\# Notes:
\# The "\u000" command is used to format the output. The command causes a blank line to appear between "bulleted" or "described" items.
\# The "\u00B0" command gives proper format to the degree sign.
\cfg{html-local-head}{<meta name="AppleTitle" content="Navigation" />}

\C{navigation} Navigation

The Main Window includes a title bar along the top that describes the contents of the window, followed by a tool bar that contains user interface buttons. Most of the window's remaining area is used to display the layout. A footer border contains information including system messages. 

Most windows can be opened, closed, resized, minimized, and moved around the screen. The close, minimize, and zoom buttons are located on the right side of the title bar. Minimizing a window will close the contents of the window, but store a reference to it in the Task bar. Closing a window will make it disappear completely (so you may be asked to save your changes first). To move a window, click on the title bar and drag the window where you want it. 

\H{mainW} \i{Main Window Overview}

\dt Main Window Overview


\dd \G{png.d/maintagged.png}


\dd The size of the main window can be changed by dragging on the resizing borders.


\dd Minimizing the \e{Main Window} will minimize all \e{XTrackCAD} windows.


\dt The \f{Main Window} contains (from the top down):


\dt \e{Title bar}

\dd \G{png.d/title.png}


\dd Current filename, \e{XTrackCAD} version number, and window manager buttons. An asterisk (*) after the filename indicates that there are unsaved changes.


\dt \e{Menu Bar}

\dd \G{png.d/menu.png}


\dd Contains from left to right;


\b File (\K{fileM})

\b Edit (\K{editM})

\b View (\K{viewM})

\b Add (\K{addM})

\b Change (\K{changeM})

\b Draw (\K{cmdDraw})

\b Manage (\K{manageM})

\b Options (\K{optionM})

\b Macro (\K{macroM})

\b Window (\K{windowM}) and;

\b Help (\K{helpM}) menu buttons.



\dt \e{Tool Bar}

\dd \G{png.d/toolbar.png}


\dd Manipulate track and other objects
The toolbar buttons size can be adjusted using a User Preference in the .ini or .rc file 
(on Windows or Mac/Linux) in the xtrkcad directory.  
If running Linux or Mac
a line \c{"Preference.LargeIcons: 1.5"} can be added. The scale value can be from 1.0 to 2.0 only.
The corresponding configuration Windows would be

\c        [Preference]
\c           LargeIcons=1.5

\e{Note} The configuration file uses the language specific definitions for the decimal separator.
Eg. in Germany, where the comma is used,  the correct value would be\c{LargeIcons=1,5}.


\dt \e{Hot Bar} (\K{cmdHotBar})

\dd \G{png.d/hotbar.png}


\dd Scrolling list of Turnouts and Structures


\dt \e{Main Canvas}

\dd \G{png.d/maincanvas.png} 


\dd Main drawing area with rulers along each side.


\dd The \f{Main Canvas} is where all tracks and objects (and optional background image) are drawn.


\dd The \f{Background Image} is drawn on the main canvas if specified in the \K{cmdLayout} menu.


\dd The center of the \f{Main Canvas} can be moved (Panned) using the; 


\b ARROW Keys

\b Left-Click and drag in \K{cmdZoom} 

\b "@" key in \f{Select}, \f{Modify} and \f{Pan/Zoom}.

\b Mouse Wheel - adding \e{Shift} key or the \e{Mouse Middle Button} will Pan the screen. adding \e{Ctrl} as well makes up Pan left and down Pan right.

\b Horizontal Mouse Wheel - adding \e{Shift} or the \e{Mouse Middle Button} will Pan the screen left and Right (if available)

\b Scroll Left and Right - if the scroll left and right guestures are mapped to the trackpad by the operating system, with \e{Shift} depressed the screen will Pan.


\dd The \f{Main Canvas} can be panned so that the area beyond the room boundaries is shown (the \f{grey} area).  The \f{Constrain Drawing Area to Room Boundaries} option on the \f{Display} (\K{cmdDisplay}) dialog under the \f{Options} (\K{optionM}) menu forces the \f{Main Canvas} stop panning once the room boundary is reached.
Holding the \e{Control} key while panning will invert the value of this setting. 


\dd The scale of the \f{Main Canvas} can be changed using the;


\b \f{Zoom} selections (\K{cmdZoom}) under the \f{View} (\K{viewM}) menu

\b \f{Zoom} buttons on the \f{Tool-bar}

\b Mouse Wheel

\b PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys

\b \f{Pan/Zoom} \K{cmdPan} button on the \f{Tool-bar}

\f{Note:} If The scale 1:1 is reached, "Macro Zoom" mode can be entered using CTRL+PageDown - with repeated presses a scale of 10::1 is possible. 


