Help	Invokes on-line help for this dialog
cancel	Cancels this command
Close	Closes the dialog
cmdAbout	About box dialog
cmdAbove	Move Selected object to top
cmdAddElevations	Raise or Lower all Selected tracks
cmdBelow	Move Selected object to bottom
cmdBlockCreate	Create Block
cmdBlockDelete	Delete Block
cmdBlockEdit	Edit Block
cmdBlockSetCmd	Block
cmdCarDesc	Create a new Car/Loco description
cmdCarInventory	Manage your Car and Loco Inventory
cmdCircleCenter	Create track circle from center	cmdCircle
cmdCircleFixedRadius	Create fixed radius track circle	cmdCircle
#cmdCircleMode	Default Circle creation mode	cmdCircle
cmdCircleSetCmd	Set Circle Track creation mode	cmdCircle
cmdCircleTangent	Create track circle from tangent	cmdCircle
cmdClearElevations	Removes elevation from Selected tracks
cmdCmdopt	Command Options dialog
cmdColor	Controls colors
cmdConnect	Connect two tracks
cmdCopy	Copy selected objects to clipboard
cmdCurveCenter	Create curved track from center	cmdCurve
cmdCurveChord	Create curved track from chord	cmdCurve
cmdCurveEndPt	Create curved track from end-point	cmdCurve
cmdCurveSetCmd	Set Curve Track creation mode	cmdCurve
cmdCurveTangent	Create curved track from tangent	cmdCurve
cmdCustmgm	Manipulate Custom designer entries
cmdCut	Moves selected objects to clipboard
cmdDelete	Delete objects
cmdDemo	Playback demos
cmdDescribe	Describe objects
cmdDeselectAll	Deselect all selected objects	cmdSelect
cmdDisplay	Change Display parameters
cmdDrawBench	Create benchwork	cmdDraw
cmdDrawBox	Create a box	cmdDraw
cmdDrawCircleSetCmd	Set Circle drawing command	cmdDraw
cmdDrawCircle	Create a circle	cmdDraw
cmdDrawCircleCenter	Draw a circle line from center	cmdDraw
cmdDrawCircleFixedRadius	Draw a fixed radius circle line	cmdDraw
cmdDrawCircleTangent	Draw a circle line from tangent	cmdDraw
cmdDrawCurveSetCmd	Set Curve drawing command	cmdDraw
cmdDrawCurve	Create a curved line	cmdDraw
cmdDrawCurveEndPt	Create a curved line from End	cmdDraw
cmdDrawCurveCenter	Create a curved line from center	cmdDraw
cmdDrawCurveChord	Create a curved line from chord	cmdDraw
cmdDrawCurveTangent	Create a curved line from tangent	cmdDraw
cmdDrawDimLine	Create a dimension line	cmdDraw
cmdDrawFilledBox	Create a filled box	cmdDraw
cmdDrawFilledCurve	Create a filled circle	cmdDraw
cmdDrawFilledCircleCenter	Draw a filled circle from center	cmdDraw
cmdDrawFilledCircleFixedRadius	Draw a fixed radius filled circle	cmdDraw
cmdDrawFilledCircleTangent	Draw a filled circle from tangent	cmdDraw
cmdDrawPolygon	Create a filled polygon	cmdDraw
cmdDrawPolyline	Create a polyline	cmdDraw
cmdDrawLine	Create a straight line	cmdDraw
cmdDrawLineSetCmd	Set Line drawing command	cmdDraw
cmdDrawShapeSetCmd	Set Shape drawing command	cmdDraw
cmdDrawTableEdge	Draw table edge	cmdDraw
cmdEasement	Easement menu
cmdElevation	Change Elevations
cmdEnumerate	Generate a Parts List of selected objects
cmdExport	Export a .xti file
cmdExportDXF	Export a DXF file
cmdFileNote	General note about the layout
cmdFlip	Flip selected objects
cmdGrid	Adjust snap grid
cmdGridEnable	Enable snap grid	cmdGrid
cmdGridShow	Show snap grid	cmdGrid
cmdGroup	Create a structure from a Group of objects
cmdHandLaidTurnout	Create a hand-laid turnout
cmdHelix	Create a track helix
#cmdHotBar	Place a turnout or structure
cmdImport	Import a .xti file	cmdExport
cmdJoin	Join two tracks
cmdLayer	Change Layers
