/* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <math.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include "ccurve.h" #include "cbezier.h" #include "compound.h" #include "cundo.h" #include "drawgeom.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "messages.h" #include "param.h" #include "track.h" #include "utility.h" static long drawGeomCurveMode; #define contextSegs(N) DYNARR_N( trkSeg_t, context->Segs_da, N ) static dynArr_t points_da; #define points(N) DYNARR_N( coOrd, points_da, N ) static void EndPoly( drawContext_t * context, int cnt ) { trkSeg_p segPtr; track_p trk; long oldOptions; coOrd * pts; int inx; if (context->State==0 || cnt == 0) return; oldOptions = context->D->funcs->options; context->D->funcs->options |= wDrawOptTemp; DrawSegs( context->D, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack ); context->D->funcs->options = oldOptions; if (IsClose(FindDistance(tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0], tempSegs(cnt-1).u.l.pos[1] ))) cnt--; if ( cnt < 2 ) { tempSegs_da.cnt = 0; ErrorMessage( MSG_POLY_SHAPES_3_SIDES ); return; } pts = (coOrd*)MyMalloc( (cnt+1) * sizeof (coOrd) ); for ( inx=0; inx<cnt; inx++ ) pts[inx] = tempSegs(inx).u.l.pos[0]; pts[cnt] = tempSegs(cnt-1).u.l.pos[1]; DYNARR_SET( trkSeg_t, tempSegs_da, 1 ); segPtr = &tempSegs(0); segPtr->type = ( context->Op == OP_POLY ? SEG_POLY: SEG_FILPOLY ); segPtr->u.p.cnt = cnt+1; segPtr->u.p.pts = pts; segPtr->u.p.angle = 0.0; segPtr->u.p.orig = zero; segPtr->u.p.polyType = FREEFORM; UndoStart( _("Create Lines"), "newDraw" ); trk = MakeDrawFromSeg( zero, 0.0, segPtr ); DrawNewTrack( trk ); tempSegs_da.cnt = 0; } static void DrawGeomOk( void ) { track_p trk; int inx; if (tempSegs_da.cnt <= 0) return; UndoStart( _("Create Lines"), "newDraw" ); for ( inx=0; inx<tempSegs_da.cnt; inx++ ) { trk = MakeDrawFromSeg( zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(inx) ); DrawNewTrack( trk ); } tempSegs_da.cnt = 0; } /** * Create and draw a graphics primitive (lines, arc, circle). The complete handling of mouse * movements and clicks during the editing process is done here. * * \param action IN mouse action * \param pos IN position of mouse pointer * \param context IN/OUT parameters for drawing op * \return next command state */ STATUS_T DrawGeomMouse( wAction_t action, coOrd pos, drawContext_t *context ) { static int lastValid = FALSE; static coOrd pos0, pos0x, pos1, lastPos; trkSeg_p segPtr; coOrd *pts; int inx; DIST_T width; static int segCnt; DIST_T d; BOOL_T createTrack; long oldOptions; width = context->Width/context->D->dpi; switch (action&0xFF) { case C_START: context->State = 0; context->Changed = FALSE; segCnt = 0; DYNARR_RESET( trkSeg_t, tempSegs_da ); return C_CONTINUE; case wActionMove: return C_CONTINUE; case wActionLDown: context->Started = TRUE; if (context->State == 0) { //First Down only switch (context->Op) { //Snap pos to nearest line end point if this is end and just shift is depressed for lines and some curves case OP_LINE: case OP_CURVE1: if ((MyGetKeyState() & (WKEY_SHIFT|WKEY_CTRL|WKEY_ALT)) == WKEY_SHIFT ) { coOrd p = pos; track_p t; if ((t=OnTrack(&p,FALSE,FALSE))) { if (GetClosestEndPt(t,&p)) { pos = p; } } }; break; default: ; } } if ((context->Op == OP_CURVE1 || context->Op == OP_CURVE2 || context->Op == OP_CURVE3 || context->Op == OP_CURVE4) && context->State == 1) { ; } else { if ( (MyGetKeyState() & (WKEY_SHIFT|WKEY_CTRL|WKEY_ALT)) == WKEY_CTRL ) // Control snaps to nearest track (not necessarily the end) OnTrack( &pos, FALSE, FALSE ); pos0 = pos; pos1 = pos; } switch (context->Op) { case OP_LINE: case OP_DIMLINE: case OP_BENCH: if ( lastValid && ( MyGetKeyState() & WKEY_CTRL ) ) { pos = pos0 = lastPos; } DYNARR_SET( trkSeg_t, tempSegs_da, 1 ); switch (context->Op) { case OP_LINE: tempSegs(0).type = SEG_STRLIN; break; case OP_DIMLINE: tempSegs(0).type = SEG_DIMLIN; break; case OP_BENCH: tempSegs(0).type = SEG_BENCH; break; } tempSegs(0).color = context->Color; tempSegs(0).width = width; tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0] = tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1] = pos; if ( context->Op == OP_BENCH || context->Op == OP_DIMLINE ) { tempSegs(0).u.l.option = context->benchOption; } else { tempSegs(0).u.l.option = 0; } tempSegs_da.cnt = 0; context->message( _("Drag to place next end point") ); break; case OP_TBLEDGE: if ( lastValid && ( MyGetKeyState() & WKEY_CTRL ) ) { pos = pos0 = lastPos; } OnTableEdgeEndPt( NULL, &pos ); DYNARR_SET( trkSeg_t, tempSegs_da, 1 ); tempSegs(0).type = SEG_TBLEDGE; tempSegs(0).color = context->Color; tempSegs(0).width = (mainD.scale<=16)?(3/context->D->dpi*context->D->scale):0; tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0] = tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1] = pos; tempSegs_da.cnt = 0; context->message( _("Drag to place next end point") ); break; case OP_CURVE1: case OP_CURVE2: case OP_CURVE3: case OP_CURVE4: if (context->State == 0) { switch ( context->Op ) { case OP_CURVE1: drawGeomCurveMode = crvCmdFromEP1; break; case OP_CURVE2: drawGeomCurveMode = crvCmdFromTangent; break; case OP_CURVE3: drawGeomCurveMode = crvCmdFromCenter; break; case OP_CURVE4: drawGeomCurveMode = crvCmdFromChord; break; } CreateCurve( C_DOWN, pos, FALSE, context->Color, width, drawGeomCurveMode, context->message ); } else { tempSegs_da.cnt = segCnt; } break; case OP_CIRCLE1: case OP_CIRCLE2: case OP_CIRCLE3: case OP_FILLCIRCLE1: case OP_FILLCIRCLE2: case OP_FILLCIRCLE3: DYNARR_SET( trkSeg_t, tempSegs_da, 1 ); tempSegs(0).type = SEG_CRVLIN; tempSegs(0).color = context->Color; if ( context->Op >= OP_CIRCLE1 && context->Op <= OP_CIRCLE3 ) tempSegs(0).width = width; else tempSegs(0).width = 0; tempSegs(0).u.c.a0 = 0; tempSegs(0).u.c.a1 = 360; tempSegs(0).u.c.radius = 0; tempSegs(0).u.c.center = pos; context->message( _("Drag to set radius") ); break; case OP_FILLBOX: width = 0; case OP_BOX: DYNARR_SET( trkSeg_t, tempSegs_da, 4 ); for ( inx=0; inx<4; inx++ ) { tempSegs(inx).type = SEG_STRLIN; tempSegs(inx).color = context->Color; tempSegs(inx).width = width; tempSegs(inx).u.l.pos[0] = tempSegs(inx).u.l.pos[1] = pos; } tempSegs_da.cnt = 0; context->message( _("Drag set box size") ); break; case OP_POLY: case OP_FILLPOLY: tempSegs_da.cnt = segCnt; DYNARR_APPEND( trkSeg_t, tempSegs_da, 10 ); segPtr = &tempSegs(tempSegs_da.cnt-1); segPtr->type = SEG_STRLIN; segPtr->color = context->Color; segPtr->width = (context->Op==OP_POLY?width:0); if ( tempSegs_da.cnt == 1 ) { segPtr->u.l.pos[0] = pos; } else { segPtr->u.l.pos[0] = segPtr[-1].u.l.pos[1]; } segPtr->u.l.pos[1] = pos; context->State = 1; oldOptions = context->D->funcs->options; context->D->funcs->options |= wDrawOptTemp; DrawSegs( context->D, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(tempSegs_da.cnt-1), 1, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack ); context->D->funcs->options = oldOptions; break; } return C_CONTINUE; case wActionLDrag: oldOptions = context->D->funcs->options; context->D->funcs->options |= wDrawOptTemp; if (context->Op == OP_POLY || context->Op == OP_FILLPOLY) DrawSegs( context->D, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(tempSegs_da.cnt-1), 1, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack ); else DrawSegs( context->D, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack ); if ( (MyGetKeyState() & (WKEY_SHIFT|WKEY_CTRL|WKEY_ALT)) == WKEY_CTRL ) OnTrack( &pos, FALSE, FALSE ); pos1 = pos; switch (context->Op) { case OP_TBLEDGE: OnTableEdgeEndPt( NULL, &pos1 ); case OP_LINE: case OP_DIMLINE: case OP_BENCH: tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1] = pos1; context->message( _("Length = %s, Angle = %0.2f"), FormatDistance(FindDistance( pos0, pos1 )), PutAngle(FindAngle( pos0, pos1 )) ); tempSegs_da.cnt = 1; break; case OP_POLY: case OP_FILLPOLY: tempSegs(tempSegs_da.cnt-1).type = SEG_STRLIN; tempSegs(tempSegs_da.cnt-1).u.l.pos[1] = pos; context->message( _("Length = %s, Angle = %0.2f"), FormatDistance(FindDistance( tempSegs(tempSegs_da.cnt-1).u.l.pos[0], pos )), PutAngle(FindAngle( tempSegs(tempSegs_da.cnt-1).u.l.pos[0], pos )) ); break; case OP_CURVE1: case OP_CURVE2: case OP_CURVE3: case OP_CURVE4: if (context->State == 0) { CreateCurve( C_MOVE, pos, FALSE, context->Color, width, drawGeomCurveMode, context->message ); pos0x = pos; } else { PlotCurve( drawGeomCurveMode, pos0, pos0x, pos1, &context->ArcData, FALSE ); tempSegs(0).color = context->Color; tempSegs(0).width = width; if (context->ArcData.type == curveTypeStraight) { tempSegs(0).type = SEG_STRLIN; tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0] = pos0; tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1] = context->ArcData.pos1; tempSegs_da.cnt = 1; context->message( _("Straight Line: Length=%s Angle=%0.3f"), FormatDistance(FindDistance( pos0, context->ArcData.pos1 )), PutAngle(FindAngle( pos0, context->ArcData.pos1 )) ); } else if (context->ArcData.type == curveTypeNone) { tempSegs_da.cnt = 0; context->message( _("Back") ); } else if (context->ArcData.type == curveTypeCurve) { tempSegs(0).type = SEG_CRVLIN; tempSegs(0).u.c.center = context->ArcData.curvePos; tempSegs(0).u.c.radius = context->ArcData.curveRadius; tempSegs(0).u.c.a0 = context->ArcData.a0; tempSegs(0).u.c.a1 = context->ArcData.a1; tempSegs_da.cnt = 1; d = D2R(context->ArcData.a1); if (d < 0.0) d = 2*M_PI+d; if ( d*context->ArcData.curveRadius > mapD.size.x+mapD.size.y ) { ErrorMessage( MSG_CURVE_TOO_LARGE ); tempSegs_da.cnt = 0; context->ArcData.type = curveTypeNone; context->D->funcs->options = oldOptions; return C_CONTINUE; } context->message( _("Curved Line: Radius=%s Angle=%0.3f