\dd When \f{Zooming}, the Main Canvas will retain the center of the display if 
\f{Constrain Drawing Area to Room Boundaries} is not set.
Otherwise, as much of the room as possible is displayed, and any \f{grey} area will be to the right and above the room.

\dd Tracks will be drawn with two lines and ties if you zoom in. When the drawing scale is 1:1 a dashed centerline is also drawn for each track.


\dd The ARROW keys move the \f{Canvas} left, right, up or down by half a screen. If Shift is used together with the arrow keys, the movement will be 1/20th of screen in the selected direction.


\dd In many commands, the result that will result from clicking the mouse is shown by \e{anchors} which highlight the track object or feature in blue that will be affected as the mouse is dragged over the canvas and becomes close enough to select it.


\dt \e{Map Window}

\dd \G{png.d/map.png}


\dd You can change which portion of the layout is displayed by using the \f{Map Window} (\K{cmdMap}).


\dt \e{Status Bar}

\dd \G{png.d/statusbar.png}


\dd  Contains from left to right;


\b Drawing scale of the Main Canvas,

\b X position of the cursor,

\b Y position of the cursor,

\b Status and informational messages



\H{generaloperation} General Operation \I{Dialogs}

Most Windows open with three standard dialog buttons:

\dd \f{Cancel} - Cancels dialog. Layout reverts back to its previous state.


\dd \f{Help} - Invokes on-line help for current command or dialog.


\dd \f{OK} - Completes the dialog action. Layout is updated with current changes.


\S{enterValue} \i{Entering Values}

Lengths and Distances can be entered in a variety of formats;

\dd \e{12ft 4 1/2in, 12' 4.5", 148.500, 1.234m, 123.4cm or 1234mm} are all valid values.


\dd Pressing the Equal Sign (\c{=}) key after an entry will reformat the value entered to your preferred length format (\K{cmdPref}).


\dd Pressing the "\c{p}" key after an entry will convert a prototype measurement to a scale measurement by dividing the value entered by the ratio for the current scale.


\dd Pressing the "\c{s}" key after an entry will convert a scale measurement to a prototype measurement.


\S{cmdMap} \i{Map Window}


The \e{Map Window} area shows the complete layout at a reduced scale.  A highlighted (reverse video) area shows what portion is visible in the Main Window (\K{mainW}).  The highlighted area can be Left+Dragged (\K{windowTerms}) around the layout to change the origin of the Main Canvas.  The highlighted area changes size as Zoom In (\K{viewM}) and Zoom Out (\K{viewM}) are selected.

You can also Right+Drag (\K{windowTerms}) on the Map window to set the origin and scale of the Main Canvas.

The size of the \e{Map Window} changes when you change the Room Size (see \K{cmdLayout}).  You can also change the Map Scale (\K{cmdDisplay}) on the Display (\K{cmdDisplay}) dialog to change the size of the \e{Map Window}.

If you close the \e{Map Window}, you can reopen it by the \e{Window} menu.

Visibility of the \e{Map Window} can be toggled by pressing \e{Ctrl+Space}


\H{kbshortcuts} \i{Keyboard Shortcuts} \I{Shortcut Keys}

The term Shortcut key refers to specific key combinations which are used to accomplish an action which otherwise would be accomplished by moving a MOUSE and /or selecting from a Menu. Shortcut keys are often key combinations consisting of the letter key pressed along with the Alt or Ctrl key.

Instead of using the menus or the buttons on the \f{Tool-bar} (\K{mainW}), most \e{XTrackCAD} commands may be invoked through use of Shortcut keys.

\dd The \c{RETURN} key has the same effect as pressing the \f{OK} button on the current dialog.


\dd The \c{ESCAPE} key cancels the current command.  All selected tracks are unselected.  The \f{Properties} (\K{cmdDescribe}) or \f{Select} (\K{cmdSelect}) command becomes the current command.


\dd The \c{F1} key opens the Help page for the currently selected command. \c{Shift+F1} opens the Contents Help Page.


\dd The \c{PAGE UP} and \c{PAGE DOWN} keys will zoom out or zoom in.


\dd The \c{ARROWS} key will pan the canvas right, left, up and down.


\dd The \c{DELETE} key invokes the \f{Delete} (\K{cmdDelete}) command.

