CONTENTS Aurora Model Motoring Pin and Joiner Track Rev 2
#Created by Joe Dooley
#Revision History
# --: Baseline file as created with xtrkcad
# Rev 1: Manual modification of radii, angles and coordinates to correct minor misalignments
# 	 (i.e. I do not like to see 89.999993 degrees as generated in the baseline file).
# Rev 2: Modified Slot to Slot spacing from 1.4" to 1.375"

SUBCONTENTS Aurora HO Slot 2 Lane Straight Track
TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Straight Terminal	1520"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000
	# Terminal
	L3 0 0.052083 3.450000 1.512500 0 5.550000 1.512500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 3.450000 0.812500 0 3.450000 1.512500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.550000 0.812500 0 5.550000 1.512500 0
	G3 0 0.000000 0.100000 3.750000 1.262500 0
	G3 0 0.000000 0.100000 4.250000 1.262500 0
	G3 0 0.000000 0.100000 4.750000 1.262500 0
	G3 0 0.000000 0.100000 5.250000 1.262500 0
	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 0.000000 -0.687500 0 9.000000 -0.687500 0

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 3.450000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.550000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	5"" Straight	1515"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 5.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 5.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 5.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 5.000000 0.000000
	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 0.000000 -0.687500 0 5.000000 -0.687500 0
	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 5.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 5.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 -2.187500 0 5.000000 0.812500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	6"" Straight	1527"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 6.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 6.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 6.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 6.000000 0.000000
	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 0.000000 -0.687500 0 6.000000 -0.687500 0		

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 6.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 6.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 6.000000 -2.187500 0 6.000000 0.812500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	7"" Straight	1516"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 7.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 7.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 7.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 7.000000 0.000000
	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 0.000000 -0.687500 0 7.000000 -0.687500 0

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 7.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 7.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 7.000000 -2.187500 0 7.000000 0.812500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Straight	1517"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000
	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 0.000000 -0.687500 0 9.000000 -0.687500 0

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	15"" Straight	1542"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 15.000000 0.000020 90.000000
	E 15.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 15.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 15.000000 0.000000
	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 0.000000 -0.687500 0 15.000000 -0.687500 0

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 15.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 15.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 15.000000 -2.187500 0 15.000000 0.812500 0

SUBCONTENTS Aurora HO Slot 2 Lane Feature Straight Track
TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Lap Counter	1526"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000012 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000
	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 0.000000 -0.687500 0 9.000000 -0.687500 0

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	#Lap Indicators
	L3 0 0.104167 1.250000 -0.437500 0 1.250000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.104167 1.050000 -0.737500 0 1.050000 -0.437500 0
	L3 0 0.104167 1.450000 -0.737500 0 1.450000 -0.437500 0	
	L3 0 0.104167 1.050000 -0.737500 0 1.450000 -0.737500 0
	L3 0 0.104167 1.050000 -0.437500 0 1.450000 -0.437500 0

	L3 0 0.104167 7.750000 -2.187500 0 7.750000 -0.937500 0
	L3 0 0.104167 7.550000 -0.937500 0 7.950000 -0.937500 0
	L3 0 0.104167 7.550000 -0.637500 0 7.950000 -0.637500 0
	L3 0 0.104167 7.950000 -0.937500 0 7.950000 -0.637500 0
	L3 0 0.104167 7.550000 -0.937500 0 7.550000 -0.637500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Cobblestone	1506"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000
	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 0.000000 -0.687500 0 9.000000 -0.687500 0

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	#Cobblestones NOT drawn, too much of a pain ....

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Start, Right	1507"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000
	#Center Lines
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -0.687500 0 2.350000 -0.687500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.500000 -0.687500 0 8.600000 -0.687500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 8.600000 -0.687500 0 8.400000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 8.600000 -0.687500 0 8.400000 -0.587500 0
	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0	
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0

	#Start Area
	Z 0 5.000000 0.012500 90.000000 0 30.000000 "START"	
	L3 0 0.052083 2.350000 -2.187500 0 2.350000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 4.850000 -2.187500 0 4.850000 0.812500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 0.587500 0 3.150000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 0.313750 0 2.850000 0.587500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.900000 0.313750 0 2.900000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.950000 0.313750 0 2.950000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.000000 0.313750 0 3.000000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.050000 0.313750 0 3.050000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.100000 0.313750 0 3.100000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.150000 0.313750 0 3.150000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 -0.612500 0 3.150000 -0.612500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 -0.612500 0 2.850000 -0.327500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.900000 -0.612500 0 2.900000 -0.327500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.950000 -0.612500 0 2.950000 -0.327500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.000000 -0.612500 0 3.000000 -0.327500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.050000 -0.612500 0 3.050000 -0.327500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.100000 -0.612500 0 3.100000 -0.327500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.150000 -0.612500 0 3.150000 -0.327500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 -0.787500 0 3.150000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 -1.072500 0 2.850000 -0.787500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.900000 -1.072500 0 2.900000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.950000 -1.072500 0 2.950000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.000000 -1.072500 0 3.000000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.050000 -1.072500 0 3.050000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.100000 -1.072500 0 3.100000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.150000 -1.072500 0 3.150000 -0.787500 0	

	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 -1.987500 0 3.150000 -1.987500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 -1.987500 0 2.850000 -1.702500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.900000 -1.987500 0 2.900000 -1.702500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.950000 -1.987500 0 2.950000 -1.702500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.000000 -1.987500 0 3.000000 -1.702500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.050000 -1.987500 0 3.050000 -1.702500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.100000 -1.987500 0 3.100000 -1.702500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.150000 -1.987500 0 3.150000 -1.702500 0

