\# Notes: \# \# The "\u000" command is used to format the output. The command causes a blank line to appear between "bulleted" or "described" items. \# \cfg{html-local-head}{<meta name="AppleTitle" content="Draw Menu" />} \H{cmdDraw} \i{Draw Menu} \e{Draw} commands are used to draw lines, arcs and other shapes. These can be used to represent water edges, bridges and other scenic features. \G{png.d/bdraw.png} There are 4 command buttons on the tool-bar used to draw Straight Objects, Curved Lines, Circles and other Shapes. Each command button is followed by a button that changes the action (and Icon) on the command button. \G{png.d/mdraw.png} Functions for drawing basic shapes and objects like lines and curves can be accessed from this menu. \dd \f{Circle Lines} - draw empty or filled circles. (\K{cmdDrawCircles}) \u000 \dd \f{Curved Lines} - are created in the same manner as curved tracks. (\K{cmdDrawCurves}) \u000 \dd \f{Note} - attach a note icon to a specific location on the layout. (\K{cmdNote}) \u000 \dd \f{Ruler} - create ruler and set visibility (\K{cmdRuler}) \u000 \dd \f{Shapes} - draw boxes, polygons and poly-lines. (\K{cmdDrawShapes}) \u000 \dd \f{Straight Objects} - draw straight objects. (\K{cmdDrawStraight}) \u000 \dd \f{Text} - allows entry of text directly onto the layout. (\K{cmdText}) Some commands display controls on the Status Line (\K{mainW}) to change line width, color or other attributes of the object. \rule \S{cmdDrawCircles} Circles and Filled Circles \G{png.d/mdrawcircles.png} \f{Circles} and \f{Filled Circles} are created by selecting either the center position or a point on the edge of the circle and dragging to specify the radius. \dd \K{cmdDrawCircleTangent}. Draw a Circle from the Edge. \u000 \dd \K{cmdDrawCircleCenter}. Draw a Circle from the Center. \u000 \dd \K{cmdDrawFilledCircleTangent}. Draw a Filled Circle from the Edge. \u000 \dd \K{cmdDrawFilledCircleCenter}. Draw a Filled Circle from the Center. \rule \S2{cmdDrawCircleTangent} Draw Circle from Tangent \G{png.d/dcircle2.png} \c{Left-Drag} a point on the edge of the circle to specify the radius. \rule \S2{cmdDrawCircleCenter} Draw Circle from Center \G{png.d/dcircle3.png} \c{Left-Drag} from the center of the circle to the edge. \rule \S2{cmdDrawFilledCircleTangent} Draw Filled Circle from Tangent \G{png.d/dflcrcl2.png} \c{Left-Drag} from the center of the circle to the edge. \rule \S2{cmdDrawFilledCircleCenter} Draw Filled Circle from Center \G{png.d/dflcrcl3.png} \c{Left-Drag} a point on the edge of the circle to specify the radius. \rule \S{cmdDrawCurves} Curved Lines \G{png.d/mdrawcurve.png} \f{Curved Lines} are created in the same manner as curved tracks. \dd (\K{cmdDrawCurveEndPt}). Drag out the end point and then curve it. \u000 \dd (\K{cmdDrawCurveCenter}). Select the center and then an endpoint and drag out the curve. \u000 \dd (\K{cmdDrawCurveTangent}). Select the end and drag out the center. \u000 \dd (\K{cmdDrawCurveChord}). Drag from one end of the curve to the other to form the chord of the curve. \u000 \dd (\K{cmdDrawBezierCurve} \G{png.d/dbezier.png} \e{Left-Drag} out control point from one end of the curve and then \e{Left-Drag} out the second control point from the other end. If \f{MagneticSnap} is enabled, the curve ends will snap to the nearest part of nearby Draw objects unless \e{Alt} is held. If it is disabled, snapping will only occure if \e{Alt} is held. The precise values of Radius and Arc Length can be set using the text boxes on the bottom rail once the mouse button is released. To adjust the curve, \e{Left-Click} and \e{Left-Drag} an end or a the radius. Hit \e{Enter} or \e{Space} to accept, \e{Esc} to reject. \rule \S2{cmdDrawCurveEndPt} Draw Curve from End Point \G{png.d/dcurve1.png} \c{Left-drag} from the start of the curve and drag in the direction of the curve. Then \c{left-drag} to form the