO, &easeM, "radio", PDO_DIM|PDO_NORECORD|PDO_NOPREF|PDO_DLGRESETMARGIN, easementChoiceLabels, NULL, BC_HORZ|BC_NONE } }; static paramGroup_t easementPG = { "easement", PGO_RECORD, easementPLs, sizeof easementPLs/sizeof easementPLs[0] }; static void SetEasement( DIST_T val, void * update ) /* * Set transition-curve parameters (R and L). */ { DIST_T z; long selVal = -1; wIcon_p bm; if (val < 0.0) { easeX = easeR = easeL = 0.0; selVal = 4; val = -1; bm = ecornu_bm; } else { if (val == 0.0) { easeX = easeR = easeL = 0.0; selVal = 0; val = 0; bm = enone_bm; } else if (val <= 1.0) { if (val < 0.21) val = 0.21; //Eliminate values that give negative radii z = 1.0/val - 1.0; easeR = Rvalues[1] - z * (Rvalues[1] - Rvalues[0]); easeL = Lvalues[1] - z * (Lvalues[1] - Lvalues[0]); if (easeR != 0.0) easeX = easeL*easeL/(24*easeR); else easeX = 0.0; if (val == 1.0) { selVal = 2; bm = enormal_bm; } else if (val == 0.5) { selVal = 1; bm = esharp_bm; } else if (val < 0.5) { bm = eltsharp_bm; selVal = 1; } else { selVal = 1; bm = egtsharp_bm; } } else { z = val - 1.0; easeR = Rvalues[1] + z * (Rvalues[2] - Rvalues[1]); easeL = Lvalues[1] + z * (Lvalues[2] - Lvalues[1]); if (easeR != 0.0) easeX = easeL*easeL/(24*easeR); else easeX = 0.0; if (val == 2.0) { selVal = 3; bm = ebroad_bm; } else if (val < 2.0) { selVal = 3; bm = eltbroad_bm; } else { selVal = 3; bm = egtbroad_bm; } } } easeR = (floor(easeR*100.0))/100.0; easementVal = val; if (easementW && wWinIsVisible(easementW)) { ParamLoadControls( &easementPG ); if (update) { easeM = selVal; ParamLoadControl( &easementPG, I_EASESEL ); } } /*ParamChange( &easeValPD );*/ if (easementB) wButtonSetLabel( easementB, (char*)bm ); } static void EasementOk( void ) { ParamLoadData( &easementPG ); SetEasement( easementVal, (void*)FALSE ); wHide( easementW ); } static void EasementCancel( void ) { SetEasement( easementVal = oldEasementVal, (void*)FALSE ); wHide( easementW ); } static void EasementSel( long arg ) /* * Handle transition-curve parameter selection. */ { DIST_T val; switch (arg) { case 0: val = 0; break; case 1: val = 0.5; break; case 2: val = 1.0; break; case 3: val = 2.0; break; case 4: val = -1.0; break; default: AbortProg( "easementSel: bad value %ld", arg); val = 0.0; break; } SetEasement( val, (void*)FALSE ); } static void EasementDlgUpdate( paramGroup_p pg, int inx, void * valueP ) { switch (inx) { case I_EASEVAL: SetEasement( *(FLOAT_T*)valueP, (void*)1 ); break; case I_EASESEL: EasementSel( *(long*)valueP ); break; } } static void LayoutEasementW( paramData_t * pd, int inx, wPos_t colX, wPos_t * x, wPos_t * y ) { if ( inx == 2 ) wControlSetPos( easementPLs[0].control, *x, wControlGetPosY(easementPLs[0].control) ); } static void DoEasement( void * junk ) { if (easementW == NULL) { easementW = ParamCreateDialog( &easementPG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Easement")), _("Ok"), (paramActionOkProc)EasementOk, (paramActionCancelProc)EasementCancel, TRUE, LayoutEasementW, 0, EasementDlgUpdate ); SetEasement( easementVal, (void*)TRUE ); } oldEasementVal = easementVal; wShow( easementW ); SetEasement( easementVal, (void*)TRUE ); } static void EasementChange( long changes ) /* * Handle change of scale. Load new parameters. */ { if (changes&(CHANGE_SCALE|CHANGE_UNITS)) { GetScaleEasementValues( Rvalues, Lvalues ); SetEasement( easementVal, (void*)TRUE ); } } #include "bitmaps/enone.xpm" #include "bitmaps/esharp.xpm" #include "bitmaps/egtsharp.xpm" #include "bitmaps/eltsharp.xpm" #include "bitmaps/enormal.xpm" #include "bitmaps/eltbroad.xpm" #include "bitmaps/ebroad.xpm" #include "bitmaps/egtbroad.xpm" #include "bitmaps/ecornu.xpm" EXPORT addButtonCallBack_t EasementInit( void ) { ParamRegister( &easementPG ); enone_bm = wIconCreatePixMap( enone_xpm ); eltsharp_bm = wIconCreatePixMap( eltsharp_xpm ); esharp_bm = wIconCreatePixMap( esharp_xpm ); egtsharp_bm = wIconCreatePixMap( egtsharp_xpm ); enormal_bm = wIconCreatePixMap( enormal_xpm ); eltbroad_bm = wIconCreatePixMap( eltbroad_xpm ); ebroad_bm = wIconCreatePixMap( ebroad_xpm ); egtbroad_bm = wIconCreatePixMap( egtbroad_xpm ); ecornu_bm = wIconCreatePixMap( ecornu_xpm ); easementB = AddToolbarButton( "cmdEasement", enone_bm, 0, (addButtonCallBack_t)DoEasementRedir, NULL ); RegisterChangeNotification( EasementChange ); return &DoEasement; }