	#Start Gates
	F3 0 0.000000 4
		4.387500 -1.387500 0
		4.500000 -1.387500 0
		4.500000 -1.500000 0
		4.387500 -1.500000 0
	F3 0 0.000000 4
		4.387500 0.000000 0
		4.500000 0.000000 0
		4.500000 -0.112500 0
		4.387500 -0.112500 0

	#Start Switch Area
	L3 0 0.052083 3.750000 -2.887500 0 3.750000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.250000 -2.887500 0 5.250000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 3.750000 -2.887500 0 5.250000 -2.887500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.375000 -2.737500 0 4.375000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.625000 -2.737500 0 4.625000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.375000 -2.437500 0 4.625000 -2.437500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.375000 -2.487500 0 4.625000 -2.487500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.375000 -2.537500 0 4.625000 -2.537500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.375000 -2.587500 0 4.625000 -2.587500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.375000 -2.637500 0 4.625000 -2.637500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.375000 -2.687500 0 4.625000 -2.687500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.375000 -2.737500 0 4.625000 -2.737500 0	

	L3 0 0.052083 4.000000 -2.737500 0 4.000000 -2.287500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 4.000000 -2.287500 0 3.900000 -2.387500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 4.000000 -2.287500 0 4.100000 -2.387500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 -2.737500 0 5.000000 -2.287500 0	
	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 -2.737500 0 5.100000 -2.637500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 -2.737500 0 4.900000 -2.637500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Start, Left	1507"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000
	#Center Lines
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -0.687500 0 2.350000 -0.687500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.500000 -0.687500 0 8.600000 -0.687500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 8.600000 -0.687500 0 8.400000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 8.600000 -0.687500 0 8.400000 -0.587500 0
	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	#Start Area
	Z 0 5.000000 0.012500 90.000000 0 30.000000 "START"
	L3 0 0.052083 2.350000 -2.187500 0 2.350000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 4.850000 -2.187500 0 4.850000 0.812500 0

	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 0.587500 0 3.150000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 0.313750 0 2.850000 0.587500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.900000 0.313750 0 2.900000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.950000 0.313750 0 2.950000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.000000 0.313750 0 3.000000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.050000 0.313750 0 3.050000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.100000 0.313750 0 3.100000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.150000 0.313750 0 3.150000 0.587500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 -0.612500 0 3.150000 -0.612500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 -0.612500 0 2.850000 -0.327500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.900000 -0.612500 0 2.900000 -0.327500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.950000 -0.612500 0 2.950000 -0.327500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.000000 -0.612500 0 3.000000 -0.327500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.050000 -0.612500 0 3.050000 -0.327500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.100000 -0.612500 0 3.100000 -0.327500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.150000 -0.612500 0 3.150000 -0.327500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 -0.787500 0 3.150000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 -1.072500 0 2.850000 -0.787500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.900000 -1.072500 0 2.900000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.950000 -1.072500 0 2.950000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.000000 -1.072500 0 3.000000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.050000 -1.072500 0 3.050000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.100000 -1.072500 0 3.100000 -0.787500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.150000 -1.072500 0 3.150000 -0.787500 0	

	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 -1.987500 0 3.150000 -1.987500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.850000 -1.987500 0 2.850000 -1.702500 0	
	L3 0 0.010417 2.900000 -1.987500 0 2.900000 -1.702500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 2.950000 -1.987500 0 2.950000 -1.702500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.000000 -1.987500 0 3.000000 -1.702500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.050000 -1.987500 0 3.050000 -1.702500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.100000 -1.987500 0 3.100000 -1.702500 0
	L3 0 0.010417 3.150000 -1.987500 0 3.150000 -1.702500 0

	#Start Gates
	F3 0 0.000000 4
		4.387500 -1.387500 0
		4.500000 -1.387500 0
		4.500000 -1.500000 0
		4.387500 -1.500000 0
	F3 0 0.000000 4
		4.387500 0.000000 0
		4.500000 0.000000 0
		4.500000 -0.112500 0
		4.387500 -0.112500 0

	#Start Switch Area
	L3 0 0.052083 3.750000 1.512500 0 3.750000 0.812500 0	
	L3 0 0.052083 5.250000 1.512500 0 5.250000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.250000 1.512500 0 3.750000 1.512500 0

	L3 0 0.020833 4.375000 1.362500 0 4.375000 0.812500 0	
	L3 0 0.020833 4.625000 1.362500 0 4.625000 0.812500 0	
	L3 0 0.020833 4.625000 1.362500 0 4.375000 1.362500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.625000 1.312500 0 4.375000 1.312500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.625000 1.262500 0 4.375000 1.262500 0	
	L3 0 0.020833 4.625000 1.212500 0 4.375000 1.212500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.625000 1.162500 0 4.375000 1.162500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.625000 1.112500 0 4.375000 1.112500 0
	L3 0 0.020833 4.625000 1.062500 0 4.375000 1.062500 0

	L3 0 0.052083 4.000000 1.362500 0 4.000000 0.912500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 4.000000 0.912500 0 3.900000 1.012500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 4.000000 0.912500 0 4.100000 1.012500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 1.362500 0 5.000000 0.912500 0	
	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 1.362500 0 5.100000 1.262500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 1.362500 0 4.900000 1.262500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Wiggle	1501"
	#Path Re-ordered
	P "P0" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	#Track 1
	C 0 0.000000 6.500000 9.000000 5.125000 180.000000 10.000000	
	C 0 0.000000 -2.100000 7.500000 -3.330000 338.750000 31.250000	
	C 0 0.000000 2.100000 6.000000 0.580000 158.750000 42.500000
	C 0 0.000000 -2.100000 4.500000 -3.330000 338.750000 42.500000
	C 0 0.000000 2.100000 3.000000 0.580000 158.750000 42.500000
	C 0 0.000000 -2.100000 1.500000 -3.330000 350.000000 31.250000
	C 0 0.000000 6.500000 0.000000 5.125000 170.000000 10.000000	
	#Track 2
	C 0 0.000000 6.500000 9.000000 6.500000 180.000000 10.000000
	C 0 0.000000 -2.100000 7.500000 -1.955000 338.750000 31.250000
	C 0 0.000000 2.100000 6.000000 1.955000 158.750000 42.500000
	C 0 0.000000 -2.100000 4.500000 -1.955000 338.750000 42.500000
	C 0 0.000000 2.100000 3.000000 1.955000 158.750000 42.500000
	C 0 0.000000 -2.100000 1.500000 -1.955000 350.000000 31.250000
	C 0 0.000000 6.500000 0.000000 6.500000 170.000000 10.000000