curve. If the cursor is over a Draw object and \f{MagneticSnap} is on, the first position will snap to the nearest part of that object. If \e{Alt} is held the snap will be suppressed. If \f{MagneticSnap} is disabled, the snap will happen if \e{Alt} is held. The second end will act similarly. \rule \S2{cmdDrawCurveTangent} Draw Curve from Tangent \G{png.d/dcurve2.png} Select one end of the curve and \c{left-drag} to the center. Then \c{left-drag} the curve around the center. The first and second ends will act like \K{cmdDrawCurveEndPt} with \f{MagneticSnap} unless \e{Alt} is held. To complete the command, drag on the red arrows to adjust the curve from the initial end. \rule \S2{cmdDrawCurveCenter} Draw Curve from Center \G{png.d/dcurve3.png} Select the center of the curve and \c{left-drag} to one end. \rule \S2{cmdDrawCurveChord} Draw Curve from Chord \G{png.d/dcurve4.png} \c{Left-drag} from one end of the curve to the other to form the chord of the curve. The first and second ends will act like \K{cmdDrawCurveEndPt} with \f{MagneticSnap} unless \e{Alt} is held. If the mouse is over a draw object the second position will snap to the nearst part of that object. If \e{Shift} is held the snap will be suppressed. To complete the command, drag on the red arrows to adjust the curve. \rule \S2{cmdDrawBezierCurve} Draw Bezier Curve \G{png.d/dbezier.png} \e{Left-Drag} out control point from one end of the curve and then \e{Left-Drag} out the second control point from the other end. Repeat for the other end and control point. The first and second ends will act like \K{cmdDrawCurveEndPt} with \f{MagneticSnap} unless \e{Alt} is held. \rule \S{cmdNote} Note Variants \G{png.d/mnote.png} The \f{Note} command allows you to \dd Attach \f{plain text notes} (\K{cmdTextNote}), \u000 \dd Attach \f{weblinks} (\K{cmdLinkNote}) or \u000 \dd Attach \f{document references} (\K{cmdFileNote}) to selected places on the layout. \rule \S2{cmdTextNote} Plain Text \G{png.d/bnote.png} \G{png.d/iconnote.png} Click and drag on the Main Canvas (\K{mainW}) to place the note. When you release, the \e{Note Editor} dialog is displayed. You can enter the note in the text area. \G{png.d/notetext.png} When in \f{Properties} (\K{cmdDescribe}) mode, clicking on a \e{Note} will display the \e{Property Sheet} to let you read or modify the note. \rule \S2{cmdLinkNote} Weblink \G{png.d/blink.png} \G{png.d/iconlink.png} Similar to text notes you can place a weblink on the layout. After releasing the mouse button, the \e{Link Editor} dialog is displayed. \G{png.d/notelink.png} You can enter the URL of the website and a short description. When clicking on the Open button, your default browser is used to display the website. When in \f{Properties} (\K{cmdDescribe}) mode, clicking on a \e{Weblink Note} will display the \e{Property Sheet} to let you read or modify the URL or the description. Double clicking on a weblink icon opens the website in your default browser. \rule \S2{cmdFileNote} Document \G{png.d/bfile.png} \G{png.d/iconfile.png} Similar to text notes you can place a reference to a file on the layout. After releasing the mouse button, the \e{Document Editor} dialog is displayed. \G{png.d/notefile.png} You can select the file and a enter a short description. When clicking on the Open button the file is opened with the default program for that file type. When in \f{Properties} (\K{cmdDescribe}) mode, clicking on a \e{Document Note} will display the \e{Property Sheet} to let you read or modify the filename or the description. Double clicking on a document reference icon opens the document in the default program. \rule \S{cmdRuler} Ruler \G{png.d/bruler.png} The \f{Ruler} command displays a ruler on the layout. Click where you want the ruler to begin and drag the cursor to measure distances from the origin. The measured length is displayed in the \f{Status-bar} (\K{mainW}). You