/** \file svgformat.c * Formatting of SVG commands and parameters. */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C)2021 Martin Fischer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include <math.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "dynstring.h" #include "mxml.h" #include "include/svgformat.h" #include "include/utlist.h" #include "common.h" #define SVGDPIFACTOR 90.0 /**< the assumed resolution of the svg, 90 is what Inkscape uses */ #define ROUND2PIXEL( value ) ((int)floor(value * SVGDPIFACTOR + 0.5)) typedef struct sCssStyle { DynString name; DynString style; struct sCssStyle *next; } sCssStyle; static sCssStyle *styleCache = NULL; static unsigned cacheCount; static char *lineStyleCSS[] = { /**< The css class names for line styles */ NULL, // no style needed for solid line "linedash", "linedot", "linedashdot", "linedashdot", "linecenter", "linephantom" }; #define LINESTYLECLASSES \ ".linedash{ stroke-dasharray: 25px 15px; } \n" \ ".linedot{ stroke-dasharray: 5px 10px; } \n" \ ".linedashdot{ stroke-dasharray: 25px 10px 5px 10px; } \n" \ ".linedashdotdot{ stroke-dasharray: 25px 10px 5px 10px 5px 10px; } \n" \ ".linecenter{ stroke-dasharray: 40px 15px 25px 15px; } \n" \ ".linephantom{ stroke-dasharray: 40px 15px 25px 15px 25px 15px; } \n" /** * Initialize style cache. Memory is allocated and the default style added */ static void SvgInitStyleCache(void) { sCssStyle *style; style = malloc(sizeof(sCssStyle)); DynStringMalloc(&(style->name), 2); DynStringCatCStr(&(style->name), "*"); DynStringMalloc(&(style->style), 16); DynStringCatCStr(&(style->style), "stroke-width:1; stroke:#000000; fill:none;"); LL_APPEND(styleCache, style); cacheCount = 1; } static int CompareStyle(sCssStyle *a, sCssStyle *b) { return (strcmp(DynStringToCStr(&(a->style)), DynStringToCStr(&(b->style)))); } /** * Add style to cache. If an identical style definition can be found in the * cache, the class name is returned. * If no previous definition is in the cache, a new one is contructed and * stored in the cache. The new class name is returned * * \param [in] styleDef style definition. * * \returns Null if default style can be used, else the class name */ static char * SvgAddStyleToCache(DynString *styleDef) { sCssStyle *style; sCssStyle *result; style = malloc(sizeof(sCssStyle)); style->style = *styleDef; LL_SEARCH(styleCache, result, style, CompareStyle); if (result) { if (!strcmp(DynStringToCStr(&(result->name)), "*")) { return (NULL); } else { return (DynStringToCStr(&(result->name)) + 1); } } else { DynString className; DynStringMalloc(&className, 16); DynStringPrintf(&className, ".xtc%u", cacheCount++); style->name = className; LL_APPEND(styleCache, style); return (DynStringToCStr(&className) + 1); //skip leading dot in class name } } /** * destroy style cache freeing all memory allocated */ static void SvgDestroyStyleCache(void) { sCssStyle *style; sCssStyle *tmp; LL_FOREACH_SAFE(styleCache, style, tmp) { DynStringFree(&(style->name)); DynStringFree(&(style->style)); free(style); } styleCache = NULL; } /** * Svg create style, add to the cache and the associated CSS class name to the element * * \param element SVG element * \param colorRGB RGB value * \param width line width * \param fill true to fill */ static void SvgCreateStyle(mxml_node_t *element, unsigned long colorRGB, double width, bool fill, unsigned lineStyle) { DynString style; char color[10]; char *className = NULL; char *classLineStyle = NULL; CHECK(lineStyle < 7); sprintf(color, "#%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x", ((unsigned int)colorRGB >> 16) & 0xFF, ((unsigned int)colorRGB >> 8) & 0xFF, (unsigned int)colorRGB & 0xFF); DynStringMalloc(&style, 32); DynStringPrintf(&style, "stroke-width:%d; stroke:%s; fill:%s;", (int)(width + 0.5), color, (fill ? color: "none")); className = SvgAddStyleToCache(&style); classLineStyle = lineStyleCSS[lineStyle]; if (className && classLineStyle) { mxmlElementSetAttrf(element, "class", "%s %s", className, classLineStyle); } else { if (className || classLineStyle) { mxmlElementSetAttr(element, "class", (className? className:classLineStyle)); } else { // strict default, nothing to add } } } /** * add real unit, ie. units that are specified in pixels. Rounding is performed * * \param [in,out] node If non-null, the node. * \param [in,out] name If non-null, the name. * \param value the dimension in pixels */ static void SvgAddRealUnit(mxml_node_t *node, char *name, double value) { mxmlElementSetAttrf(node, name, "%d", (int)(value+0.5)); } /** * Format a dimension and add to XML node as an attribute. * A fictional value for the resolution is assumed. As final * rendering is done by the client, this is not really relevant. * * \PARAM [in, out] node the XML node * \PARAM [in] name name of attribute * \param [in] value size */ static void SvgAddCoordinate(mxml_node_t *node, char *name, double value) { mxmlElementSetAttrf(node, name, "%d", ROUND2PIXEL(value)); } /** * Svg line command * \param [in] svg the svg parent. * \param x0 The x coordinate 0. * \param y0 The y coordinate 0. * \param x1 The first x value. * \param y1 The first y value. * \param w A wDrawWidth to process. * \param c RGB color definition. * \param lineStyle line style. */ void SvgLineCommand(SVGParent *svg, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double w, long c, unsigned lineStyle) { mxml_node_t *xmlData; xmlData = mxmlNewElement(svg, "line"); // line end points SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "x1", x0); SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "y1", y0); SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "x2", x1); SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "y2", y1); SvgCreateStyle(xmlData, c, w, false, lineStyle); } /** * Svg rectangle command * * \param [in] svg If non-null, the svg. * \param x0 The x coordinate 0. * \param y0 The y coordinate 0. * \param x1 The first x value. * \param y1 The first y value. * \param color The color. * \param fill Specifies the fill options. */ void SvgRectCommand(SVGParent *svg, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, int color, unsigned lineStyle) { mxml_node_t *xmlData; xmlData = mxmlNewElement(svg, "rect"); // line end points SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "x1", x0); SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "y1", y0); SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "x2", x1); SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "y2", y1); SvgCreateStyle(xmlData, color, 1, false, lineStyle); } /** * Svg polygon line command * * \param [in] svg If non-null, the svg. * \param cnt Number of point. * \param [in] points If non-null, the points. * \param color The line and fill color. * \param width The line width. * \param lineStyle The line style. * \param fill True to fill. */ void SvgPolyLineCommand(SVGParent *svg, int cnt, double *points, int color, double width, bool fill, unsigned lineStyle) { mxml_node_t *xmlData; DynString pointList; DynString pos; DynStringMalloc(&pointList, 64); DynStringMalloc(&pos, 20); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { DynStringPrintf(&pos, "%d,%d ", (int)floor(points[i * 2] * SVGDPIFACTOR + 0.5), (int)floor(points[ i * 2 + 1] * SVGDPIFACTOR + 0.5)); DynStringCatStr(&pointList, &pos); DynStringClear(&pos); } xmlData = mxmlNewElement(svg, "polyline"); mxmlElementSetAttr(xmlData, "points", DynStringToCStr(&pointList)); SvgCreateStyle(xmlData, color, width, fill, lineStyle); DynStringFree(&pos); DynStringFree(&pointList); } /** * Format a complete