############################################################ # Various messages with help. Sorted by message content ############################################################ # chndldto.c MESSAGE MSG_CANT_PLACE_FROGPOINTS A %s cannot be placed on a turnout, circle or helix. ALT Frog|Points cannot be placed on a turnout, circle or helix. HELP The frog or points of a hand-laid turnout cannot be placed on a turnout, circle or helix track. Choose a straight or curved section of track or use the \f{Split} command to create a curve from the circle track. Refer to \k{cmdHandLaidTurnout} for detail regarding hand laid turnouts or \k{cmdSplitTrack} for detail regarding the \f{Split} command. END # cselect.c MESSAGE MSG_SEL_TRK_FROZEN A frozen layer contains selected track. Command cannot be executed. HELP This operation cannot be executed as segments of Selected track are present on a frozen layer. Track changes or deletions may be performed only on unfrozen layers. Deselect objects that appear on frozen layers or unfreeze the layers. Refer to \k{cmdLayer} for detail. END # ccurve.c MESSAGE MSG_HELIX_TURNS_GTR_0 A Helix must have one or more loops of track. HELP A Helix cannot be created with less than one complete loop of track. Anything less than one loop is considered a section of curved track. END # ctext.c MESSAGE MSG_LARGE_FONT A large font has been selected. Large fonts may a take a while to load. Do you wish to continue? HELP A large font has been selected. Large fonts (or changing fonts sizes) may take a noticeable amount of time to load. Refer to \k{cmdText} for detail. END # ctodesgn.c MESSAGE MSG_TODSGN_DESC_NONBLANK All description fields present in the Turnout Designer must contain appropriate information. Correct inappropriate values and try again. HELP Turnout descriptions should be as accurate as possible. All description fields listed in the \f{Turnout Designer} must contain appropriate information. Refer to \k{cmdTurnoutNew} for detail. END # cgroup.c:groupOk MESSAGE MSG_GROUP_NONBLANK All fields listed in the Group dialog must contain data. Please enter missing values and try again. HELP The \f{Group} dialog shows the Manufacturer, Description and part number (Title) of the new definition. Initial values are based on selected turnouts and structures or on the last \f{Ungroup}ed object. The dialog also contains a toggle button (\f{Replace with new group}?), which is used if you want to replace the selected objects with the new definition. All fields listed in this dialog window must contain data. Refer to \k{cmdGroup} for detail. END # ctodesgn.c MESSAGE MSG_TODSGN_VALUES_GTR_0 All values specified in the Turnout Designer must be greater than 0. Correct inappropriate values and try again. HELP Turnout dimensions should be as accurate as possible. All values specified in the \f{Turnout Designer} must be greater than 0. Refer to \k{cmdTurnoutNew} for detail. END MESSAGE MSG_CURVE_OUT_OF_RANGE Angle must be between 0\u00B0 and 360\u00B0. HELP The angle specified for a curve must be between 0\u00B0 and 360\u00B0. END # dcustmgm.c MESSAGE MSG_CUSTMGM_DELETE_CONFIRM Are you sure you want to delete the %d definition(s)? ALT Are you sure you want to delete the NNN definition(s)? HELP You are about to delete a custom turnout or structure design from the \f{Custom Design} file (\c{xtrkcad.cus}) file. This action cannot be undone. Refer to \k{installDir} and \k{workDir} for an explanation of the files used by \e{XTrackCAD}. END # dbitmap.c MESSAGE MSG_WBITMAP_FAILED Bitmap create or write function failed. HELP Your attempt to create or write a bitmap file failed. This could be due to the bitmap being too large or a lack of system resources. Try creating a smaller Bitmap or freeing system resources by closing other applications and dialog windows. END # dbitmap.c MESSAGE MSG_BITMAP_TOO_LARGE Bitmap is too large. HELP A Bitmap must be less than 32000 pixels in height or width. Try increasing the DPI (or DPCM) value. Refer to \k{cmdOutputbitmap} for detail. END # cprofile.c MESSAGE MSG_CHANGE_ELEV_MODE Cannot change elevation mode. HELP In the \f{Profile} command, the \f{Elevation} mode for this \e{endpoint} can be change only if it is \f{Defined}, \f{Ignored} or \f{None}. The \f{Elevation} command can be used to change this \e{endpoint}. Refer to \k{cmdElev} for detail. END # csnap.c MESSAGE MSG_GRID_ENABLE_SPACE_GTR_0 Cannot Enable Grid; spacing must be greater than 0 HELP Before the horizontal or vertical \f{Snap Grid} can be \f{Enable}d, the corresponding \e{Spacing} value(s) on the \f{Grid} dialog must be set to a value greater than 0. Refer to \k{cmdGrid} for detail. END # dlayer.c MESSAGE MSG_LAYER_FREEZE Cannot freeze current layer HELP The current \f{Layer} is where most new objects are created. It's not possible to freeze this layer, since it would not be able to create objects. Change the current \f{Layer} to some other \f{Layer} before trying to freeze this Layer. Refer to \k{cmdLayer} for detail. END # cgroup.c:doGroup MESSAGE MSG_CANT_GROUP_BUMPER1 Cannot Group Bumper Track. The track has been unselected. HELP Bumper tracks (tracks with 1 endpoint) are not supported by the Group command. END # cgroup.c:doGroup MESSAGE MSG_CANNOT_GROUP_TRACK Cannot Group selected track. HELP Group objects are formed from Straight, Curved, Turnout or Sectional track. The selected objects include a track which is not one of these. Reselect the objects, including only track segments of these types. Refer to \k{cmdGroup} for detail. END # dlayer.c MESSAGE MSG_LAYER_HIDE Cannot hide current layer HELP The current \f{Layer} is where most new objects are created. It's not possible to hide this layer, since it would not be possible to see the objects. Change the current \f{Layer} to some other \f{Layer} before trying to hide this Layer. Refer to \k{cmdLayer} for detail. END # cjoin.c track.c:getTrackParams/PARAMS_..._JOIN MESSAGE MSG_JOIN_EASEMENTS Cannot Join; Easements do not align or abut. HELP You are trying to \f{Join} two \e{easement} curves. This can be achieved only if the two curves abut and are aligned. Otherwise, you can delete the \e{easement} curves and try to \f{Join} to connected tracks. Refer to \k{cmdJoin} for detail. END # cjoin.c MESSAGE MSG_TRK_ALREADY_CONN Cannot Join; %s track is already connected. ALT First|Second track is already connected. HELP To \f{Join} one track with another, the \e{endpoints} selected for connection cannot be connected with any other track. Pick another track with an unconnected \e{endpoint} or disconnect one of the \e{endpoints} using the \f{Split} command. Refer to \k{cmdJoin} for detail regarding the \f{Join} command or \k{cmdSplitTrack} for detail regarding the \f{Split} command. END # cturntbl.c MESSAGE MSG_JOIN_TURNTABLE Cannot join from a turntable, try to a turntable HELP You cannot select a \f{Turntable} as the second track in \f{Join} command. If you wish to \f{Join} to a \f{Turntable} then select the \f{Turntable} as the first track in the \f{Join} command. Refer to \k{cmdJoin} for detail. END ccornu.c MESSAGE MSG_JOIN_CORNU_SAME Cannot Join; Selected endpoints are on same track. HELP You are trying to \f{Join} a section of track with itself. Different tracks must selected when using the \f{Join} command. Refer to \k{cmdJoin} for detail. END # cjoin.c MESSAGE MSG_JOIN_SAME Cannot Join; Selected endpoints are on same track. HELP You are trying to \f{Join} a section of track with itself. Different tracks must selected when using the \f{Join} command. Refer to \k{cmdJoin} for detail. END # cjoin.c MESSAGE MSG_SELECTED_TRACKS_PARALLEL Cannot Join; Selected tracks are parallel. HELP These tracks cannot be joined as they are parallel to each other and the selected \e{endpoints}, point in opposite directions. To \f{Join} these two tracks, pick \e{endpoints} that point in the same direction. Refer to \k{cmdJoin} for detail. END # dprmfile.c MESSAGE MSG_PRMFIL_OPEN_NEW Cannot open New Parameter File: %s ALT Cannot open New Parameter File: FILENAME HELP During the processing of \f{Parameter Files} after updating to a new version of \e{XTrackCAD}, one of updated \f{Parameter Files} could not be found. Check that the installation had no errors. You can use the \f{Parameter Files} dialog to locate the parameter file. Refer to \k{cmdPrmfile} for detail. END # dlayer.c MESSAGE MSG_LAYER_SEL_FROZEN Cannot select a frozen layer HELP The current \f{Layer} is where most new objects are created. It's not possible to select a frozen \f{Layer}, since it would not be possible to create objects. Unfreeze this \f{Layer} before trying to make this the current \f{Layer}. Refer to \k{cmdLayer} for detail. END # csnap.c MESSAGE MSG_GRID_SHOW_SPACE_GTR_0 Cannot Show Grid; spacing must be greater than 0 HELP Before the \f{Snap Grid} can be \f{Show}n, corresponding horizontal or vertical \e{Spacing} value(s) on the \f{Grid} dialog must be set to a value greater than 0. Refer to \k{cmdGrid} for detail. END # track.c MESSAGE MSG_CANT_SPLIT_TRK Cannot split %s track ALT Cannot split TYPE track HELP This type of track cannot be \f{Split}. Only Straight, Curved, Circle and Easement tracks can be \f{Split}. To \f{Split} a Turnout, hold down the Shift key then \e{Left-Click} on the position where the track should be \f{Split}. Refer to \k{cmdSplitTrack} for detail. END # dcustmgm.c MESSAGE MSG_CUSTMGM_CANT_WRITE Cannot write to parameter file: %s ALT Cannot write to parameter file: FILENAME HELP The specified parameter file can not be written to. Make sure the file and or directory is not marked as read only. END MESSAGE MSG_CARIMP_DUP_INDEX Car Index number duplicated. HELP Each Car in your inventory must have a unique index value. If a duplicate index number is found during the \f{Import} process it will be replaced with a new, unused value. END # doption.c MESSAGE MSG_CONN_PARAMS_TOO_SMALL Connection parameters reset to minimum values. HELP The parameters \e{Minimum Track Length}, \e{Connection Angle} and \e{Connection Distance} have minimum values that cannot be set to smaller values. The minimum values are 0.1"/0.254cm, 1\u00B0 and 0.1"/0.254cm respectively. Refer to \k{cmdPref} for detail. END MESSAGE MSG_CONN_PARAMS_TOO_BIG Connection parameters reset to maximum values. HELP The parameters \e{Minimum Track Length}, \e{Connection Angle} and \e{Connection Distance} have maximum values that cannot be set to bigger values. The maximum values are 1.0"/2.54cm, 10\u00B0 and 1.0"/2.54cm respectively. Refer to \k{cmdPref} for detail. END # fileio.c MESSAGE MSG_CANT_PASTE Copy/Paste buffer is empty. There is nothing to Paste. HELP An attempt was made to \f{Paste} an object onto the layout however the Copy/Paste buffer was empty. This error generally occurs when the \f{Paste} command is executed without first executing the \f{Copy} command. Refer to \k{editM} for detail. END # ctodesgn.c MESSAGE MSG_TODSGN_CROSSOVER_TOO_SHORT Crossover length is too short. Correct inappropriate value(s) and try again. HELP The length of crossover segments must be greater than the track gauge. END # curves MESSAGE MSG_CURVE_TOO_LARGE Curved track is too large. HELP The length of the curved track is limited to sum of the room dimensions. This limitation prevents creation of curves that are unreasonably large. Adjust the mouse position to create a smaller Curve. END # ctodesgn.c MESSAGE MSG_TODSGN_REPLACE Definition name is already in use. Saving this definition replaces the existing definition. Do you want to continue? HELP The definition you're attempting to create uses the same name as an existing definition. Saving the definition with the same name will cause \e{XTrackCAD} to