can use the \f{Modify} (\K{cmdModify}) command to change the length of the \f{Ruler}. Subsequent clicks on the \f{Ruler} button will hide or display the ruler. \rule \S{cmdDrawShapes} Shapes \G{png.d/mdrawshapes.png} Shapes are drawn by: \dd (\K{cmdDrawBox}). Boxes \u000 \dd (\K{cmdDrawFilledBox}. Filled Boxes \u000 \dd (\K{cmdDrawPolygon}. Polygons \u000 \dd (\K{cmdDrawFilledPolygon}. Filled Polygons \u000 \dd (\K{cmdDrawPolyline}. PolyLines \u000 If \e{Sticky} is set for draw line and curve objects, after the object is created, precise dimensions can be entered to alter the new object, before it is completed either with a \c{Space} or \c{Return} or by selecting a new operation. The \f{Polygon} and \f{PolyLine} shapes are finished by pressing the \c{Space} or \c{Return} key or by selecting another operation. Before they are finished, precise dimensions can be entered for the last side drawn. All Polylines and Polygons must have more than 2 corners to be created successfully. Note that \K{cmdModify} can be used on a Polygon or a Polyline after it has been finished to alter individual points and to make them curved or rounded points. \rule \S2{cmdDrawBox} Draw Box \G{png.d/dbox.png} \f{Boxes} are created by selecting one corner and dragging the opposite corner. \u000 \rule \S2{cmdDrawFilledBox} Draw Filled Box \G{png.d/dfilbox.png} \f{Filled Boxes} are created by selecting one corner and dragging the opposite corner. \u000 \rule \S2{cmdDrawPolygon} Draw Polygon \G{png.d/dpoly.png} \f{Polygons} are created by either a series for \c{Left-Click}s or \c{Left+Drag}s, and a new "node" is placed for each. When using \c{Left-drag}, the node will be positioned when you release the button. \dd If \f{MagneticSnap} is enabled, An anchor point will be shown on nearby draw objects that the next point will be snapped to unless \c{Alt} is held. \dd If it is disabled, the snap will only occur if \e{Alt} is held. \dd If \c{Ctrl} is held down when a new point is placed, it will snap the relative angle of the new side to a multiple of 90 degrees from the previous side. On the first polygon side this will be at a multiple of 90 degrees to the axes. The line from the previous point will be highlighted in Blue. \dd A special blue square anchor will show when the cursor is in a position such that it is 90 degrees away from both the last point and the first point of the Polygon. \dd The last polygon segment dimensions can be altered using the text boxes that appear showing the segment length and the relative angle to the previous segment. \dd A polygon is closed if the next node is place over the start of the polygon \dd The polygon is ended using \c{Enter} or \c{Space}. The polygon will be auto-closed. \rule \S2{cmdDrawFilledPolygon} Drae Filled Polygon \G{png.d/dfilbox.png} \f{Filled Polygons} are created by either a series for \c{Left-Click}s or \c{Left+Drag}s, and a new "node" is placed for each. When using \c{Left-drag}, the node will be positioned when you release the button. \dd The fill color can be adjusted using the color control at the bottom of the window \dd If \f{MagneticSnap} is enabled, An anchor point will be shown on nearby draw objects that the next point will be snapped to unless \c{Alt} is held. \dd If it is disabled, the snap will only occur if \e{Alt} is held. \dd If \c{Ctrl} is held down when a new point is placed, it will snap the relative angle of the new side to a multiple of 90 degrees from the previous side. On the first polygon side this will be at a multiple of 90 degrees to the axes. The line from the previous point will be highlighted in Blue. \dd A special blue square anchor will show when the cursor is in a position such that it is 90 degrees away from both the last point and the first point of the Polygon. \dd The last polygon segment dimensions can be altered using the text boxes that appear