/* * HTML backend for Halibut */ /* * TODO: * * - I'm never entirely convinced that having a fragment link to * come in at the start of the real text in the file is * sensible. Perhaps for the topmost section in the file, no * fragment should be used? (Though it should probably still be * _there_ even if unused.) * * - In HHK index mode: subsidiary hhk entries (as in replacing * `foo, bar' with `foo\n\tbar') can be done by embedding * sub-<UL>s in the hhk file. This requires me getting round to * supporting that idiom in the rest of Halibut, but I thought * I'd record how it's done here in case I turn out to have * forgotten when I get there. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include "halibut.h" #define is_heading_type(type) ( (type) == para_Title || \ (type) == para_Chapter || \ (type) == para_Appendix || \ (type) == para_UnnumberedChapter || \ (type) == para_Heading || \ (type) == para_Subsect) #define heading_depth(p) ( (p)->type == para_Subsect ? (p)->aux + 1 : \ (p)->type == para_Heading ? 1 : \ (p)->type == para_Title ? -1 : 0 ) typedef struct { int just_numbers; wchar_t *number_suffix; } sectlevel; typedef struct { int nasect; sectlevel achapter, *asect; int *contents_depths; /* 0=main, 1=chapter, 2=sect etc */ int ncdepths; int address_section, visible_version_id; int leaf_contains_contents, leaf_smallest_contents; int navlinks; int rellinks; char *contents_filename; char *index_filename; char *template_filename; char *single_filename; char *chm_filename, *hhp_filename, *hhc_filename, *hhk_filename; char *appletoc_filename; char **template_fragments; int ntfragments; char *head_end, *body_start, *body_end, *addr_start, *addr_end; char *body_tag, *nav_attr; wchar_t *author, *description; wchar_t *index_text, *contents_text, *preamble_text, *title_separator; wchar_t *nav_prev_text, *nav_next_text, *nav_separator; wchar_t *index_main_sep, *index_multi_sep; wchar_t *pre_versionid, *post_versionid; int restrict_charset, output_charset; enum { HTML_3_2, HTML_4, ISO_HTML, XHTML_1_0_TRANSITIONAL, XHTML_1_0_STRICT } htmlver; wchar_t *lquote, *rquote; int leaf_level; } htmlconfig; #define contents_depth(conf, level) \ ( (conf).ncdepths > (level) ? (conf).contents_depths[level] : (level)+2 ) #define is_xhtml(ver) ((ver) >= XHTML_1_0_TRANSITIONAL) typedef struct htmlfile htmlfile; typedef struct htmlsect htmlsect; struct htmlfile { htmlfile *next; char *filename; int last_fragment_number; int min_heading_depth; htmlsect *first, *last; /* first/last highest-level sections */ /* * The `temp' field is available for use in individual passes * over the file list. For example, the HHK index generation * uses it to ensure no index term references the same file * more than once. */ int temp; }; struct htmlsect { htmlsect *next, *parent; htmlfile *file; paragraph *title, *text; enum { NORMAL, TOP, INDEX, APPLEINDEX } type; int contents_depth; char **fragments; }; typedef struct { htmlfile *head, *tail; htmlfile *single, *index; tree234 *frags; tree234 *files; } htmlfilelist; typedef struct { htmlsect *head, *tail; } htmlsectlist; typedef struct { htmlfile *file; char *fragment; } htmlfragment; typedef struct { int nrefs, refsize; word **refs; } htmlindex; typedef struct { htmlsect *section; char *fragment; int generated, referenced; } htmlindexref; typedef struct { /* * This level deals with charset conversion, starting and * ending tags, and writing to the file. It's the lexical * level. */ FILE *fp; int charset, restrict_charset; charset_state cstate; int ver; enum { HO_NEUTRAL, HO_IN_TAG, HO_IN_EMPTY_TAG, HO_IN_TEXT } state; int hackflags; /* used for icky .HH* stuff */ int hacklimit; /* text size limit, again for .HH* */ /* * Stuff beyond here deals with the higher syntactic level: it * tracks how many levels of <ul> are currently open when * producing a contents list, for example. */ int contents_level; } htmloutput; /* * Nasty hacks that modify the behaviour of htmloutput files. All * of these are flag bits set in ho.hackflags. HO_HACK_QUOTEQUOTES * has the same effect as the `quote_quotes' parameter to * html_text_limit_internal, except that it's set globally on an * entire htmloutput structure; HO_HACK_QUOTENOTHING suppresses * quoting of any HTML special characters (for .HHP files); * HO_HACK_OMITQUOTES completely suppresses the generation of * double quotes at all (turning them into single quotes, for want * of a better idea). */ #define HO_HACK_QUOTEQUOTES 1 #define HO_HACK_QUOTENOTHING 2 #define HO_HACK_OMITQUOTES 4 static int html_fragment_compare(void *av, void *bv) { htmlfragment *a = (htmlfragment *)av; htmlfragment *b = (htmlfragment *)bv; int cmp; if ((cmp = strcmp(a->file->filename, b->file->filename)) != 0) return cmp; else return strcmp(a->fragment, b->fragment); } static int html_filename_compare(void *av, void *bv) { char *a = (char *)av; char *b = (char *)bv; return strcmp(a, b); } static void html_file_section(htmlconfig *cfg, htmlfilelist *files, htmlsect *sect, int depth); static htmlfile *html_new_file(htmlfilelist *list, char *filename); static htmlsect *html_new_sect(htmlsectlist *list, paragraph *title, htmlconfig *cfg); /* Flags for html_words() flags parameter */ #define NOTHING 0x00 #define MARKUP 0x01 #define LINKS 0x02 #define INDEXENTS 0x04 #define ALL 0x07 static void html_words(htmloutput *ho, word *words, int flags, htmlfile *file, keywordlist *keywords, htmlconfig *cfg); static void html_codepara(htmloutput *ho, word *words); static void return_to_neutral(htmloutput *ho); static void element_open(htmloutput *ho, char const *name); static void element_close(htmloutput *ho, char const *name); static void element_empty(htmloutput *ho, char const *name); static void element_attr(htmloutput *ho, char const *name, char const *value); static void element_attr_w(htmloutput *ho, char const *name, wchar_t const *value); static void html_text(htmloutput *ho, wchar_t const *str); static void html_text_nbsp(htmloutput *ho, wchar_t const *str); static void html_text_limit(htmloutput *ho, wchar_t const *str, int maxlen); static void html_text_limit_internal(htmloutput *ho, wchar_t const *text, int maxlen, int quote_quotes, int nbsp); static void html_nl(htmloutput *ho); static void html_raw(htmloutput *ho, char *text); static void html_raw_as_attr(htmloutput *ho, char *text); static void cleanup(htmloutput *ho); static void html_href(htmloutput *ho, htmlfile *thisfile, htmlfile *targetfile, char *targetfrag); static void html_fragment(htmloutput *ho, char const *fragment); static char *html_format(paragraph *p, char *template_string); static char *html_sanitise_fragment(htmlfilelist *files, htmlfile *file, char *text); static char *html_sanitise_filename(htmlfilelist *files, char *text); static void html_contents_entry(htmloutput *ho, int depth, htmlsect *s, htmlfile *thisfile, keywordlist *keywords, htmlconfig *cfg, int toc_yes); static void html_section_title(htmloutput *ho, htmlsect *s, htmlfile *thisfile, keywordlist *keywords, htmlconfig *cfg, int