Several Shortcut key commands are used in conjunction with the mouse. These commands are listed in \K{cmdAcclKeys}.


\S{cmdAdd} Add Commands

\dt Add Commands


\dd Create


\b Circle track from


\b center - \e{Ctrl+0}

\b fixed radius circle - \e{Ctrl+8}

\b tangent - \e{Ctrl+9}


\b Curve track from


\b center - \e{Ctrl+6}

\b chord - \e{Ctrl+7}

\b endpoint - \e{Ctrl+4}

\b tangent - \e{Ctrl+5}


\b Hand laid turnout - \e{Ctrl+Shift+I}

\b Straight track - \e{Ctrl+G}

\b Turntable - \e{Ctrl+Shift+N}



\dd Helix dialog and construction tool - \e{Ctrl+Shift+H}


\dd Structure dialog - \e{Ctrl+Shift+C}


\dd Turnout dialog - \e{Ctrl+T}



\S{cmdChange} Change Commands

\dt Change Commands


\dd Connect two sectional tracks - \e{Ctrl+Shift+J}


\dd Elevation dialog - \e{Ctrl+Shift+E}


\dd Join two tracks - \e{Ctrl+J}


\dd Properties dialog - \e{Ctrl+?}


\dd Modify or extend track - \e{Ctrl+M}


\dd Move


\b description - \e{Ctrl+Shift+Z}

\b selected object - \e{Ctrl+Shift+M}



\dd Profile dialog - \e{Ctrl+Shift+F}


\dd Rotate selected object - \e{Ctrl+Shift+R}


\dd Select tool - \e{Ctrl+E}


\dd Split flex track - \e{Ctrl+Shift+S}



\S{kbshortcutdraw} Draw Commands

\S2{addText} Add Text

Add Text

\dd Add Text to drawing area - \e{Ctrl+Shift+X}


\S2{cmdDrawCircle} Draw Circles

Draw Circles

\dd Draw circle outline from


\b center to tangent point (Edge) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+0}

\b tangent point (Edge) to center - \e{Ctrl+Shift+9}



\dd Draw circle filled from


\b center to tangent point (Edge) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+0}

\b tangent point (Edge) to center - \e{Ctrl+Alt+9}



\S2{cmdDrawCurve} Draw Curved Lines

Draw Curved Lines

\dd Draw curved lines from;


\b center to endpoint - \e{Ctrl+Shift+6}

\b chord - \e{Ctrl+Shift+7}

\b endpoint in direction of curve - \e{Ctrl+Shift+4}

\b endpoint to center - \e{Ctrl+Shift+5}



\S2{cmdDrawShape} Draw Shapes

Draw Shapes

\dd Draw shape


\b Box outline - \e{Ctrl+Shift+[}

\b Filled Box - \e{Ctrl+Alt+[}

\b Filled Polygon - \e{Ctrl+Alt+2}

\b Poly-line - \e{Ctrl+Shift+2}



\S2{cmdDrawStraight} Draw Straight Objects

Draw Straight Objects

\dd Draw straight object


\b \i{Bench-work} - \e{Ctrl+B}

\b Dimension Line - \e{Ctrl+Shift+D}

\b Straight Line - \e{Ctrl+Shift+1}

\b Table Edge - \e{Ctrl+Shift+)}



\S2{NoteDialog} Note Dialog

Note Dialog

\dd Note dialog (\K{cmdNote}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+N}


\S{cmdEdit} Edit Commands

\dt Edit Commands


\dd Copy select objects to the clipboard - \e{Ctrl+C} or \e{Ctrl+Insert}


\dd Cut select objects - \e{Ctrl+X} or \e{Shift+Delete}


\dd Draw selected tracks with


\b thin lines - \e{Ctrl+1}

\b medium lines - \e{Ctrl+2}

\b thick lines - \e{Ctrl+3}



\dd Delete selected object(s) - \e{Delete} or \e{Ctrl+D}


\dd Deselect all objects - \e{Alt+Shift+A} or \e{Esc}


\dd Hide selected tracks in a Tunnel - \e{Ctrl+Shift+T}


\dd Move Selected tracks


\b above others - \e{Ctrl+Shift+B}

\b below others - \e{Ctrl+Shift+W}



\dd Paste from clipboard to layout - \e{Ctrl+V} or \e{Shift+Insert}


\dd Redo last undone command - \e{Ctrl+R}


\dd Select all objects - \e{Ctrl+Shift+A}


\dd Undo last command - \e{Ctrl+Z} or \e{Shift+Backspace}


\S{cmdFile} File Commands

\dt File Commands


\dd Create a new layout - \e{Ctrl+N}


\dd Edit layout description Note (\K{cmdNote}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+T}