showing the segment length and the relative angle to the previous segment. \dd The polygon is closed if the next node is place over the start of the polygon \dd The Filled Polygon is ended using \c{Enter} or \c{Space}. The polygon will be auto-closed. \rule \S2{cmdDrawPolyline} Draw PolyLine \G{png.d/dpolyline} \f{PolyLines} are created by either a series for \c{Left-Click}s or \c{Left+Drag}s, and a new "node" is placed for each. When using \c{left-drag}, the node will be positioned when you release the button. \dd If \f{MagneticSnap} is enabled, An anchor point will be shown on nearby draw objects that the next point will be snapped to unless \c{Alt} is held. \dd If it is disabled, the snap will only occur if \e{Alt} is held. \dd If \c{Ctrl} is held down when a new point is placed, it will snap the relative angle of the new side to a multiple of 90 degrees from the previous side. On the first polyline segemnt this will be at a multiple of 90 degrees to the axes. The line from the previous point will be highlighted in Blue. \dd A special blue square anchor will show when the cursor is in a position such that it is 90 degrees away from both the last point and the first point of the Polyline. \dd The last drawn polyline segment dimensions can be altered using the text boxes that appear showing the segment length and the relative angle to the previous segment. \dd The polyline is ended using \c{Enter} or \c{Space}. \dd While drawing the Polyline certain short cuts are available by keystroke and via the Context Menu: \dd \c{'p'} - to cover to a Polygon \dd \c{'s'} - to smooth the last selected point \dd \c{'r'} - to make the last selected point round \dd \c{'v'} - to make the last selected point sharp (a vertex) \dd \c{'o'} - to change to \K{DrawOrigin} mode \rule \S{cmdDrawStraights} Straight Objects \G{png.d/mdrawstraight.png} Straight Objects are created by a \e{Left+Drag} (\K{windowTerms}) on the layout. \dd (\K{cmdDrawLine}). Creates a Straight Line \u000 \dd (\K{cmdDrawDimLine}). Creates a \f{Dimension Line} of various sizes. \u000 \dd (\K{cmdDrawBench}). Creates \i\f{Bench-work} using different types and orientation of lumber. \u000 \dd (\K{cmdDrawTableEdge}). Creates a \f{Table Edge} \S2{cmdDrawLine} Draw Straight Line \G{png.d/dline.png} Creates a \f{Straight Line} of specified color and width. If \c{Ctrl} is held down during \c{Left+Drag} the line will snap the relative angle of the new side to a multiple of 90 degrees. If \e{Sticky} is set for draw line and curve objects, after the object is created, precise dimensions can be entered to alter the new object, before it is completed either with a \c{Space} or \c{Return} or \c{Tab} or by selecting a new operation. With \f{MagneticSnap} enabled, the new line start position will snap to the nearest draw object, as shown by the anchor unless \c{Shift} is held down. If it is diabled, it will onlt snap if \e{Shift} is held. \rule \S2{cmdDrawDimLine} Draw Dimension Line \G{png.d/ddimlin.png} Creates a \f{Dimension Line} of various sizes. With \f{MagneticSnap} enabled, the new line start position will snap to the nearest draw object, as shown by the anchor unless \c{Shift} is held down. If it is disabled, it will onlt snap if \e{Shift} is held. If \c{Ctrl} is held down during \c{Left+Drag} the line will snap the relative angle of the new side to a multiple of 90 degrees. If \e{Sticky} is set for draw line and curve objects, after the object is created, precise dimensions can be entered to alter the new object, before it is completed either with a \c{Space} or \c{Return} or \c{Tab} or by selecting a new operation. \S2{cmdDrawBench} Draw Benchwork. \G{png.d/dbench.png} Creates \i\f{Bench-work} using different types and orientation of lumber. \i{Bench-work Notes} \dd Lumber is drawn using the Dressed size which is 0.25" smaller than the indicated size: a 1" x 2" actually