cmdLayerSet	Selects the current drawing layer	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow0	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow1	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow10	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow11	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow12	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow13	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow14	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow15	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow16	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow17	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow18	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow19	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow2	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow3	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow4	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow5	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow6	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow7	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow8	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
#cmdLayerShow9	Shows or hides layers	cmdLayer
cmdLayout	Layout parameters
#cmdLoosen	Disconnect tracks at loose joints	nohelp
cmdModify	Modify or extend a track
cmdMove	Move selected objects
cmdMoveLabel	Move a label
cmdMoveToCurrentLayer	Move selected objects to current layer
cmdNote	Place a note on the layout
cmdOutputbitmap	Print a BitMap
cmdParallel	Create a parallel track
cmdParameter	Register	register
cmdPaste	Copy objects from clipboard
cmdPref	Perferences dialog
cmdPricelist	Display prices of turnouts, sectional tracks and structures
cmdPrint	Print the layout
cmdPrmfile	Loads and unloads parameter files
cmdProfile	Elevation Profile Command
cmdProfileDraw	Profile	cmdProfile
cmdRecord	Command recorder
cmdRedo	Redo last undo
cmdRefreshCompound	Update selected Turnout and Structure definitions
cmdRescale	Rescale selected objects
cmdRotate	Rotate selected object(s)
cmdRuler	Show a ruler
cmdSelect	Select objects
cmdSelectAll	Selects all objects on the layout	cmdSelect
cmdSelectCurrentLayer	Selects all objects in the current Layer	layer
cmdSelectInvert	Invert current selection
cmdSplitTrack	Split a track
cmdSelectOrphaned	Select stranded (unconnected) track pieces
cmdSticky	Choose which commands are sticky
cmdStraight	Create straight track
cmdStructure	Place a structure on the layout
cmdSwitchMotorCreate	Create Switch Motor
cmdSwitchMotorDelete	Delete Switch Motor
cmdSwitchMotorEdit	Edit Switch Motor
cmdSwitchMotorSetCmd	Switch Motors
cmdText	Enter text on the layout
cmdTextSize	Controls the size of the entered text	cmdText
#cmdTighten	Remove slack from connected tracks
cmdTip	Tip of the Day window
cmdTrain	Run Trains
cmdTrainPause	Pause/Resume Trains	cmdTrain
cmdTrainNewCar	Place a car on the layout	cmdTrain
cmdTrainExit	Exit Trains	cmdTrain
cmdTunnel	Hide/Unhide a track
cmdTurnout	Place a turnout or sectional track
cmdTurnoutNew	Create a new turnout definition
cmdTurntable	Place a turntable
cmdUpdatetitle	Updates old source files with 3 part titles
cmdUndo	Undo last command
cmdUngroup	Ungroup objects
cmdWidth0	Draw tracks with thin lines	editM
cmdWidth2	Draw tracks with medium lines	editM
cmdWidth3	Draw tracks with thick lines	editM
cmdZoom	Change drawing scale	editZoom
cmdZoomIn	Zoom in	editZoomIn
cmdZoomOut	Zoom out	editZoomOut
menuFile	File Menu
menuFile-save	Save layout
menuFile-saveAs	Save layout under a new name 
menuFile-clear	New layout
menuFile-enum	Generate parts list
menuFile-load	Load a layout
menuFile-quit	Exit the program
menuFile-revert	Revert to last saved state of layout plan
editM	Edit menu
menuEdit-redraw	Redraw layout
menuEdit-zoomIn	Zoom in
menuEdit-zoomOut	Zoom out
toolsM	Tools menu
menuView	View menu
menuToolbar	Toolbar configuration
menuTools	Tools menu
menuOption	Options menu
menuMacro	Playback/Record commands
menuWindow	Window menu
menuHelp	Help menu
menuHelpRecentMessages	Recent error messages and explanations	menuHelp
hotBarLeft	Move Hot Bar left	cmdHotBar
hotBarRight	Move Hot Bar right	cmdHotBar
infoBarCount	Total track count	statusBar
infoBarPosX	X Position of cursor	statusBar
infoBarPosY	Y Position of cursor	statusBar