real); static htmlconfig html_configure(paragraph *source) { htmlconfig ret; paragraph *p; /* * Defaults. */ ret.leaf_level = 2; ret.achapter.just_numbers = FALSE; ret.achapter.number_suffix = L": "; ret.nasect = 1; ret.asect = snewn(ret.nasect, sectlevel); ret.asect[0].just_numbers = TRUE; ret.asect[0].number_suffix = L" "; ret.ncdepths = 0; ret.contents_depths = 0; ret.visible_version_id = TRUE; ret.address_section = TRUE; ret.leaf_contains_contents = FALSE; ret.leaf_smallest_contents = 4; ret.navlinks = TRUE; ret.rellinks = TRUE; ret.single_filename = dupstr("Manual.html"); ret.contents_filename = dupstr("Contents.html"); ret.index_filename = dupstr("IndexPage.html"); ret.template_filename = dupstr("%n.html"); ret.chm_filename = ret.hhp_filename = NULL; ret.hhc_filename = ret.hhk_filename = NULL; ret.appletoc_filename = NULL; ret.ntfragments = 1; ret.template_fragments = snewn(ret.ntfragments, char *); ret.template_fragments[0] = dupstr("%b"); ret.head_end = ret.body_tag = ret.body_start = ret.body_end = ret.addr_start = ret.addr_end = ret.nav_attr = NULL; ret.author = ret.description = NULL; ret.restrict_charset = CS_UTF8; ret.output_charset = CS_ASCII; ret.htmlver = HTML_4; ret.index_text = L"Index"; ret.contents_text = L"Contents"; ret.preamble_text = L"Preamble"; ret.title_separator = L" - "; ret.nav_prev_text = L"Previous"; ret.nav_next_text = L"Next"; ret.nav_separator = L" | "; ret.index_main_sep = L": "; ret.index_multi_sep = L", "; ret.pre_versionid = L"["; ret.post_versionid = L"]"; /* * Default quote characters are Unicode matched single quotes, * falling back to ordinary ASCII ". */ ret.lquote = L"\x2018\0\x2019\0\"\0\"\0\0"; ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote); /* * Two-pass configuration so that we can pick up global config * (e.g. `quotes') before having it overridden by specific * config (`html-quotes'), irrespective of the order in which * they occur. */ for (p = source; p; p = p->next) { if (p->type == para_Config) { if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"quotes")) { if (*uadv(p->keyword) && *uadv(uadv(p->keyword))) { ret.lquote = uadv(p->keyword); ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote); } } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"index")) { ret.index_text = uadv(p->keyword); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"contents")) { ret.contents_text = uadv(p->keyword); } } } for (p = source; p; p = p->next) { if (p->type == para_Config) { wchar_t *k = p->keyword; if (!ustrnicmp(k, L"xhtml-", 6)) k++; /* treat `xhtml-' and `html-' the same */ if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-restrict-charset")) { ret.restrict_charset = charset_from_ustr(&p->fpos, uadv(k)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-output-charset")) { ret.output_charset = charset_from_ustr(&p->fpos, uadv(k)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-version")) { wchar_t *vername = uadv(k); static const struct { const wchar_t *name; int ver; } versions[] = { {L"html3.2", HTML_3_2}, {L"html4", HTML_4}, {L"iso-html", ISO_HTML}, {L"xhtml1.0transitional", XHTML_1_0_TRANSITIONAL}, {L"xhtml1.0strict", XHTML_1_0_STRICT} }; int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)lenof(versions); i++) if (!ustricmp(versions[i].name, vername)) break; if (i == lenof(versions)) error(err_htmlver, &p->fpos, vername); else ret.htmlver = versions[i].ver; } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-single-filename")) { sfree(ret.single_filename); ret.single_filename = dupstr(adv(p->origkeyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-contents-filename")) { sfree(ret.contents_filename); ret.contents_filename = dupstr(adv(p->origkeyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-index-filename")) { sfree(ret.index_filename); ret.index_filename = dupstr(adv(p->origkeyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-template-filename")) { sfree(ret.template_filename); ret.template_filename = dupstr(adv(p->origkeyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-template-fragment")) { char *frag = adv(p->origkeyword); if (*frag) { while (ret.ntfragments--) sfree(ret.template_fragments[ret.ntfragments]); sfree(ret.template_fragments); ret.template_fragments = NULL; ret.ntfragments = 0; while (*frag) { ret.ntfragments++; ret.template_fragments = sresize(ret.template_fragments, ret.ntfragments, char *); ret.template_fragments[ret.ntfragments-1] = dupstr(frag); frag = adv(frag); } } else error(err_cfginsufarg, &p->fpos, p->origkeyword, 1); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-chapter-numeric")) { ret.achapter.just_numbers = utob(uadv(k)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-suppress-navlinks")) { ret.navlinks = !utob(uadv(k)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-rellinks")) { ret.rellinks = utob(uadv(k)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-chapter-suffix")) { ret.achapter.number_suffix = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-leaf-level")) { wchar_t *u = uadv(k); if (!ustricmp(u, L"infinite") || !ustricmp(u, L"infinity") || !ustricmp(u, L"inf")) ret.leaf_level = -1; /* represents infinity */ else ret.leaf_level = utoi(u); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-section-numeric")) { wchar_t *q = uadv(k); int n = 0; if (uisdigit(*q)) { n = utoi(q); q = uadv(q); } if (n >= ret.nasect) { int i; ret.asect = sresize(ret.asect, n+1, sectlevel); for (i = ret.nasect; i <= n; i++) ret.asect[i] = ret.asect[ret.nasect-1]; ret.nasect = n+1; } ret.asect[n].just_numbers = utob(q); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-section-suffix")) { wchar_t *q = uadv(k); int n = 0; if (uisdigit(*q)) { n = utoi(q); q = uadv(q); } if (n >= ret.nasect) { int i; ret.asect = sresize(ret.asect, n+1, sectlevel); for (i = ret.nasect; i <= n; i++) { ret.asect[i] = ret.asect[ret.nasect-1]; } ret.nasect = n+1; } ret.asect[n].number_suffix = q; } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-contents-depth") || !ustrnicmp(k, L"html-contents-depth-", 20)) { /* * Relic of old implementation: this directive used * to be written as \cfg{html-contents-depth-3}{2} * rather than the usual Halibut convention of * \cfg{html-contents-depth}{3}{2}. We therefore * support both. */ wchar_t *q = k[19] ? k+20 : uadv(k); int n = 0; if (uisdigit(*q)) { n = utoi(q); q = uadv(q); } if (n >= ret.ncdepths) { int i; ret.contents_depths = sresize(ret.contents_depths, n+1, int); for (i = ret.ncdepths; i <= n; i++) { ret.contents_depths[i] = i+2; } ret.ncdepths = n+1; } ret.contents_depths[n] = utoi(q); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-head-end")) { ret.head_end = adv(p->origkeyword); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-body-tag")) { ret.body_tag = adv(p->origkeyword); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-body-start")) { ret.body_start = adv(p->origkeyword); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-body-end")) { ret.body_end = adv(p->origkeyword); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-address-start")) { ret.addr_start = adv(p->origkeyword); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-address-end")) { ret.addr_end = adv(p->origkeyword); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-navigation-attributes")) { ret.nav_attr = adv(p->origkeyword); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-author")) { ret.author = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-description")) { ret.description = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-suppress-address")) { ret.address_section = !utob(uadv(k)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-versionid")) { ret.visible_version_id = utob(uadv(k)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-quotes")) { if (*uadv(k) && *uadv(uadv(k))) { ret.lquote = uadv(k); ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote); } } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-leaf-contains-contents")) { ret.leaf_contains_contents = utob(uadv(k)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-leaf-smallest-contents")) { ret.leaf_smallest_contents = utoi(uadv(k)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-index-text")) { ret.index_text = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-contents-text")) { ret.contents_text = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-preamble-text")) { ret.preamble_text = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-title-separator")) { ret.title_separator = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-nav-prev-text")) { ret.nav_prev_text = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-nav-next-text")) { ret.nav_next_text = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-nav-separator")) { ret.nav_separator = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-index-main-separator")) { ret.index_main_sep = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-index-multiple-separator")) { ret.index_multi_sep = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-pre-versionid")) { ret.pre_versionid = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-post-versionid")) { ret.post_versionid = uadv(k); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-mshtmlhelp-chm")) { sfree(ret.chm_filename); ret.chm_filename = dupstr(adv(p->origkeyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-mshtmlhelp-project")) { sfree(ret.hhp_filename); ret.hhp_filename = dupstr(adv(p->origkeyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-mshtmlhelp-contents")) { sfree(ret.hhc_filename); ret.hhc_filename = dupstr(adv(p->origkeyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-mshtmlhelp-index")) { sfree(ret.hhk_filename); ret.hhk_filename = dupstr(adv(p->origkeyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(k, L"html-applehelp-toc")) { sfree(ret.appletoc_filename); ret.appletoc_filename = dupstr(adv(p->origkeyword)); } } } /* * Enforce that the CHM and HHP filenames must either be both * present or both absent. If one is present but not the other, * turn both off. */ if (!ret.chm_filename ^ !ret.hhp_filename) { error(err_chmnames); sfree(ret.chm_filename); ret.chm_filename = NULL; sfree(ret.hhp_filename); ret.hhp_filename = NULL; } /* * And if we're not generating an HHP, there's no need for HHC * or HHK. */ if (!ret.hhp_filename) { sfree(ret.hhc_filename); ret.hhc_filename = NULL; sfree(ret.hhk_filename); ret.hhk_filename = NULL; } /* * Now process fallbacks on quote characters. */ while (*uadv(ret.rquote) && *uadv(uadv(ret.rquote)) && (!cvt_ok(ret.restrict_charset, ret.lquote) || !cvt_ok(ret.restrict_charset, ret.rquote))) { ret.lquote = uadv(ret.rquote); ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote); } return ret; } paragraph *html_config_filename(char *filename) { /* * If the user passes in a single filename as a parameter to * the `--html' command-line option, then we should assume it * to imply _two_ config directives: * \cfg{html-single-filename}{whatever} and * \cfg{html-leaf-level}{0}; the rationale being that the user * wants their output _in that file_. */ paragraph *p, *q; p = cmdline_cfg_simple("html-single-filename", filename, NULL); q = cmdline_cfg_simple("html-leaf-level", "0", NULL); p->next = q; return p; } void html_backend(paragraph *sourceform, keywordlist *keywords, indexdata *idx, void *unused) { paragraph *p; htmlsect *topsect; htmlconfig conf; htmlfilelist files = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; htmlsectlist sects = { NULL, NULL }, nonsects = { NULL, NULL }; char *hhk_filename; int has_index; IGNORE(unused); conf = html_configure(sourceform); /* * We're going to make heavy use of paragraphs' private data * fields in the forthcoming code. Clear them first, so we can * reliably tell whether we have auxiliary data for a * particular paragraph. */ for (p = sourceform; p; p = p->next) p->private_data = NULL; files.frags = newtree234(html_fragment_compare); files.files = newtree234(html_filename_compare); /* * Start by figuring out into which file each piece of the * document should be put. We'll do this by inventing an * `htmlsect' structure and stashing it in the private_data * field of each section paragraph; we also need one additional * htmlsect for the document index, which won't show up in the * source form but needs to be consistently mentioned in * contents links. * * While we're here, we'll also invent the HTML fragment name(s) * for each section. */ { htmlsect *sect; int d; topsect = html_new_sect(§s, NULL, &conf); topsect->type = TOP; topsect->title = NULL; topsect->text = sourceform; topsect->contents_depth = contents_depth(conf, 0); html_file_section(&conf, &files, topsect, -1); for (p = sourceform; p; p = p->next) if (is_heading_type(p->type)) { d = heading_depth(p); if (p->type == para_Title) { topsect->title = p; continue; } sect = html_new_sect(§s, p, &conf); sect->text = p->next; sect->contents_depth = contents_depth(conf, d+1) - (d+1); if (p->parent) { sect->parent = (htmlsect *)p->parent->private_data; assert(sect->parent != NULL); } else sect->parent = topsect; p->private_data = sect; html_file_section(&conf, &files, sect, d); { int i; for (i=0; i < conf.ntfragments; i++) { sect->fragments[i] = html_format(p, conf.template_fragments[i]); sect->fragments[i] = html_sanitise_fragment(&files, sect->file, sect->fragments[i]); } } } /* * And the index, if we have one. Note that we don't output * an index as an HTML file if we're outputting one as a * .HHK. */ has_index = (count234(idx->entries) > 0); if (has_index && !conf.hhk_filename) { sect = html_new_sect(§s, NULL, &conf); sect->text = NULL; sect->type = INDEX; sect->parent = topsect; sect->contents_depth = 0; html_file_section(&conf, &files, sect, 0); /* peer of chapters */ sect->fragments[0] = utoa_dup(conf.index_text, CS_ASCII); sect->fragments[0] = html_sanitise_fragment(&files, sect->file, sect->fragments[0]); files.index = sect->file; } } /* * Go through the keyword list and sort out fragment IDs for * all the potentially referenced