/* * $Header: /home/dmarkle/xtrkcad-fork-cvs/xtrkcad/app/bin/utility.c,v 1.2 2009-05-25 18:11:03 m_fischer Exp $ */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #ifndef WINDOWS #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <math.h> #include "common.h" #include "utility.h" /***************************************************************************** * * VARIABLES * */ double radiusGranularity = 1.0/8.0; DEBUGF_T debugIntersection = 0; #define CLOSE (1.0) /***************************************************************************** * * UTLITY FUNCTIONS * */ #ifndef min double max( double a, double b ) { if (a>b) return a; return b; } double min( double a, double b ) { if (a<b) return a; return b; } #endif double FindDistance( coOrd p0, coOrd p1 ) { double dx = p1.x-p0.x, dy = p1.y-p0.y; return sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ); } double NormalizeAngle( double a ) { while (a<0.0) a += 360.0; while (a>=360.0) a -= 360.0; if ( a > 360.0-EPSILON ) a = 0.0; return a; } double DifferenceBetweenAngles(double a, double b) { double difference = b - a; while (difference < -180) difference += 360; while (difference > 180) difference -= 360; return difference; } int AngleInRange(double a, double start, double size) { if (DifferenceBetweenAngles(start+size,a)<=0.0) { if (DifferenceBetweenAngles(start,a)>=0.0) return 0; else return 1; } return -1; } int IsAligned( double a1, double a2 ) { a1 = NormalizeAngle( a1 - a2 + 90.0 ); return ( a1 < 180 ); } double D2R( double D ) { D = NormalizeAngle(D); if (D >= 180.0) D = D - 360.0; return D * (M_PI*2) / 360.0; } double R2D( double R ) { return NormalizeAngle( R * 360.0 / (M_PI*2) ); } void Rotate( coOrd *p, coOrd orig, double angle ) { double x=p->x,y=p->y; x -= orig.x; y -= orig.y; p->x = (POS_T)(x * cos(D2R(angle)) + y * sin(D2R(angle))); p->y = (POS_T)(y * cos(D2R(angle)) - x * sin(D2R(angle))); p->x += orig.x; p->y += orig.y; } /** * Translate coordinates. * * \param res OUT new (translated) position * \param orig IN old position * \param a IN angle * \param d IN distance */ void Translate( coOrd *res, coOrd orig, double a, double d ) { res->x = orig.x + (POS_T)(d * sin( D2R(a)) ); res->y = orig.y + (POS_T)(d * cos( D2R(a)) ); } double FindAngle( coOrd p0, coOrd p1 ) { double dx = p1.x-p0.x, dy = p1.y-p0.y; if (small(dx)) { if (dy >=0) return 0.0; else return 180.0; } if (small(dy)) { if (dx >=0) return 90.0; else return 270.0; } return R2D(atan2( dx,dy )); } BOOL_T PointOnCircle( coOrd * resP, coOrd center, double radius, double angle ) { double r; r = sin(D2R(angle)); r = radius * r; resP->x = center.x + (POS_T)(radius * sin(D2R(angle))); resP->y = center.y + (POS_T)(radius * cos(D2R(angle))); return 1; } double ConstrainR( double r ) { double ret; ret = r / radiusGranularity; ret = floor( ret + 0.5 ); ret = ret * radiusGranularity; return ret; } void FindPos( coOrd * res, double * beyond, coOrd pos, coOrd orig, double angle, double length ) { double a0, a1; double d; #ifdef __linux static volatile double x; #else double x; #endif a0 = FindAngle( orig, pos ); a1 = NormalizeAngle( a0 - angle ); d = FindDistance( orig, pos ); x = d * cos( D2R( a1 ) ); if ( x < 0.0 ) { res->x = (POS_T)0.0; } else if (x > length) { res->x = (POS_T)length; } else { res->x = (POS_T)x; } if (beyond) *beyond = x - res->x; res->y = (POS_T)(d * sin( D2R( a1 )) ); } /* Find intersection: Given 2 lines each described by a point and angle (P0,A0) (P1,A1) there exists a common point PC. d0x = sin(A0) d0y = cos(A0) d1x = sin(A1) d1y = cos(A1) Pc.x = P0.x + N0 * d0x Pc.y = P0.y + N0 * d0y Pc.x = P1.x + N1 * d1x Pc.y = P1.y + N1 * d1y Combining: (1) Pc.x = P0.x + N0 * d0x = P1.x + N1 * d1y (2) Pc.y = P0.y + N0 * d0y = P1.y + N1 * d1y Solve Pc.y for N0: P0.y + N0 * d0y = P1.y + N1 * d1y N0 * d0y = P1.y + N1 * d1y - P0.y N0 = (P1.y + N1 * d1y - P0.y) / d0y (3) N0 = (P1.y - P0.y + N1 * d1y) / d0y Solve Pc.x for N1: P0.x + N0 * d0x = P1.x + N1 * d1x P0.x + N0 * d0x - P1.x = N1 * d1x (P0.x + N0 * d0x - P1.x) / d1x = N1 (4) (P0.x - P1.x + N0 * d0x) / d1x = N1 Substitute (3) into (4): (P0.x - P1.x + [(P1.y - P0.y + N1 * d1y) / d0y ] * d0x) N1 = ----------------------------------------------------------- d1x Regroup: (P0.x - P1.x + [(P1.y - P0.y)/d0y] * d0x [ N1 * d1y / d0y ] * d0x N1 = -------------------------------------------- + ------------------------ d1x d1x (P0.x - P1.x + [(P1.y - P0.y)/d0y] * d0x N1 * (d1y * d0x / d0y) N1 = -------------------------------------------- + ------------------------ d1x d1x (P0.x - P1.x + [(P1.y - P0.y)/d0y] * d0x (d1y * d0x / d0y) N1 = -------------------------------------------- + N1 * -------------------- d1x d1x (d1y * d0x / d0y) (P0.x - P1.x + [(P1.y - P0.y)/d0y] * d0x N1 * ( 1 - ----------------- ) = -------------------------------------------- d1x d1x (P0.x - P1.x + [(P1.y - P0.y)/d0y] * d0x -------------------------------------------- d1x N1 = ============================================ d1y * d0x / d0y 1 - --------------- d1x (P0.x - P1.x + [(P1.y - P0.y)/d0y] * d0x -------------------------------------------- d1x N1 = ============================================ d1x - d1y * d0x / d0y --------------------- d1x d1x cancel (P0.x - P1.x + [(P1.y - P0.y)/d0y] * d0x N1 = ============================================ d1x - d1y * d0x / d0y (P0.x - P1.x + [(P1.y - P0.y)/d0y] * d0x N1 = ============================================ d1x*d0y - d1y*d0x ------------------- d0y Bring up d0y: { ((P0.x - P1.x + [(P1.y - P0.y)/d0y] * d0x } * d0y N1 = ======================================================= d1x*d0y - d1y*d0x Distribute and cancel: (P0.x - P1.x) * d0y + (P1.y - P0.y) * d0x N1 = ============================================= d1x*d0y - d1y*d0x if (d1x*d0y - d1y*d0x) = 0 then lines are parallel */ BOOL_T FindIntersection( coOrd *Pc, coOrd P0, double A0, coOrd P1, double A1 ) { double dx0, dy0, dx1, dy1, N1; double d; #ifndef WINDOWS if (debugIntersection >= 3) printf("FindIntersection( [%0.3f %0.3f] A%0.3f [%0.3f %0.3f] A%0.3f\n", P0.x, P0.y, A0, P1.x, P1.y, A1 ); #endif dx0 = sin( D2R( A0 ) ); dy0 = cos( D2R( A0 ) ); dx1 = sin( D2R( A1 ) ); dy1 = cos( D2R( A1 ) ); d = dx1 * dy0 - dx0 * dy1; if (d < EPSILON && d > -EPSILON) { #ifndef WINDOWS if (debugIntersection >=3 ) printf("dx1 * dy0 - dx0 * dy1 = %0.3f\n", d ); #endif return FALSE; } /* * (P0.x - P1.x) * d0y + (P1.y - P0.y) * d0x * N1 = ============================================= * d1x*d0y - d1y*d0x */ N1 = dy0 * (P0.x - P1.x) + dx0 * (P1.y - P0.y ); N1 = N1 / d; Pc->x = P1.x + (POS_T)(N1*dx1); Pc->y = P1.y + (POS_T)(N1*dy1); #ifndef WINDOWS if (debugIntersection >=3 ) printf( " [%0.3f,%0.3f]\n", Pc->x, Pc->y ); #endif return TRUE; } EPINX_T PickArcEndPt( coOrd pc, coOrd