Length=%s"), FormatDistance(context->ArcData.curveRadius), context->ArcData.a1, FormatDistance(context->ArcData.curveRadius*d) ); } } break; case OP_CIRCLE1: case OP_FILLCIRCLE1: break; case OP_CIRCLE2: case OP_FILLCIRCLE2: tempSegs(0).u.c.center = pos1; case OP_CIRCLE3: case OP_FILLCIRCLE3: tempSegs(0).u.c.radius = FindDistance( pos0, pos1 ); context->message( _("Radius = %s"), FormatDistance(FindDistance( pos0, pos1 )) ); break; case OP_BOX: case OP_FILLBOX: tempSegs_da.cnt = 4; tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1].x = tempSegs(1).u.l.pos[0].x = tempSegs(1).u.l.pos[1].x = tempSegs(2).u.l.pos[0].x = pos.x; tempSegs(1).u.l.pos[1].y = tempSegs(2).u.l.pos[0].y = tempSegs(2).u.l.pos[1].y = tempSegs(3).u.l.pos[0].y = pos.y; context->message( _("Width = %s, Height = %s"), FormatDistance(fabs(pos1.x - pos0.x)), FormatDistance(fabs(pos1.y - pos0.y)) ); break; } if (context->Op == OP_POLY || context->Op == OP_FILLPOLY) DrawSegs( context->D, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(tempSegs_da.cnt-1), 1, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack ); else DrawSegs( context->D, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack ); context->D->funcs->options = oldOptions; if (context->Op == OP_DIMLINE) MainRedraw(); //Wipe Out Text return C_CONTINUE; case wActionLUp: oldOptions = context->D->funcs->options; context->D->funcs->options |= wDrawOptTemp; if (context->Op != OP_POLY && context->Op != OP_FILLPOLY) DrawSegs( context->D, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack ); lastValid = FALSE; createTrack = FALSE; if ((context->State == 0 && (context->Op == OP_LINE )) || //first point release for line, (context->State == 1 && context->Op == OP_CURVE1)) { //second point for curve from end switch (context->Op) { //Snap pos to nearest line end point if this is on a line and just shift is depressed for lines and some curves case OP_CURVE1: case OP_LINE: if ((MyGetKeyState() & (WKEY_SHIFT|WKEY_CTRL|WKEY_ALT)) == WKEY_SHIFT ) { coOrd p = pos1; track_p t; if ((t=OnTrack(&p,FALSE,FALSE))) { if (GetClosestEndPt(t,&p)) { pos1 = p; if (context->Op == OP_LINE) { tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1] = p; } else { PlotCurve( drawGeomCurveMode, pos0, pos0x, pos1, &context->ArcData, FALSE ); if (context->ArcData.type == curveTypeStraight) { tempSegs(0).type = SEG_STRLIN; tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0] = pos0; tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1] = context->ArcData.pos1; tempSegs_da.cnt = 1; } else if (context->ArcData.type == curveTypeNone) { tempSegs_da.cnt = 0; } else if (context->ArcData.type == curveTypeCurve) { tempSegs(0).type = SEG_CRVLIN; tempSegs(0).u.c.center = context->ArcData.curvePos; tempSegs(0).u.c.radius = context->ArcData.curveRadius; tempSegs(0).u.c.a0 = context->ArcData.a0; tempSegs(0).u.c.a1 = context->ArcData.a1; tempSegs_da.cnt = 1; } } } } }; break; default: ; } } switch ( context->Op ) { case OP_LINE: case OP_DIMLINE: case OP_BENCH: case OP_TBLEDGE: lastValid = TRUE; lastPos = pos1; break; case OP_CURVE1: case OP_CURVE2: case OP_CURVE3: case OP_CURVE4: if (context->State == 0) { context->State = 1; context->ArcAngle = FindAngle( pos0, pos1 ); pos0x = pos1; CreateCurve( C_UP, pos, FALSE, context->Color, width, drawGeomCurveMode, context->message ); DrawSegs( context->D, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack ); segCnt = tempSegs_da.cnt; context->message( _("Drag on Red arrows to adjust curve") ); context->D->funcs->options = oldOptions; return C_CONTINUE; } else { tempSegs_da.cnt = 0; if (context->ArcData.type == curveTypeCurve) { tempSegs_da.cnt = 1; segPtr = &tempSegs(0); segPtr->type = SEG_CRVLIN; segPtr->color = context->Color; segPtr->width = width; segPtr->u.c.center = context->ArcData.curvePos; segPtr->u.c.radius = context->ArcData.curveRadius; segPtr->u.c.a0 = context->ArcData.a0; segPtr->u.c.a1 = context->ArcData.a1; } else if (context->ArcData.type == curveTypeStraight) { tempSegs_da.cnt = 1; segPtr = &tempSegs(0); segPtr->type = SEG_STRLIN; segPtr->color = context->Color; segPtr->width = width; segPtr->u.l.pos[0] = pos0; segPtr->u.l.pos[1] = pos1; } else { tempSegs_da.cnt = 0; } context->State = 0; lastValid = TRUE; lastPos = pos1; /*drawContext = context; DrawGeomOp( (void*)context->Op );*/ } break; case OP_CIRCLE1: case OP_CIRCLE2: case OP_CIRCLE3: case OP_FILLCIRCLE1: case OP_FILLCIRCLE2: case OP_FILLCIRCLE3: if ( context->Op>=OP_FILLCIRCLE1 && context->Op<=OP_FILLCIRCLE3 ) tempSegs(0).type = SEG_FILCRCL; /*drawContext = context; DrawGeomOp( (void*)context->Op );*/ break; case OP_BOX: case OP_FILLBOX: pts = (coOrd*)MyMalloc( 4 * sizeof (coOrd) ); for ( inx=0; inx<4; inx++ ) pts[inx] = tempSegs(inx).u.l.pos[0]; tempSegs(0).type = (context->Op == OP_FILLBOX)?SEG_FILPOLY:SEG_POLY; tempSegs(0).u.p.cnt = 4; tempSegs(0).u.p.pts = pts; tempSegs(0).u.p.angle = 0.0; tempSegs(0).u.p.orig = zero; tempSegs(0).u.p.polyType = RECTANGLE; tempSegs_da.cnt = 1; /*drawContext = context; DrawGeomOp( (void*)context->Op );*/ break; case OP_POLY: case OP_FILLPOLY: segCnt = tempSegs_da.cnt; context->D->funcs->options = oldOptions; return C_CONTINUE; } context->Started = FALSE; context->Changed = TRUE; /*CheckOk();*/ context->D->funcs->options = oldOptions; DrawGeomOk(); return C_TERMINATE; case wActionText: if ( ((action>>8)&0xFF) == 0x0D || ((action>>8)&0xFF) == ' ' ) { EndPoly(context, segCnt); context->State = 0; } return C_TERMINATE; case C_CANCEL: oldOptions = context->D->funcs->options; context->D->funcs->options |= wDrawOptTemp; DrawSegs( context->D, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack ); context->D->funcs->options = oldOptions; tempSegs_da.cnt = 0; context->message( "" ); context->Changed = FALSE; lastValid = FALSE; return C_TERMINATE; case C_REDRAW: oldOptions = context->D->funcs->options; context->D->funcs->options |= wDrawOptTemp; DrawSegs( context->D, zero, 0.0, &tempSegs(0), tempSegs_da.cnt, trackGauge, wDrawColorBlack ); context->D->funcs->options = oldOptions; return C_CONTINUE; default: return C_CONTINUE; } } STATUS_T DrawGeomModify( coOrd orig, ANGLE_T angle, wIndex_t segCnt, trkSeg_p segPtr, wAction_t action, coOrd pos, wBool_t selected) { ANGLE_T a; coOrd p0, p1, pc; static coOrd start_pos; static wIndex_t segInx; static EPINX_T segEp; static ANGLE_T segA1; static int polyInx, inx_other, inx_line, inx_origin; static BOOL_T corner_mode; int inx, inx1, inx2; DIST_T d, d1, d2, dd; coOrd * newPts = NULL; int mergePoints; tempSegs_da.cnt = 1; switch ( action ) { case C_DOWN: segInx = -1; corner_mode = FALSE; DistanceSegs( orig, angle, segCnt, segPtr, &pos, &segInx ); if (segInx == -1) return C_ERROR; tempSegs(0).width = segPtr[segInx].width; tempSegs(0).color = segPtr[segInx].color; switch ( segPtr[segInx].type ) { case SEG_TBLEDGE: case SEG_STRLIN: case SEG_DIMLIN: case SEG_BENCH: REORIGIN( p0, segPtr[segInx].u.l.pos[0], angle, orig ); REORIGIN( p1, segPtr[segInx].u.l.pos[1], angle, orig ); tempSegs(0).type = segPtr[segInx].type; tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[0] = p0; tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1] = p1; tempSegs(0).u.l.option = segPtr[segInx].u.l.option; segA1 = FindAngle( p1, p0 ); break; case SEG_CRVLIN: case SEG_FILCRCL: REORIGIN( pc, segPtr[segInx].u.c.center, angle, orig ) tempSegs(0).type = segPtr[segInx].type; tempSegs(0).u.c.center = pc; tempSegs(0).u.c.radius = fabs(segPtr[segInx].u.c.radius); if (segPtr[segInx].u.c.a1 >= 360.0) { tempSegs(0).u.c.a0 = 0.0; tempSegs(0).u.c.a1 = 360.0; } else { tempSegs(0).u.c.a0 = NormalizeAngle( segPtr[segInx].u.c.a0+angle ); tempSegs(0).u.c.a1 = segPtr[segInx].u.c.a1; segA1 = NormalizeAngle( segPtr[segInx].u.c.a0 + segPtr[segInx].u.c.a1 + angle ); PointOnCircle( &p0, pc, fabs(segPtr[segInx].u.c.radius), segPtr[segInx].u.c.a0+angle ); PointOnCircle( &p1, pc, fabs(segPtr[segInx].u.c.radius), segPtr[segInx].u.c.a0+segPtr[segInx].u.c.a1+angle ); } break; case SEG_POLY: case SEG_FILPOLY: tempSegs(0).type = segPtr[segInx].type; tempSegs(0).u.p.cnt = segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt; tempSegs(0).u.p.angle = 0.0; tempSegs(0).u.p.orig = zero; tempSegs(0).u.p.polyType = segPtr[segInx].u.p.polyType; DYNARR_SET( coOrd, points_da, segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt+1 ); tempSegs(0).u.p.pts = &points(0); d = 10000; polyInx = 0; for ( inx=0; inx<segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt; inx++ ) { REORIGIN( points(inx), segPtr[segInx].u.p.pts[inx], angle, orig ); } for ( inx=0; inx<segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt; inx++ ) { p0 = pos; dd = LineDistance( &p0, points( inx==0?segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt-1:inx-1), points( inx ) ); if ( d > dd ) { d = dd; polyInx = inx; } } if (segPtr[segInx].u.p.polyType == RECTANGLE) { d1 = FindDistance( points(polyInx), pos ); d2 = FindDistance( points(polyInx==0?segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt-1:polyInx-1), pos ); if (d2<d1) { inx_line = polyInx; polyInx = polyInx==0?segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt-1:polyInx-1; } else { inx_line = polyInx==0?segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt-1:polyInx-1; } //polyInx is closest point inx1 = (polyInx==0?3:polyInx-1); //Prev point inx2 = (polyInx==3?0:polyInx+1); //Next Point inx_origin = (inx2==3?0:inx2+1); //Opposite point if ( IsClose(d2) || IsClose(d1) ) { corner_mode = TRUE; pos = points(polyInx); start_pos = pos; DrawArrowHeads( &tempSegs(1), pos, FindAngle(points(polyInx),points(inx_origin)), TRUE, wDrawColorRed ); tempSegs_da.cnt = 6; InfoMessage( _("Drag to Move Corner Point")); } else { corner_mode = FALSE; start_pos = pos; pos.x = (points(polyInx).x + points(inx_line).x)/2; pos.y = (points(polyInx).y + points(inx_line).y)/2; DrawArrowHeads( &tempSegs(1), pos, FindAngle(points(polyInx),pos)+90, TRUE, wDrawColorRed ); tempSegs_da.cnt = 6; InfoMessage( _("Drag to Move Edge ")); } return C_CONTINUE; } else { inx = (polyInx==0?segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt-1:polyInx-1); d = FindDistance( points(inx), pos ); dd = FindDistance( points(inx), points(polyInx) ); if ( d < 0.25*dd ) { polyInx = inx; } else if ( d > 0.75*dd ) { ; } else { tempSegs(0).u.p.cnt++; for (inx=points_da.cnt-1; inx>polyInx; inx-- ) { points(inx) = points(inx-1); } /*fprintf( stderr, "Inserting vertix before %d\n", polyInx );*/ } points(polyInx) = pos; } p1=p0; break; case SEG_TEXT: segInx = -1; return C_ERROR; default: ASSERT( FALSE ); /* CHECKME */ } if ( FindDistance( p0, pos ) < FindDistance( p1, pos ) ) segEp = 0; else { segEp = 1; switch ( segPtr[segInx].type ) { case SEG_TBLEDGE: case SEG_STRLIN: case SEG_DIMLIN: case SEG_BENCH: segA1 = NormalizeAngle( segA1 + 180.0 ); break; default: ; } } return C_CONTINUE; case C_MOVE: if (segInx == -1) return C_ERROR; if ( ( MyGetKeyState() & WKEY_SHIFT ) && (tempSegs(0).type == SEG_STRLIN || tempSegs(0).type == SEG_DIMLIN || tempSegs(0).type == SEG_BENCH || tempSegs(0).type == SEG_TBLEDGE) ) { d = FindDistance( pos, tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1-segEp] ); Translate( &pos, tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1-segEp], segA1, d ); } else if ( (MyGetKeyState() & (WKEY_SHIFT|WKEY_CTRL|WKEY_ALT)) == WKEY_CTRL ) { OnTrack( &pos, FALSE, FALSE ); } int prior_pnt, next_pnt, orig_pnt; ANGLE_T prior_angle, next_angle, line_angle; tempSegs_da.cnt = 1; switch (tempSegs(0).type) { case SEG_TBLEDGE: case SEG_STRLIN: case SEG_DIMLIN: case SEG_BENCH: tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[segEp] = pos; InfoMessage( _("Length = %0.3f Angle = %0.3f"), FindDistance( tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[segEp], tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1-segEp] ), FindAngle( tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[1-segEp], tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[segEp] ) ); break; case SEG_CRVLIN: case SEG_FILCRCL: if (tempSegs(0).u.c.a1 >= 360.0) { tempSegs(0).u.c.radius = FindDistance( tempSegs(0).u.c.center, pos ); } else { a = FindAngle( tempSegs(0).u.c.center, pos ); if (segEp==0) { tempSegs(0).u.c.a1 = NormalizeAngle(segA1-a); tempSegs(0).u.c.a0 = a; } else { tempSegs(0).u.c.a1 = NormalizeAngle(a-tempSegs(0).u.c.a0); } } break; case SEG_POLY: case SEG_FILPOLY: switch (tempSegs(0).u.p.polyType) { case RECTANGLE: if (!corner_mode) { /* Constrain movement to be perpendicular */ d = FindDistance(start_pos, pos); line_angle = NormalizeAngle(FindAngle(points(inx_line),points(polyInx))-90); a = FindAngle(pos,start_pos); Translate( &pos, start_pos, line_angle, - d*cos(D2R(line_angle-a))); } d = FindDistance(start_pos,pos); a = FindAngle(start_pos, pos); start_pos = pos; prior_pnt = (polyInx == 0)?3:polyInx-1; next_pnt = (polyInx == 3)?0:polyInx+1; orig_pnt = (prior_pnt == 0)?3:prior_pnt-1; Translate( &points(polyInx), points(polyInx), a, d); d = FindDistance(points(orig_pnt),points(polyInx)); a = FindAngle(points(orig_pnt),points(polyInx)); prior_angle = FindAngle(points(orig_pnt),points(prior_pnt)); Translate( &points(prior_pnt), points(orig_pnt), prior_angle, d*cos(D2R(prior_angle-a))); next_angle = FindAngle(points(orig_pnt),points(next_pnt)); Translate( &points(next_pnt), points(orig_pnt), next_angle, d*cos(D2R(next_angle-a))); if (!corner_mode) { pos.x = (points(polyInx).x + points(inx_line).x)/2; pos.y = (points(polyInx).y + points(inx_line).y)/2; DrawArrowHeads( &tempSegs(1), pos, FindAngle(points(polyInx),points(inx_line))+90, TRUE, wDrawColorRed ); tempSegs_da.cnt = 6; InfoMessage( _("Drag to Move Edge")); } else { pos = points(polyInx); DrawArrowHeads( &tempSegs(1), pos, FindAngle(points(polyInx),points(inx_origin)), TRUE, wDrawColorRed ); tempSegs_da.cnt = 6; InfoMessage( _("Drag to Move Corner Point")); } break; default: points(polyInx) = pos; } break; default: ; } return C_CONTINUE; case C_UP: if (segInx == -1) return C_CONTINUE; switch (tempSegs(0).type) { case SEG_TBLEDGE: case SEG_STRLIN: case SEG_DIMLIN: case SEG_BENCH: pos = tempSegs(0).u.l.pos[segEp]; pos.x -= orig.x; pos.y -= orig.y; Rotate( &pos, zero, -angle ); segPtr[segInx].u.l.pos[segEp] = pos; break; case SEG_CRVLIN: case SEG_FILCRCL: if ( tempSegs(0).u.c.a1 >= 360.0 ) { segPtr[segInx].u.c.radius = fabs(tempSegs(0).u.c.radius); } else { a = FindAngle( tempSegs(0).u.c.center, pos ); a = NormalizeAngle( a-angle ); segPtr[segInx].u.c.a1 = tempSegs(0).u.c.a1; if (segEp == 0) { segPtr[segInx].u.c.a0 = a; } } break; case SEG_POLY: case SEG_FILPOLY: switch(tempSegs(0).u.p.polyType) { case RECTANGLE: for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { pos = points(i); pos.x -= orig.x; pos.y -= orig.y; Rotate( &pos, zero, -angle ); segPtr[segInx].u.p.pts[i] = pos; } break; default: mergePoints = FALSE; if ( IsClose( FindDistance( pos, points( polyInx==0?tempSegs(0).u.p.cnt-1:polyInx-1 ) ) ) || IsClose( FindDistance( pos, points( (polyInx==tempSegs(0).u.p.cnt-1)?0:polyInx+1 ) ) ) ) { mergePoints = TRUE; if (segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt <= 3) { ErrorMessage( MSG_POLY_SHAPES_3_SIDES ); break; } } coOrd * oldPts = segPtr[segInx].u.p.pts; newPts = (coOrd*)MyMalloc( tempSegs(0).u.p.cnt * sizeof (coOrd) ); int size = segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt; memcpy( newPts, segPtr[segInx].u.p.pts, (size) * sizeof (coOrd) ); segPtr[segInx].u.p.pts = newPts; MyFree(oldPts); if ( tempSegs(0).u.p.cnt > segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt ) { ASSERT( tempSegs(0).u.p.cnt == segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt+1 ); for (inx=tempSegs(0).u.p.cnt-1; inx>polyInx; inx--) segPtr[segInx].u.p.pts[inx] = segPtr[segInx].u.p.pts[inx-1]; segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt++; } pos = points(polyInx); if ( mergePoints ) { for (inx=polyInx+1; inx<segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt; inx++) segPtr[segInx].u.p.pts[inx-1] = segPtr[segInx].u.p.pts[inx]; segPtr[segInx].u.p.cnt--; /*fprintf( stderr, "Merging with vertix %d\n", polyInx );*/ break; } pos.x -= orig.x; pos.y -= orig.y; Rotate( &pos, zero, -angle ); segPtr[segInx].u.p.pts[polyInx] = pos; } break; default: ; } return C_TERMINATE; default: ; } return C_ERROR; }