infoBarScale	Drawing scale	statusBar
infoBarStatus	Message and status line	statusBar
main-draw	Main layout canvas
mainDraw	Main layout canvas
main-canvas	Main drawing canvas
main-commandbar	Command buttons
main-menubar	Menus
main-titlebar	Tile, Filename and Window Manager buttons
main-hotbar	Turnout and Structure Hot Bar
main-layers	Active layer list and layer buttons
map-draw	Map window
map-hilight	This is the portion of the layout shown in the Main Window canvas
addElev-value	Raise or Lower all Selected Track	cmdAddElevations
carpart-ok	Add or Update car object	cmdCarInventory
carpart-manuf	Manufacturer name	cmdCarInventory
carpart-prototype	Car Prototype	cmdCarInventory
carpart-prototype-list	Car Prototype	cmdCarInventory
carpart-isLoco	Is the Car a Locomotive?	cmdCarInventory
carpart-partno-list	Part Number and Description	cmdCarInventory
carpart-partno	Manufacturer Part Number	cmdCarInventory
carpart-import	Use the Selected figure as the car image	cmdCarInventory
carpart-reset	Use the default figure as the car image	cmdCarInventory
carpart-desc	Optional description of the Car Part	cmdCarInventory
carpart-flip	Flip car image	cmdCarInventory
carpart-dispmode	Display Car Item information or reporting marks and dimensions	cmdCarInventory
carpart-road	Full Roadname	cmdCarInventory
carpart-type	Car Type	cmdCarInventory
carpart-protokind-list	Car Type	cmdCarInventory
carpart-repmark	Reporting Marks (Roadname abbreviation)	cmdCarInventory
carpart-number	Car Number	cmdCarInventory
carpart-bodyColor	Car body Color	cmdCarInventory
carpart-carLength	Length of car body	cmdCarInventory
carpart-carWidth	Width of car body	cmdCarInventory
carpart-trkCenter	Distance between Trucks 	cmdCarInventory
carpart-cplrMount	Coupler are mounted on body or truck	cmdCarInventory
carpart-cpldLen	Overall Coupled Length	cmdCarInventory
carpart-cplrLen	Coupler Length from end of car	cmdCarInventory
carpart-canvas	Diagram of Car	cmdCarInventory
carpart-index	Item Index Number	cmdCarInventory
carpart-purchPrice	Original Purchase Price	cmdCarInventory
carpart-currPrice	Current Price	cmdCarInventory
carpart-condition	Condition of car	cmdCarInventory
carpart-purchDate	Original Purchase Date	cmdCarInventory
carpart-serviceDate	Last Service Date	cmdCarInventory
carpart-quantity	Number of identical cars to be entered	cmdCarInventory
carpart-multinum	Do all the cars have the same Number?	cmdCarInventory
carpart-notes	Notes about the car	cmdCarInventory
carpart-new	Create a new car Part or Prototype definitions	cmdCarInventory
carpart-new-menu	Create a new car Part or Prototype definitions	cmdCarInventory

carinv-ok	Finds the selected Car Item on the layout	cmdCarInvertory
carinv-sort1	Sort the Item list	cmdCarInvertory
carinv-sort2	Sort the Item list	cmdCarInvertory
carinv-sort3	Sort the Item list	cmdCarInvertory
carinv-sort4	Sort the Item list	cmdCarInvertory
carinv-list		cmdCarInvertory
carinv-edit	Edit the selected Car Item	cmdCarInvertory
carinv-add	Add a new Car Item	cmdCarInvertory
carinv-delete	Delete the selected Car Items	cmdCarInvertory
carinv-import	Import a Car Item .csv file	cmdCarInvertory
carinv-export	Export a Car Item .csv file	cmdCarInvertory
carinv-savetext	Create a text list of the Car Items	cmdCarInvertory
circle-radius	Specifies the radius of the circle track	cmdCircle
cmdopt-move-quick	How to draw track being moved/rotated	cmdCmdopt
cmdopt-preselect	Default command is Describe or Select	cmdCmdopt
cmdopt-rightclickmode	Action to invoke on Right-Click	cmdCmdopt
cmdopt-ok		cmdCmdopt
contents-label	Contents Label for new Parameter file	cmdCustmgm
custmgm-inx	List of custom designed turnouts and structures	cmdCustmgm
custmgm-edit	Invoke designer editor	cmdCustmgm
custmgm-delete	Remove selected entries	cmdCustmgm
custmgm-export	Copy selected entries to Parameter File	cmdCustmgm