replace the existing definition, making the existing definition inaccessible. If the previous definition must be preserved, then choose a different name for the new definition. If necessary, the \f{Custom Management} dialog can be used to change definition names. Refer to \k{cmdCustmgm} for detail. END # draw.c MESSAGE MSG_SAVE_CHANGES Do you want to save the changes made to your Layout? HELP The \f{Exit} command was selected without first saving changes that have been made to the layout. This notice gives you the chance to save your changes before the program ends. END MESSAGE MSG_CARIMP_DUP_COLUMNS Duplicate column headers found in Car Import file. HELP The \f{Car Import} function reads car values from a Comma-Separated-Value (CSV) file. The import file must contain headers for at least the \e{Scale}, \e{Prototype}, \e{Manufacturer} and \e{Partno} columns. In addition, the following column headers may also be included: \e{Index}, \e{Type}, \e{Description}, \e{Roadname}, \e{Repmark}, \e{Number}, \e{Options}, \e{CarLength}, \e{CarWidth}, \e{CoupledLength}, \e{TruckCenter}, \e{Color}, \e{PurchPrice}, \e{CurrPrice}, \e{Condition}, \e{PurchDate}, \e{ServiceDate} and \e{Notes}. It appears the CSV file that you're attempting to \f{Import} contains more than one row of column headers. Review the CSV files content and ensure only one row of header data exists. Refer to \k{cmdCarinv} for detail. END # cprofile.c MESSAGE MSG_EP_ON_PATH Endpoint already on Path. HELP An \e{endpoint} that is already on the \f{Profile Path} has been selected. Select a different \e{endpoint}; one that is on a track that is not drawn in Purple. Refer to \k{cmdProfile} for detail. END # fileio.c MESSAGE MSG_UPGRADE_VERSION1 File version %ld is greater than supported version %d. You need to upgrade %s to at least version %s. HELP The layout file that you're attempting to load was created using a newer version of \e{XTrackCAD}. In order to load this file it will be necessary to upgrade your version of \e{XTrackCAD} to at least the version identified within the error message. Take full advantage of the latest features within \e{XTrackCAD} by visiting the \W{http://www.xtrkcad.org/}{\e{XTrackCAD} Website} and downloading the latest release. END #fileio.c MESSAGE MSG_UPGRADE_VERSION2 File version %ld is greater than supported version %d. You need to upgrade your version of %s HELP The layout file that you're attempting to load was created using a newer version of \e{XTrackCAD}. In order to load this file it will be necessary to upgrade your version of \e{XTrackCAD} to at least the version identified within the error message. Take full advantage of the latest features within \e{XTrackCAD} by visiting the \W{http://www.xtrkcad.org/}{\e{XTrackCAD} Fork Website} and downloading the latest release. END # chndldto.c MESSAGE MSG_MOVE_POINTS_OTHER_SIDE Frog angle prevents placement of points. Move points to opposite side of frog. HELP The frog angle prevents points from being placed on this side of the frog. Place points on opposite side of frog or retry this command and create the frog in the opposite direction. Refer to \k{cmdHandLaidTurnout} for detail. END # cturntbl.c MESSAGE MSG_NO_ROOM_BTW_TRKS Insufficient space between existing stall tracks. HELP There is insufficient space between the two existing turntable stall tracks to place a new stall track. Either place the new stall track on a different part of the turntable or decrease the \e{Turntable Angle} using the \f{Command Options} dialog. Refer to \k{cmdTurntable} for detail regarding turntables or \k{cmdCmdopt} for detail regarding the \f{Command Options} dialog and \e{Turntable Angle}s. END # track.c:connectTracks MESSAGE MSG_JOIN_DIFFER_ELEV Joining tracks with differing elevations (%0.2f) ALT Joining tracks with differing elevations (N.NNN) HELP You are connecting two \e{endpoints} which differ in heights by N.NNN. The elevation of the connection will be the average of the two heights. You should check if this is a problem. END # cselect.c:cmdMoveDescription MESSAGE MSG_DESC_NOT_VISIBLE Label descriptions not visible HELP The \f{Move Description} command can only be used when labels are visible on the layout. Labels will not be visible when the \f{Label Scale} is set to a smaller value than the current drawing scale or when no items are enabled in the \f{Label Enable} section of the \f{Display Options} dialog. Check the \f{Display Options} dialog (\f{Options>Display}) to determine if; \u000 \b the \f{Label Scale} is set to a value smaller than or equal to the current drawing scale. \b at least one attribute within the \f{Label Enable} section is selected. You will of course want to ensure the type of label you wish to move is selected. \u000 Refer to \k{cmdMoveLabel} for detail regarding \f{Description} movement or \k{cmdDisplay} for detail regarding \f{Display} attributes. END MESSAGE MSG_OBJECT_TOO_SHORT Length of object is too short. HELP The specified length for the object being modified is too short. Increase the objects length. END # cprint.c MESSAGE MSG_PRINT_MAX_SIZE Maximum allowed page size is %s x %s ALT Maximum allowed page size is W x H HELP Values for \f{Page Width} and \f{Height} can be manually entered thus overriding maximum values. For example, smaller values could be specified if each printed page is to contain an integral number of feet. Values larger than the selected paper size multiplied by the \e{Scale} cannot be entered. Refer to \k{cmdPrint} for detail. END # dprmfile.c MESSAGE MSG_PRMFIL_NO_CONTENTS New Parameter File has no CONTENTS line: %s ALT New Parameter File has no CONTENTS line: FILENAME. HELP Each \f{Parameter Files} contains a line which identifies the contents. The specified file is missing this line. Please report this error to the \e{XTrackCAD} project development team at