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Single Criss Cross	1524"
	#Path Re-ordered
	P "P0" 1 2 3 4 0 5 6 7 8
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000

	#Track 1
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 1.000000 -1.375000
	C 0 0.000000 -9.252852 1.000000 7.877852 157.773950 22.226050
	C 0 0.000000 9.252852 8.000000 -9.252852 337.773950 22.226050
	S 0 0.000000 8.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000

	#Track 2
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	C 0 0.000000 9.252852 1.000000 -9.252852 0.000000 22.226050
	C 0 0.000000 -9.252852 8.000000 7.877852 180.000000 22.226050
	S 0 0.000000 8.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 0.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0

	#Road Paint
	L3 0 0.052083 2.500000 0.612500 0 6.500000 0.612500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 4.000000 2.500000 -3.387500 0 0.000000 30.000000
	A3 0 0.052083 4.000000 6.500000 -3.387500 0 330.000000 30.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 2.500000 -1.987500 0 6.500000 -1.987500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 4.000000 6.500000 2.012500 0 180.000000 30.000000
	A3 0 0.052083 4.000000 2.500000 2.012500 0 150.000000 30.000000

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Double Criss Cross	1502"
	#Path Re-ordered
	P "P0" 1 2 3 0 4 5 6
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	#Track 1
	C 0 0.000000 4.025570 0.000000 -4.025570 0.000000 33.981630
	C 0 0.000000 -4.025570 4.500000 2.650570 146.018370 67.963260
	C 0 0.000000 4.025570 9.000000 -4.025570 326.018370 33.981630

	#Track 2
	C 0 0.000000 -4.025570 0.000000 2.650570 146.018370 33.981630	
	C 0 0.000000 4.025570 4.500000 -4.025570 326.018370 67.963260
	C 0 0.000000 -4.025570 9.000000 2.650570 180.000000 33.981630

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Squeeze	1539"
	#Path Re-ordered
	P "P0" 1 0 2 3 4
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000

	#Track 1 Straight
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000

	#Track 2 Curves
	C 0 0.000000 9.684419 9.000000 8.309419 180.000000 13.434430
	C 0 0.000000 -9.684419 4.500000 -10.519419 346.565570 26.868860
	C 0 0.000000 9.684419 0.000000 8.309419 166.56557 13.434430

	#Road Paint Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -1.937500 0 9.000000 -1.937500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 10.000000 0.000000 8.062500 0 166.500000 13.500000
	A3 0 0.052083 10.000000 9.000000 8.062500 0 181.500000 12.000000
	A3 0 0.052083 10.000000 4.500000 -11.407500 0 347.500000 25.000000

	#Road Paint Diagonals
	L3 0 0.052083 1.401029 -1.838505 0 1.500000 -1.937500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 1.837389 -1.774865 0 2.000000 -1.937500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 2.231323 -1.668799 0 2.500000 -1.937500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 2.670644 -1.608120 0 3.000000 -1.937500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 3.075761 -1.513235 0 3.500000 -1.937500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 3.516363 -1.453839 0 4.000000 -1.937500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 4.000000 -1.437500 0 4.500000 -1.937500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 4.500000 -1.437500 0 5.000000 -1.937500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 -1.437500 0 5.500000 -1.937500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.516392 -1.454092 0 6.000000 -1.937500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 6.111115 -1.548591 0 6.500000 -1.937500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 6.752536 -1.690012 0 7.000000 -1.937500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 7.379816 -1.817292 0 7.500000 -1.937500 0
	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Blow Out	1541"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	#Blow Out
	L3 0 0.052083 3.625000 -1.000000 0 4.500000 -1.000000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 3.625000 -0.375000 0 4.500000 -0.375000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 4.500000 -1.000000 0 4.500000 -0.375000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 3.625000 -1.000000 0 3.625000 -0.375000 0

	#Direction Arrow
	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 -0.687500 0 8.500000 -0.687500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 8.500000 -0.687500 0 8.250000 -0.537500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 8.500000 -0.687500 0 8.250000 -0.837500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 8.250000 -0.537500 0 8.250000 -0.837500 0	
	F3 0 0.000000 3
		8.500000 -0.687500 0
		8.250000 -0.537500 0
		8.250000 -0.837500 0

SUBCONTENTS Aurora HO Slot 2 Lane 1/4 Circle Curve Track
TURNOUT HO "Aurora	6"" Radius 1/4 Circle	1518"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000
	E 1.375000 0.000000 0.00000
	E 5.187500 -3.812500 90.000000
	E 5.187500 -5.187500 90.000000

	#Inside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 -3.812500 5.187500 0.000000 180.000000 90.000000
	#Outside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 -5.187500 5.187500 0.000000 180.000000 90.000000