paragraphs which _aren't_ * headings. */ { int i; keyword *kw; htmlsect *sect; for (i = 0; (kw = index234(keywords->keys, i)) != NULL; i++) { paragraph *q, *p = kw->para; if (!is_heading_type(p->type)) { htmlsect *parent; /* * Find the paragraph's parent htmlsect, to * determine which file it will end up in. */ q = p->parent; if (!q) { /* * Preamble paragraphs have no parent. So if we * have a non-heading with no parent, it must * be preamble, and therefore its parent * htmlsect must be the preamble one. */ assert(sects.head && sects.head->type == TOP); parent = sects.head; } else parent = (htmlsect *)q->private_data; /* * Now we can construct an htmlsect for this * paragraph itself, taking care to put it in the * list of non-sections rather than the list of * sections (so that traverses of the `sects' list * won't attempt to add it to the contents or * anything weird like that). */ sect = html_new_sect(&nonsects, p, &conf); sect->file = parent->file; sect->parent = parent; p->private_data = sect; /* * Fragment IDs for these paragraphs will simply be * `p' followed by an integer. */ sect->fragments[0] = snewn(40, char); sprintf(sect->fragments[0], "p%d", sect->file->last_fragment_number++); sect->fragments[0] = html_sanitise_fragment(&files, sect->file, sect->fragments[0]); } } } /* * Reset the fragment numbers in each file. I've just used them * to generate `p' fragment IDs for non-section paragraphs * (numbered list elements, bibliocited), and now I want to use * them for `i' fragment IDs for index entries. */ { htmlfile *file; for (file = files.head; file; file = file->next) file->last_fragment_number = 0; } /* * Now sort out the index. This involves: * * - For each index term, we set up an htmlindex structure to * store all the references to that term. * * - Then we make a pass over the actual document, finding * every word_IndexRef; for each one, we actually figure out * the HTML filename/fragment pair we will use to reference * it, store that information in the private data field of * the word_IndexRef itself (so we can recreate it when the * time comes to output our HTML), and add a reference to it * to the index term in question. */ { int i; indexentry *entry; htmlsect *lastsect; word *w; /* * Set up the htmlindex structures. */ for (i = 0; (entry = index234(idx->entries, i)) != NULL; i++) { htmlindex *hi = snew(htmlindex); hi->nrefs = hi->refsize = 0; hi->refs = NULL; entry->backend_data = hi; } /* * Run over the document inventing fragments. Each fragment * is of the form `i' followed by an integer. */ lastsect = sects.head; /* this is always the top section */ for (p = sourceform; p; p = p->next) { if (is_heading_type(p->type) && p->type != para_Title) lastsect = (htmlsect *)p->private_data; for (w = p->words; w; w = w->next) if (w->type == word_IndexRef) { htmlindexref *hr = snew(htmlindexref); indextag *tag; int i; hr->referenced = hr->generated = FALSE; hr->section = lastsect; { char buf[40]; sprintf(buf, "i%d", lastsect->file->last_fragment_number++); hr->fragment = dupstr(buf); hr->fragment = html_sanitise_fragment(&files, hr->section->file, hr->fragment); } w->private_data = hr; tag = index_findtag(idx, w->text); if (!tag) break; for (i = 0; i < tag->nrefs; i++) { indexentry *entry = tag->refs[i]; htmlindex *hi = (htmlindex *)entry->backend_data; if (hi->nrefs >= hi->refsize) { hi->refsize += 32; hi->refs = sresize(hi->refs, hi->refsize, word *); } hi->refs[hi->nrefs++] = w; } } } } /* * Now we're ready to write out the actual HTML files. * * For each file: * * - we open that file and write its header * - we run down the list of sections * - for each section directly contained within that file, we * output the section text * - for each section which is not in the file but which has a * parent that is, we output a contents entry for the * section if appropriate/ * - finally, we output the file trailer and close the file. */ { htmlfile *f, *prevf; htmlsect *s; paragraph *p; prevf = NULL; for (f = files.head; f; f = f->next) { htmloutput ho; int displaying; enum LISTTYPE { NOLIST, UL, OL, DL }; enum ITEMTYPE { NOITEM, LI, DT, DD }; struct stackelement { struct stackelement *next; enum LISTTYPE listtype; enum ITEMTYPE itemtype; } *stackhead; #define listname(lt) ( (lt)==UL ? "ul" : (lt)==OL ? "ol" : "dl" ) #define itemname(lt) ( (lt)==LI ? "li" : (lt)==DT ? "dt" : "dd" ) ho.fp = fopen(f->filename, "w"); if (!ho.fp) error(err_cantopenw, f->filename); ho.charset = conf.output_charset; ho.restrict_charset = conf.restrict_charset; ho.cstate = charset_init_state; ho.ver = conf.htmlver; ho.state = HO_NEUTRAL; ho.contents_level = 0; ho.hackflags = 0; /* none of these thankyouverymuch */ ho.hacklimit = -1; /* <!DOCTYPE>. */ switch (conf.htmlver) { case HTML_3_2: if (ho.fp) fprintf(ho.fp, "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD " "HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">\n"); break; case HTML_4: if (ho.fp) fprintf(ho.fp, "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML" " 4.01//EN\"\n\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/" "strict.dtd\">\n"); break; case ISO_HTML: if (ho.fp) fprintf(ho.fp, "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"ISO/IEC " "15445:2000//DTD HTML//EN\">\n"); break; case XHTML_1_0_TRANSITIONAL: if (ho.fp) { fprintf(ho.fp, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?>\n", charset_to_mimeenc(conf.output_charset)); fprintf(ho.fp, "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML" " 1.0 Transitional//EN\"\n\"http://www.w3.org/TR/" "xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n"); } break; case XHTML_1_0_STRICT: if (ho.fp) { fprintf(ho.fp, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?>\n", charset_to_mimeenc(conf.output_charset)); fprintf(ho.fp, "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML" " 1.0 Strict//EN\"\n\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">\n"); } break; } element_open(&ho, "html"); if (is_xhtml(conf.htmlver)) { element_attr(&ho, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"); } html_nl(&ho); element_open(&ho, "head"); html_nl(&ho); element_empty(&ho, "meta"); element_attr(&ho, "http-equiv", "content-type"); { char buf[200]; sprintf(buf, "text/html; charset=%.150s", charset_to_mimeenc(conf.output_charset)); element_attr(&ho, "content", buf); } html_nl(&ho); if (conf.author) { element_empty(&ho, "meta"); element_attr(&ho, "name", "author"); element_attr_w(&ho, "content", conf.author); html_nl(&ho); } if (conf.description) { element_empty(&ho, "meta"); element_attr(&ho, "name", "description"); element_attr_w(&ho, "content", conf.description); html_nl(&ho); } element_open(&ho, "title"); if (f->first && f->first->title) { html_words(&ho, f->first->title->words, NOTHING, f, keywords, &conf); assert(f->last); if (f->last != f->first && f->last->title) { html_text(&ho, conf.title_separator); html_words(&ho, f->last->title->words, NOTHING, f, keywords, &conf); } } element_close(&ho, "title"); html_nl(&ho); if (conf.rellinks) { if (prevf) { element_empty(&ho, "link"); element_attr(&ho, "rel", "previous"); element_attr(&ho, "href", prevf->filename); html_nl(&ho); } /* FIXME: link rel="up" */ if (f != files.head) { element_empty(&ho, "link"); element_attr(&ho, "rel", "ToC"); element_attr(&ho, "href", files.head->filename); html_nl(&ho); } if (has_index && files.index && f != files.index) { element_empty(&ho, "link"); element_attr(&ho, "rel", "index"); element_attr(&ho, "href", files.index->filename); html_nl(&ho); } if (f->next) { element_empty(&ho, "link"); element_attr(&ho, "rel", "next"); element_attr(&ho, "href", f->next->filename); html_nl(&ho); } } if (conf.head_end) html_raw(&ho, conf.head_end); /* * Add any <head> data defined in specific sections * that go in this file. (This is mostly to allow <meta * name="AppleTitle"> tags for Mac online help.) */ for (s = sects.head; s; s = s->next) { if (s->file == f && s->text) { for (p = s->text; p && (p == s->text || p->type == para_Title || !is_heading_type(p->type) ); p = p->next) { if (p->type == para_Config) { if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"html-local-head")) { html_raw(&ho, adv(p->origkeyword)); html_nl(&ho); } } } } } element_close(&ho, "head"); html_nl(&ho); if (conf.body_tag) html_raw(&ho, conf.body_tag); else element_open(&ho, "body"); html_nl(&ho); if (conf.body_start) { html_raw(&ho, conf.body_start); html_nl(&ho); } /* * Write out a nav bar. Special case: we don't do this * if there is only one file. */ if (conf.navlinks && files.head != files.tail) { element_open(&ho, "p"); if (conf.nav_attr) html_raw_as_attr(&ho, conf.nav_attr); if (prevf) { element_open(&ho, "a"); element_attr(&ho, "href", prevf->filename); } html_text(&ho, conf.nav_prev_text); if (prevf) element_close(&ho, "a"); html_text(&ho, conf.nav_separator); if (f != files.head) { element_open(&ho, "a"); element_attr(&ho, "href", files.head->filename); } html_text(&ho, conf.contents_text); if (f != files.head) element_close(&ho, "a"); if (has_index && files.index) { html_text(&ho, conf.nav_separator); if (f != files.index) { element_open(&ho, "a"); element_attr(&ho, "href", files.index->filename); } html_text(&ho, conf.index_text); if (f != files.index) element_close(&ho, "a"); } html_text(&ho, conf.nav_separator); if (f->next) { element_open(&ho, "a"); element_attr(&ho, "href", f->next->filename); } html_text(&ho, conf.nav_next_text); if (f->next) element_close(&ho, "a"); element_close(&ho, "p"); html_nl(&ho); } prevf = f; /* * Write out a prefix TOC for the file (if a leaf file). * * We start by going through the section list and * collecting the sections which need to be added to * the contents. On the way, we also test to see if * this file is a leaf file (defined as one which * contains all descendants of any section it * contains), because this will play a part in our * decision on whether or not to _output_ the TOC. * * Special case: we absolutely do not do this if we're * in single-file mode. */ if (files.head != files.tail) { int ntoc = 0, tocsize = 0; htmlsect **toc = NULL; int leaf = TRUE; for (s = sects.head; s; s = s->next) { htmlsect *a, *ac; int depth, adepth; /* * Search up from this section until we find * the highest-level one which belongs in this * file. */ depth = adepth = 0; a = NULL; for (ac = s; ac; ac = ac->parent) { if (ac->file == f) { a = ac; adepth = depth; } depth++; } if (s->file != f && a != NULL) leaf = FALSE; if (a) { if (adepth <= a->contents_depth) { if (ntoc >= tocsize) { tocsize += 64; toc = sresize(toc, tocsize, htmlsect *); } toc[ntoc++] = s; } } } if (leaf && conf.leaf_contains_contents && ntoc >= conf.leaf_smallest_contents) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ntoc; i++) { htmlsect *s = toc[i]; int hlevel = (s->type == TOP ? -1 : s->type == INDEX ? 0 : heading_depth(s->title)) - f->min_heading_depth + 1; assert(hlevel >= 1); html_contents_entry(&ho, hlevel, s, f, keywords, &conf, 0); } html_contents_entry(&ho, 0, NULL, f, keywords, &conf, 0); } } /* * Now go through the document and output some real * text. */ displaying = FALSE; for (s = sects.head; s; s = s->next) { if (s->file == f) { /* * This section belongs in this file. * Display it. */ displaying = TRUE; } else { /* * Doesn't belong in this file, but it may be * a descendant of a section which does, in * which case we should consider it for the * main TOC of this file (for non-leaf files). */ htmlsect *a, *ac; int depth, adepth; displaying = FALSE; /* * Search up from this section until we find * the highest-level one which belongs in this * file. */ depth = adepth = 0; a = NULL; for (ac = s; ac; ac = ac->parent) { if (ac->file == f) { a = ac; adepth = depth; } depth++; } if (a != NULL) { /* * This section does not belong in this * file, but an ancestor of it does. Write * out a contents table entry, if the depth * doesn't exceed the maximum contents * depth for the ancestor section. */ if (adepth <= a->contents_depth) { html_contents_entry(&ho, adepth, s, f, keywords, &conf, 0); } } } if (displaying) { int hlevel; char htag[3]; html_contents_entry(&ho, 0, NULL, f, keywords, &conf, 0); /* * Display the section heading. */ hlevel = (s->type == TOP ? -1 : s->type == INDEX ? 0 : heading_depth(s->title)) - f->min_heading_depth + 1; assert(hlevel >= 1); /* HTML headings only go up to <h6> */ if (hlevel > 6) hlevel = 6; htag[0] = 'h'; htag[1] = '0' + hlevel; htag[2] = '\0'; element_open(&ho, htag); /* * Provide anchor(s) for cross-links to target. * * (Also we'll have to do this separately in * other paragraph types - NumberedList and * BiblioCited.) */ { int i; for (i=0; i < conf.ntfragments; i++) if (s->fragments[i]) html_fragment(&ho, s->fragments[i]); } html_section_title(&ho, s, f, keywords, &conf, TRUE); element_close(&ho, htag); /* * Now display the section text. */ if (s->text) { stackhead = snew(struct stackelement); stackhead->next = NULL; stackhead->listtype = NOLIST; stackhead->itemtype = NOITEM; for (p = s->text;; p = p->next) { enum LISTTYPE listtype; struct stackelement *se; /* * Preliminary switch to figure out what * sort of list we expect to be inside at * this stage. * * Since p may still be NULL at this point, * I invent a harmless paragraph type for * it if it is. */ switch (p ? p->type : para_Normal) { case para_Rule: case para_Normal: case para_Copyright: case para_BiblioCited: case para_Code: case para_QuotePush: case para_QuotePop: case para_Chapter: case para_Appendix: case para_UnnumberedChapter: case para_Heading: case para_Subsect: case para_LcontPop: listtype = NOLIST; break; case para_Bullet: listtype = UL; break; case para_NumberedList: listtype = OL; break; case para_DescribedThing: case para_Description: listtype = DL; break; case para_LcontPush: se = snew(struct stackelement); se->next = stackhead; se->listtype = NOLIST; se->itemtype = NOITEM; stackhead = se; continue; default: /* some totally non-printing para */ continue; } html_nl(&ho); /* * Terminate the most recent list item, if * any. (We left this until after * processing