VERSION 2 DEMOINIT ORIG 8.000 0.000 0.000 REDRAW RESET MESSAGE The command lets you attach notes to various spots on the layout. END STEP COMMAND TextNote MOUSE 2 15.167 7.833 MOUSE 3 9.917 7.167 MOUSE 4 9.917 7.167 MESSAGE _________________________________________ When you place a note, the Text Note editor window is displayed which lets you enter the note. END STEP #RESET #MOUSE 6920 9.917 7.167 #MOUSE 3336 9.917 7.167 PARAMETER textNote ok MESSAGE _________________________________________ If you click on a note in mode the Text Note editor displays the note allowing you to modify the note.. END STEP COMMAND Describe MOUSE 2 9.917 7.167 MOUSE 4 9.917 7.167 STEP #MOUSE 6920 9.917 7.167 PARAMETER textNote ok MESSAGE _________________________________________ You can also create a reference to a file or web link. Choose the type of link by clicking on the down arrow beside the Note commmand. END STEP COMMAND FileNote MOUSE 2 9.917 7.167 MOUSE 3 7.917 7.167 MOUSE 4 7.917 7.167 MESSAGE _________________________________________ This is a File Note. You can specify the Title of the File and its location END STEP PARAMETER fileNote cancel MOUSE 6920 7.917 7.167 RESET COMMAND LinkNote MOUSE 2 7.917 7.167 MOUSE 3 5.917 7.167 MOUSE 4 5.917 7.167 MESSAGE _________________________________________ This is a Web Link Note. You can specify the Title of the Link and its URL END STEP PARAMETER linkNote cancel MOUSE 6920 5.917 7.167 RESET REGRESSION START 10 - notes NOTE 1 0 0 0 9.917000 7.167000 0 32 Replace this text with your note END REGRESSION END CLEAR MESSAGE This is the end of the XTrackCAD Demos. Click Step to return to XTrackCAD. Thanks for watching. ========================================= END STEP CLEAR