/** \file dprmfile.c * Param File Dialog */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "custom.h" #include "dynstring.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "param.h" #include "include/paramfile.h" #include "include/paramfilelist.h" #include "paths.h" #include "track.h" static struct wFilSel_t * paramFile_fs; #include "bitmaps/greendot.xpm" #include "bitmaps/greydot.xpm" #include "bitmaps/yellowdot.xpm" #include "bitmaps/reddot.xpm" #include "bitmaps/greenstar.xpm" #include "bitmaps/greystar.xpm" #include "bitmaps/yellowstar.xpm" #include "bitmaps/redstar.xpm" #define FAVORITE_PARAM 1 #define STANDARD_PARAM 0 #define PARAMBUTTON_UNLOAD "Unload" #define PARAMBUTTON_REFRESH "Reload" #define PARAMFILE_UNLOAD (0) #define PARAMFILE_REFRESH (1) static wIcon_p indicatorIcons[ 2 ][PARAMFILE_MAXSTATE]; static wWin_p paramFileW; static long paramFileSel = 0; static void ParamFileFavorite(void * favorite); static void ParamRefreshSelectedFiles(void * action); static void ParamUnloadSelectedFiles(void * action); static void ParamFileBrowse(void * junk); static void ParamFileSelectAll(void * junk); static paramListData_t paramFileListData = { 15, 370 }; static char * paramFileLabels[] = { N_("Show File Names"), NULL }; static paramData_t paramFilePLs[] = { #define I_PRMFILLIST (0) #define paramFileL ((wList_p)paramFilePLs[I_PRMFILLIST].control) { PD_LIST, NULL, "inx", PDO_NOPREF | PDO_DLGRESIZE, ¶mFileListData, NULL, BL_DUP|BL_SETSTAY|BL_MANY }, #define I_PRMFILTOGGLE (1) { PD_TOGGLE, ¶mFileSel, "mode", 0, paramFileLabels, NULL, BC_HORZ|BC_NOBORDER }, #define I_MESSAGE (2) { PD_MESSAGE, "", NULL, 0, I2VP(370) }, { PD_BUTTON, ParamFileSelectAll, "selectall", PDO_DLGCMDBUTTON, NULL, N_("Select all") }, #define I_PRMFILEFAVORITE (4) { PD_BUTTON, ParamFileFavorite, "favorite", PDO_DLGCMDBUTTON, I2VP(TRUE), N_("Favorite")}, { PD_BUTTON, ParamUnloadSelectedFiles, "unload", PDO_DLGCMDBUTTON, NULL, N_(PARAMBUTTON_UNLOAD), 0L, FALSE }, { PD_BUTTON, ParamRefreshSelectedFiles, "refresh", PDO_DLGCMDBUTTON, NULL, N_(PARAMBUTTON_REFRESH), 0L, FALSE }, { PD_BUTTON, DoSearchParams, "find", 0, NULL, N_("Library...") }, { PD_BUTTON, ParamFileBrowse, "browse", 0, NULL, N_("Browse...") }, }; static paramGroup_t paramFilePG = { "prmfile", 0, paramFilePLs, COUNT( paramFilePLs ) }; #define MESSAGETEXT ((wMessage_p)paramFilePLs[I_MESSAGE].control) static dynArr_t *sortFiles; /** Comparison function per C runtime conventions. Elements are ordered by compatibility * state first and name of contents second. * * \param index1 IN first element * \param index2 IN second element * \return */ int CompareParameterFiles(const void *index1, const void *index2) { paramFileInfo_t paramFile1 = DYNARR_N(paramFileInfo_t, (*sortFiles), *(int*)index1); paramFileInfo_t paramFile2 = DYNARR_N(paramFileInfo_t, (*sortFiles), *(int*)index2); if (paramFile2.trackState != paramFile1.trackState) { return (paramFile2.trackState - paramFile1.trackState); } else { return (strcmp(paramFile1.contents, paramFile2.contents)); } } /** * Create a sorted list of indexes into the parameter file array. That way, the elements * in the array will not be moved. Instead the list is used for the order in which the * list box is populated. * * \param cnt IN number of parameter files * \param files IN parameter file array * \param list OUT the ordered list */ void SortParamFileList(size_t cnt, dynArr_t *files, int *list) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { list[i] = (int)i; } sortFiles = files; qsort(list, (size_t)cnt, sizeof(int), CompareParameterFiles); } /** * Reload the listbox showing the current parameter files */ void ParamFileListLoad(int paramFileCnt, dynArr_t *paramFiles) { DynString description; DynStringMalloc(&description, STR_SHORT_SIZE); int *sortedIndex = MyMalloc(sizeof(int)*paramFileCnt); int log_params = LogFindIndex("params"); SortParamFileList(paramFileCnt, paramFiles, sortedIndex); wControlShow((wControl_p)paramFileL, FALSE); wListClear(paramFileL); for (int i = 0; i < paramFileCnt; i++) { paramFileInfo_t paramFileInfo = DYNARR_N(paramFileInfo_t, (*paramFiles), sortedIndex[ i ]); if (paramFileInfo.valid) { DynStringClear(&description); DynStringCatCStr(&description, ((!paramFileSel) && paramFileInfo.contents) ? paramFileInfo.contents : paramFileInfo.name); wListAddValue(paramFileL, DynStringToCStr(&description), indicatorIcons[ paramFileInfo.favorite ][paramFileInfo.trackState], I2VP(sortedIndex[i])); LOG1(log_params, ("ParamFileListLoad: = %s: %d\n", paramFileInfo.contents, paramFileInfo.trackState)) } } wControlShow((wControl_p)paramFileL, TRUE); DynStringFree(&description); MyFree(sortedIndex); } static void ParamFileBrowse(void * junk) { wMessageSetValue(MESSAGETEXT, ""); wFilSelect(paramFile_fs, GetParamFileDir()); return; } /** * Update the action buttons. * * If at least one selected file is not a favorite, the favorite button is set to 'SetFavorite' * */ static void UpdateParamFileButton(void) { wIndex_t selcnt = wListGetSelectedCount(paramFileL); wIndex_t inx, cnt; wIndex_t fileInx; //nothing selected -> leave if (selcnt <= 0) { return; } // set the default paramFilePLs[I_PRMFILEFAVORITE].context = FALSE; // get the number of items in list cnt = wListGetCount(paramFileL); // walk through the whole list box for (inx=0; inx<cnt; inx++) { if (wListGetItemSelected((wList_p)paramFileL, inx)) { // if item is selected, get status fileInx = (wIndex_t)VP2L(wListGetItemContext(paramFileL, inx)); if (fileInx < 0 || fileInx >= GetParamFileCount()) { return; } if (!IsParamFileFavorite(fileInx)) { paramFilePLs[I_PRMFILEFAVORITE].context = I2VP(TRUE); } } } } /** * Set the property for a parameter file in memory * * \param newState IN new value for property */ void UpdateParamFileProperties( bool newState) { wIndex_t inx, cnt; wIndex_t fileInx; // get the number of items in list cnt = wListGetCount(paramFileL); // walk through the whole list box for (inx = 0; inx < cnt; inx++) { if (wListGetItemSelected((wList_p)paramFileL, inx)) { fileInx = (wIndex_t)VP2L(wListGetItemContext(paramFileL, inx)); SetParamFileFavorite(fileInx, newState); } } DoChangeNotification(CHANGE_PARAMS); } /** * Mark selected files as favorite * * \param favorite IN FALSE = remove, TRUE = set favorite * \return */ static void ParamFileFavorite(void * setFavorite) { wIndex_t selcnt = wListGetSelectedCount(paramFileL); wMessageSetValue(MESSAGETEXT, ""); if (selcnt) { UpdateParamFileProperties(setFavorite?TRUE:FALSE); } } /** * Parameter change selected files * * \param paramFileChange The parameter file change. */ static void ParamChangeSelectedFiles(unsigned paramFileChange) { wIndex_t inx, cnt; wIndex_t fileInx; // get the number of items in list cnt = wListGetCount(paramFileL); for (inx = 0; inx < cnt; inx++) { if (wListGetItemSelected((wList_p)paramFileL, inx)) { fileInx = (wIndex_t)VP2L(wListGetItemContext(paramFileL, inx)); switch (paramFileChange) { case PARAMFILE_UNLOAD: if (IsParamFileFavorite(fileInx)) { SetParamFileDeleted(fileInx, TRUE); } else { UnloadParamFile(fileInx); } break; case PARAMFILE_REFRESH: if (IsParamFileFavorite(fileInx) && IsParamFileDeleted(fileInx)) { SetParamFileDeleted(fileInx, FALSE); } else { ReloadParamFile(fileInx); } break; default: CHECKMSG( FALSE, ("Invalid change type %d in ParamChangeSelectedFiles", paramFileChange) ); } } } ParamFileListLoad(paramFileInfo_da.cnt, ¶mFileInfo_da); DoChangeNotification(CHANGE_PARAMS); } /** * Refresh selected files. * * \param action IN FALSE = unload, TRUE = reload parameter files * \return */ static void ParamRefreshSelectedFiles(void * action) { wIndex_t selcnt = wListGetSelectedCount(paramFileL); //nothing selected -> leave if (selcnt) { DynString reloadMessage; ParamChangeSelectedFiles(PARAMFILE_REFRESH); DynStringMalloc(&reloadMessage, 16); if (selcnt > 1) { DynStringPrintf(&reloadMessage, _("%d parameter files reloaded."), selcnt); } else { DynStringCatCStr(&reloadMessage, _("One parameter file reloaded.")); } wMessageSetValue(MESSAGETEXT, DynStringToCStr(&reloadMessage)); DynStringFree(&reloadMessage); } else { wBeep(); } } static void ParamUnloadSelectedFiles(void * action) { wIndex_t selcnt = wListGetSelectedCount(paramFileL); wMessageSetValue(MESSAGETEXT, ""); //nothing selected -> leave if (selcnt) { ParamChangeSelectedFiles(PARAMFILE_UNLOAD); } else { wBeep(); } } /** * Select all files in the list and set action button * * \param junk IN ignored * \return */ static void ParamFileSelectAll(void *junk) { wMessageSetValue(MESSAGETEXT, ""); wListSelectAll(paramFileL); UpdateParamFileButton(); } static void ParamFileOk(void * junk) { SearchUiOk(junk); DoChangeNotification(CHANGE_PARAMS); wHide(paramFileW); } static void ParamFileDlgUpdate( paramGroup_p pg, int inx, void * valueP) { switch (inx) { case I_PRMFILLIST: UpdateParamFileButton(); break; case I_PRMFILTOGGLE: DoChangeNotification(CHANGE_PARAMS); break; } } void ParamFilesChange(long changes) { if (changes & CHANGE_PARAMS || changes & CHANGE_SCALE) { UpdateParamFileList(); if (paramFileW) { ParamFileListLoad(paramFileInfo_da.cnt, ¶mFileInfo_da); } } } /** * Create and open the parameter file dialog. * * \param junk */ void DoParamFiles(void * junk) { void * data; if (paramFileW == NULL) { indicatorIcons[ STANDARD_PARAM ][ PARAMFILE_UNLOADED ] = wIconCreatePixMap( greydot); indicatorIcons[ STANDARD_PARAM ][ PARAMFILE_NOTUSABLE ] = wIconCreatePixMap( reddot); indicatorIcons[ STANDARD_PARAM ][ PARAMFILE_COMPATIBLE ] = wIconCreatePixMap( yellowdot); indicatorIcons[ STANDARD_PARAM ][ PARAMFILE_FIT] = wIconCreatePixMap(greendot); indicatorIcons[ FAVORITE_PARAM ][ PARAMFILE_UNLOADED ] = wIconCreatePixMap( greystar); indicatorIcons[ FAVORITE_PARAM ][ PARAMFILE_NOTUSABLE ] = wIconCreatePixMap( redstar); indicatorIcons[ FAVORITE_PARAM ][ PARAMFILE_COMPATIBLE ] = wIconCreatePixMap( yellowstar); indicatorIcons[ FAVORITE_PARAM ][ PARAMFILE_FIT ] = wIconCreatePixMap( greenstar); ParamRegister(¶mFilePG); paramFileW = ParamCreateDialog(¶mFilePG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Parameter Files")), _("Ok"), ParamFileOk, NULL, TRUE, NULL, F_RESIZE | F_RECALLSIZE, ParamFileDlgUpdate); paramFile_fs = wFilSelCreate(mainW, FS_LOAD, FS_MULTIPLEFILES, _("Load Parameters"), _("Parameter files (*.xtp)|*.xtp"), LoadParamFile, NULL); } ParamLoadControls(¶mFilePG); ParamGroupRecord(¶mFilePG); if ((wListGetValues(paramFileL, NULL, 0, NULL, &data))>=0) { UpdateParamFileButton(); } wShow(paramFileW); }