/** \file dpricels.c * Price List Dialog */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <string.h> #include "compound.h" #include "custom.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "layout.h" #include "messages.h" #include "param.h" #include "track.h" static wWin_p priceListW; static turnoutInfo_t * priceListCurrent; static void PriceListOk( void * action ); static void PriceListUpdate(); DIST_T priceListCostV; char priceListEntryV[STR_SIZE]; DIST_T priceListFlexLengthV; DIST_T priceListFlexCostV; static paramFloatRange_t priceListCostData = { 0.0, 9999.99, 80 }; static wPos_t priceListColumnWidths[] = { -60, 200 }; static const char * priceListColumnTitles[] = { N_("Price"), N_("Item") }; static paramListData_t priceListListData = { 10, 400, 2, priceListColumnWidths, priceListColumnTitles }; static paramFloatRange_t priceListFlexData = { 0.0, 999.99, 80 }; static paramData_t priceListPLs[] = { #define I_PRICELSCOST (0) #define priceListCostF ((wFloat_p)priceListPLs[I_PRICELSCOST].control) { PD_FLOAT, &priceListCostV, "cost", PDO_NOPREF|PDO_NOPSHUPD, &priceListCostData }, #define I_PRICELSENTRY (1) #define priceListEntryS ((wString_p)priceListPLs[I_PRICELSENTRY].control) { PD_STRING, &priceListEntryV, "entry", PDO_NOPREF|PDO_NOPSHUPD|PDO_DLGHORZ, (void*)(400-80-3), NULL, BO_READONLY }, #define I_PRICELSLIST (2) #define priceListSelL ((wList_p)priceListPLs[I_PRICELSLIST].control) { PD_LIST, NULL, "inx", PDO_NOPREF|PDO_NOPSHUPD, &priceListListData }, #define I_PRICELSFLEXLEN (3) { PD_FLOAT, &priceListFlexLengthV, "flexlen", PDO_NOPREF|PDO_NOPSHUPD|PDO_DIM|PDO_DLGRESETMARGIN, &priceListFlexData, N_("Flex Track") }, { PD_MESSAGE, N_("costs"), NULL, PDO_DLGHORZ }, #define I_PRICELSFLEXCOST (6) { PD_FLOAT, &priceListFlexCostV, "flexcost", PDO_NOPREF|PDO_NOPSHUPD|PDO_DLGHORZ, &priceListFlexData } }; static paramGroup_t priceListPG = { "pricelist", 0, priceListPLs, sizeof priceListPLs/sizeof priceListPLs[0] }; static void PriceListUpdate() { DIST_T oldPrice; ParamLoadData( &priceListPG ); if (priceListCurrent == NULL) return; FormatCompoundTitle( LABEL_MANUF|LABEL_DESCR|LABEL_PARTNO, priceListCurrent->title ); wPrefGetFloat( "price list", message, &oldPrice, 0.0 ); if (oldPrice == priceListCostV) return; wPrefSetFloat( "price list", message, priceListCostV ); FormatCompoundTitle( listLabels|LABEL_COST, priceListCurrent->title ); if (message[0] != '\0') wListSetValues( priceListSelL, wListGetIndex(priceListSelL), message, NULL, priceListCurrent ); } static void PriceListOk( void * action ) { PriceListUpdate(); sprintf( message, "price list %s", curScaleName ); wPrefSetFloat( message, "flex length", priceListFlexLengthV ); wPrefSetFloat( message, "flex cost", priceListFlexCostV ); wHide( priceListW ); } static void PriceListSel( turnoutInfo_t * to ) { FLOAT_T price; PriceListUpdate(); priceListCurrent = to; if (priceListCurrent == NULL) return; FormatCompoundTitle( LABEL_MANUF|LABEL_DESCR|LABEL_PARTNO, priceListCurrent->title ); wPrefGetFloat( "price list", message, &price, 0.00 ); priceListCostV = price; strcpy( priceListEntryV, message ); ParamLoadControl( &priceListPG, I_PRICELSCOST ); ParamLoadControl( &priceListPG, I_PRICELSENTRY ); } static void PriceListChange( long changes ) { turnoutInfo_t * to1, * to2; if ((changes & (CHANGE_SCALE|CHANGE_PARAMS)) == 0 || priceListW == NULL || !wWinIsVisible( priceListW ) ) return; wListClear( priceListSelL ); to1 = TurnoutAdd( listLabels|LABEL_COST, GetLayoutCurScale(), priceListSelL, NULL, -1 ); to2 = StructAdd( listLabels|LABEL_COST, GetLayoutCurScale(), priceListSelL, NULL ); if (to1 == NULL) to1 = to2; priceListCurrent = NULL; if (to1) PriceListSel( to1 ); if ((changes & CHANGE_SCALE) == 0) return; sprintf( message, "price list %s", curScaleName ); wPrefGetFloat( message, "flex length", &priceListFlexLengthV, 0.0 ); wPrefGetFloat( message, "flex cost", &priceListFlexCostV, 0.0 ); ParamLoadControls( &priceListPG ); } static void PriceListDlgUpdate( paramGroup_p pg, int inx, void * valueP ) { turnoutInfo_t * to; switch( inx ) { case I_PRICELSCOST: PriceListUpdate(); break; case I_PRICELSLIST: to = (turnoutInfo_t*)wListGetItemContext( (wList_p)pg->paramPtr[inx].control, (wIndex_t)*(long*)valueP ); PriceListSel( to ); break; } } static void DoPriceList( void * junk ) { if (priceListW == NULL) priceListW = ParamCreateDialog( &priceListPG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Price List")), _("Done"), PriceListOk, wHide, TRUE, NULL, F_RESIZE, PriceListDlgUpdate ); wShow( priceListW ); PriceListChange( CHANGE_SCALE|CHANGE_PARAMS ); } EXPORT addButtonCallBack_t PriceListInit( void ) { ParamRegister( &priceListPG ); return &DoPriceList; }