SourceForge. The process for reporting errors is outlined in \k{bugs}. END MESSAGE MSG_NO_CARS No Cars are defined for the current scale. Do you want to use the Car Inventory dialog? HELP No Cars are defined for the current scale. Use the dialog to select cars of the current scale and add them to the \f{Car Inventory}. Refer to \k{cmdCarinv} for detail. END # dcar.c MESSAGE MSG_NO_CARPROTO No Car Prototypes are defined. Load a Prototype definition file using the Parameter Files dialog or create a Prototype definition using the Car Prototype dialog. HELP No \f{Car Prototypes} are defined. Load a car prototype definition file (such as protoam.xtp) using the \f{Parameter Files} dialog or create a prototype definition using the \f{Car Prototype} dialog. Refer to \k{cmdPrmfile} for detail regarding the \f{Parameter Files} or \k{carprototype} for detail regarding the \f{Car Prototype} dialog. END MESSAGE MSG_CARIMP_NO_DATA No data present in Car Import file. HELP The \f{Car Import} function reads car values from a Comma-Separated-Value (CSV) file. The import file must contain headers for at least the \e{Scale}, \e{Prototype}, \e{Manufacturer} and \e{Partno} columns. In addition, information relative to at least one car must be included in the file otherwise this error occurs. Refer to \k{cmdCarinv} for detail. END # cprint.c MESSAGE MSG_PRINT_NO_PAGES No pages selected for printing. HELP Pages are selected for printing by clicking on the print grid on the layout. Use the \f{Zoom Out} command to bring more of the layout into view (\K{cmdZoom}). The print grid can be moved using the \e{Shift+Left+Drag} command or rotated using the \e{Shift+Right+Drag} command. Refer to \k{cmdPrint} for detail. END # cprofile.c MESSAGE MSG_NO_PATH_TO_EP No path between Profile and selected endpoint. HELP There is no path of track between the end of the \f{Profile} and the \e{endpoint} you have clicked on. Refer to the \k{cmdProfile} for detail. END # dprmfile.c MESSAGE MSG_PRMFIL_NO_MAP No Parameter File Map for %s ALT No Parameter File Map for CONTENTS HELP The parameter file for \f{CONTENTS} has been moved or deleted. Use the \f{Parameter Files} dialog to locate the \f{Parameter Files}. Refer to \k{cmdPrmfile} for detail. END # various MESSAGE MSG_NO_SELECTED_TRK No track(s) selected! HELP The current command operates on \f{Select}ed tracks of which there are none. \f{Select} the desired track and try the command again. Refer to \k{cmdSelect} for detail. END # dcmpnd.c:refreshCompound MESSAGE MSG_NO_TURNOUTS_AVAILABLE No %s are available. ALT No Turnouts|Structures are available. HELP The \f{Update Turnouts and Structures} command updates (or refreshes) selected turnouts, sectional tracks and structures on your layout with the current definitions from the loaded parameter files (\K{cmdPrmfile}). Each selected object that is found in a parameter file is updated with the current definition. If an object can not be found or if the new definition does not fit (same number of endpoints and all the endpoints have the same position and angle) then a dialog is displayed which contains suitable definitions that you can choose from. In the case of turnouts, this list is populated with turnouts having the same number of endpoints as the selected turnout. If turnouts with the same number of endpoints exist then this message is displayed. Refer to \k{cmdRefreshSpecial} for detail. END # dcar.c MESSAGE MSG_CARDESC_VALUE_ZERO Numeric values on the Car Description dialog must be greater than 0. HELP Numeric values on the \f{Car Description} dialog (Car Length, Car Width, Truck Centers, Coupled Length and Coupler Length) must be greater than zero. Refer to \k{cmdTrain} for detail. END MESSAGE MSG_MOVE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS Object has moved beyond room boundaries. HELP The last operation moved the object outside of room boundaries; room width and height. The \f{Undo} command can be used to move the object back. Refer to \k{cmdLayout} for detail regarding room boundaries and \k{cmdUndo} for detail regarding the \f{Undo} command. END # cparalle.c MESSAGE MSG_PARALLEL_SEP_GTR_0 Parallel separation must be greater than 0. HELP A parallel track with a separation of 0 or less cannot be created. Specify a positive value in the \f{Separation} field that appears in the Status Bar. Refer to \k{cmdParallel} for detail. END # dcar.c MESSAGE MSG_CARPART_DUPNAME Part Number for this Manufacturer already exists. Do you want to update it? HELP The \e{Part} definition you're attempting to create uses the same Manufacturer and Part Number as an existing definition. Saving the definition with the same Manufacturer and Part Number will cause \e{XTrakCAD} to update the existing definition. If the previous definition must be preserved, then choose a different Part Number for the new definition. Refer to \k{carpart} for detail. END # param.c MESSAGE MSG_PLAYBACK_LISTENTRY Playback: Cannot find list entry: %s ALT Playback: Cannot find list entry: NAME HELP This error is most likely caused by trying to \f{Playback} an incompatible \e{XTrackCAD} recording or demo file. Refer to \k{macroM} for detail. END # macro.c MESSAGE MSG_PLAYBACK_VERSION_UPGRADE Playback file version %ld is greater than supported version %d You need to upgrade your version of %s HELP The layout file that you're attempting to load was created using a newer version of \e{XTrackCAD}. In order to load this file it will be necessary to upgrade your version of \e{XTrackCAD} to at least the version identified within the error message. Take full advantage of the latest features within \e{XTrackCAD} by visiting the \W{http://www.xtrkcad.org/}{\e{XTrackCAD} Fork Website} and downloading the latest release. END # draw.c MESSAGE MSG_DOMOUSE_BAD_OP Playback: unknown action %d ALT Playback: unknown action NNN HELP This