p0, coOrd p1 ) { double a; a = NormalizeAngle( FindAngle( pc, p1 ) - FindAngle( pc, p0 ) ); if (a > 180.0) return 0; else return 1; } EPINX_T PickLineEndPt( coOrd p0, double a0, coOrd p1 ) { double a; a = NormalizeAngle( FindAngle( p0, p1 ) - a0 ); if (a < 90.0 || a > 270 ) return 0; else return 1; } double LineDistance( coOrd *p, coOrd p0, coOrd p1 ) { double d, a; coOrd pp, zero; zero.x = zero.y = (POS_T)0.0; d = FindDistance( p0, p1 ); a = FindAngle( p0, p1 ); pp.x = p->x-p0.x; pp.y = p->y-p0.y; Rotate( &pp, zero, -a ); if (pp.y < 0.0-EPSILON) { d = FindDistance( p0, *p ); *p = p0; return d; } else if (pp.y > d+EPSILON ) { d = FindDistance( p1, *p ); *p = p1; return d; } else { p->x = p0.x + (POS_T)(pp.y*sin(D2R(a))); p->y = p0.y + (POS_T)(pp.y*cos(D2R(a))); return pp.x>=0? pp.x : -pp.x; } } double CircleDistance( coOrd *p, coOrd c, double r, double a0, double a1 ) { double d; double a,aa; coOrd pEnd; d = FindDistance( c, *p ); a = FindAngle( c, *p ); aa = NormalizeAngle( a - a0 ); if (a1 >= 360.0 || aa <= a1) { d = fabs(d-r); PointOnCircle( p, c, r, a ); } else { if ( aa < a1+(360.0-a1)/2.0 ) { PointOnCircle( &pEnd, c, r, a0+a1 ); } else { PointOnCircle( &pEnd, c, r, a0 ); } d = FindDistance( *p, pEnd ); *p = pEnd; } return d; } coOrd AddCoOrd( coOrd p0, coOrd p1, double a ) { coOrd res, zero; zero.x = zero.y = (POS_T)0.0; Rotate(&p1, zero, a ); res.x = p0.x + p1.x; res.y = p0.y + p1.y; return res; } BOOL_T InRect( coOrd pos, coOrd rect ) { if (pos.x >= 0.0 && pos.x <= rect.x && pos.y >= 0.0 && pos.y <= rect.y) return 1; else return 0; } static BOOL_T IntersectLine( POS_T *fx0, POS_T *fy0, POS_T x1, POS_T y1, POS_T x, POS_T y ) { POS_T x0=*fx0, y0=*fy0, dx, dy; BOOL_T rc; #ifdef TEST printf(" IntersectLine( P0=[%0.2f %0.2f] P1=[%0.2f %0.2f] X=%0.2f Y=%0.2f\n", x0, y0, x1, y1, x, y ); #endif dx = x1-x0; dy = y1-y0; if (dy==0.0) { if (y0 == y) rc = TRUE; else rc = FALSE; } else { x0 += (y-y0) * dx/dy; if (x0 < -EPSILON || x0 > x) { rc = FALSE; } else { *fx0 = x0; *fy0 = y; rc = TRUE; } } #ifdef TEST if (rc) printf(" = TRUE [%0.2f %0.2f]\n", *fx0, *fy0 ); else printf(" = FALSE\n"); #endif return rc; } /* * intersectBox - find point on box boundary ([0,0],[size]) where * line from p0 (interior) to p1 (exterior) intersects */ static void IntersectBox( coOrd *p1, coOrd p0, coOrd size, int x1, int y1 ) { #ifdef TEST printf(" IntersectBox( P1=[%0.2f %0.2f] P0=[%0.2f %0.2f] S=[%0.2f %0.2f] X1=%d Y1=%d\n", p1->x, p1->y, p0.x, p0.y, size.x, size.y, x1, y1 ); #endif if ( y1!=0 && IntersectLine( &p1->x, &p1->y, p0.x, p0.y, size.x, (y1==-1?(POS_T)0.0:size.y) )) return; else if ( x1!=0 && IntersectLine( &p1->y, &p1->x, p0.y, p0.x, size.y, (x1==-1?(POS_T)0.0:size.x) )) return; #ifndef WINDOWS else fprintf(stderr, "intersectBox bogus\n" ); #endif } BOOL_T ClipLine( coOrd *fp0, coOrd *fp1, coOrd orig, double angle, coOrd size ) { coOrd p0 = *fp0, p1 = * fp1; int x0, y0, x1, y1; #ifdef TEST printf("ClipLine( P0=[%0.2f %0.2f] P1=[%0.2f %0.2f] O=[%0.2f %0.2f] A=%0.2f S=[%0.2f %0.2f]\n", p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y, orig.x, orig.y, angle, size.x, size.y ); #endif Rotate( &p0, orig, -angle ); Rotate( &p1, orig, -angle ); p0.x -= orig.x; p0.y -= orig.y; p1.x -= orig.x; p1.y -= orig.y; /* categorize point as to sector: -1,1 | 0,1 | 1,1 ------------+-------------S---------- -1,0 | 0,0 | 