/** \file PathsTest.c * Unit tests for the paths module */ #include <stdarg.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <cmocka.h> #include "common.h" #include "../appdefaults.c" struct appDefault tests[] = { {"akey"}, {"hkey"}, {"mkey"}, {"zkey"} }; const char *libDir ="Parameter/directory/"; /** * A dummy for the real MakePath function */ void MakeFullpath( char **result, ...) { *result = libDir; } #define TESTARRAYSIZE (sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0]) ) struct appDefault test1[] = { { "akey" } }; #define TEST1ARRAYSIZE (sizeof(test1) / sizeof(test1[0]) ) int wPrefGetIntegerBasic(const char *section, const char *name, long *result, long defaultValue) { *result = defaultValue; return(TRUE); } int wPrefGetFloatBasic(const char *section, const char *name, double *result, double defaultValue) { *result = defaultValue; return(TRUE); } const char * wPrefGetStringBasic(const char *section, const char *name) { return(NULL); } static void BinarySearch(void **state) { int result; (void)state; result = binarySearch(tests, 0, TESTARRAYSIZE-1, "nokey"); assert_int_equal(result, -1); result = binarySearch(tests, 0, TESTARRAYSIZE-1, "akey"); assert_int_equal(result, 0); result = binarySearch(tests, 1, TESTARRAYSIZE-1, "mkey"); assert_int_equal(result, 2); result = binarySearch(tests, 0, TESTARRAYSIZE-1, "zkey"); assert_int_equal(result, 3); result = binarySearch(test1, 0, TEST1ARRAYSIZE-1, "akey"); assert_int_equal(result, 0); result = binarySearch(test1, 0, TEST1ARRAYSIZE-1, "zkey"); assert_int_equal(result, -1); } static void GetDefaults(void **state) { double value = 0.0; long intValue = 0; (void)state; wPrefGetIntegerExt("DialogItem", "cmdopt-preselect", &intValue, 2); assert_int_equal(intValue, 1); wPrefGetIntegerExt("DialogItem", "cmdopt-preselect", &intValue, 2); assert_int_equal(intValue, 2); } int main(void) { const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = { cmocka_unit_test(BinarySearch), cmocka_unit_test(GetDefaults) }; return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL); }