error is most likely caused by trying to \f{Playback} an incompatible \e{XTrackCAD} recording or demo file. Refer to \k{macroM} for detail. END # chndldto.c MESSAGE MSG_MOVE_POINTS_AWAY_CLOSE Points are to close to frog; move away. HELP The points are being placed too close to the frog. Move the points away from the frog and try again. Refer to \k{cmdHandLaidTurnout} for detail. END # drawgeom.c MESSAGE MSG_POLY_SHAPES_3_SIDES Poly shapes must have at least 3 sides. HELP Polygons and Poly Lines must have at least 3 sides. By moving one of the corners close to another corner you're attempting to merge the corners and create a Poly shape with only 2 sides. Try moving the other corner to the new position first. END # dcar.c MESSAGE MSG_CARPROTO_DUPNAME Prototype name already exists. Do you want to update it? HELP The \e{Prototype} definition you're attempting to create uses the same name as an existing definition. Saving the definition with the same name will cause \e{XTrackCAD} to update the existing definition. If the previous definition must be preserved, then choose a different Part Number for the new definition. Refer to \k{carprototype} for detail. END # ccurve.c MESSAGE MSG_RADIUS_GTR_0 Radius must be greater than 0. HELP It's not possible to create a Circle or Helix with a radius of 0\u00B0 or less. Specify a positive value in the \f{Radius} field that appears in the Status Bar. END MESSAGE MSG_RADIUS_GTR_10000 Radius must be less than 10000. HELP It's not possible to create a Circle or Helix with a radius of 10000\u00B0 or more. Specify a smaller value in the \f{Radius} field. END MESSAGE MSG_RADIUS_TOO_BIG The Circle or Helix will not fit within the layouts room parameters (Height and Width). HELP The defined circle can not fit within the defined layout parameters. Either specify a smaller value in the \f{Radius} field, or increase the room parameters in the \f{Layout} dialog. END #cselect.c MESSAGE MSG_RESCALE_TOO_BIG Rescaled tracks do not fit within layouts room parameters (Height and width). The layouts room parameters should be set to at least %s by %s. HELP While using the \f{Change Scale} command to enlarge the layout, \e{XTrackCAD} determined that rescaled tracks do not fit within the layout rooms parameters. Using the \f{Layout} dialog, the rooms parameters (Height and width) should be set so as to accommodate the rescaled track. Refer to \k{cmdLayout} for detail regarding \f{Layout} options or \k{cmdRescale} for detail regarding the \f{Change Scale} command. END MESSAGE MSG_CARIMP_MISSING_COLUMNS Required column headers missing from Car Import file. HELP The \f{Car Import} function reads car values from a Comma-Separated-Value (CSV) file. The import file must contain headers for at least the \e{Scale}, \e{Prototype}, \e{Manufacturer} and \e{Partno} columns. In addition, the following column headers may also be included: \e{Index}, \e{Type}, \e{Description}, \e{Roadname}, \e{Repmark}, \e{Number}, \e{Options}, \e{CarLength}, \e{CarWidth}, \e{CoupledLength}, \e{TruckCenter}, \e{Color}, \e{PurchPrice}, \e{CurrPrice}, \e{Condition}, \e{PurchDate}, \e{ServiceDate} and \e{Notes}. Refer to \k{cmdCarinv} for detail. END # cjoin.c MESSAGE MSG_2ND_TRK_NOT_SEL_UNSEL Second track must be %s. ALT Second track must be selected|unselected HELP The \f{Move To Join} command moves the selected tracks so an \e{endpoint} is joined with the \e{endpoint} of an unselected track. If you choose the selected \e{endpoint} first then you must choose an unselected \e{endpoint} second, and vice versa. Refer to \k{joinTrackMove} for detail. END # cprint.c MESSAGE MSG_OUT_OF_BOUNDS Selected page is out of bounds. HELP During execution of the \f{Print} command an attempted was made to select a page that's outside the layouts boundaries. Refer to \k{cmdLayout} for detail regarding layout boundaries or \k{cmdPrint} for detail regarding the \f{Print} command. END # ctext.c MESSAGE MSG_SEL_POS_FIRST Select position prior to entering Text. HELP The position where text is to be placed on the layout must be selected prior to text entry. The position is select by \e{Left-Click}ing on the layout at the point where the text is to appear. Desired text is entered after the position is selected. If necessary, the location can be changed once text entry begins by \e{Left-Click+Drag}ing the text to any desired position on the layout. Refer to \k{cmdText} for detail. END # dcar.c MESSAGE MSG_CARPROTO_BADSEGS Selected shapes must define a rectangular area with length greater than height. ALT Selected shapes must define a rectangular area ... HELP The \f{Import} command (Button) on the \f{Car Prototype} dialog is used to create the image of an car from the shapes selected on the layout prior to opening the \f{Car Prototype} dialog. The car is assumed to be oriented horizontally so its length must be greater than its height. The selected shapes do not meet this requirement. Refer to \k{carprototype} for detail. END # cpull.c MESSAGE MSG_TOO_FAR_APART_DIVERGE Selected tracks deviate too much or are too far apart from each other. HELP The \f{Connect} command is used to remove small gaps that may result when using sectional track. The chosen sectional track \e{endpoints} must be close together and nearly aligned. The selected tracks deviate too much or are too far apart from each other. Refer to \k{cmdConnect} for detail. END # misc.c MESSAGE MSG_COMMAND_DISABLED Specified command disabled. HELP The specified command has been disabled in error. Please report this error to the \e{XTrackCAD} project development team at SourceForge. The process for reporting errors is outlined in \k{bugs}. END # cturnout.c:splitTurnout MESSAGE MSG_SPLIT_POS_BTW_MERGEPTS Split position between Turnout Points HELP The \f{Split} position must be between an endpoint and the position where the