LcontPush, since in that case * the list item won't want to be * terminated until after the corresponding * LcontPop.) */ if (stackhead->itemtype != NOITEM) { element_close(&ho, itemname(stackhead->itemtype)); html_nl(&ho); } stackhead->itemtype = NOITEM; /* * Terminate the current list, if it's not * the one we want to be in. */ if (listtype != stackhead->listtype && stackhead->listtype != NOLIST) { element_close(&ho, listname(stackhead->listtype)); html_nl(&ho); } /* * Leave the loop if our time has come. */ if (!p || (is_heading_type(p->type) && p->type != para_Title)) break; /* end of section text */ /* * Start a fresh list if necessary. */ if (listtype != stackhead->listtype && listtype != NOLIST) element_open(&ho, listname(listtype)); stackhead->listtype = listtype; switch (p->type) { case para_Rule: element_empty(&ho, "hr"); break; case para_Code: html_codepara(&ho, p->words); break; case para_Normal: case para_Copyright: element_open(&ho, "p"); html_nl(&ho); html_words(&ho, p->words, ALL, f, keywords, &conf); html_nl(&ho); element_close(&ho, "p"); break; case para_BiblioCited: element_open(&ho, "p"); if (p->private_data) { htmlsect *s = (htmlsect *)p->private_data; int i; for (i=0; i < conf.ntfragments; i++) if (s->fragments[i]) html_fragment(&ho, s->fragments[i]); } html_nl(&ho); html_words(&ho, p->kwtext, ALL, f, keywords, &conf); html_text(&ho, L" "); html_words(&ho, p->words, ALL, f, keywords, &conf); html_nl(&ho); element_close(&ho, "p"); break; case para_Bullet: case para_NumberedList: element_open(&ho, "li"); if (p->private_data) { htmlsect *s = (htmlsect *)p->private_data; int i; for (i=0; i < conf.ntfragments; i++) if (s->fragments[i]) html_fragment(&ho, s->fragments[i]); } html_nl(&ho); stackhead->itemtype = LI; html_words(&ho, p->words, ALL, f, keywords, &conf); break; case para_DescribedThing: element_open(&ho, "dt"); html_nl(&ho); stackhead->itemtype = DT; html_words(&ho, p->words, ALL, f, keywords, &conf); break; case para_Description: element_open(&ho, "dd"); html_nl(&ho); stackhead->itemtype = DD; html_words(&ho, p->words, ALL, f, keywords, &conf); break; case para_QuotePush: element_open(&ho, "blockquote"); break; case para_QuotePop: element_close(&ho, "blockquote"); break; case para_LcontPop: se = stackhead; stackhead = stackhead->next; assert(stackhead); sfree(se); break; } } assert(stackhead && !stackhead->next); sfree(stackhead); } if (s->type == INDEX ) { indexentry *entry; int i; /* * This section is the index. I'll just * render it as a single paragraph, with a * colon between the index term and the * references, and <br> in between each * entry. */ element_open(&ho, "p"); for (i = 0; (entry = index234(idx->entries, i)) != NULL; i++) { htmlindex *hi = (htmlindex *)entry->backend_data; int j; if (i > 0) element_empty(&ho, "br"); html_nl(&ho); html_words(&ho, entry->text, MARKUP|LINKS, f, keywords, &conf); html_text(&ho, conf.index_main_sep); for (j = 0; j < hi->nrefs; j++) { htmlindexref *hr = (htmlindexref *)hi->refs[j]->private_data; paragraph *p = hr->section->title; if (j > 0) html_text(&ho, conf.index_multi_sep); html_href(&ho, f, hr->section->file, hr->fragment); hr->referenced = TRUE; if (p && p->kwtext) html_words(&ho, p->kwtext, MARKUP|LINKS, f, keywords, &conf); else if (p && p->words) html_words(&ho, p->words, MARKUP|LINKS, f, keywords, &conf); else { /* * If there is no title at all, * this must be because our * target section is the * preamble section and there * is no title. So we use the * preamble_text. */ html_text(&ho, conf.preamble_text); } element_close(&ho, "a"); } } element_close(&ho, "p"); } } } html_contents_entry(&ho, 0, NULL, f, keywords, &conf, 0); html_nl(&ho); { /* * Footer. */ int done_version_ids = FALSE; if (conf.address_section) element_empty(&ho, "hr"); if (conf.body_end) html_raw(&ho, conf.body_end); if (conf.address_section) { int started = FALSE; if (conf.htmlver == ISO_HTML) { /* * The ISO-HTML validator complains if * there isn't a <div> tag surrounding the * <address> tag. I'm uncertain of why this * should be - there appears to be no * mention of this in the ISO-HTML spec, * suggesting that it doesn't represent a * change from HTML 4, but nonetheless the * HTML 4 validator doesn't seem to mind. */ element_open(&ho, "div"); } element_open(&ho, "address"); if (conf.addr_start) { html_raw(&ho, conf.addr_start); html_nl(&ho); started = TRUE; } if (conf.visible_version_id) { for (p = sourceform; p; p = p->next) if (p->type == para_VersionID) { if (started) element_empty(&ho, "br"); html_nl(&ho); html_text(&ho, conf.pre_versionid); html_words(&ho, p->words, NOTHING, f, keywords, &conf); html_text(&ho, conf.post_versionid); started = TRUE; } done_version_ids = TRUE; } if (conf.addr_end) { if (started) element_empty(&ho, "br"); html_raw(&ho, conf.addr_end); } element_close(&ho, "address"); if (conf.htmlver == ISO_HTML) element_close(&ho, "div"); } if (!done_version_ids) { /* * If the user didn't want the version IDs * visible, I think we still have a duty to put * them in an HTML comment. */ int started = FALSE; for (p = sourceform; p; p = p->next) if (p->type == para_VersionID) { if (!started) { html_raw(&ho, "<!-- version IDs:\n"); started = TRUE; } html_words(&ho, p->words, NOTHING, f, keywords, &conf); html_nl(&ho); } if (started) html_raw(&ho, "-->\n"); } } element_close(&ho, "body"); html_nl(&ho); element_close(&ho, "html"); html_nl(&ho); cleanup(&ho); } } /* APPLE TOC only has list entries and all entries are remote */ /* * Write out the whole TOC in the TOC file. * */ if (conf.appletoc_filename) { htmlsect *s, *top; htmlfile *f; htmloutput ho; ho.charset = conf.output_charset; ho.restrict_charset = conf.restrict_charset; ho.cstate = charset_init_state; ho.ver = conf.htmlver; ho.state = HO_NEUTRAL; ho.contents_level = 0; ho.hackflags = 0; /* none of these thankyouverymuch */ ho.hacklimit = -1; ho.fp = fopen(conf.appletoc_filename, "w"); if (!ho.fp) error(err_cantopenw, conf.appletoc_filename); /* Find TOP section */ s = sects.head; html_contents_entry(&ho, 1, s, NULL, keywords, &conf, TRUE); /* Loop through all sections */ for (s = sects.head; s; s = s->next) { if (s->type == TOP) { /* * This is the head - ignore as we just wrote out its entry. */ } else { /* * Doesn't contain the TOP so it is * a descendant we consider it for the * main TOC. */ htmlsect *a, *ac; int depth, adepth; /* * Search up from this section until we find * the highest-level one */ depth = adepth = 0; a = NULL; for (ac = s; ac; ac = ac->parent) { if (ac->type == TOP) { a = ac; adepth = depth; } depth++; } if (a) { html_contents_entry(&ho, adepth, s, NULL, keywords, &conf, TRUE); } } } /* * Close the entries */ html_contents_entry(&ho, 0, NULL, NULL, keywords, &conf, TRUE); cleanup(&ho); } /* End of Apple TOC */ /* * Before we start outputting the HTML Help files, check * whether there's even going to _be_ an index file: we omit it * if the index contains nothing. */ hhk_filename = conf.hhk_filename; if (hhk_filename) { int ok = FALSE; int