custmgm-new	Create a New part or prototype	cmdCustmgm
custmgm-ok	Update custom file and close	cmdCustmgm
demo-step	Executes the next step of the demo	cmdDemo
demo-next	Skip to next demo	cmdDemo
demo-quit	Stops the demonstration and returns you to XTrackCAD	cmdDemo
demo-speed	Select speed of Playback	cmdDemo
demo-text	This is where comments about the demo are displayed	cmdDemo
display-autoPan	Move the Main canvas if you drag near the edge	cmdDisplay
display-color-layers	Color tracks or other objects by layer
display-tunnels	Controls the drawing of hidden tracks	cmdDisplay
display-endpt	Controls the drawing of End-Points	cmdDisplay
display-tiedraw	How to draw track ties	cmdDisplay
display-centerdraw	Show crosshair at center of curves	cmdDisplay
display-tworailscale	Drawing scale when to draw tracks with 2 rails	cmdDisplay
display-mapscale	Drawing scale of the map window	cmdDisplay
display-livemap	Whether the main layout is updated while dragging on the Map	cmdDisplay
display-labelenable	Enable labels for Turnouts, Flextrack Lengths and Elevations	cmdDisplay
display-labelscale	When to label Turnout, Flextrack Lengths and Elevations	cmdDisplay
display-description-fontsize	Font size for labels on layout	cmdDisplay
display-hotbarlabels	Label elements on the Hot Bar	cmdDisplay
display-layoutlabels	Label elements on layout	cmdDisplay
display-listlabels	Label elements for lists	cmdDisplay
display-carhotbarlabels	How to group cars on the Train Hot Bar	cmdDisplay
display-trainpause	Delay (in mS) between updating train movements	cmdDisplay
display-hideTrainsInTunnels	Don't show trains in tunnels when tunnels are hidden	cmdDisplay
#display-ok	Update the display	cmdDisplay
display-ok		cmdDisplay
draw-linewidth	Width of the lines	cmdDraw
draw-linecolor	Color of the lines	cmdDraw
draw-benchlist	List of types of Lumber	cmdDraw
draw-benchcolor	Color of Benchwork	cmdDraw
draw-benchorient	Orientation of Benchwork	cmdDraw
draw-arrowsize	Size of Dimension Arrows	cmdDraw
easement-val	This controls the sharpness of the easement curve	cmdEasement
easement-r	Minumum radius	cmdEasement
easement-x	Maximum offset	cmdEasement
easement-l	Easement length	cmdEasement
easement-radio	These radio buttons are a short-cut for Values of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0.  None turns Easements off	cmdEasement
easement-ok	Complete easement selection	cmdEasement
elev-mode	Type of elevation	cmdElevation
elev-value	Height of End Point	cmdElevation
elev-computed	Compute elevation based on neighbors	cmdElevation
elev-grade	Compute grade based on neighbors	cmdElevation
elev-station	Specify a name for an End-Point	cmdElevation
elev-ok		cmdElevation
enum-print	Print parts list	cmdEnumerate
enum-printsetup	Invoke the Print Setup dialog	printSetup
enum-save	Save parts list to file	cmdEnumerate
enum-text	This is the list of parts for the layout	cmdEnumerate
enum-list-prices	Enable prices on the Parts List	cmdEnumerate
grid-horzspacing	Spacing between major grid lines	cmdGrid
grid-horzdivision	Allows the spacing to be subdivided	cmdGrid
grid-horzenable	Specifies if positions are snaped in this direction	cmdGrid
grid-vertspacing	Spacing between major grid lines	cmdGrid
grid-vertdivision	Allows the spacing to be subdivided	cmdGrid
grid-vertenable	Specifies if positions are snaped in this direction	cmdGrid
grid-origx	Shows the origin and angle of the grid	cmdGrid
grid-origy	Shows the origin and angle of the grid	cmdGrid
grid-origa	Shows the origin and angle of the grid	cmdGrid
grid-show	Specifies if the grid is shown	cmdGrid
grid-ok	Completes the grid specification	cmdGrid
group-manuf	Manufacturer	cmdGroup
group-desc	Description	cmdGroup
group-partno	Part Number	cmdGroup
group-segcnt	Number of segments in Group	cmdGroup
group-replace	Replace the Selected object with the new definition?	cmdGroup
group-ok	Creates a new Structure (or Turnout)	cmdGroup