turnout's track segments diverge (the turnout points). Select a position closer to the endpoint. END # cturnout.c:splitTurnoutCheckPath MESSAGE MSG_SPLIT_PATH_NOT_UNIQUE Split position not on unique path HELP The \f{Split} position must be between an endpoint and the position where the turnout's track segments diverge (the turnout points). Select a position closer to the endpoint. END MESSAGE MSG_CARIMP_MISSING_DIMS The following car has no dimensions and a Car Part description can not be found. %s Do you wish to continue importing other Cars? HELP The car import file does not specify car dimensions and the specified \e{Partno} can not be found. Edit the import file and either add car dimensions or add/update the \e{Partno}. This will allow \e{XTrackCAD} to locate information for the car being imported. Refer to \k{cmdCarinv} for detail. END MESSAGE MSG_CARIMP_MISSING_PARTNO The following car has no Part Number %s Do you wish to continue importing other Cars? HELP The car import file must contain headers for at least the \e{Scale}, \e{Prototype}, \e{Manufacturer} and \e{Partno} columns. In addition, car information relative to these columns must be included in each line of the file otherwise this error will occur. Refer to \k{cmdCarinv} for detail. END MESSAGE MSG_CARIMP_IGNORED_COLUMN The following column in the Car Import file will be ignored: %s HELP An invalid column in the Car Import file will be ignored. Valid column names are: \e{Index}, \e{Scale}, \e{Manufacturer}, \e{Type}, \e{Partno}, \e{Prototype}, \e{Description}, \e{Roadname}, \e{Repmark}, \e{Number}, \e{Options}, \e{CarLength}, \e{CarWidth}, \e{CoupledLength}, \e{TruckCenter}, \e{Color}, \e{PurchPrice}, \e{CurrPrice}, \e{Condition}, \e{PurchDate}, \e{ServiceDate} and \e{Notes}. Refer to \k{cmdCarinv} for detail. END # ctrain.c MESSAGE MSG_CANT_MOVE_UNDER_TRAIN The position of a turnout or turntable cannot be changed while occupied by a train. HELP The position of a turnout or turntable cannot be changed while occupied by a train. Refer to \k{cmdTrain}, \e{Turnouts and Turntables} for detail. END # cstruct.c MESSAGE MSG_STRUCT_NO_STRUCTS There are no structures to choose from in the structure selection list. Please check your SCALE, select the <File|Parameter Files> menu to load a Parameter File or create a new Structure with the Group command. HELP This error occurs when; \b no structures are available in the structure selection list or; \b the scale setting of the layout and \f{Parameter File}s does not match. Using the \f{File>Parameter Files} menu, check which Parameter files are loaded. Ensure the scale of the loaded files match that of the layout. Alternately a new Structure could be created using the \f{Group} command. Refer to \k{cmdPrmfile} for detail regarding \f{Parameter File}s or \k{cmdGroup} for detail regarding the \f{Group} command. END # cturnout.c MESSAGE MSG_TURNOUT_NO_TURNOUT There are no turnouts to choose from in the turnout selection list. Please check your SCALE, select the <Manage|Turnout Designer> menu to enter a new turnout or select the <File|Parameter Files> menu to load a Parameter File HELP This error occurs when; \b no turnouts are available in the turnouts selection list or; \b the scale setting of the layout and \f{Parameter File}s does not match. Using the \f{File>Parameter Files} menu, check which Parameter files are loaded. Ensure the scale of the loaded files match that of the layout. Alternately a new turnout could be created using the \f{Turnout Designer} command. Refer to \k{cmdPrmfile} for detail regarding \f{Parameter File}s or \k{cmdTurnoutNew} for detail regarding the \f{Turnout Designer} command. END # track.c:pickUnconnectedEndPt MESSAGE MSG_NO_UNCONN_EP There are no unconnected end points for this track HELP The current command operates on the unconnected \e{endpoint} of a track, but the \e{endpoints} of the chosen track are all connected to other tracks. Use the \f{Split} command to disconnect the desired \e{endpoint} of this track or choose another track. Refer to \k{cmdSplitTrack} for detail. END # cpull.c MESSAGE MSG_PULL_FEW_SECTIONS There are too few sections in this loop. HELP The \f{Connect} command operates by adding small gaps between other track to make up for the larger gap between the tracks you have selected. In this case you are attempting to close a loop of track with to few sections. Try creating a loop with more sectional track pieces. Refer to \k{cmdConnect} for detail. END # cundo.c MESSAGE MSG_NO_REDO There is nothing to redo! HELP Either the \f{Undo} command has not been used or another command has been used since, thus no Undo operations are available to be undone. Refer to \k{cmdUndo} for detail. END # cundo.c MESSAGE MSG_NO_UNDO There is nothing to undo! HELP Either no operations have been performed since the current file was opened or all previous operations (up to 10) have been undone. Refer to \k{cmdUndo} for detail. END # cgroup.c:groupOk MESSAGE MSG_TOOMANYSEGSINGROUP Too many segments in Group. HELP A group is limited to a maximum of 128 track segments. The number of segments within the selected group of tracks exceed this number. Select a smaller number of tracks then try again. Refer to \k{cmdGroup} for detail. END # cmodify.c MESSAGE MSG_CANNOT_CHANGE Track cannot be changed. HELP Modifications can only be made to straight or curved tracks. END # cturntbl.c MESSAGE MSG_POINT_INSIDE_TURNTABLE Track endpoint is within turntable radius. HELP An attempt has been made to create the \e{endpoint} of a track within the radius of the \f{Turntable}. Move the \e{endpoint} of the track (mouse pointer) outside of the radius of the \f{Turntable}. Refer to \k{cmdTurntable} for detail. END # chndldto.c MESSAGE MSG_MOVE_POINTS_AWAY_NO_INTERSECTION Track intersection not possible; move points away from frog. HELP