	#Center Line
	A3 0 0.031250 4.500000 5.187500 0.000000 0 180.000000 90.000000

	#Road Bed Outline
	A3 0 0.052083 6.000000 5.187500 0.000000 0 180.000000 90.000000
	A3 0 0.052083 3.000000 5.187500 0.000000 0 180.000000 90.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 5.187500 -6.000000 0 5.187500 -3.000000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 -0.812500 0.000000 0 2.187500 0.000000 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Radius 1/4 Circle	1519"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	E 8.187500 -8.187500 90.000000
	E 8.187500 -6.812500 90.000000
	E 1.375000 0.000000 0.000000
	#Inside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 -6.812500 8.187500 0.000000 180.000000 90.000000
	#Outside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 -8.187500 8.187500 0.000000 180.000000 90.000000

	#Center Line	
	A3 0 0.031250 7.500000 8.187500 0.000000 0 180.000000 90.000000

	#Road Bed Outline
	A3 0 0.052083 9.000000 8.187500 0.000000 0 180.000000 90.000000
	A3 0 0.052083 6.000000 8.187500 0.000000 0 180.000000 90.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 8.187500 -9.000000 0 8.187500 -6.000000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 -0.812500 0.000000 0 2.187500 0.000000 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Radius Criss Cross	1513"
	#Path Re-ordered	
	P "P0" 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4
	E 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	E 1.375000 -0.000000 0.000000
	E 8.187500 -6.812500 90.000000
	E 8.187500 -8.187500 90.000000

	#Track 1
	C 0 0.000000 6.812500 8.187500 0.000000 180.000000 20.000000
	S 0 0.000000 5.857500 -6.402011 2.713545 -5.244244
	C 0 0.000000 3.450000 3.892500 -2.002011 200.000000 45.000000
	C 0 0.000000 8.187500 8.187500 0.000000 245.000000 25.000000

	#Track 2
	C 0 0.000000 -6.812500 8.187500 0.000000 250.000000 20.000000
	S 0 0.000000 1.785500 -2.330011 2.939746 -5.483786
	C 0 0.000000 -3.450000 6.182500 -4.305011 205.000000 45.000000
	C 0 0.000000 -8.187500 8.187500 0.000000 180.000000 25.000000

	#Road Paint
	A3 0 0.104167 8.800000 8.187500 0.000000 0 210.000000 30.000000
	A3 0 0.104167 6.200000 8.187500 0.000000 0 210.000000 30.000000
	L3 0 0.104167 3.325513 -4.862013 0 2.823343 -3.110755 0
	L3 0 0.104167 3.325513 -4.862013 0 5.062515 -5.343758 0
	A3 0 0.104167 4.183912 3.912331 -1.899511 0 201.327499 31.863906
	A3 0 0.104167 3.075979 5.339396 -4.960222 0 211.111392 43.407407

	#Road Bed Outline
	A3 0 0.052083 9.000000 8.187500 0.000000 0 180.000000 90.000000
	A3 0 0.052083 6.000000 8.187500 0.000000 0 180.000000 90.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 -0.812500 0.000000 0 2.187500 0.000000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 8.187500 -9.000000 0 8.187500 -6.000000 0 0

SUBCONTENTS Aurora HO Slot 2 Lane 1/8 Circle Curve Track
TURNOUT HO "Aurora	6"" Radius 1/8 Circle	1540"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 315.000000
	E 3.668110 -1.519391 90.000000
	E 3.668114 -0.144391 90.000000
	E 0.972274 0.972270 315.000000

	#Inside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 3.812500 3.668124 3.668109 180.000000 45.000000

	#Outside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 5.187500 3.668124 3.668109 180.000000 45.000000

	#Center Line
	A3 0 0.031250 4.500000 3.668127 3.668131 0 180.000000 45.000000

	#Road Bed Outline
	A3 0 0.052083 6.000000 3.668127 3.668131 0 180.000000 45.000000
	A3 0 0.052083 3.000000 3.668127 3.668131 0 180.000000 45.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 3.668138 -2.331869 0 3.668138 0.668131 0
	L3 0 0.052083 -0.581862 -0.581869 0 1.543138 1.543131 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Radius 1/8 Circle	1514"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 315.000000
	E 5.789427 -2.398075 90.000000
	E 5.789430 -1.023075 90.000000
	E 0.972274 0.972270 315.000000

	#Inside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 6.812500 5.789448 5.789425 180.000000 45.000000

	#Outside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 8.187500 5.789448 5.789425 180.000000 45.000000

	#Center Line
	A3 0 0.031250 7.500000 5.789417 5.789434 0 180.000000 45.000000

	#Road Bed Outline
	A3 0 0.052083 9.000000 5.789417 5.789434 0 180.000000 45.000000
	A3 0 0.052083 6.000000 5.789417 5.789434 0 180.000000 45.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 -0.574500 -0.574529 0 1.546820 1.546792 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.789440 -3.210573 0 5.789440 -0.210573 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	12"" Radius 1/8 Circle	1528"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 315.000000
	E 7.910739 -3.276769 90.000000
	E 7.910744 -1.901769 90.000000
	E 0.972275 0.972269 315.000000

	#Inside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 9.812500 7.910783 7.910731 180.000000 45.000000

	#Outside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 11.187500 7.910783 7.910731 180.000000 45.000000
	#Center Line
	A3 0 0.031250 10.500000 7.910742 7.910720 0 180.000000 45.000000

	#Road Bed Outline
	A3 0 0.052083 12.000000 7.910742 7.910720 0 180.000000 45.000000
	A3 0 0.052083 9.000000 7.910742 7.910720 0 180.000000 45.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 -0.574483 -0.574535 0 1.546842 1.546781 0
	L3 0 0.052083 7.910789 -4.089257 0 7.895168 -1.089257 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	15"" Radius 1/8 Circle	1533"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 315.000000
	E 10.032054 -4.155456 90.000000
	E 10.032060 -2.780456 90.000000
	E 0.972275 0.972269 315.000000

	#Inside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 12.812500 10.032111 10.032044 180.000000 45.000000