CIRCLE command * * \param [in] svg OUT buffer for the completed command. * \param x x position of center. * \param y y position of center point. * \param r radius. * \param w width * \param c color * \param lineStyle The line style. * \param fill True to fill. */ void SvgCircleCommand(SVGParent *svg, double x, double y, double r, double w, long c, bool fill, unsigned lineStyle) { mxml_node_t *xmlData; xmlData = mxmlNewElement(svg, "circle"); // line end points SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "cx", x); SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "cy", y); SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "r", r); SvgCreateStyle(xmlData, c, w, fill, lineStyle); } /** * Polar to cartesian * * \param cx x coordinate of center. * \param cy y coordinate of center * \param radius radius. * \param angle angle. * \param [out] px resulting x coordinate * \param [out] py resulting y coordinate */ static void PolarToCartesian(double cx, double cy, double radius, double angle, double *px, double *py) { double angleInRadians = ((angle) * M_PI) / 180.0; *px = cx + (radius * cos(angleInRadians)); *py = cy + (radius * sin(angleInRadians)); } /** * Format an arc as a SVG path See * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5736398/how-to-calculate-the-svg-path-for-an-arc-of-a-circle * * \param [in] svg the svg document. * \param x y IN center point. * \param y The y coordinate. * \param r IN radius. * \param a0 IN starting angle. * \param a1 IN ending angle. * \param center IN draw center mark if true. * \param w line width. * \param c line color. * \param lineStyle line style. */ void SvgArcCommand(SVGParent *svg, double x, double y, double r, double a0, double a1, bool center, double w, long c, unsigned lineStyle) { double startX; double startY; double endX; double endY; char largeArcFlag = (a1 - a0 <= 180 ? '0' : '1'); DynString pathArc; mxml_node_t *xmlData; xmlData = mxmlNewElement(svg, "path"); PolarToCartesian(x, y, r, a0+a1-90, &startX, &startY); PolarToCartesian(x, y, r, a0-90, &endX, &endY); DynStringMalloc(&pathArc, 64); DynStringPrintf(&pathArc, "M %d %d A %d %d 0 %c 0 %d %d", ROUND2PIXEL(startX), ROUND2PIXEL(startY), ROUND2PIXEL(r), ROUND2PIXEL(r), largeArcFlag, ROUND2PIXEL(endX), ROUND2PIXEL(endY)); mxmlElementSetAttr(xmlData, "d", DynStringToCStr(&pathArc)); DynStringFree(&pathArc); SvgCreateStyle(xmlData, c, w, false, lineStyle); } /** * Create SVG text command * * \param [in] svg If non-null, the svg. * \param x The x coordinate. * \param y The y coordinate. * \param size The fontsize. * \param c the text color * \param [in] text text in UTF-8 format */ void SvgTextCommand(SVGParent *svg, double x, double y, double size, long c, char *text) { mxml_node_t *xmlData; xmlData = mxmlNewElement(svg, "text"); // starting point SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "x", x); SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "y", y); SvgCreateStyle(xmlData, c, 1, 1, 0); SvgAddRealUnit(xmlData, "font-size", size); mxmlNewText(xmlData, false, text); } /** * Add title to SVG document * * \param [in] svg svg * \param [in] title If non-null, the title. */ void SvgAddTitle(SVGParent *svg, char *title) { mxml_node_t *titleNode; if (title) { titleNode = mxmlNewElement(MXML_NO_PARENT, "title"); mxmlNewText(titleNode, false, title); mxmlAdd(svg, MXML_ADD_BEFORE, MXML_ADD_TO_PARENT, titleNode); } } /** * Add CSS style definitions to the SVG file. CSS definitions are * created from the options of the drawing commands. As a final step * in creation of the SVG file, these definitions have to be added. * For compatibility reasons the styles have to be defined before * first use. * * \param [in] svg the svg. */ void SvgAddCSSStyle(SVGParent *svg) { mxml_node_t *cssNode; DynString