The track angle at the current point position does not intersect with the angle of the diverging leg of the new turnout. The points need to be relocated to a position that will allow the angle of the track to intersect the angle of the diverging leg of the new turnout. Refer to \k{cmdHandLaidTurnout} for detail. END # various MESSAGE MSG_TRK_TOO_SHORT %strack is too short by %0.3f ALT Track is too short by N.NNN HELP The operation will create a track that is shorter than the minimum length specified on the \f{Preferences} dialog. Adjust the position of the mouse to increase the length of the track by moving away from the \e{endpoint}. Refer to \k{cmdPref} for detail. END # various MESSAGE MSG_RADIUS_LSS_EASE_MIN Track radius (%s) is smaller than easement minimum (%s). ALT Track radius (N.NNN) is smaller than easement minimum (N.NNN). HELP An attempt was made to create a curved track with a radius smaller than the minimum specified in the \f{Easement} dialog. Try moving the mouse to different position, creating a curve with a larger radius. Refer to \k{cmdEasement} for detail. END # track.c MESSAGE MSG_CANT_MODIFY_FROZEN_TRK Tracks in a frozen layer cannot be modified. HELP This operation cannot be executed as the selected track is present on a frozen layer. Track modifications may be performed only on unfrozen layers. Move the object to a \f{Layer} that's not frozen or unfreeze the layer. Refer to \k{cmdLayer} for detail. END #ctodesgn.c MESSAGE MSG_SEGMENTS_DIFFER Turnout definition contains non-track segments. Do you want to include them in this update? HELP Turnout definitions can include lines and other shapes that represent switch machines, switch stands, roadbed or other objects. Such items can be include when editing Turnout definitions. These same items can also be removed if there's a need to start over again. Refer to \k{cmdCustmgm} for detail. END # cturntbl.c MESSAGE MSG_TURNTABLE_DIAM_GTR_0 Turntable diameter must greater than 0. HELP It's not possible to create a turntable with a diameter of less than or equal to 0. Specify a positive value in the \f{Diameter} field that appears in the Status Bar. END # cundo.c MESSAGE MSG_UNDO_ASSERT Undo assertion failure %s:%d Val = %ld(%lx) %s Please report this error to the XTrackCAD project development team at SourceForge. HELP Please report this error to the \e{XTrackCAD} project development team at SourceForge. The process for reporting errors is outlined in \k{bugs}. END # fileio.c MESSAGE MSG_PROG_CORRUPTED Critical file damaged! %s is corrupt. Please reinstall software. HELP A critical file is corrupt. Unfortunately it will be necessary to reinstall the software or contact the XTrackCAD project development team at SourceForge in order to overcome this error. Please report this error to the \e{XTrackCAD} project development team at SourceForge. The process for reporting errors is outlined in \k{bugs}. END # param.c MESSAGE MSG_ENTERED_STRING_TRUNCATED The entered text is too long. Maximum length is %d. HELP The text entered into a field is longer than the maximum allowed length and was truncated. Please check the shortened text and edit as necessary. END # track.c MESSAGE MSG_PT_IS_NOT_TRK [%s %s] is not a track. ALT [X Y] is not a track HELP The current command operates on a track object and a track was not found at the current location (given as X and Y). END # dbitmap.c MESSAGE MSG_BITMAP_SIZE_WARNING You have specified a large Bitmap. Are you sure you want to continue? HELP Bitmaps can use a large amount of system resources. They may also take a long time to generate and create a large file. Refer to \k{cmdOutputbitmap} for detail. END ############################################################ # Various messages without help or specific origin. ############################################################ # various MESSAGE MSG_CARINV_DELETE_CONFIRM Are you sure you want to delete these %d car(s)? #NOHELP END # various MESSAGE MSG_OPEN_FAIL Cannot open %s file: %s:%s #NOHELP END # various MESSAGE MSG_BAD_OPTION Unrecognized Option: %s #NOHELP END # various MESSAGE MSG_CARIMP_EOL End-Of-Line is unexpected in a quoted field. %s Do you want to continue reading the file? #NOHELP END # various MESSAGE MSG_CARIMP_MISSING_COMMA A comma was expected after this quoted field. %s Do you want to continue reading the file? #NOHELP END # various MESSAGE MSG_WRITE_FAILURE Error \\"%s\\" occurred while writing %s. Please check disk space and system status. #NOHELP END ############################################################ # Various messages without help. Sorted by module. ############################################################ # cgroup.c:doGroup MESSAGE MSG_CANT_GROUP_BUMPER2 At least one path for the Turnout T%d does not terminate on an endpoint. Such a track cannot be grouped. The track has been unselected. #NOHELP END # cprofile MESSAGE MSG_INV_PET_ON_PATH inv-pathEndTrk on Path. #NOHELP END # cprofile MESSAGE MSG_INV_PST_ON_PATH inv-pathStartTrk on Path #NOHELP END # cprofile MESSAGE MSG_PASSERT %s:%d- %s #NOHELP END # cprofile MESSAGE MSG_PET_NOT_ON_PATH pathEndTrk not on Path. #NOHELP END # cprofile MESSAGE MSG_PST_NOT_ON_PATH pathStartTrk not on Path. #NOHELP END # cpull.c MESSAGE MSG_PULL_ERROR_1 The tracks cannot be connected together. Try changing some tracks for a closer fit or increase the Connection Angle value on the Preferences dialog. #NOHELP END # cpull.c MESSAGE MSG_PULL_ERROR_2 The tracks cannot be connected together. Try changing some tracks for a closer fit or increase the Connection Distance and Angle values on the Preferences dialog #NOHELP END # cpull.c MESSAGE MSG_PULL_ERROR_3 The tracks cannot be connected together. Try changing some tracks for a closer fit or increase the Connection Distance #NOHELP END #cselect.c: cmdRotate MESSAGE MSG_1ST_TRACK_MUST_BE_SELECTED