helix-elev	Elevation difference of Helix End-Points	cmdHelix
helix-radius	Helix Radius	cmdHelix
helix-turns	Number of turns in the helix	cmdHelix
helix-angSep	Angle betweek helix entrance and exit	cmdHelix
helix-grade	Grade in helix	cmdHelix
helix-vertSep	Separation between helix layers	cmdHelix
layer-layer	Layer list	cmdLayer
layer-name	Layer Name	cmdLayer
layer-color	Color of layer	cmdLayer
layer-visible	Layer is drawn on Main window	cmdLayer
layer-frozen	Layer cannot be changed	cmdLayer
layer-onmap	Layer is drawn on Map window	cmdLayer
layer-button-count	Number of layer buttons to show	cmdLayer
layer-object-count	Number of objects in this layer	cmdLayer
layer-ok		cmdLayer
layer-reset	Load layer configuration from default	cmdLayer
layer-save	Save current layer configuration as default	cmdLayer
layer-clear	Overwrite layer configuration with system default values	cmdLayer
layout-roomsizeX	Specifies the size of the room (in inches or centimeters)	cmdLayout
layout-roomsizeY	Specifies the size of the room (in inches or centimeters)	cmdLayout
layout-title1	Specifies the layout Title that will appear on printouts	cmdLayout
layout-title2	Specifies the layout Subtitle that will appear on printouts	cmdLayout
layout-scale	Specifies the Modelling Scale	cmdLayout
layout-gauge	Specifies the rail gauge, ie. the distance between the rails	cmdLayout
layout-mintrackradius	Specifies minimum track radius (in inches or centimeters). Tracks with a smaller radius are considered exceptional.	cmdLayout
layout-maxtrackgrade	Specifies maximum track elevation expressed as a percent (%). Tracks with a larger elevation are considered exceptional.	cmdLayout
newcar-road	Roadname	cmdTrain
newcar-number	Car Number	cmdTrain
note-text	This is the body of the Note.  To change this select Modify from the File Menu	cmdNote
note-ok		cmdNote
outputbitmap-density	Specifies number of pixels per inch (or centimeter)	cmdOutputbitmap
outputbitmap-ok		cmdOutputbitmap
outputbitmap-toggles	Specifies whether Layout Titles, Borders or Track Centerlines are printed on the BitMap	cmdOutputbitmap
parallel-separation	Specifies the separation between parallel tracks	cmdParallel
parameter-name	Enter your name as specified in the XTrackCAD Registration Notice	register
parameter-key	Enter the key value as specified in the XTrackCAD Registration Notice	register
parameter-ok	Validates the name and key.  Terminates the registration command	register
pref-anglesystem	0� is up or to the right	cmdPref
pref-units	Choose english (inches) or metric (centimeters)	cmdPref
pref-dstfmt	How to display length measurements	cmdPref
pref-minlength	Do not create tracks to be shorter than this value	cmdPref
pref-connectdistance	Maximum distance between connected end points	cmdPref
pref-connectangle	Minimum angle between connected End-Points	cmdPref
pref-turntable-angle	Specifies the minimum angle between tracks connected to a turntable	cmdPref
pref-coupling-speed-max	Trains will crash above this speed	cmdPref
pref-balloonhelp	Enable/Disable balloon popup help windows	cmdPref
pref-dragpixels	How far you can move the mouse before its considered a drag	cmdPref
pref-dragtimeout	How long you can hold a mouse button down before its considered a drag	cmdPref
pref-mingridspacing	Minimum distance (in pixels) between grid lines/ticks	cmdPref
pref-checkpoint	Specifies the Check Point frequency; number of modifications made since the last save.	cmdPref
pref-onstartup	Resume work on last layout or start with new layout	cmdPref
pref-ok		cmdPref
pricelist-cost	Updated cost of current selected item	cmdPricelist
pricelist-entry	Item	cmdPricelist
pricelist-inx	Selection list for prices	cmdPricelist
pricelist-flexlen	Price of specified length of flex-track	cmdPricelist
pricelist-flexunit	Price of specified length of flex-track	cmdPricelist
