# XTrkCad Version: 3.0.1, Date: Wed Sep 20 22:05:35 2000 VERSION 10 DEMOINIT PARAMETER display labelenable 1 ORIG 2.000 0.000 0.000 TURNOUT 6 0 0 0 0 DEMO 2 2.125000 2.281250 0 0.000000 "Peco-55 Medium Right SL-E395F" E 2.125000 2.281250 270.000000 E 7.530000 2.281250 90.000000 E 7.495000 1.759250 99.686000 D -0.108750 -0.832750 P "Normal" 1 2 P "Reverse" 1 3 4 S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.353000 0.000000 S 0 0.000000 0.353000 0.000000 5.405000 0.000000 C 0 0.000000 23.136000 0.351000 -23.136000 0.004000 9.700000 S 0 0.000000 4.251000 -0.331000 5.370000 -0.522000 END REDRAW RESET MESSAGE The <Group> and <Ungroup> commands (on the Tools menu) are a powerful way to manipulate Turnout and Structure definitions. We'll start with a simple turnout and add a switch machine. END STEP COMMAND DrawLine PARAMETER draw linewidth 0 PARAMETER draw linecolor 0 PARAMETER GROUP draw PARAMETER draw linewidth 4 MOUSE 2 2.500 3.000 MOUSE 4 2.500 1.500 MOUSE 2 3.200 3.000 MOUSE 4 3.200 1.500 RESET COMMAND DrawFilledBox PARAMETER draw linecolor 0 PARAMETER GROUP draw MOUSE 2 2.600 3.000 MOUSE 4 3.100 2.500 MOUSE 2 2.600 2.000 MOUSE 4 3.100 1.500 RESET MESSAGE _________________________________________ Now that we have drawn a rough outline of a switch machine we will group it with the turnout definition. First we Select the objects in the new definition. END STEP COMMAND Select MOUSE 2 0.781 3.375 MOUSE 4 8.312 1.312 MESSAGE _________________________________________ Now do the <Group> command. END STEP PARAMETER misc cmdGroup MESSAGE _________________________________________ The <Group> command dialog shows the Title (Manufacturer, Description and Part Number) of the new definition. This information is taken from the Selected objects you are grouping. END STEP MESSAGE _________________________________________ The 'Replace with new group?' toggle will replace the Selected objects with the new definition. END STEP PARAMETER group replace 1 MESSAGE _________________________________________ If we don't change the Title then the new definition will replace the existing definition. We'll give this definition a new Description. END STEP PARAMETER group desc M Medium Right PARAMETER group desc Modi Medium Right PARAMETER group desc Modified Medium Right MESSAGE _________________________________________ We're done with this definition. Press Ok. END STEP PARAMETER group ok MESSAGE _________________________________________ You will see the updated image on the HotBar. END STEP CLEAR MESSAGE The <Ungroup> command replaces any Selected turnouts or structures with their parts. Structures and non-track segements of turnouts are composed of Lines, Circles and other shapes. In this turnout these are the two lines and the two squares. We will Ungroup this turnout and see how the individual parts can be changed. First Select the turnout and then Ungroup it. END STEP MOUSE 2 7.156 2.094 MOUSE 4 7.156 2.094 PARAMETER misc cmdUngroup MESSAGE _________________________________________ Notice that the Title now indicates the turnout is Ungrouped. Hit Escape to deselect everything. END STEP MOUSE 6920 4.094 5.188 RESET MESSAGE _________________________________________ Now Select the lines and squares. END STEP MOUSE 2 2.469 2.812 MOUSE 4 2.469 2.812 MOUSE 2 2.688 2.875 MOUSE 4 2.688 2.875 MOUSE 2 3.188 2.844 MOUSE 4 3.188 2.844 MOUSE 2 2.812 1.656 MOUSE 4 2.812 1.656 MESSAGE _________________________________________ We could modify these object or add new ones. For now we'll just delete them. END STEP PARAMETER misc cmdDelete MESSAGE _________________________________________ And move the Label out of the way. END STEP COMMAND MoveLabel MOUSE 2 4.281 2.031 MOUSE 4 4.594 0.844 ORIG 3.000 0.000 0.000 ORIG 1.000 2.000 1.000 MESSAGE _________________________________________ Notice that the turnout has been broken into three parts. END STEP COMMAND Describe MOUSE 2 4.531 2.219 MOUSE 4 4.531 2.219 BIGPAUSE MOUSE 2 6.984 1.812 MOUSE 4 6.984 1.812 BIGPAUSE MOUSE 2 2.359 2.266 MOUSE 4 2.359 2.266 BIGPAUSE #DESCRIBE OK PARAMETER describe ok RESET MESSAGE _________________________________________ Two ends of the turnout, from the frog to the end of the diverging leg and from the points to the left, are now straight track sections. The a turnout is made of a number of individual straight and curved track segements. This turnout had four segments: 1 a short straight segment to the left of the points 2 a long straight segment to the right of the points 3 a curved segment from the points to the frog 4 a straight segment from the frog to the end of the diverging leg. The first and last segments have be converted to straight tracks. The second and third segments form the the body of the turnout and can not be ungrouped further. You can later Group this turnout with the straight segments to recreate the turnout definition. You can also add other track segments to turnout definitions. END STEP KEYSTATE 2 MOUSE 2 4.625 1.969 KEYSTATE 2 MOUSE 4 4.625 1.969 PARAMETER misc cmdDelete ORIG 3.000 0.000 0.000 CLEAR MESSAGE Now, create a track and place the new turnout on it. END STEP COMMAND Straight MOUSE 2 0.281 0.688 MOUSE 4 11.156 4.281 BIGPAUSE COMMAND TurnoutHotBar #PARAMETER turnout list 0 PARAMETER GROUP turnout HOTBARSELECT Peco-55 Modified Medium Right SL-E395F MOUSE 4 4.750 1.906 MOUSE 8200 4.750 1.906 MESSAGE _________________________________________ Now suppose we want to replace the black squares with green circles. First we Select the turnout. END STEP COMMAND Select MOUSE 2 6.062 2.906 MOUSE 4 6.062 2.906 MESSAGE And now Ungroup it (from the Tools Menu) END STEP PARAMETER misc cmdUngroup MESSAGE _________________________________________ Notice that the name has changed to indicate the turnout was Ungrouped. END STEP MESSAGE _________________________________________ Now, hit escape to deselect everything and then Select the 2 squares and delete them. END STEP MOUSE 6920 6.062 2.906 RESET BIGPAUSE MOUSE 2 5.219 2.938 MOUSE 4 5.219 2.938 MOUSE 2 5.531 1.844 MOUSE 4 5.531 1.844 PARAMETER misc cmdDelete MESSAGE _________________________________________ Now draw the green circles... END STEP ORIG 1.000 2.000 1.000 COMMAND DrawFilledCircleCenter PARAMETER draw linecolor 0 PARAMETER GROUP draw PARAMETER draw linecolor 65280 MOUSE 2 5.203 2.812 MOUSE 4 5.359 2.609 PARAMETER GROUP draw MOUSE 2 5.516 1.891 MOUSE 4 5.672 1.719 PARAMETER GROUP draw MESSAGE and Group the new definition. END STEP ORIG 2.000 0.000 0.000 RESET COMMAND Select MOUSE 2 3.719 4.156 MOUSE 4 10.531 0.969 BIGPAUSE PARAMETER misc cmdGroup PARAMETER group replace 1 BIGPAUSE PARAMETER group ok MESSAGE _________________________________________ Notice that the turnout in the HotBar is angled the same as the turnout on the layout. Make sure your new definition is rotated the way you want it. END STEP KEYSTATE 2 MOUSE 2 5.000 2.188 KEYSTATE 2 MOUSE 4 5.000 2.188 PARAMETER misc cmdDelete CLEAR RESET MESSAGE We can also create turnouts from simple straight and curved tracks. We'll create two tracks that have a common End-Point. END STEP COMMAND Straight MOUSE 2 2.000 2.000 MOUSE 4 10.000 2.000 COMMAND CurveEndPt MOUSE 2 2.000 