	#Outside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 14.187500 10.032111 10.032044 180.000000 45.000000

	#Center Line
	A3 0 0.031250 13.500000 10.032111 10.032083 0 180.000000 45.000000

	#Road Bed Outline
	A3 0 0.052083 15.000000 10.032111 10.032083 0 180.000000 45.000000
	A3 0 0.052083 12.000000 10.032111 10.032083 0 180.000000 45.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 -0.574457 -0.574534 0 1.546865 1.546785 0
	L3 0 0.052083 10.032127 -4.967938 0 10.032130 -1.967938 0

SUBCONTENTS Aurora HO Slot 2 Lane 1/8 Banked Circle Curve Track
TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9""R 1/8 Banked Circle	1467"
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 315.000000
	E 5.789427 -2.398075 90.000000
	E 5.789430 -1.023075 90.000000
	E 0.972274 0.972270 315.000000

	#Inside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 6.812500 5.789448 5.789425 180.000000 45.000000

	#Outside Curve
	C 0 0.000000 8.187500 5.789448 5.789425 180.000000 45.000000

	#Center Line
	A3 0 0.031250 7.500000 5.789417 5.789434 0 180.000000 45.000000

	#Road Bed Outline
	A3 0 0.052083 9.000000 5.789417 5.789434 0 180.000000 45.000000
	A3 0 0.052083 6.000000 5.789417 5.789434 0 180.000000 45.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 -0.574500 -0.574529 0 1.546820 1.546792 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.789440 -3.210573 0 5.789440 -0.210573 0

SUBCONTENTS Aurora HO Slot 2 Lane Straight Grade Change Track
TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Hump	1512"
	#Note: Depicted as standard 9" straight. 
	#Hump elevation is not included in parameter file.
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000
	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 0.000000 -0.687500 0 9.000000 -0.687500 0

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Bridge	1508"
	#Note: Depicted as standard 9" straight. 
	#Bridge elevation is not included in parameter file.
	P "P0" 2 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000
	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 0.000000 -0.687500 0 9.000000 -0.687500 0

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0

SUBCONTENTS Aurora HO Slot 2 Lane Intersection Track
TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Intersection	1523"
	P "P0" 2 0 3 0 4 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 3.812500 3.812500 0.000000
	E 5.187500 3.812500 0.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 5.187500 -5.187500 180.000000
	E 3.812500 -5.187500 180.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000

	S 0 0.000000 3.812500 3.812500 3.812500 -5.187500
	S 0 0.000000 5.187500 3.812500 5.187500 -5.187500
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000

	#Stop Signs
	L3 0 0.104167 4.500000 -5.187500 0 4.500000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.104167 4.500000 -2.187500 0 6.000000 -2.187500 0

	L3 0 0.104167 0.000000 -0.687500 0 3.000000 -0.687500 0
	L3 0 0.104167 3.000000 -0.687500 0 3.000000 -2.187500 0	

	L3 0 0.104167 4.500000 3.812500 0 4.500000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.104167 4.500000 0.812500 0 3.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.104167 6.000000 -0.687500 0 9.000000 -0.687500 0
	L3 0 0.104167 6.000000 -0.687500 0 6.000000 0.812500 0

	Z 0 6.500000 -0.562500 270.000000 0 32.000000 "STOP"
	Z 0 4.625000 -2.687500 0.000000 0 32.000000 "STOP"
	Z 0 4.375000 1.312500 180.000000 0 32.000000 "STOP"
	Z 0 2.500000 -0.812500 90.000000 0 32.000000 "STOP"

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 3.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 3.000000 0.812500 0 3.000000 3.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 3.000000 3.812500 0 6.000000 3.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 6.000000 3.812500 0 6.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 6.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 6.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 6.000000 -2.187500 0 6.000000 -5.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 6.000000 -5.187500 0 3.000000 -5.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 3.000000 -5.187500 0 3.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 3.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 -2.187500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" RR Crossing	1522"
	P "P0" 2 0 3 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 4.500000 3.812500 0.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 4.500000 -5.187500 180.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000

	#Train Track
	S 0 0.000000 4.500000 3.812500 4.500000 -5.187500

	#Slot Tracks
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000

	#RR Signs
	L3 0 0.104167 0.000000 -0.687500 0 3.750000 -0.687500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 3.750000 -0.687500 0 3.750000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 2.250000 -0.687500 0 2.250000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 2.250000 -2.187500 0 3.750000 -0.687500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 2.250000 -0.687500 0 3.750000 -2.187500 0
	Z 0 2.875000 -0.787500 90.000000 0 32.000000 "R     R"	

	L3 0 0.104167 5.250000 -0.687500 0 9.000000 -0.687500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.250000 -0.687500 0 5.250000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 6.750000 -0.687500 0 6.750000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.250000 -0.687500 0 6.750000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.250000 0.812500 0 6.750000 -0.687500 0
	Z 0 6.250000 -0.612500 270.000000 0 32.000000 "R     R"

	#Simulated Tie Outline	
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -5.093750 0 3.937500 -4.906250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -4.718750 0 3.937500 -4.531250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -4.343750 0 3.937500 -4.156250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -3.968750 0 3.937500 -3.781250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -3.593750 0 3.937500 -3.406250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -3.218750 0 3.937500 -3.031250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -2.843750 0 3.937500 -2.656250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -2.468750 0 3.937500 -2.281250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -2.093750 0 3.937500 -1.906250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -1.718750 0 3.937500 -1.531250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -1.343750 0 3.937500 -1.156250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -0.968750 0 3.937500 -0.781250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -0.593750 0 3.937500 -0.406250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -0.218750 0 3.937500 -0.031250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 0.156250 0 3.937500 0.343750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 0.531250 0 3.937500 0.718750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 0.906250 0 3.937500 1.093750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 1.281250 0 3.937500 1.468750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 1.656250 0 3.937500 1.843750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 2.031250 0 3.937500 2.218750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 2.406250 0 3.937500 2.593750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 2.781250 0 3.937500 2.968750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 3.156250 0 3.937500 3.343750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 3.531250 0 3.937500 3.718750 0	

