VERSION 2 DEMOINIT ORIG 6.000 0.000 0.000 STRAIGHT 1 DEMO 1 E 4.166667 1.750000 270.000000 T 4 8.916667 1.750001 90.000000 END CURVE 2 DEMO 1 21.833333 25.924310 24.125000 E 40.128499 10.198454 40.681260 T 3 24.504997 1.947700 263.642025 END JOINT 3 DEMO 1 0.000000 5.343264 13.750000 9.375000 0 1 0 19.161701 1.750004 90.000089 T 5 19.161701 1.750004 270.000000 T 2 24.504997 1.947700 83.642025 END TURNOUT 4 DEMO 1 8.916667 1.750001 0.000000 "Peco-55 Medium Left SL-E396F" T 1 8.916667 1.750001 270.000000 T 5 14.321667 1.750001 90.000000 E 14.286667 2.272001 80.314000 P "Normal" 1 2 P "Reverse" 1 3 4 S 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.353000 0.000000 S 0 0 0.353000 0.000000 5.405000 0.000000 C 0 0 -23.136000 0.351000 23.136000 170.297000 9.700000 S 0 0 4.251000 0.331000 5.370000 0.522000 END STRAIGHT 5 DEMO 1 T 3 19.161701 1.750004 90.000062 T 4 14.321667 1.750002 270.000062 END REDRAW RESET MESSAGE Pressing the <Delete> button lets you delete selected tracks from the layout. First you select the tracks you want to delete, and then press the <Delete> button. END STEP COMMAND Select MOUSE 2 6.417 1.833 MOUSE 4 6.417 1.833 MOUSE 2 11.833 2.083 MOUSE 4 11.833 2.083 PARAMETER misc cmdDelete MESSAGE _________________________________________ If you delete a track connected to an easement curve, then the easement curve is deleted as well. END STEP COMMAND Select MOUSE 2 17.750 1.833 MOUSE 4 17.750 1.833 PARAMETER misc cmdDelete MESSAGE _________________________________________ You can use the <Undo> command to undelete tracks. END BIGPAUSE PARAMETER misc cmdUndo BIGPAUSE PARAMETER misc cmdUndo BIGPAUSE MESSAGE _________________________________________ If you Left-Drag on the layout you can select all tracks within an area. Note, only tracks within the selected area are deleted. Since the easement curve is connected to a deleted track, it is deleted as well. END STEP MOUSE 2 3.167 3.333 MOUSE 4 22.083 0.667 PARAMETER misc cmdDelete MESSAGE ========================================= END STEP CLEAR