2.000 MOUSE 4 9.000 2.000 MOUSE 2 9.000 2.000 MOUSE 4 8.875 3.062 MESSAGE _________________________________________ At this point we can modify the tracks if necessary. We will use the <Describe> command to change the tracks. END STEP COMMAND Describe MOUSE 2 9.438 2.000 MOUSE 4 9.438 2.000 MESSAGE _________________________________________ We'll make the Length 7.5". If we change the Length, each End-Point will be moved to shorten the track. We want to just move the Right End-Point. To control this, change the Pivot to First which means the Left End-Point will be unchanged when we change the length (or angle) of the track. END STEP #DESCRIBE Pivot 0 PARAMETER describe P1 0 MESSAGE _________________________________________ Now when change the Length only the Right End-Point will move. END STEP #DESCRIBE Length 7.500 PARAMETER describe F7 7.500 #DESCRIBE OK PARAMETER describe ok RESET MESSAGE _________________________________________ Now let's look at the curved track. END STEP COMMAND Describe MOUSE 2 7.688 2.625 MOUSE 4 7.688 2.625 MESSAGE _________________________________________ Here the Left End-Point (which we don't want to move) is the Second End-Point, so we'll make that the Pivot. END STEP #DESCRIBE Pivot 2 PARAMETER describe P1 2 MESSAGE _________________________________________ We want the curve to have a radius of 20" and an angle of 17.5�. First change the Radius... END STEP #DESCRIBE Radius 20.000 PARAMETER describe F9 20.000000 MESSAGE and the the Angular Length. END STEP PARAMETER describe F11 17.5 BIGPAUSE #DESCRIBE OK PARAMETER describe ok MESSAGE _________________________________________ Now Select both tracks... END STEP COMMAND Select MOUSE 2 7.500 2.750 MOUSE 4 7.500 2.750 MOUSE 2 8.000 2.000 MOUSE 4 8.000 2.000 MESSAGE and Group them. END PARAMETER group manuf PARAMETER group desc PARAMETER group partno STEP PARAMETER misc cmdGroup PARAMETER group manuf Custom PARAMETER group desc Left PARAMETER group partno 99-L MESSAGE _________________________________________ If the two tracks have a common End-Point then they will form a Turnout and can be switched with the <Train> command. Otherwise they will just be two track segments grouped together. END STEP PARAMETER group ok MESSAGE _________________________________________ We have created a left hand turnout and we also want a right hand version. We'll use the <Flip> command. END STEP COMMAND Select MOUSE 2 7.812 2.250 MOUSE 4 7.812 2.250 COMMAND Flip MESSAGE _________________________________________ Drag a horizontal line that will be the mirror for the <Flip> command. END STEP MOUSE 2 1.438 1.938 MOUSE 4 11.625 1.938 MESSAGE _________________________________________ Notice the title has changed to Flipped Left. Now Group the turnout. END STEP PARAMETER misc cmdGroup MESSAGE _________________________________________ We'll change the Title and Part No for the new defintion. END STEP PARAMETER group desc Right PARAMETER group partno 99- PARAMETER group partno 99-R PARAMETER group replace 1 PARAMETER group ok STEP CLEAR MESSAGE To Remove the definitions, use the Custom Management dialog on the Tools menu. END STEP PARAMETER misc cmdCustmgm MESSAGE _________________________________________ Select the definitions you added and Delete them. END STEP PARAMETER custmgm inx 0 Peco-55 DEMO SL-E395F Modified Medium Right PARAMETER custmgm delete PARAMETER custmgm inx 0 Custom DEMO 99-L Left PARAMETER custmgm delete PARAMETER custmgm inx 0 Custom DEMO 99-R Right PARAMETER custmgm delete PARAMETER custmgm ok MESSAGE ========================================= END STEP CLEAR