	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -4.906250 0 5.062500 -5.093750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -4.531250 0 5.062500 -4.718750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -4.156250 0 5.062500 -4.343750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -3.781250 0 5.062500 -3.968750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -3.406250 0 5.062500 -3.593750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -3.031250 0 5.062500 -3.218750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -2.656250 0 5.062500 -2.843750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -2.281250 0 5.062500 -2.468750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -1.906250 0 5.062500 -2.093750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -1.531250 0 5.062500 -1.718750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -1.156250 0 5.062500 -1.343750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -0.781250 0 5.062500 -0.968750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -0.406250 0 5.062500 -0.593750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -0.031250 0 5.062500 -0.218750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 0.343750 0 5.062500 0.156250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 0.718750 0 5.062500 0.531250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 1.093750 0 5.062500 0.906250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 1.468750 0 5.062500 1.281250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 1.843750 0 5.062500 1.656250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 2.218750 0 5.062500 2.031250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 2.593750 0 5.062500 2.406250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 2.968750 0 5.062500 2.781250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 3.343750 0 5.062500 3.156250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 3.718750 0 5.062500 3.531250 0	

	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -4.906250 0 5.062500 -4.906250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -4.531250 0 5.062500 -4.531250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -4.156250 0 5.062500 -4.156250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -3.781250 0 5.062500 -3.781250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -3.406250 0 5.062500 -3.406250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -3.031250 0 5.062500 -3.031250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -2.656250 0 5.062500 -2.656250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -2.281250 0 5.062500 -2.281250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -1.906250 0 5.062500 -1.906250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -1.531250 0 5.062500 -1.531250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -1.156250 0 5.062500 -1.156250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -0.781250 0 5.062500 -0.781250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -0.406250 0 5.062500 -0.406250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 -0.031250 0 5.062500 -0.031250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 0.343750 0 5.062500 0.343750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 0.718750 0 5.062500 0.718750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 1.093750 0 5.062500 1.093750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 1.468750 0 5.062500 1.468750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 1.843750 0 5.062500 1.843750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 2.218750 0 5.062500 2.218750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 2.593750 0 5.062500 2.593750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 2.968750 0 5.062500 2.968750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 3.343750 0 5.062500 3.343750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 3.937500 3.718750 0 5.062500 3.718750 0

	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -5.093750 0 3.937500 -5.093750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -4.718750 0 3.937500 -4.718750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -4.343750 0 3.937500 -4.343750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -3.968750 0 3.937500 -3.968750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -3.593750 0 3.937500 -3.593750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -3.218750 0 3.937500 -3.218750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -2.843750 0 3.937500 -2.843750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -2.468750 0 3.937500 -2.468750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -2.093750 0 3.937500 -2.093750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -1.718750 0 3.937500 -1.718750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -1.343750 0 3.937500 -1.343750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -0.968750 0 3.937500 -0.968750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -0.593750 0 3.937500 -0.593750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 -0.218750 0 3.937500 -0.218750 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 0.156250 0 3.937500 0.156250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 0.531250 0 3.937500 0.531250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 0.906250 0 3.937500 0.906250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 1.281250 0 3.937500 1.281250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 1.656250 0 3.937500 1.656250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 2.031250 0 3.937500 2.031250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 2.406250 0 3.937500 2.406250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 2.781250 0 3.937500 2.781250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 3.156250 0 3.937500 3.156250 0
	L3 0 0.020833 5.062500 3.531250 0 3.937500 3.531250 0

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 3.750000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 3.750000 0.812500 0 3.750000 3.812500 0 
	L3 0 0.052083 3.750000 3.812500 0 5.250000 3.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.250000 3.812500 0 5.250000 0.812500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.250000 0.812500 0 9.000000 0.812500 0	
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0 
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 5.250000 -2.187500 0 
	L3 0 0.052083 5.250000 -2.187500 0 5.250000 -5.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.250000 -5.187500 0 3.750000 -5.187500 0 
	L3 0 0.052083 3.750000 -5.187500 0 3.750000 -2.187500 0 
	L3 0 0.052083 3.750000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 -2.187500 0 

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Junction Turn-Out	1521"
	P "P0" 1 0 9 8 6 0 2 4 5
	P "P1" 2 3 7 6 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 3.812500 3.812500 0.000000
	E 5.187520 3.812520 0.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 9.000000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000

	#Track 1 Straight
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 9.000000 -1.375000

	#As generated by Xtrkcad turnout designer.Uncorrected for future reference
	#(2) S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.649605 0.000000
	#(3) S 0 0.000000 0.649605 0.000000 4.500000 0.000000
	#(4) C 0 0.000000 -3.162899 0.649609 3.162899 89.999924 90.000152
	#(5) S 0 0.000000 3.812504 3.162903 3.812500 3.812500
	#(6) S 0 0.000000 8.350395 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000
	#(7) S 0 0.000000 4.500000 0.000000 8.350395 0.000000
	#(8) C 0 0.000000 -3.162899 8.350424 3.162903 180.000228 90.000152
	#(9) S 0 0.000000 5.187520 3.812520 5.187513 3.162924
	#"Corrected" by setting the curve (4) start and degrees of swing angles to 90.000000
	#and adjusting the curve radius and center position (X and Y) 
	#to match the endpoint X and Y coordinates of the attaching straights (2 and 5)
	#as close as possible.
	#With the new curve values. 
	#(I define curve CX1 and CY1 as the coordinates at the start angle
	#and curve CX2 and CY2 as the coordinates at the end angle. i.e start angle + degrees of swing)
	#CX1 = 0.649605, CY1 = 0.000000 matching Straight (2) X2 and Y2
	#CX2 = 3.812508, CY2 = 3.162903 almost matching Straight (5) X1 and Y1
	#Straight (5) X1 then adjusted to 3.812508 
	#This will cause Straight (5) to be a little more off of vertical then before.
	#That is S5 X1 does not equal S5 X2 
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.649605 0.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.649605 0.000000 4.500000 0.000000
	C 0 0.000000 -3.162903 0.649605 3.162903 90.000000 90.000000
	S 0 0.000000 3.812508 3.162903 3.812500 3.812500

