/** \file fileio.h */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef FILEIO_H #define FILEIO_H #include "common.h" extern FILE * paramFile; extern char *paramFileName; extern wIndex_t paramLineNum; extern char paramLine[STR_HUGE_SIZE]; extern char * curContents; extern char * curSubContents; #define PARAM_DEMO (-1) typedef void (*playbackProc_p)( char * ); typedef BOOL_T (*readParam_t) ( char * ); typedef BOOL_T (*deleteParam_t) (void *param); extern const char * workingDir; extern const char * libDir; extern wBool_t bReadOnly; extern wBool_t bExample; // Processing an input file, objects may be incomplete so avoid some ops (MapRedraw) extern wBool_t bInReadTracks; #define PARAM_CUSTOM (-2) #define PARAM_LAYOUT (-3) extern int curParamFileIndex; extern unsigned long playbackTimer; extern wBool_t executableOk; extern FILE * recordF; extern wBool_t inPlayback; extern wBool_t inPlaybackQuit; extern wWin_p demoW; extern int curDemo; #define ZIPFILETYPEEXTENSION "xtce" #define PARAM_SUBDIR "params" #define LAYOUTPATHKEY "layout" #define BITMAPPATHKEY "bitmap" #define BACKGROUNDPATHKEY "images" #define DXFPATHKEY "dxf" #define SVGPATHKEY "svg" #define PARTLISTPATHKEY "parts" #define CARSPATHKEY "cars" #define PARAMETERPATHKEY "params" #define IMPORTPATHKEY "import" #define MACROPATHKEY "macro" #define CUSTOMPATHKEY "custom" #define ARCHIVEPATHKEY "archive" typedef struct { char * name; readParam_t proc; } paramProc_t; extern dynArr_t paramProc_da; #define paramProc(N) DYNARR_N( paramProc_t, paramProc_da, N ) void Stripcr( char * ); char * GetNextLine( void ); #define END_TRK_FILE "END$TRACKS" #define END_BLOCK "END$BLOCK" #define END_SIGNAL "END$SIGNAL" #define END_SEGS "END$SEGS" #define END_MESSAGE "END$MESSAGE" wBool_t IsEND( char * sEnd ); BOOL_T GetArgs( char *, char *, ... ); char * ReadMultilineText(); BOOL_T ParseRoomSize( char *, coOrd * ); int InputError( char *, BOOL_T, ... ); void SyntaxError( char *, wIndex_t, wIndex_t ); void AddParam( char *name, readParam_t proc ); FILE * OpenCustom( char * ); void SetWindowTitle( void ); char * PutTitle( char * cp ); void ParamFileListLoad(int paramFileCnt, dynArr_t *paramFiles); void DoParamFiles(void * unused); int LoadTracks( int cnt, char **fileName, void *data ); void SaveState( void ); void DoSave( void * doAfterSaveVP ); void DoSaveAs( void * doAfterSaveVP ); void DoLoad( void ); void DoExamples( void ); void DoFileList( int, char *, void * ); void TryCheckPoint( void ); void CleanupCheckpointFiles( void ); void CleanupTempArchive( void ); int ExistsCheckpoint( void ); int LoadCheckpoint( BOOL_T ); void DoImport( void * typeVP ); void DoExport( void * unused ); void DoExportDXF( void * unused ); #if XTRKCAD_CREATE_SVG void DoExportSVG( void * unused ); #endif extern wBool_t editStatus; // Status of last Edit* command void EditCopy( void * unused ); void EditCut( void * unused ); void EditPaste( void * unused ); void EditClone( void * unused ); void DoRecord( void * ); void AddPlaybackProc( char *, playbackProc_p, void * ); EXPORT void TakeSnapshot( drawCmd_p ); void PlaybackMessage( char * ); void DoPlayBack( void * ); int MyGetKeyState( void ); int RegLevel( void ); void ReadKey( void ); void PopupRegister( void * ); void LoadFileList( void ); void FileInit( void ); BOOL_T MacroInit( void ); int Copyfile( const char * fn1, const char * fn2); void SetCLocale(); void SetUserLocale(); // Parameter file search void DoSearchParams(void * unused); #endif