measures 0.75" x 1.75". The drawn height of \e{Girders} is 0.5" smaller. \u000 \dd \e{Girders} can be drawn in a variety of orientations: normal, inverted or rotated. \e{L-Girders} can be drawn with the flange to the Left or Right. \u000 \dd When using metric units (\K{cmdPref}), a 1" x 2" is labeled 50mm x 25mm With \f{MagneticSnap} enabled, the new line start position will snap to the nearest draw object, as shown by the anchor unless \c{Shift} is held down. If it is diabled, it will onlt snap if \e{Shift} is held. If \c{Ctrl} is held down during \c{Left+Drag} the line will snap the relative angle of the new side to a multiple of 90 degrees. If \e{Sticky} is set for draw line and curve objects, after the object is created, precise dimensions can be entered to alter the new object, before it is completed either with a \c{Space} or \c{Return} or \c{Tab} or by selecting a new operation. \S2{cmdDrawTableEdge} Draw Table Edge \G{png.d/dtbledge.png} Creates a \f{Table Edge} With \f{MagneticSnap} enabled, the new line start position will snap to the nearest draw object, as shown by the anchor unless \c{Shift} is held down. If it is diabled, it will onlt snap if \e{Shift} is held. If \c{Ctrl} is held down during \c{Left+Drag} the line will snap the relative angle of the new side to a multiple of 90 degrees. If \e{Sticky} is set for draw line and curve objects, after the object is created, precise dimensions can be entered to alter the new object, before it is completed either with a \c{Space} or \c{Return} or \c{Tab} or by selecting a new operation. \rule \S{DrawOrigin} Draw Objects Origin Some objects have a natural rotation point within them. By setting the origin to this point, subsequent rotation will be about that point and not the layout origin. This is referred to as a \e{Relative} origin. When one of these is moved or rotated, the origin and angle are adjusted but the relative draw point values remain the same. You can choose to set the origin to make it Relative or put it back to Absolute during \K{cmdDrawShapes} or \K{cmdModify} or by using the \K{cmdDescribe} settings. As a practical matter, the object will appear identical until a subsequent rotation value is entered in the \K{cmdDescribe} window in both cases. In Origin Mode (entered using \c{'o'} or the Context Menu, there are certain shortcuts available - \dd \c{'p'} Go to Points Mode \dd \c{'0'} Move to Absolute (Origin to 0,0) \dd \c{'1-4'} Move the Relative Origin to the shape point 1 to 4 \dd \c{'l'} Move the Relative Origin to the last selected point \dd \c{'m'} Move the Relative Origin to the middle of the shape (centeroid). \S{cmdText} Text \G{png.d/btext.png} The \f{Text} command lets you enter text on the layout at the selected position. You can use the Tab key to format the text to fixed tab positions and CTRL+Enter to enter a newLine character. \G{png.d/statustext.png} The font size can be changed by the Font Size drop list on the \f{Status-bar} (\K{mainW}). The font size is scaled along with everything else on the layout so text is always the same relative size as other layout objects. The font can be selected by the \f{Font Selection} (\K{fontSelW}) dialog invoked by the \f{Options>Fonts} menu item or by \c{Shift+Right-Click} (\K{cmdAcclKeys}). The position where text is to be placed on the layout must be selected prior to text entry. The position is select by \c{Left-Click}ing on the layout at the point where the text is to appear. Desired text is entered after the position is selected. If necessary, the location can be changed once text entry begins by \c{Left-Click+Drag}ing the text to any desired postion on the layout. The \f{Properties} (\K{cmdDescribe}) command can be used to modify the contents of existing \f{Text} objects and to draw boxes around them. Note: loading fonts (or changing sizes) can take a noticeable amount of time. \rule