	#See above for modification rational
	#Note: This is the "right hand" version turnout created in xtrkcad, rotated 180 degrees.
	#With the new curve  values
	#CX1 = 5.187492, CY1 = 3.162903 matching modified vertical Straight (9) X2 and Y2
	#CX2 = 8.350395, CY2 = 0.000000 matching Straight (6) X1 and Y1
	S 0 0.000000 8.350395 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000
	S 0 0.000000 4.500000 0.000000 8.350395 0.000000
	C 0 0.000000 -3.162903 8.350395 3.162903 180.000000 90.000000
	S 0 0.000000 5.187500 3.812500 5.187492 3.162903

	#So was this exercise worthwhile, 
	#Probably not other than to try to get rid of annoying errors.

	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 0.000000 -0.687500 0 9.000000 -0.687500 0

	#Center Paint
	L3 0 0.052083 3.875000 0.812500 0 5.125000 0.812500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 3.500000 1.000000 2.812500 0 90.000000 35.000000
	A3 0 0.052083 3.500000 8.000000 2.812500 0 235.000000 35.000000

	#Turnout Controls
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 0.000000 2.312500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 2.312500 0 2.600000 2.312500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 0.500000 1.300000 1.812500 0 0.000000 360.000000

	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 2.312500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 2.312500 0 6.400000 2.312500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 0.500000 7.700000 1.812500 0 0.000000 360.000000

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 -3.000000 0.000000 3.812500 0 90.000000 90.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 3.000000 3.812500 0 6.000000 3.812500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 -3.000000 9.000000 3.812500 0 180.000000 90.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 0.812500 0 9.000000 -2.187500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 -2.187500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	4.5"" Left Service Road Turn-Out	1525"
	#Path Re-ordered
	P "P0" 1 0 2 3
	P "P1" 2 4 5 6 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 4.500000 1.612500 90.000000
	E 4.500000 0.000000 90.000000
	E 4.500000 -1.375000 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000

	#Track 1 Straight
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 4.500000 -1.375000

	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.649600 0.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.649600 0.000000 4.500000 0.000000
	C 0 0.000000 -0.002146 0.649600 0.002146 150.000000 30.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.650673 0.000288 2.500000 1.068000 
	C 0 0.000000 4.000000 4.500000 -2.387500 330.000000 30.000000

	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 0.000000 -0.687500 0 4.500000 -0.687500 0

	#Turn-Out Control
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 0.000000 2.112500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 2.112500 0 1.750000 2.112500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 1.750000 2.112500 0 1.750000 1.512500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 0.300000 1.350000 1.712500 0 0.000000 360.000000

	#2 Lane to 1 Lane Reference Line	
	L3 0 0.052083 3.500000 0.812500 0 4.500000 0.812500 0

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 -2.500000 0.000000 3.312500 0 150.000000 30.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 1.250000 1.147436 0 2.200000 1.796217 0
	A3 0 0.052083 4.600000 4.500000 -2.187500 0 330.000000 30.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 4.500000 -2.187500 0 4.500000 2.412500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 4.500000 -2.187500 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	4.5"" Right Service Road Turn-Out	1525"
	#"Flipped" version of Left Service Road Turn-Out
	P "P0" 1 0 2 3
	P "P1" 2 4 5 6 0 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	E -4.500000 1.612500 270.000000
	E -4.500000 0.000000 270.000000
	E -4.500000 -1.375000 270.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 90.000000

	#Track 1 Straight
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 -1.375000 -4.500000 -1.375000

	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.649600 0.000000
	S 0 0.000000 -0.649600 0.000000 -4.500000 0.000000
	C 0 0.000000 0.002146 -0.649600 0.002146 180.000000 30.000000
	S 0 0.000000 -0.650673 0.000288 -2.500000 1.068000
	C 0 0.000000 -4.000000 -4.500000 -2.387500 0.000000 30.000000

	#Center Line
	L3 0 0.031250 -0.000000 -0.687500 0 -4.500000 -0.687500 0

	#Turn-Out Control
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.812500 0 0.000000 2.112500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 2.112500 0 -1.750000 2.112500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 -1.750000 2.112500 0 -1.750000 1.512500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 0.300000 -1.350000 1.712500 0 180.000000 360.000000

	#2 Lane to 1 Lane Reference Line
	L3 0 0.052083 -3.500000 0.812500 0 -4.500000 0.812500 0

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 2.500000 0.000000 3.312500 0 180.000000 30.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 -1.250000 1.147436 0 -2.200000 1.796217 0
	A3 0 0.052083 4.600000 -4.500000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 30.000000
	L3 0 0.052083 -4.500000 -2.187500 0 -4.500000 2.412500 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 -4.500000 -2.187500 0

SUBCONTENTS Aurora HO Slot 2 Lane to 1 Lane Adapter Track
TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Wye	1503"
	# Measured Single Lane Slot to Slot spacing  = 4 9/32" (4.281250)
	# Measured Single Lane Outside Track Edge to Outside Track Edge = 5 29/32 (5.90625)
	#Path Re-ordered
	P "P0" 1 2 0 3 4
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 1.453125 90.000000
	E 0.000000 -1.375000 270.000000	
	E 9.000000 -2.828125 90.000000