pricelist-flexcost	Price of specified length of flex-track	cmdPricelist
pricelist-ok		cmdPricelist
print-scale	Controls the reduction (scale) of the printout	cmdPrint
print-pagew	Scaled page width (Scale times physical page width)	cmdPrint
print-max	Sets page size to the maximum (based on scale and physical page size)	cmdPrint
print-pageh	Scaled page height (Scale times physical page height)	cmdPrint
print-snapshot	Sets scale, origin and angle for a one page printout of the layout	cmdPrint
print-format	Print page in Portrait or Landscape format	cmdPrint
print-order	Order of printing pages	cmdPrint
print-style	Print Title, Date, Author and other information at bottom of page?	cmdPrint
print-physsize	Ignore unprintable page margins?	cmdPrint
print-registrationMarks	Print Registration Marks at 1:1?	cmdPrint
print-grid	Print Snap Grid?	cmdPrint
print-ruler	Print Rulers on all page edges?	cmdPrint
print-roadbed	Print Roadbed Outline?	cmdPrint
print-roadbedWidth	Print Roadbed Outline	cmdPrint
print-origx	Origin of the print grid.  This is useful if you want to reprint a set of pages	cmdPrint
print-origy	Origin of the print grid.  This is useful if you want to reprint a set of pages	cmdPrint
print-reset	Resets the origin and angle to 0	cmdPrint
print-origa	Origin of the print grid.  This is useful if you want to reprint a set of pages	cmdPrint
print-clear	Deselects all pages	cmdPrint
print-setup	Invoke the Print Setup dialog	printSetup
print-ok	Print selected pages and terminates the print command	cmdPrint
prmfile-inx	List of loaded and unloaded parameter files	cmdPrmfile
prmfile-mode	Show parameter files by names or descriptions	cmdPrmfile
prmfile-action	Toggle the loaded status of the selected parameter file	cmdPrmfile
prmfile-browse	Find a parameter file for loading	cmdPrmfile
prmfile-ok	Update parameter file list	cmdPrmfile
profile-canvas	Profile of specified path	cmdProfile
profile-clear	Clear the profile	cmdProfile
profile-print	Print the profile	cmdProfile
profile-ok		cmdProfile
record-stop	Stop recording	cmdRecord
record-message	Insert a message	cmdRecord
record-end	End a message	cmdRecord
record-text	Message body	cmdRecord
refreshSpecial-list	Possible turnouts	cmdRefreshSpecial
refreshSpecial-skip	Skip this turnout	cmdRefreshSpecial
refreshSpecial-ok		cmdRefreshSpecial
rename-manuf	Manufacturer of Object	cmdCustmgm
rename-desc	Description of Object	cmdCustmgm
rename-partno	Part Nuber of Object	cmdCustmgm
rename-ok		cmdCustmgm
rescale-toggle	Rescale by Scale Conversion or by Ratio	cmdRescale
rescale-fromS	Original Scale of the selected objects	cmdRescale
rescale-fromG	Original Gauge of the selected objects	cmdRescale
rescale-toS	New Scale of the selected objects	cmdRescale
rescale-toG	New Gauge of the selected objects	cmdRescale
rescale-change-dim	Change track dimensions to new scale	cmdRescale
rescale-ratio	Change size by this amount	cmdRescale
rescale-ok		cmdRescale
rgbcolor-snapgrid	Snap Grid Line and Division	cmdRgbcolor
rgbcolor-marker	X and Y position markers	cmdRgbcolor
rgbcolor-border	Border rulers, room boundaries and table edges	cmdRgbcolor
rgbcolor-crossmajor	Primary Axis of grid rotation	cmdRgbcolor
rgbcolor-crossminor	Secondary Axis of grid rotation	cmdRgbcolor
rgbcolor-normal	Unselected tracks	cmdRgbcolor
rgbcolor-selected	Selected tracks	cmdRgbcolor
rgbcolor-profile	Color of tracks on the Profile path	cmdRgbcolor
rgbcolor-exception	Color of Exceptional tracks	cmdRgbcolor
rgbcolor-tie	Color of track ties	cmdRgbcolor
rgbcolor-ok	Updates the colors	cmdRgbcolor
rotate-rotate	Angle in degrees	cmdRotate
rotate-ok	Rotate object(s) by specified amount	cmdRotate
sticky-set	Choose commands to be sticky	cmdSticky
sticky-ok	Make the commands sticky	cmdSticky
structure-list	List of available structure	cmdStructure
structure-canvas	Diagram of the selected structure	cmdStructure