\dd Export


\b Selected objects to a \e{.xti} file - \e{Ctrl+Alt+X}

\b To Bitmap (\K{cmdOutputbitmap}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+Q}



\dd Import from a \e{.xti} file - \e{Ctrl+Alt+I}


\dd Manipulate Parameter Files (\K{cmdPrmfile}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+S}


\dd Open layout file - \e{Ctrl+O}


\dd Print Command (\K{cmdPrint}) - \e{Ctrl+P}


\dd Save As another file - \e{Ctrl+A}


\dd Save the current layout - \e{Ctrl+S}


\S{kbshortcutHotBar} \i{Hot Bar}

\dt Hot Bar


\dd These actions take effect if the Hot Bar has keyboard focus.


\b Move Hot Bar multiple entries


\b left - \e{Shift+Left Arrow}

\b right - \e{Shift+Right Arrow}



\b Move Hot Bar one entry


\b left - \e{Left Arrow}

\b right - \e{Right Arrow}



\b Pop-up menu of Hot Bar categories - \e{Right-Click}


\b Set relative position of Hot Bar - \e{1, 2 ... 9, 0}


\S{cmdMacro} Macro Commands

\dt Macro Commands


\dd Play Back a macro file (\K{macroM}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+B}


\dd Record a macro file (\K{macroM}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+R}



\S{kbshortcutMainCanvas} \i{Main Drawing Canvas}

\dt Main Drawing Canvas


\dd These actions take effect if the Main Drawing Canvas has keyboard focus.



\dd Move Canvas:


\b Down - \e{Down Arrow}

\b Left - \e{Left Arrow}

\b Right - \e{Right Arrow}

\b Up - \e{Up Arrow}



\dd Map Window:


\b On / Off - \e{Ctrl+Space}



\S{cmdManage} Manage Commands

\dt Manage Commands


\dd Car Inventory dialog - \e{Ctrl+Alt+V}


\dd Custom Management dialog (\K{cmdCustmgm}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+U}


\dd Generate a Parts List (\K{cmdEnum}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+L}


\dd Group objects (\K{cmdGroup}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+G}


\dd Layers dialog (\K{cmdLayer}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+Y}


\dd Ungroup objects (\K{cmdGroup}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+U}


\dd Update Prices (\K{cmdPricelist}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+Q}


\S{cmdOption} Option Commands

\dt Options Commands


\dd Colors dialog (\K{cmdRgbcolor}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+C}


\dd Command Options dialog (\K{cmdCmdopt}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+M}


\dd Display dialog (\K{cmdDisplay}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+D}


\dd Easement Options dialog - \e{Ctrl+Alt+E}


\dd Font dialog (\K{fontSelW}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+F}


\dd Layout dialog (\K{cmdLayout}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+A}


\dd Preferences dialog (\K{cmdPref}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+P}


\dd Sticky commands dialog (\K{cmdSticky}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+K}


\S{cmdView} View Commands

\dt View Commands


\dd Redraw


\b all - \e{Ctrl+Shift+L}

\b main window - \e{Ctrl+L}



\dd Snap Grid dialog (\K{cmdGrid}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+G}


\dd Zoom


\b in - \e{Ctrl++, Page Down}

\b out - \e{Ctrl+-, Page Up}



\H{cmdAcclKeys} \i{Mouse Actions}

\e{XTrackCAD} uses the left and right mouse buttons when manipulating tracks and other objects on the layout.  Their meaning depends on the particular command:

\e{Select Command}

The \e{Select} command actions are affected by the mode selected in \f{Options->Command->Select}.  
Note - Objects in a Module Layer are selected and deselected as a group.

\dt \e{Left-Click}
\dd Single Item Mode -> Selects one object at a time, deselects other objects. 
Add Item Mode -> Adds unselected objects, deselects if the object is already selected.
If the click is on an area without objects and \f{SelectZero} is set, all objects are deselected.

\dt \e{Shift-Left-Click} 

\dd Selects all connected tracks from the one clicked up to the next selected item in each direction.

\dt \e{Ctrl+Left-Click} 

\dd Single Item Mode -> Adds an object to the selection, deselects if the object is already selected. 
Add Item Mode -> Selects just this item and deselects other objects.
If the click is on an area without objects and \f{SelectZero} is set, all objects are deselected.