The first track for the Align Rotate command must be Selected. END #cselect.c: cmdRotate MESSAGE MSG_2ND_TRACK_MUST_BE_UNSELECTED The second track for the Align Rotate command must be Unselected. END # cselect.c MESSAGE MSG_TOO_MANY_SEL_TRKS Too many selected tracks, drawing tracks as End Point. #NOHELP END # csplit.c MESSAGE MSG_BAD_BLOCKGAP Select an endpoint between two tracks. #NOHELP END # ctodesgn.c MESSAGE MSG_TODSGN_NO_CONVERGE According to values that have been entered the diverging track does not connect with the tangent track. Please check the values entered and try again. Check the angle is entered as a frog number or in degrees as specified by Angle Mode radio buttons. #NOHELP END # cturnout.c:moveEndPtTurnout MESSAGE MSG_MOVED_BEFORE_END_TURNOUT Moved before the end of the turnout #NOHELP END # dcar.c MESSAGE MSG_CARDESC_BAD_COUPLER_LENGTH_VALUE The Coupled Length must be greater than the Car Length, and the Coupler Length must be greater than 0. END # dcar.c MESSAGE MSG_CARDESC_BAD_DIM_VALUE The Car Length value must be greater than the Car Width value. END # dcar.c MESSAGE MSG_CARITEM_BAD_INDEX The specified Index is already in use. The Index will be updated to the next available value. END #dcar.c MESSAGE MSG_CARDESC_CHANGED You have changed values for this object. Are you sure you want to Close? END # fileio.c MESSAGE MSG_BAD_FILE_VERSION File version %ld is lower than the minimum supported version %d. You need to update your layout file using an older version of %s #NOHELP END # macro.c MESSAGE MSG_CANT_READ_DEMO %s cannot read the demo file: %s #NOHELP END #macro.c MESSAGE MSG_DEMO_BAD_NUM doDemo: bad number (%d) #NOHELP END # macro.c MESSAGE MSG_PLAYBACK_TIMEEND Playback TIMEEND without TIMESTART #NOHELP END #macro.c MESSAGE MSG_PLAYBACK_UNK_CMD Unknown playback command (%d) %s #NOHELP END # macro.c MESSAGE MSG_PLAYBACK_VERSION_DOWNGRADE Playback file version %ld is lower than the minimum supported version %d. You need to update your layout file using an older version of %s #NOHELP END # misc2.c MESSAGE MSG_BAD_SCALE_INDEX Scale index (%d) is not valid #NOHELP END # misc2.c MESSAGE MSG_BAD_SCALE_NAME Scale %s is not valid Please check your %s.xtq file #NOHELP END # tcurve.c MESSAGE MSG_CANT_EXTEND_HELIX Cannot extend a helix #NOHELP END # tcurve.c MESSAGE MSG_CANT_TRIM_HELIX Cannot trim a helix #NOHELP END # track.c: auditPrint MESSAGE MSG_AUDIT_PRINT_IGNORE Ignore further audit notices? #NOHELP END # track.c: auditPrint MESSAGE MSG_AUDIT_PRINT_MSG %s #NOHELP END # track.c: auditTracks MESSAGE MSG_AUDIT_ABORT Audit Abort? #NOHELP END # track.c: auditTracks MESSAGE MSG_AUDIT_WRITE_FILE Write Audit File? #NOHELP END # track.c:checkTrackLength MESSAGE MSG_CTL_SHORT_TRK checkTrackLength: Short track length = %0.3f #NOHELP END # track.c:checkTrackLength MESSAGE MSG_CTL_UNK_TYPE checkTrackLength: unknown type: %d #NOHELP END # track.c: connectTracks MESSAGE MSG_CONNECT_TRK connectTracks: T%d[%d] T%d[%d] d=%0.3f a=%0.3f #NOHELP END # track.c: getAngleAtPoint MESSAGE MSG_GAAP_BAD_TYPE GetAngleAtPoint: bad type(%d) for T(%d) END # track.c MESSAGE MSG_MEP_INV_TRK joinTracks: invalid track type=%d #NOHELP END # track.c: resolveIndex MESSAGE MSG_RESOLV_INDEX_BAD_TRK resolveIndex: T%d[%d]: T%d doesn\\'t exist #NOHELP END # tstraigh.c:moveEndPtStraight MESSAGE MSG_MOVED_BEYOND_END_TRK Moved beyond the end of the track #NOHELP END ############################################################ # Message Archive ############################################################ #MESSAGE MSG_CANT_MODIFY_THAT #Cannot modify that #HELP #helptext #END #MESSAGE MSG_JOIN_TRK #Cannot join to %s object #ALT #Cannot join to First|Second object #HELP #Not possible #END #MESSAGE MSG_CANT_EXTEND #Cannot extend non-track object #HELP #Not possible. #You can only $XExtend|cmdModify$ Track objects, not Lines or TableEdges. #You can $XModify|cmdModify$ these objects, or select a Track object $XModify|cmdModify$. #END #MESSAGE MSG_INV_TRK_PARALLEL #Invalid track for parallel #HELP #helptext #END #MESSAGE MSG_INVALID_TRK #Invalid Track #HELP #helptext #END #MESSAGE MSG_JOIN_STRAIGHT_STRAIGHT #Cannot join a straight joint to a straight track #HELP # #END # cjoin.c ifdef'd out #MESSAGE MSG_NO_ENDPTS #Object has no endpoints #HELP #helptext #END #MESSAGE MSG_SEL_EP_CONN #Selected track endpoint is connected #HELP #helptext #END # cprint.c # MESSAGE MSG_PRINT_SCALE_1 # Print Scale cannot be 1 in the unregistered version of %s # ALT # Print Scale cannot be 1 in the unregistered version of XTrkCad # HELP # The unregistered version of this program cannot print full size (1:1). To register the program see the $Xon-line help|registration$. # END # cprofile:profileSelect ifdef'd out #MESSAGE MSG_EP_NOT_DEP #Endpoint is not a defined elevation #HELP #helptext #END # cprofile.c: profileDefine ifdef'f out #MESSAGE MSG_EP_ELEV_DEFINED #Endpoint Elevation is already defined #HELP #helptext #END # cprofile.c #MESSAGE MSG_IGNORE_DEP #Cannot Ignore a Defined Elevation endpoint #HELP #helptext #END #MESSAGE MSG_CARINV_CHANGESCALE #Editing this Car Item will change it's scale. #Do you want to continue? #HELP #The Scale for each Car Item is set by the active Scale #when it is created or edited. #The active Scale is set on the $XLayout|cmdLayout$ dialog. #The Car Item you have selected has a different Scale then #the active Scale and it will be changed when edited. #END # MESSAGE MSG_CARINV_TOOMANYCARS # The unregistered version of this program is restricted to less than 50 tracks and cars. # END # doption.c # MESSAGE MSG_SETUP_ROOMSIZE # Room size greater than 96\\" x 48\\" only available with Level 1 # HELP # Unregistered versions of this program are limited to a maximum Room Size of 96" by 48". To register the program see the $Xon-line help|registration$. # END