structure-hide	Hide Selection window when placing Structure	cmdStructure
structure-stats	Drawing scale and size	cmdStructure
structure-ok	Complete structure placement	cmdStructure
structure-pier-inx	Choose a Pier number	cmdStructure
text-fontsize	Controls the size of the entered text	cmdText
tip-text	Useful information about the program	cmdTip
tip-showatstart	Show Tip of the Day every time the program starts	cmdTip
tip-next	Show the next Tip of the Day	cmdTip
tip-prev	Show the previous Tip of the Day	cmdTip
tip-ok		cmdTip
toolbarM	Controls which Command Buttons are displayed
train-newcar-index	List of Cars	cmdTrain
train-list	List of active trains	cmdTrain
train-speed	Speed	cmdTrain
train-distance	Train odometer	cmdTrain
train-zeroDistance	Reset odometer to 0	cmdTrain
train-goto	Find train on layout	cmdTrain
train-follow	Follow train around layout	cmdTrain
train-autoreverse	Flip direction at End Of Track	cmdTrain
train-direction	Change direction of train	cmdTrain
train-stop	Stop the train	cmdTrain
turnout-list	List of available turnouts for the current scale	cmdTurnout
turnout-canvas	Diagram of the currently selected turnout.  Click on a End-Point to select the Active End-Point	cmdTurnout
turnout-new	A menu list of various type of turnouts and sectional tracks you can define
turnout-hide	Hide Selection window when placing Turnout	cmdTurnout
turnout-activeEndPoint	The selected Active End-Point	cmdTurnout
turnout-current	Current selected turnout, (displayed in the diagram window)	cmdTurnout
turnout-endPoint	One the End-Points that can be selected	cmdTurnout
turnout-ok		cmdTurnout
turnoutNew-angle1	Angle of the specified track to the center line of the turnout
turnoutNew-angle2	Angle of the specified track to the center line of the turnout
turnoutNew-angleMode	Specifies if angles are entered as Frog Numbers or in degrees	cmdTurnoutNew
turnoutNew-desc1	Desciption
turnoutNew-desc2	Desciption
turnoutNew-label	Turnout description (Manuf., Size, Part Number, etc)	cmdTurnoutNew
turnoutNew-len0	Length from the base to the end of the specified track
turnoutNew-len1	Length from the base to the end of the specified track
turnoutNew-len2	Length from the base to the end of the specified track
turnoutNew-manuf	Manufacturer
turnoutNew-off1	Offset of the track End-Point from the center line of the turnout
turnoutNew-off2	Offset of the track End-Point from the center line of the turnout
turnoutNew-partno1	Part Number
turnoutNew-partno2	Part Number
turnoutNew-print	Prints a full size diagram of the turnout for checking	cmdTurnoutNew
turnoutNew-ok	Prints a full size diagram of the turnout for checking	cmdTurnoutNew
turnoutNew-color	Color of Roadbed lines	cmdTurnoutNew
turnoutNew-roadbedLineWidth	Width of Roadbed lines	cmdTurnoutNew
turnoutNew-roadbedWidth	Width of Roadbed	cmdTurnoutNew
turnoutNew-printsetup	Invoke the Print Setup dialog	printSetup
turnoutNew-done	Closes the window and returns to the Turnout Selection window	cmdTurnoutNew
turntable-diameter	Specifies the diameter of the turntable	cmdTurntable
updatetitle-old	Old Turnout title	cmdUpdatetitle
updatetitle-sel	List of available titles	cmdUpdatetitle
updatetitle-ignore	Leave the Turnouts' title unchanged	cmdUpdatetitle
updatetitle-load	Invoke the Parameter Files dialog	cmdUpdatetitle
updatetitle-list	List of available turnouts	cmdUpdatetitle
updatetitle-ok	Update the Turnouts' title	cmdUpdatetitle
fontSelCancel	Cancel	fontSelW
fontSelList	List	fontSelW
fontSelOk	Ok	fontSelW
fontSelSample	Sample	fontSelW
fontSelSize	Size	fontSelW
fontSelSlant	Slant	fontSelW
fontSelW	Font selection dialog
fontSelWeight	Weight	fontSelW
printAbortW	Printer Abort Window
printFileName	Print to filename
printFontAlias	Specify Postscript font alias mapping
printSetup	Displays the Print Setup window to change printers, orientation, paper size, etc.
