/* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <stdio.h> #define TRUE (1) #define FALSE (0) struct BITMAPFILEHEADER { char bfType[2]; long bfSize; short bfRsvd1; short bfRsvd2; long bfOffBits; }; struct BITMAPINFOHEADER { long biSize; long biWidth; long biHeight; short biPlanes; short biBitCount; long biCompression; long biSizeImage; long biXPelsPerMeter; long biYPelsPerMeter; long biClrUsed; long biClrImportant; }; int namenames; int dumpInfo; int dumpColorMap; int dumpBits; int dumpHisto; int updateColorCount; int zeroColorCount; int setColorCount; int fixColorMap; int fixbmp( char * filename ) { FILE * file; struct BITMAPFILEHEADER bmfh; struct BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih; int rc; long colors[256]; int i, j, size; unsigned char * bmp, bit; int colorCnt; long maxcolor; long histo[256];; if ( namenames ) printf( "%s\n", filename ); file = fopen( filename, "r+" ); if ( file == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Cant open:%s\n", filename, filename ); return FALSE; } rc = fread( &bmfh.bfType, 1, sizeof bmfh.bfType, file ); rc += fread( &bmfh.bfSize, 1, sizeof bmfh.bfSize, file ); rc += fread( &bmfh.bfRsvd1, 1, sizeof bmfh.bfRsvd1, file ); rc += fread( &bmfh.bfRsvd2, 1, sizeof bmfh.bfRsvd2, file ); rc += fread( &bmfh.bfOffBits, 1, sizeof bmfh.bfOffBits, file ); if ( rc != 14 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Bad read of bmfh: %d\n", filename, rc ); return FALSE; } rc = fread( &bmih, 1, sizeof bmih, file ); if ( rc != sizeof bmih ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Bad read of bmih: %d\n", filename, rc ); return FALSE; } if ( dumpInfo ) { printf( "fh:sz=%d, off=%ld\n", bmfh.bfSize, bmfh.bfOffBits ); printf( "ih:sz=%ld, w=%ld, h=%ld, (%ld), pl=%d, bc=%d, co=%ld, si=%ld, cu=%ld, ci=%ld\n", bmih.biSize, bmih.biWidth, bmih.biHeight, bmih.biWidth*bmih.biHeight, bmih.biPlanes, bmih.biBitCount, bmih.biCompression, bmih.biSizeImage, bmih.biClrUsed, bmih.biClrImportant ); } if ( bmih.biPlanes != 1 || bmih.biBitCount != 8 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: bad Planes(%d) or BitCount(%d)\n", filename, bmih.biPlanes, bmih.biBitCount ); return FALSE; } if ( bmih.biClrUsed > 256 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Too many colors (%ld)\n", filename, bmih.biClrUsed ); return FALSE; } colorCnt = bmih.biClrUsed; if ( colorCnt == 0 ) colorCnt = 256; rc = fread( colors, sizeof colors[0], colorCnt, file ); if ( rc != colorCnt ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Bad read of colors: %d\n", filename, rc ); return FALSE; } if ( dumpColorMap ) { printf( "colorcnt=%d", rc ); for ( i=0; i<colorCnt; i++ ) { if ( i%8 == 0 ) printf( "\n%2.2x: ", i ); printf( "%8.8lx ", colors[i] ); } printf( "\n" ); } if ( fixColorMap ) { long c; for ( i=0; i<colorCnt; i++ ) { c = colors[i]&0xFFFFFF; if ( (c & 0xFF0000) != 0xFF0000 ) c &= 0xF0FFFF; if ( (c & 0x00FF00) != 0x00FF00 ) c &= 0xFFF0FF; if ( (c & 0x0000FF) != 0x0000FF ) c &= 0xFFFFF0; colors[i] = c; } fseek( file, 14+40, SEEK_SET ); rc = fwrite( colors, sizeof colors[0], colorCnt, file ); if ( rc != colorCnt ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Bad write of colors: %d\n", filename, rc ); return FALSE; } } size = (int)(bmih.biWidth*bmih.biHeight); size = (int)bmih.biWidth; size = (size+3)/4*4; fseek( file, bmfh.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET ); bmp = (unsigned char*)malloc( size ); if ( bmp == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Cant malloc(%d) for bitmap\n", filename, size ); return FALSE; } maxcolor = 0; memset( histo, 0, sizeof histo ); for ( j=0; j<bmih.biHeight; j++ ) { rc = fread( bmp, 1, size, file ); if ( rc != size ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Cant read bits for line %d: %d\n", filename, j, rc ); return FALSE; } if ( dumpBits ) printf( "%2.2d: ", j ); for ( i=0; i<bmih.biWidth; i++ ) { bit = bmp[i]; histo[bit]++; if ( dumpBits ) printf( "%2.2x", bit ); if ( bit > maxcolor ) maxcolor = bit; } if ( dumpBits ) printf( "\n" ); } free( bmp ); if ( dumpHisto ) { printf( "maxcolor=%ld\n", maxcolor ); for ( i=0; i<256; i++ ) if ( histo[i] ) printf( "[%2.2x]%8.8x = %ld\n", i, colors[i], histo[i] ); } if ( updateColorCount || zeroColorCount || setColorCount ) { fseek( file, 14, SEEK_SET ); if ( updateColorCount ) { bmih.biClrImportant = maxcolor; } else if ( zeroColorCount ) { bmih.biClrImportant = 0; bmih.biClrUsed = 0; } else { bmih.biClrImportant = 256; bmih.biClrUsed = 256; } rc = fwrite( &bmih, 1, sizeof bmih, file ); if ( rc != sizeof bmih ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Update failed; %d\n", filename, rc ); } } fclose( file ); return TRUE; } int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { while ( argc > 2 && argv[1][0] == '-' ) { switch ( argv[1][1] ) { case 'a': dumpInfo++; dumpColorMap++; dumpBits++; dumpHisto++; break; case 'i': dumpInfo++; break; case 'c': dumpColorMap++; break; case 'b': dumpBits++; break; case 'h': dumpHisto++; break; case 'u': updateColorCount++; break; case 'z': zeroColorCount++; break; case 's': setColorCount++; break; case 'f': fixColorMap++; break; default: fprintf( stderr, "bad option %s\n", argv[1] ); } argc--; argv++; } if ( argc > 2 && dumpInfo+dumpColorMap+dumpBits+dumpHisto > 0 ) namenames++; while ( argc > 1 ) { fixbmp( argv[1] ); argc--; argv++; } }