\dt \e{Double-Left-Click} 

\dd Opens Modify for Cornu and Draw Objects other than Text, Activates Link and Document Notes, otherwise opens Describe.

\dt \e{Left+Drag} 

\dd Single Item Mode -> Selects all objects in an rubber-banded area and deselects all others. 
Add Item Mode -> Adds items in the rubber-banded area.  

\dt \e{Shift+Left-Drag} 

\dd Moves selected objects if in a selected area, if off selected objects, like Left-Drag.

\dt \e{Ctrl+Left-Drag} 

\dd Rotates selected objects if in a selected area, if off selected objects, like Left-Drag. 

\dt \e{Right-Click} 

\dd Displays a pop-up menu of context commands (in Select, Move, Modify and Rotate commands). If some track is selected, the menu has operations to perform on it, if not, it will have a command context menu.

\dt \e{Shift+Right-Click} 

\dd Displays a pop-up menu of commands.  Displays the other context menu than Right-Click.

\dt \e{Right+Drag} 

\dd Deselects all objects in an rubber-banded area from the current set.

\dt \e{Rotate Wheel} 

\dd Zooms drawing area in and out.  Modern computers with Trackpads often map this guesture to two-finger drag.

\e{When Moving and Rotating} ( Placing Turnouts and Structures, Moving the Print and Snap Grids, ... ):

\dt \e{(Shift+Left+Drag)} 

\dd Moves the objects or grid.

\dt \e{(Ctrl+Left+Drag)} 

\dd Rotates the objects or grid about the pivot point, which is the point you started the drag operation.

Some other commands use the \c{Shift} or \c{Ctrl} key to modify the meaning of button presses.


\S{mouseBcmd} Context Sensitive Menus

For all commands listed below, a \e{Right-Click} will display a context sensitive pop-up command list menu.  For some commands (noted below), a \e{Shift+Right-Click} will display a context sensitive pop-up command options menu.  The operation of \e{Right-Click} and \e{Shift+Right-Click} can be reversed by an item on the Command Options (\K{cmdCmdopt}) dialog.

The Shortcut key for each command is listed after the command name.

\dt Circle Track Command (\K{cmdCircle})

\dd Drag from


\b center to circle tangent point (Edge) - \e{Ctrl+0}

\b circle tangent point (Edge) to center - \e{Ctrl+9}


\dd Position fixed radius circle - \e{Ctrl+8}


\dt Connect Command (\K{cmdConnect}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+J}

\dd Remove adjustments starting from an unconnected endpoint - \e{Shift+Left-Click}

\dd Select endpoints to connect - \e{Left-Click}


\dt Curved Track Commands (\K{cmdCurve})

\dd Drag from 1st endpoint


\b in curve direction - \e{Ctrl+4}

\b to Center - \e{Ctrl+5}

\b to 2nd endpoint (Chord) - \e{Ctrl+7}


\dd Drag from Center to 1st endpoint - \e{Ctrl+6}


\dt Properties Command (\K{cmdDescribe}) - \e{Ctrl+?}

\dd Display property sheet for the object - \e{Left-Click}


\dt Elevation Command (\K{cmdElevation}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+E}

\dd Choose endpoint - \e{Left-Click}

\dd Move Elevation Marker - \e{Right+Drag}

\dd Split track and choose endpoint - \e{Shift+Left-Click}


\dt Flip Command (\K{cmdFlip})

\dd Draw Mirror line - \e{Left+Drag}


\dt Hand-laid Turnout Command (\K{cmdHandLaidTurnout}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+I}

\dd Define


\b frog position and angle - \e{(1st Left+Drag)}

\b points position - \e{(2nd Left+Drag)}



\dt Helix Track Command (\K{cmdHelix}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+H}

\dd Position Helix - \e{(Left+Drag)}


\dt Join Command (\K{cmdJoin}) - \e{Ctrl+J}

\dd Join tracks - \e{(Left+Drag)}

\dd Move selected tracks to join with unselected endpoint - \e{Shift+Left-Click}


\dt Modify Command (\K{cmdModify}) - \e{Ctrl+M}

\dd Change


\b length or make tangent to curve - \e{Left+Drag}

\b radius - \e{Shift+Left+Drag}


\dd Extend track - \e{Right+Drag}


\dt Move Command (\K{cmdMove}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+M}

\dd Command Options: how to draw moving objects (\K{cmdAcclKeys}) - \e{Shift+Right-Click}

