# XTrkCad Version: 3.0.1, Date: Sat Sep 23 23:40:39 2000 VERSION 10 DEMOINIT ORIG 4.000 0.000 0.000 PARAMETER display description-fontsize 64 REDRAW RESET MESSAGE You can draw a variety of different types of benchwork: - rectangular (1x2, 2x4 etc) - L girders - T girders You can also draw them in different orientations. END STEP COMMAND DrawBench PARAMETER draw benchcolor 16760832 PARAMETER draw benchlist 0 1"x1" PARAMETER draw benchorient 0 On Edge PARAMETER GROUP draw PARAMETER draw benchlist 12 L-2"x4" PARAMETER draw benchlist 16 L-3"x6" MESSAGE _________________________________________ We will draw two 3x6 inch L-girders. END STEP MOUSE 2 0.000 2.000 MOUSE 4 23.812 2.000 PARAMETER draw benchcolor 16760832 PARAMETER draw benchlist 16 L-3"x6" PARAMETER draw benchorient 0 Left PARAMETER GROUP draw MOUSE 2 0.000 10.250 MOUSE 4 23.750 10.250 PARAMETER draw benchcolor 16760832 PARAMETER draw benchlist 16 L-3"x6" PARAMETER draw benchorient 0 Left PARAMETER GROUP draw MESSAGE _________________________________________ The flange of the top L-Girders is on the outside edge of the girders. We want to change the girder so both flanges are on the inside. We will use the <Describe> command for this. END STEP COMMAND Describe MOUSE 2 12.312 10.500 MOUSE 4 12.312 10.500 MESSAGE _________________________________________ Change the Orientation to Right. END STEP PARAMETER describe L2 1 Right PARAMETER describe ok RESET MESSAGE _________________________________________ Now both flanges are on the inside of the two girders. ========================================= END STEP CLEAR