printSetupCancel	Closes this dialog	printSetup
printSetupFormat	Page orientation	printSetup
printSetupMargin	Unprintable margins	printSetup
printSetupOk	Updates and closes this dialog	printSetup
printSetupPaper	Choose paper size	printSetup
printSetupPrinter	Choose printer	printSetup
printSetupTest	Print test page	printSetup
about	No Help	nohelp
about-about	No Help	nohelp
about-ok		nohelp
cmdDebug	No Help	nohelp
loosen	No Help	nohelp
misc-toolbarset	No Help	nohelp
misc-showlayout	No Help	nohelp
misc-showdisplay	No Help	nohelp
misc-showcmdopt	No Help	nohelp
misc-showeasement	No Help	nohelp
misc-showfontSel	No Help	nohelp
misc-showgrid	No Help	nohelp
misc-showdebug	No Help	nohelp
misc-sticky	No Help	nohelp
misc-showpref	No Help	nohelp
misc-showcolor	No Help	nohelp
misc-showfileClear	No Help	nohelp
misc-showparamFile	No Help	nohelp
misc-showpriceList	No Help	nohelp
misc-showprint	No Help	nohelp
misc-showprintSetup	No Help	nohelp
misc-showprintBitmap	No Help	nohelp
misc-showpartsList	No Help	nohelp
misc-shownotes	No Help	nohelp
misc-showundo	No Help	nohelp
misc-showredo	No Help	nohelp
misc-showcut	No Help	nohelp
misc-showcopy	No Help	nohelp
misc-showpaste	No Help	nohelp
misc-showdelete	No Help	nohelp
misc-showtunnel	No Help	nohelp
misc-showabove	No Help	nohelp
misc-showbelow	No Help	nohelp
misc-showwidth0	No Help	nohelp
misc-showwidth2	No Help	nohelp
misc-showwidth3	No Help	nohelp
misc-showrecompelev	No Help	nohelp
misc-showcardesc	No Help	nohelp
misc-showcaradd	No Help	nohelp
misc-showselectAll	No Help	nohelp
misc-showimport	No Help	nohelp
misc-showexport	No Help	nohelp
misc-showexportDXF	No Help	nohelp
misc-showloosen	No Help	nohelp
misc-group-objects	No Help	nohelp
misc-ungroup-objects	No Help	nohelp
misc-showcustomMgm	No Help	nohelp
misc-showlayers	No Help	nohelp
misc-showmoveToCurrentLayer	No Help	nohelp
misc-showselectCurrentLayer	No Help	nohelp
misc-showclearElevations	No Help	nohelp
misc-showaddElevations	No Help	nohelp
debug-Track	No Help	nohelp
debug-EndPt	No Help	nohelp
debug-ReadTracks	No Help	nohelp
debug-Curve	No Help	nohelp
debug-Join	No Help	nohelp
debug-Turnout	No Help	nohelp
debug-Structure	No Help	nohelp
debug-Print	No Help	nohelp
debug-ok		nohelp
map-canvas	No Help	nohelp
cmdLayerShow0	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow1	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow2	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow3	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow4	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow5	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow6	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow7	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow8	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow9	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow10	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow11	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow12	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow13	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow14	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow15	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow16	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow17	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow18	Layer	cmdLayer
cmdLayerShow19	Layer	cmdLayer