	# These are the values for a best mathematical cartesian coordinate match 
	# at the intersection of curve 1 and curve 2 as well as curve 3 and curve 4
	# while maintaining the overall endpoints defined above.
	# BUT when track is displayed in xtrkcad, that intersection appears "OFF" in the Y plane,
	# particularly when the image is zoomed out. 
	#Track 1
	C 0 0.000000 -14.298767 0.000000 14.298767 161.656545 18.343455
	C 0 0.000000 14.298767 9.000000 -12.845642 341.656545 18.343455

	#Track 2
	C 0 0.000000 14.298767 0.000000 -15.673767 0.000000 18.343455
	C 0 0.000000 -14.298767 9.000000 11.470642 180.000000 18.343455

	# Likewise, these values represent the best mathematical cartesian coordinate match  
	# at each of the road bed outline intersections, but looks lousy when displayed. 
	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 -13.486267 0.000000 14.298767 0 161.656545 18.343455
	A3 0 0.052083 15.111267 9.000000 -12.845642 0 341.656545 18.343455
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 2.265625 0 9.000000 0.665625 0
	A3 0 0.052083 -12.368249 9.000000 -11.702624 0 332.948350 27.051650
	A3 0 0.052083 -12.368249 9.000000 10.327624 0 180.000000 27.051650
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -2.040500 0 9.000000 -3.640500 0
	A3 0 0.052083 15.111267 9.000000 11.470645 0 180.000000 18.343455
	A3 0 0.052083 -13.486267 0.000000 -15.673763 0 0.000000 18.343455	

	# SO, here is what might "look" better
	# Toss a bit of mathematical error into the dimensions!
	#Track 1
	#C 0 0.000000 -14.500000 0.000000 14.500000 161.900000 18.100000
	#C 0 0.000000 14.500000 9.000000 -13.046875 341.900000 18.100000

	#Track 2
	#C 0 0.000000 14.500000 0.000000 -15.875000 0.000000 18.100000
	#C 0 0.000000 -14.500000 9.000000 11.671875 180.000000 18.100000

	#Road Bed Outline
	#L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -2.187500 0 0.000000 0.812500 0
	#A3 0 0.052083 -13.700000 0.000000 14.512500 0 161.900000 18.100000
	#A3 0 0.052083 15.300000 9.000000 -13.046500 0 341.900000 18.100000
	#L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 2.265625 0 9.000000 0.665625 0
	#A3 0 0.052083 -12.368249 9.000000 -11.702624 0 332.948350 27.051650
	#A3 0 0.052083 -12.368249 9.000000 10.327624 0 180.000000 27.051650	
	#L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -3.640500 0 9.000000 -2.040500 0
	#A3 0 0.052083 15.300000 9.000000 11.671500 0 180.000000 18.100000
	#A3 0 0.052083 -13.700000 0.000000 -15.887500 0 0.000000 18.100000

	# This would help a bit but the display is still "OFF" at tad.
	# Please do not complain to the parameter file generator (me) if you notice a screwy display in xtrkcad.

	# All other constructive critisism is welcome.
	# A Polar to Cartesian coordinate calculator (Excel file) is available if you wish to see how the curves and 
	# arcs translate to X and Y coordinates.


SUBCONTENTS Aurora HO Slot 1 Lane Track
TURNOUT HO "Aurora	5"" Single Lane	1535"
	P "P0" 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 5.000000 -0.000000 90.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 5.000000 0.000000 

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -0.800000 0 0.000000 0.800000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.800000 0 5.000000 0.800000 0 
	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 0.800000 0 5.000000 -0.800000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 -0.800000 0 0.000000 -0.800000 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	7"" Single Lane	1536"
	P "P0" 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 7.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 7.000000 0.000000 

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -0.800000 0 0.000000 0.800000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.800000 0 7.000000 0.800000 0 
	L3 0 0.052083 7.000000 0.800000 0 7.000000 -0.800000 0 
	L3 0 0.052083 7.000000 -0.800000 0 0.000000 -0.800000 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Single Lane	1537"
	P "P0" 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000 

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -0.800000 0 0.000000 0.800000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.800000 0 9.000000 0.800000 0 
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 0.800000 0 9.000000 -0.800000 0 
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -0.800000 0 0.000000 -0.800000 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	9"" Terminal Single Lane	1538"
	P "P0" 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000
	E 9.000000 0.000000 90.000000
	S 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000 

	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 0.800000 0 5.000000 1.500000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 5.000000 1.500000 0 4.000000 1.500000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 4.000000 1.500000 0 4.000000 0.800000 0 
	G3 0 0.000000 0.100000 4.750000 1.300000 0
	G3 0 0.000000 0.100000 4.250000 1.300000 0

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 -0.800000 0 0.000000 0.800000 0 
	L3 0 0.052083 0.000000 0.800000 0 9.000000 0.800000 0 
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 0.800000 0 9.000000 -0.800000 0
	L3 0 0.052083 9.000000 -0.800000 0 0.000000 -0.800000 0

TURNOUT HO "Aurora	6"" Radius Single Lane 1/8 Circle	1534"
	P "P0" 1
	E 0.000000 0.000000 315.000000
	E 3.676955 -1.523045 90.000000
	C 0 0.000000 5.200000 3.676955 3.676955 180.000000 45.000000

	#Road Bed Outline
	L3 0 0.052083 3.676955 -2.323045 0 3.676955 -0.723045 0
	A3 0 0.052083 -4.400000 3.676955 3.676955 0 180.000000 45.000000
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	A3 0 0.052083 6.000000 3.676955 3.676955 0 180.000000 45.000000