cssDefs; DynString tmp; sCssStyle *style; cssNode = mxmlNewElement(MXML_NO_PARENT, "style"); mxmlElementSetAttr(cssNode, "type", "text/css"); DynStringMalloc(&cssDefs, 64); DynStringMalloc(&tmp, 64); LL_FOREACH(styleCache, style) { DynStringPrintf(&tmp, "%s { %s }\n", DynStringToCStr(&(style->name)), DynStringToCStr(&(style->style))); DynStringCatStr(&cssDefs, &tmp); } DynStringCatCStr(&cssDefs, LINESTYLECLASSES); mxmlNewCDATA(cssNode, DynStringToCStr(&cssDefs)); mxmlAdd(svg, MXML_ADD_BEFORE, MXML_ADD_TO_PARENT, cssNode); DynStringFree(&tmp); DynStringFree(&cssDefs); } /** * Svg create document * * \returns An XMLDocument. */ SVGDocument * SvgCreateDocument() { SvgInitStyleCache(); return ((SVGDocument *)mxmlNewXML("1.0")); } /** * Svg destroy document freeing the memory used by the XML tree * * \param [in] xml the XML document */ void SvgDestroyDocument(SVGDocument *xml) { mxmlDelete((mxml_node_t *)xml); SvgDestroyStyleCache(); } /** * Create the complete prologue for a SVG file. * * \param [in] parent the document handle. * \param [in] id If non-null, the identifier. * \param layerCount IN count of defined layers. * \param x0 y0 IN minimum (left bottom) position. * \param y0 y1 IN maximum (top right) position. * \param x1 The first x value. * \param y1 The first y value. * * \returns Null if it fails, else a pointer to a SVGParent. */ SVGParent * SvgPrologue(SVGDocument *parent, char *id, int layerCount, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) { mxml_node_t *xmlData; xmlData = mxmlNewElement(parent, "!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"" " \"http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd\""); xmlData = mxmlNewElement(parent, "svg"); mxmlElementSetAttr(xmlData, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"); if (id) { mxmlElementSetAttr(xmlData, "id", id); } SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "x", x0); SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "y", y0); SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "width", x1); SvgAddCoordinate(xmlData, "height", y1); return ((SVGParent *)xmlData); } /** * Add formatting to the resulting document by adding whitespace * * \param node to be formatted * \param see minixml docu, position in XML tag * * \returns Null if it no character to add, else a pointer to the additional chars. */ const char * whitespace_cb(mxml_node_t *node, int where) { const char *element; /* * We can conditionally break to a new line before or after * any element. These are just common HTML elements... */ element = mxmlGetElement(node); if (!strcmp(element, "svg") || !strncmp(element, "!DOCTYPE", strlen("!DOCTYPE"))) { /* * Newlines before open and after close... */ if (where == MXML_WS_BEFORE_OPEN || where == MXML_WS_BEFORE_CLOSE) { return ("\n"); } } else { if (!strcmp(element, "line") || !strcmp(element, "circle") || !strcmp(element, "path") || !strcmp(element, "polyline")) { if (where == MXML_WS_BEFORE_OPEN || where == MXML_WS_AFTER_CLOSE) { return ("\n\t"); } } else { if (!strcmp(element, "style") || !strcmp(element, "title") || !strcmp(element, "text")) { if (where == MXML_WS_BEFORE_OPEN) { return ("\n\t"); } else { if (where == MXML_WS_AFTER_OPEN) { return ("\n\t\t"); } else { if (where == MXML_WS_AFTER_CLOSE) { return (""); } else { return ("\n\t"); } } } } } } /* * Otherwise return NULL for no added whitespace... */ return (NULL); } /** * Svg save file * * \param [in] svg the svg document. * \param [in] filename filename of the file. * * \returns True if it succeeds, false if it fails. */ bool SvgSaveFile(SVGDocument *svg, char *filename) { FILE *svgF; svgF = fopen(filename, "w"); if (svgF) { mxmlSetWrapMargin(0); mxmlSaveFile(svg, svgF, whitespace_cb); fclose(svgF); return (true); } return (false); }