/** \file smalldlg.c * Several simple and smaller dialogs. */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * 2007 Martin Fischer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "common.h" #include "custom.h" #include "draw.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "misc.h" #include "paths.h" #include "param.h" #include "smalldlg.h" #ifdef WINDOWS #include <FreeImage.h> #endif EXPORT wWin_p aboutW; static wWin_p tipW; /**< window handle for tip dialog */ static long showTipAtStart = 1; /**< flag for visibility */ static dynArr_t tips_da; /**< dynamic array for all tips */ #define tips(N) DYNARR_N( char *, tips_da, N ) static char * tipLabels[] = { N_("Show tips at start"), NULL }; static paramTextData_t tipTextData = { 40, 10 }; static paramData_t tipPLs[] = { #define I_TIPTEXT (1) #define tipT ((wText_p)tipPLs[I_TIPTEXT].control) { PD_MESSAGE, N_("Did you know..."), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, BM_LARGE }, { PD_TEXT, NULL, "text", PDO_DLGRESIZE, &tipTextData, NULL, BO_READONLY|BT_TOP|BT_CHARUNITS }, { PD_BUTTON, ShowTip, "prev", PDO_DLGRESETMARGIN, NULL, N_("Previous Tip"), 0L, I2VP(SHOWTIP_FORCESHOW | SHOWTIP_PREVTIP) }, { PD_BUTTON, ShowTip, "next", PDO_DLGHORZ, NULL, N_("Next Tip"), 0L, I2VP(SHOWTIP_FORCESHOW | SHOWTIP_NEXTTIP) }, { PD_TOGGLE, &showTipAtStart, "showatstart", PDO_DLGCMDBUTTON, tipLabels, NULL, BC_NOBORDER } }; static paramGroup_t tipPG = { "tip", 0, tipPLs, COUNT( tipPLs ) }; /** * Create and initialize the tip of the day window. The dialog box is created and the list of tips is loaded * into memory. */ static void CreateTipW( void ) { FILE * tipF; char buff[4096]; char *filename; char * cp; tipW = ParamCreateDialog( &tipPG, MakeWindowTitle(_("Tip of the Day")), NULL, NULL, wHide, FALSE, NULL, F_RESIZE|F_CENTER|PD_F_ALT_CANCELLABEL, NULL ); /* open the tip file */ MakeFullpath(&filename, libDir, sTipF, NULL); tipF = fopen( filename, "r" ); /* if tip file could not be opened, the only tip is an error message for the situation */ if (tipF == NULL) { DYNARR_APPEND( char *, tips_da, 1 ); tips(0) = N_("No tips are available"); /* TODO: enable buttons only if tips are available wControlActive( prev, FALSE ); wControlActive( next, FALSE ); */ } else { /* read all the tips from the file */ while (fgets( buff, sizeof buff, tipF )) { /* lines starting with hash sign are ignored (comments) */ if (buff[0] == '#') { continue; } /* remove CRs and LFs at end of line */ cp = buff+strlen(buff)-1; if (*cp=='\n') { cp--; } if (*cp=='\r') { cp--; } /* get next line if the line was empty */ if (cp < buff) { continue; } cp[1] = 0; /* if line ended with a continuation sign, get the rest */ while (*cp=='\\') { /* put LF at end */ *cp++ = '\n'; /* read a line */ if (!fgets( cp, (int)((sizeof buff) - (cp-buff)), tipF )) { return; } /* lines starting with hash sign are ignored (comments) */ if (*cp=='#') { continue; } /* remove CRs and LFs at end of line */ cp += strlen(cp)-1; if (*cp=='\n') { cp--; } if (*cp=='\r') { cp--; } cp[1] = 0; } /* allocate memory for the tip and store pointer in dynamic array */ DYNARR_APPEND( char *, tips_da, 10 ); tips(tips_da.cnt-1) = strdup( buff ); } } free(filename); } /** * Show tip of the day. As far as necessary, the dialog is created. The index of * the last tip shown is retrieved from the preferences and the next tip is * selected. At the end, the index of the shown tip is saved into the preferences. * * \param IN flags see definitions in smalldlg.h for possible values * */ void ShowTip( void * flagsVP ) { long flags = VP2L(flagsVP); long tipNum; if (showTipAtStart || (flags & SHOWTIP_FORCESHOW)) { if (tipW == NULL) { CreateTipW(); } ParamLoadControls( &tipPG ); wTextClear( tipT ); /* initial value is -1 which gets incremented 0 below */ wPrefGetInteger( "misc", "tip-number", &tipNum, -1 ); if( flags & SHOWTIP_PREVTIP ) { if(tipNum == 0 ) { tipNum = tips_da.cnt - 1; } else { tipNum--; } } else { if (tipNum >= tips_da.cnt - 1) { tipNum = 0; } else { tipNum++; } } wTextAppend( tipT, _(tips(tipNum)) ); wPrefSetInteger( "misc", "tip-number", tipNum ); wShow( tipW ); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "bitmaps/xtc.xpm" static paramTextData_t aboutTextData = { 70, 10 }; #define DESCRIPTION N_("XTrackCAD is a CAD (computer-aided design) program for designing model railroad layouts.") static paramData_t aboutPLs[] = { #define I_ABOUTDRAW (0) { PD_BITMAP, NULL, "about", PDO_NOPSHUPD, NULL, NULL, 0 }, #define I_ABOUTVERSION (1) { PD_MESSAGE, NULL, NULL, PDO_DLGNEWCOLUMN, NULL, NULL, BM_LARGE }, #define I_COPYRIGHT (2) #define COPYRIGHT_T ((wText_p)aboutPLs[I_COPYRIGHT].control) { PD_TEXT, NULL, NULL, PDO_DLGRESIZE, &aboutTextData, NULL, BO_READONLY|BT_TOP|BT_CHARUNITS } }; static paramGroup_t aboutPG = { "about", 0, aboutPLs, COUNT( aboutPLs ) }; /** * Create and show the About window. */ void CreateAboutW(void *ptr) { // char *copyright = sAboutProd; if (!aboutW) { aboutPLs[I_ABOUTDRAW].winData = wIconCreatePixMap(xtc_xpm); ParamRegister(&aboutPG); aboutW = ParamCreateDialog(&aboutPG, MakeWindowTitle(_("About")), NULL, NULL, wHide, FALSE, NULL, F_TOP | F_CENTER| PD_F_ALT_CANCELLABEL, NULL); ParamLoadMessage(&aboutPG, I_ABOUTVERSION, sAboutProd); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, DESCRIPTION); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\n\nXTrackCAD is Copyright 2003 by Sillub Technology and 2017 by Bob Blackwell, Martin Fischer and Adam Richards.\n"); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\nIcons by: Tango Desktop Project (http://tango.freedesktop.org)\n"); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\nSome icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.\n"); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\nContributions by: Robert Heller, Mikko Nissinen, Timothy M. Shead, Russell Shilling, Daniel Luis Spagnol"); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\nParameter Files by: Ralph Boyd, Dwayne Ward\n"); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\nThe following software is distributed with XTrackCAD\n\n"); #ifdef WINDOWS wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, FreeImage_GetCopyrightMessage()); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\n\n"); #endif wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "Cornu Algorithm and Implementation by: Raph Levien"); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\n\nuthash, utlist Copyright notice:"); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\nCopyright (c) 2005-2015, Troy D. Hanson http://troydhanson.github.com/uthash/"); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\nAll rights reserved."); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\n\ncJSON: Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Dave Gamble and cJSON contributors"); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\n\nlibzip: Copyright(C) 1999 - 2019 Dieter Baron and Thomas Klausner\n" \ "The authors can be contacted at libzip@nih.at"); wTextAppend(COPYRIGHT_T, "\n\nMiniXML: Copyright (c) 2003-2019 by Michael R Sweet.\n" \ "The Mini - XML library is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 with an\n" \ "exception to allow linking against GPL2 / LGPL2 - only software."); } wShow(aboutW); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initialize the functions for small dialogs. */ void InitSmallDlg( void ) { ParamRegister( &tipPG ); }