Undec Undecorated AMTRAK Amtrak ATSF Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe ARR Ann Arbor ACL Atlantic Coast Line B&O Baltimore & Ohio B&M Boston & Maine Bostom & Maine BCR British Columbia Railway BC Rail BN Burlington Northern BNSF Burlington Northern Santa Fe B&LE Bessemer & Lake Erie CN Canadian National CNR CP Canadian Pacific CPR CP Rail C&C Carson & Colorado CB&Q Chicago Burlington & Quincy Burlington C&O Chesapeake & Ohio CNJ Central New Jersy CNW Chicago & North Western Chicago North Western C&NW CN&W CNW UP C&EI Chicago & Eastern Illinois Chgo & Eastern Illinois ?? Chessie Chessie System C&O Chesapeake & Ohio Chesapeke and Ohio C&S Colorado & Southern CRR Clinchfield Clinchfild CB Cotton Belt Cottom Belt CR Conrail CSX CSX D&H Delaware & Hudson D&RGW Denver & Rio Grande Western D&RG Rio Grande DT&I Detroit Toledo & Ironton DSP&P Denver, South Park & Pacific DM&IR Duluth Missabe & Iron Range D&TH Duluth & Two Harbors ERIE Erie EL Erie Lackawanna E L EJ&E Elgin Joliet & Eastern SLSF Frisco FGE Fruit Growers Express Fruit Growers Exp GTW Grand Trunk Western Grand Trunk GN Great Northern GM&O Gulf Mobile & Ohio IC Illinois Central ICG Illinois Central Gulf Ic Gulf KCS Kansas City Southern ? Lackawanna L&N Louisville & Nashville LV Lehigh Valley MC Maine Central MILW Milwaukee Road ? Minneapolis & St Louis MKT Missouri-Kansas-Texas Missouri Kansas Texas Katy M K T MP Missouri Pacific Mopac MON Monon NCO Nevada California Oregon Ry N.C.O. NH New Haven NYNH&H NKP Nickel Plate Nickle Plate NYC New York Central NH New Haven NS Norfolk Southern N&W Norfolk & Western NP Northern Pacific MRL Montana Rail Link Mona Rail Link ONR Ontario Northland Ontario Northern PC Penn Central PENN CEN PRR Pennsylvania Pennsy PFE Pacific Fruit Express Pacific Fruit Exp P&LE Pittsburgh & Lake Erie RB Railbox RDG Reading REA Railway Express Agency RGS Rio Grande Southern ROCK Rock Island RI SAL Seaboard Air Line SCL Seaboard Coast Line ? Seaboard Systems Seaboard System ? Seaboard SP&S Spokane Portland & Seattle SOO Soo Line CP SOO SOU Southern Southern Ry SP Southern Pacific SF Santa Fe T&P Texas & Pacific UP Union Pacific VGN Virginian Virginian Rwy WC Wisconsin Central ? Western Fruit Express WM Western Maryland WP Western Pacific WAB Wabash ? M of W MoW # Unknown Repmarks ? New York Susquehanna & Western ? Toledo Peoria & Westernn ? Chcago & Eastern Illinois ? Lehigh & New England Lehigh & New Endland ? M&StL ? Florida East Coast ? Detroit Toledo Shoreline ? MEC ? Bangor & Aroostook ? Providence & Western ? Family Lines Family Lines System ? Toledo Peoria & Western ? MN&S ? Central Rr Of New Jersey ? Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac Richm'D Friks'Bg & Potomac ? Pittsburgh & West Virginia ? Montour ? Rutland ? Texas & New Orleans ? Akron Canton & Youngstown ? Central Of Georgia ? Portland Terminal ? Georgia Rr ? Lehigh & New England ? Illinois Terminal ? Atlanta & West Point ? SSW ? Minneapolis Northfield & Southern # Trailtrain? ? TTX ? TTAX ? TTCX ? TTWX ? KTTX ? RTTX # Private Marks ? Golden West ? FMC Chemicals FMC ? Archer Daniels Midland ? Ashley Drew & Northern ? Engelhard Chemicals ? Acf ? Peabody Coal Co ? Berwind Coal Co ? Interstate ? Akron Canton & Youngstown ? Burlington Brex ? Western Refrig Line Gb&W ? W India Fruit & Steamship Co ? Merchants Dispatch Tran Nyc ? Union Refrig Transit Erie ? Northwestern Refrigerator Line ? Swift Refrigerator Line ? National Car Company ? New York Despatch ? American Refrigerator Transit ? Merchants Despatch Refrigerator Line ? ACY ? Special Atlas 50th Anniversary Scheme ? Evans Products Evans ? Tropicana ? Aloha Shake ? Northwest Hardwoods ? Ralston Purina ? American Potash ? Imco Services ? Kerr Mcgee ? CG ? Minnesota Smelting ? Utah Copper ? Erie Mining ? Missabe ? Dow ? Eastman Chemical ? Hooker Chemical Hooker ? Hudson Bay ? Firestone ? Atlas Chemical ? Brea Chemical ? Dupont ? CGTX ? Tennessee Eastman ? Chattahoocee Industrial Railroad ? Vermont ? Pennsy Merchandise ? Maryland ? Delaware ? Swift'S ? APL ? Golden Loaf Flour ? Pillsbury ? Jack Frost ? American Car & Foundry Leasing ? ADM ? Norchem ? Carlon ? A E Staley ? American Hoechst ? Cargill ? Georgia Kaolin ? Chemplex Plastics ? Arco Polymers ? Citco ? NJ ? Oakway ? EMD ? Ogden Corporation ? Con ? Sterling Salt ? French'S ? Wayne Foods ? Special 50Th Anniversary Edition ? EL/NJ Dot ? Marc ? SEPTA ? NJ Transit ? SF Merger ? Wyandotte