1,0 ------------O-------------+---------- -1,-1 | 0,-1 + 1,-1 */ if ( p0.x < 0.0-EPSILON ) x0 = -1; else if ( p0.x > size.x+EPSILON ) x0 = 1; else x0 = 0; if ( p0.y < 0.0-EPSILON ) y0 = -1; else if ( p0.y > size.y+EPSILON ) y0 = 1; else y0 = 0; if ( p1.x < 0.0-EPSILON ) x1 = -1; else if ( p1.x > size.x+EPSILON ) x1 = 1; else x1 = 0; if ( p1.y < 0.0-EPSILON ) y1 = -1; else if ( p1.y > size.y+EPSILON ) y1 = 1; else y1 = 0; #ifdef TEST printf(" X0=%d Y0=%d X1=%d Y1=%d\n", x0, y0, x1, y1 ); #endif /* simple cases: one or both points within box */ if ( x0==0 && y0==0 ) { if ( x1==0 && y1==0 ) { /* both within box */ return 1; } /* p0 within, p1 without */ IntersectBox( &p1, p0, size, x1, y1 ); p1.x += orig.x; p1.y += orig.y; Rotate( &p1, orig, angle ); *fp1 = p1; return 1; } if ( x1==0 && y1==0 ) { /* p1 within, p0 without */ IntersectBox( &p0, p1, size, x0, y0 ); p0.x += orig.x; p0.y += orig.y; Rotate( &p0, orig, angle ); *fp0 = p0; return 1; } /* both points without box and cannot intersect */ if ( (x0==x1 && y0==y1) || /* within same sector (but not the middle one) */ (x0!=0 && x0==x1) || /* both right or left */ (y0!=0 && y0==y1) ) /* both above or below */ return 0; #ifdef TEST printf(" complex intersection\n"); #endif /* possible intersection */ if ( y0!=0 && IntersectLine( &p0.x, &p0.y, p1.x, p1.y, size.x, (y0==-1?(POS_T)0.0:size.y) )) IntersectBox( &p1, p0, size, x1, y1 ); else if ( y1!=0 && IntersectLine( &p1.x, &p1.y, p0.x, p0.y, size.x, (y1==-1?(POS_T)0.0:size.y) )) IntersectBox( &p0, p1, size, x0, y0 ); else if ( x0!=0 && IntersectLine( &p0.y, &p0.x, p1.y, p1.x, size.y, (x0==-1?(POS_T)0.0:size.x) )) IntersectBox( &p1, p0, size, x1, y1 ); else if ( x1!=0 && IntersectLine( &p1.y, &p1.x, p0.y, p0.x, size.y, (x1==-1?(POS_T)0.0:size.x) )) IntersectBox( &p0, p1, size, x0, y0 ); else { return 0; } p0.x += orig.x; p0.y += orig.y; p1.x += orig.x; p1.y += orig.y; Rotate( &p0, orig, angle ); Rotate( &p1, orig, angle ); *fp0 = p0; *fp1 = p1; return 1; } #ifdef LATER BOOL_T ClipArc( double a0, double a1, coOrd pos, double radius, coOrd orig, double angle, double size ) { i = -1; state = unknown; if (pos.y + radius < 0.0 || pos.y - radius > size.y || pos.x + radius < 0.0 || pos.x - radius > size.x ) return 0; if (pos.y + radius <= size.y || pos.y - radius >= 0.0 || pos.x + radius <= size.x || pos.x - radius >= 0.0 ) return 1; if (pos.y + radius > size.y) { a = R2D(acos( (size.y-pos.y) / radius ) )); if (pos.x + radius*cos(R2D(a)) > size.x) { state = outside; } else { state = inside; i++; aa[i].a0 = a; } } else { state = inside; i++; aa[i].a0 = 0; } } #endif #ifdef TEST void Test( double p0x, double p0y, double p1x, double p1y, double origx, double origy, double angle, double sizex, double sizey ) { coOrd p0, p1, orig, size, p0a, p1a; BOOL_T rc; p0.x = p0x; p0.y = p0y; p1.x = p1x; p1.y = p1y; orig.x = origx; orig.y = origy; size.x = sizex; size.y = sizey; p0a = p0; p1a = p1; rc = ClipLine( &p0, &p1, orig, angle, size ); printf("clipLine=%d P0=[%0.3f %0.3f] P1=[%0.3f %0.3f]\n", rc, p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y ); } INT_T Main( INT_T argc, char *argv[] ) { double a[9]; int i; if (argc != 10) { printf("usage: a x0 y0 x1 y1 xo yo a xs ys\n"); Exit(1); } argv++; for (i=0;i<9;i++) a[i] = atof( *argv++ ); Test( a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], a[7], a[8] ); } #endif