VERSION 2 DEMOINIT ORIG 5.000 5.000 0.000 STRAIGHT 1 DEMO 1 E 5.916667 3.166667 270.000000 E 29.166667 3.166667 90.000000 END STRAIGHT 2 DEMO 1 E 6.000000 6.916667 270.000000 E 29.166667 6.916667 90.000000 END REDRAW RESET MESSAGE The <Ruler> command draws a Ruler on the layout you can use to measure distances. END STEP COMMAND Ruler MOUSE 2 29.000 6.917 MOUSE 3 29.083 3.167 BIGPAUSE MOUSE 4 29.083 3.167 MESSAGE _________________________________________ If you press the <Ruler> command again the Ruler is removed. END BIGPAUSE COMMAND Ruler BIGPAUSE MESSAGE _________________________________________ But you can place it somewhere else. END BIGPAUSE MOUSE 2 6.000 5.583 MOUSE 3 29.250 5.750 BIGPAUSE MOUSE 4 29.250 5.750 MESSAGE ========================================= END STEP CLEAR