\dd Move Selected objects - \e{Left+Drag}


\dt Move Description Command (\K{cmdMoveLabel}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+Z}

\dd Move Description - \e{Left+Drag}

\dd Toggle Label display for Curved, Helix and Turnout tracks (\K{cmdAcclKeys}). - \e{Shift+Right-Click}


\dt Note Command (\K{cmdNote}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+N}

\dd Position Note - \e{Left+Drag}


\dt Parallel Command (\K{cmdParallel}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+P}

\dd Position Parallel track relative to selected track - \e{(Left+Drag)}


\dt Print Command (\K{cmdPrint}) - \e{Ctrl+P}

\dd Command Options: rotate by specified amount (\K{cmdAcclKeys}) - \e{(Shift+Right-Click)}

\dd Move Print grid - \e{Shift+Left+Drag}

\dd Rotate Print grid - \e{Shift+Right+Drag}

\dd Select or unselect pages - \e{Left-Click}


\dt Profile Command (\K{cmdProfile}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+F}

\dd Add tracks to path from path end to chosen endpoint - \e{(Left-Click)}

\dd Command Options: change Elevation type - \e{(Shift+Right-Click)} (\K{cmdAcclKeys})


\dt Rotate Command (\K{cmdRotate}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+R}

\dd Command Options: how to draw moving objects and rotate by specified amount (\K{cmdAcclKeys}) - \e{Shift+Right-Click}

\dd Rotate Selected objects - \e{Left+Drag}


\b in increments of 15\u00B0 - \e{Ctrl+Left+Drag}



\dt Ruler Command (\K{cmdRuler})

\dd Position Ruler - \e{Left+Drag}


\dt Select Command (\K{cmdSelect}) - \e{Ctrl+E}

\dd Command Options: how to draw moving objects and rotate by specified amount (\K{cmdAcclKeys}) - \e{Shift+Right-Click}

\dd Move


\b selected objects - \e{Shift+Left+Drag}

\b labels - \e{Ctrl+Left+Drag}


\dd Rotate selected objects - \e{Ctrl+Left-Drag}


\b in increments of 15\u00B0 - \e{Ctrl+Shift+Left+Drag}



\dt Snap Grid Command (\K{cmdGrid}) - \e{Ctrl+Alt+G}

\dd Command Options: rotate by specified amount (\K{cmdAcclKeys}) - \e{Shift+Right-Click}

\dd Move Snap Grid - \e{Left+Drag}

\dd Rotate Snap Grid - \e{Right+Drag}


\dt Split Track Command (\K{cmdSplitTrack}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+S}

\dd As above, plus trim turnouts - \e{Shift+Left-Click}

\dd Change block gaps (\K{cmdAcclKeys}) - \e{Shift+Right-Click}

\dd If at endpoint: disconnect track, otherwise: split track - \e{Left-Click}


\dt \i{Straight Track} Command (\K{cmdStraight}) - \e{Ctrl+G}

\dd Place 1st and 2nd endpoints - \e{Left+Drag}


\dt Structure Command (\K{cmdStructure}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+C}

\dd Command Options: rotate by specified amount (\K{cmdAcclKeys}) - \e{Shift+Right-Click}

\dd Place Structure - \e{Left+Drag}

\dd Rotate - \e{Right+Drag}


\dt Text Command (\K{cmdText}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+X}

\dd Command Options: change Font (\K{cmdAcclKeys}) - \e{Shift+Right-Click}

\dd Position text - \e{Left+Drag}


\dt Train Simulation Command (\K{cmdTrain})

\dd Command Options: uncouple car, flip or remove cars or Trains, set MU Master - \e{Right-Click}

\dd Move a Car or Train - \e{Left+Drag}

\dd Switch a \e{Turnout} or rotate a \e{Turntable} - \e{Shift+Left-Click}


\dt Turntable Command (\K{cmdTurntable}) - \e{Ctrl+Shift+N}

\dd Position Turntable - \e{Left+Drag}


\dt Turnout Command (\K{cmdTurnout}) - \e{Ctrl+T}

\dd Choose next Active endpoint when placing Turnouts - \e{Shift+Left-Click}

\dd Command Options: rotate by specified amount (\K{cmdAcclKeys}) - \e{Shift+Right-Click}

\dd Place Turnout - \e{Left+Drag}

\dd Rotate - \e{Right+Drag}

\dd Suppress auto-adjustment positioning when placing Turnouts - \e{Shift+Left+Drag}