i; indexentry *entry; for (i = 0; (entry = index234(idx->entries, i)) != NULL; i++) { htmlindex *hi = (htmlindex *)entry->backend_data; if (hi->nrefs > 0) { ok = TRUE; /* found an index entry */ break; } } if (!ok) hhk_filename = NULL; } /* * Output the MS HTML Help supporting files, if requested. * * A good unofficial reference for these is <http://chmspec.nongnu.org/>. */ if (conf.hhp_filename) { htmlfile *f; htmloutput ho; ho.charset = CS_CP1252; /* as far as I know, HHP files are */ ho.restrict_charset = CS_CP1252; /* hardwired to this charset */ ho.cstate = charset_init_state; ho.ver = HTML_4; /* *shrug* */ ho.state = HO_NEUTRAL; ho.contents_level = 0; ho.hackflags = HO_HACK_QUOTENOTHING; ho.fp = fopen(conf.hhp_filename, "w"); if (!ho.fp) error(err_cantopenw, conf.hhp_filename); fprintf(ho.fp, "[OPTIONS]\n" /* Binary TOC required for Next/Previous nav to work */ "Binary TOC=Yes\n" "Compatibility=1.1 or later\n" "Compiled file=%s\n" "Default Window=main\n" "Default topic=%s\n" "Display compile progress=Yes\n" "Full-text search=Yes\n" "Title=", conf.chm_filename, files.head->filename); ho.hacklimit = 255; html_words(&ho, topsect->title->words, NOTHING, NULL, keywords, &conf); fprintf(ho.fp, "\n"); /* * These two entries don't seem to be remotely necessary * for a successful run of the help _compiler_, but * omitting them causes the GUI Help Workshop to behave * rather strangely if you try to load the help project * into that and edit it. */ if (conf.hhc_filename) fprintf(ho.fp, "Contents file=%s\n", conf.hhc_filename); if (hhk_filename) fprintf(ho.fp, "Index file=%s\n", hhk_filename); fprintf(ho.fp, "\n[WINDOWS]\nmain=\""); ho.hackflags |= HO_HACK_OMITQUOTES; ho.hacklimit = 255; html_words(&ho, topsect->title->words, NOTHING, NULL, keywords, &conf); fprintf(ho.fp, "\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",,,,,," /* This first magic number is fsWinProperties, controlling * Navigation Pane options and the like. * Constants HHWIN_PROP_* in htmlhelp.h. */ "0x62520,," /* This second number is fsToolBarFlags, mainly controlling * toolbar buttons. Constants HHWIN_BUTTON_*. * NOTE: there are two pairs of bits for Next/Previous * buttons: 7/8 (which do nothing useful), and 21/22 * (which work). (Neither of these are exposed in the HHW * UI, but they work fine in HH.) We use the latter. */ "0x60304e,,,,,,,,0\n", conf.hhc_filename ? conf.hhc_filename : "", hhk_filename ? hhk_filename : "", files.head->filename); /* * The [FILES] section is also not necessary for * compilation (hhc appears to build up a list of needed * files just by following links from the given starting * points), but useful for loading the project into HHW. */ fprintf(ho.fp, "\n[FILES]\n"); for (f = files.head; f; f = f->next) fprintf(ho.fp, "%s\n", f->filename); fclose(ho.fp); } if (conf.hhc_filename) { htmlfile *f; htmlsect *s, *a; htmloutput ho; int currdepth = 0; ho.fp = fopen(conf.hhc_filename, "w"); if (!ho.fp) error(err_cantopenw, conf.hhc_filename); ho.charset = CS_CP1252; /* as far as I know, HHC files are */ ho.restrict_charset = CS_CP1252; /* hardwired to this charset */ ho.cstate = charset_init_state; ho.ver = HTML_4; /* *shrug* */ ho.state = HO_NEUTRAL; ho.contents_level = 0; ho.hackflags = HO_HACK_QUOTEQUOTES; /* * Magic DOCTYPE which seems to work for .HHC files. I'm * wary of trying to change it! */ fprintf(ho.fp, "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\">\n" "<HTML><HEAD>\n" "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" " "CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=%s\">\n" "</HEAD><BODY><UL>\n", charset_to_mimeenc(conf.output_charset)); for (f = files.head; f; f = f->next) { /* * For each HTML file, write out a contents entry. */ int depth, leaf = TRUE; /* * Determine the depth of this file in the contents * tree. * * If the file contains no sections, it is assumed to * have depth zero. */ depth = 0; if (f->first) for (a = f->first->parent; a && a->type != TOP; a = a->parent) depth++; /* * Determine if this file is a leaf file, by * trawling the section list to see if there's any * section with an ancestor in this file but which * is not itself in this file. * * Special case: for contents purposes, the TOP * file is not considered to be the parent of the * chapter files, so it's always a leaf. * * A file with no sections in it is also a leaf. */ if (f->first && f->first->type != TOP) { for (s = f->first; s; s = s->next) { htmlsect *a; if (leaf && s->file != f) { for (a = s; a; a = a->parent) if (a->file == f) { leaf = FALSE; break; } } } } /* * Now write out our contents entry. */ while (currdepth < depth) { fprintf(ho.fp, "<UL>\n"); currdepth++; } while (currdepth > depth) { fprintf(ho.fp, "</UL>\n"); currdepth--; } /* fprintf(ho.fp, "<!-- depth=%d -->", depth); */ fprintf(ho.fp, "<LI><OBJECT TYPE=\"text/sitemap\">" "<PARAM NAME=\"Name\" VALUE=\""); ho.hacklimit = 255; if (f->first->title) html_words(&ho, f->first->title->words, NOTHING, NULL, keywords, &conf); else if (f->first->type == INDEX) html_text(&ho, conf.index_text); fprintf(ho.fp, "\"><PARAM NAME=\"Local\" VALUE=\"%s\">" "<PARAM NAME=\"ImageNumber\" VALUE=\"%d\"></OBJECT>\n", f->filename, leaf ? 11 : 1); } while (currdepth > 0) { fprintf(ho.fp, "</UL>\n"); currdepth--; } fprintf(ho.fp, "</UL></BODY></HTML>\n"); cleanup(&ho); } if (hhk_filename) { htmlfile *f; htmloutput ho; indexentry *entry; int i; /* * First make a pass over all HTML files and set their * `temp' fields to zero, because we're about to use them. */ for (f = files.head; f; f = f->next) f->temp = 0; ho.fp = fopen(hhk_filename, "w"); if (!ho.fp) error(err_cantopenw, hhk_filename); ho.charset = CS_CP1252; /* as far as I know, HHK files are */ ho.restrict_charset = CS_CP1252; /* hardwired to this charset */ ho.cstate = charset_init_state; ho.ver = HTML_4; /* *shrug* */ ho.state = HO_NEUTRAL; ho.contents_level = 0; ho.hackflags = HO_HACK_QUOTEQUOTES; /* * Magic DOCTYPE which seems to work for .HHK files. I'm * wary of trying to change it! */ fprintf(ho.fp, "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\">\n" "<HTML><HEAD>\n" "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" " "CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=%s\">\n" "</HEAD><BODY><UL>\n", charset_to_mimeenc(conf.output_charset)); /* * Go through the index terms and output each one. */ for (i = 0; (entry = index234(idx->entries, i)) != NULL; i++) { htmlindex *hi = (htmlindex *)entry->backend_data; int j; if (hi->nrefs > 0) { fprintf(ho.fp, "<LI><OBJECT TYPE=\"text/sitemap\">\n" "<PARAM NAME=\"Name\" VALUE=\""); ho.hacklimit = 255; html_words(&ho, entry->text, NOTHING, NULL, keywords, &conf); fprintf(ho.fp, "\">\n"); for (j = 0; j < hi->nrefs; j++) { htmlindexref *hr = (htmlindexref *)hi->refs[j]->private_data; /* * Use the temp field to ensure we don't * reference the same file more than once. */ if (!hr->section->file->temp) { fprintf(ho.fp, "<PARAM NAME=\"Local\" VALUE=\"%s\">\n", hr->section->file->filename); hr->section->file->temp = 1; } hr->referenced = TRUE; } fprintf(ho.fp, "</OBJECT>\n"); /* * Now go through those files and re-clear the temp * fields ready for the _next_ index term. */ for (j = 0; j < hi->nrefs; j++) { htmlindexref *hr = (htmlindexref *)hi->refs[j]->private_data; hr->section->file->temp = 0; } } } fprintf(ho.fp, "</UL></BODY></HTML>\n"); cleanup(&ho); } /* * Go through and check that no index fragments were referenced * without being generated, or indeed vice versa. * * (When I actually get round to freeing everything, this can * probably be the freeing loop as well.) */ for (p = sourceform; p; p = p->next) { word *w; for (w = p->words; w; w = w->next) if (w->type == word_IndexRef) { htmlindexref *hr = (htmlindexref *)w->private_data; assert(!hr->referenced == !hr->generated); } } /* * Free all the working data. */ { htmlfragment *frag; while ( (frag = (htmlfragment *)delpos234(files.frags, 0)) != NULL ) { /* * frag->fragment is dynamically allocated, but will be * freed when we process the htmlsect structure which * it is attached to. */ sfree(frag); } freetree234(files.frags); } /* * The strings in files.files are all owned by their containing * htmlfile structures, so there's no need to free them here. */ freetree234(files.files); { htmlsect *sect, *tmp; sect = sects.head; while (sect) { int i; tmp = sect->next; for (i=0; i < conf.ntfragments; i++) sfree(sect->fragments[i]); sfree(sect->fragments); sfree(sect); sect = tmp; } sect = nonsects.head; while (sect) { int i; tmp = sect->next; for (i=0; i < conf.ntfragments; i++) sfree(sect->fragments[i]); sfree(sect->fragments); sfree(sect); sect = tmp; } } { htmlfile *file, *tmp; file = files.head; while (file) { tmp = file->next; sfree(file->filename); sfree(file); file = tmp; } } { int i; indexentry *entry; for (i = 0; (entry = index234(idx->entries, i)) != NULL; i++) { htmlindex *hi = (htmlindex *)entry->backend_data; sfree(hi); } } { paragraph *p; word *w; for (p = sourceform; p; p = p->next) for (w = p->words; w; w = w->next) if (w->type == word_IndexRef) { htmlindexref *hr = (htmlindexref *)w->private_data; assert(hr != NULL); sfree(hr->fragment); sfree(hr); } } sfree(conf.asect); sfree(conf.single_filename); sfree(conf.contents_filename); sfree(conf.index_filename); sfree(conf.template_filename); while (conf.ntfragments--) sfree(conf.template_fragments[conf.ntfragments]); sfree(conf.template_fragments); } static void html_file_section(htmlconfig *cfg, htmlfilelist *files, htmlsect *sect, int depth) { htmlfile *file; int ldepth; /* * `depth' is derived from the heading_depth() macro at the top * of this file, which counts title as -1, chapter as 0, * heading as 1 and subsection as 2. However, the semantics of * cfg->leaf_level are defined to count chapter as 1, heading * as 2 etc. So first I increment depth :-( */ ldepth = depth + 1; if (cfg->leaf_level == 0) { /* * leaf_level==0 is a special case, in which everything is * put into a single file. */ if (!files->single) files->single = html_new_file(files, cfg->single_filename); file = files->single; } else { /* * If the depth of this section is at or above leaf_level, * we invent a fresh file and put this section at its head. * Otherwise, we put it in the same file as its parent * section. * * Another special value of cfg->leaf_level is -1, which * means infinity (i.e. it's considered to always be * greater than depth). */ if (cfg->leaf_level > 0 && ldepth > cfg->leaf_level) { /* * We know that sect->parent cannot be NULL. The only * circumstance in which it can be is if sect is at * chapter or appendix level, i.e. ldepth==1; and if * that's the case, then we cannot have entered this * branch unless cfg->leaf_level==0, in which case we * would be in the single-file case above and not here * at all. */ assert(sect->parent); file = sect->parent->file; } else { if (sect->type == TOP) { file = html_new_file(files, cfg->contents_filename); } else if (sect->type == INDEX) { file = html_new_file(files, cfg->index_filename); } else { char *title; assert(ldepth > 0 && sect->title); title = html_format(sect->title, cfg->template_filename); file = html_new_file(files, title); sfree(title); } } } sect->file = file; if (file->min_heading_depth > depth) { /* * This heading is at a higher level than any heading we * have so far placed in this file; so we set the `first' * pointer. */ file->min_heading_depth = depth; file->first = sect; } if (file->min_heading_depth == depth) file->last = sect; } static htmlfile *html_new_file(htmlfilelist *list, char *filename) { htmlfile *ret = snew(htmlfile); ret->next = NULL; if (list->tail) list->tail->next = ret; else list->head = ret; list->tail = ret; ret->filename = html_sanitise_filename(list, dupstr(filename)); add234(list->files, ret->filename); ret->last_fragment_number = 0; ret->min_heading_depth = INT_MAX; ret->first = ret->last = NULL; return ret; } static htmlsect *html_new_sect(htmlsectlist *list, paragraph *title, htmlconfig *cfg) { htmlsect *ret = snew(htmlsect); ret->next = NULL; if (list->tail) list->tail->next = ret; else list->head = ret; list->tail = ret; ret->title = title; ret->file = NULL; ret->parent = NULL; ret->type = NORMAL; ret->fragments = snewn(cfg->ntfragments, char *); { int i; for (i=0; i < cfg->ntfragments; i++) ret->fragments[i] = NULL; } return ret; } static void html_words(htmloutput *ho, word *words, int flags, htmlfile *file, keywordlist *keywords, htmlconfig *cfg) { word *w; char *c; int style, type; for (w = words; w; w = w->next) switch (w->type) { case word_HyperLink: if (flags & LINKS) { element_open(ho, "a"); c = utoa_dup(w->text, CS_ASCII); element_attr(ho, "href", c); if(!strncmp(c, "http://", strlen("http://")) || !strncmp(c, "https://", strlen("https://"))) element_attr(ho, "target", "_blank"); sfree(c); } break; case word_Anchor: if (flags & LINKS) { element_empty( ho, "a"); c = utoa_dup(w->text, CS_ASCII); element_attr(ho, "name", c); sfree(c); } break; case word_Graphic: element_empty( ho, "img"); c = utoa_dup(w->text, CS_ASCII); element_attr(ho, "src", c); return_to_neutral(ho); sfree(c); break; case word_UpperXref: case word_LowerXref: if (flags & LINKS) { keyword *kwl = kw_lookup(keywords, w->text); paragraph *p; htmlsect *s; assert(kwl); p = kwl->para; s = (htmlsect *)p->private_data; assert(s); html_href(ho, file, s->file, s->fragments[0]); } break; case word_HyperEnd: case word_XrefEnd: if (flags & LINKS) element_close(ho, "a"); break; case word_IndexRef: if (flags & INDEXENTS) { htmlindexref *hr = (htmlindexref *)w->private_data; html_fragment(ho, hr->fragment); hr->generated = TRUE; } break; case word_Normal: case word_Emph: case word_Strong: case word_Code: case word_WeakCode: case word_WhiteSpace: case word_EmphSpace: case word_StrongSpace: case word_CodeSpace: case word_WkCodeSpace: case word_Quote: case word_EmphQuote: case word_StrongQuote: case word_CodeQuote: case word_WkCodeQuote: style = towordstyle(w->type); type = removeattr(w->type); if (style == word_Emph && (attraux(w->aux) == attr_First || attraux(w->aux) == attr_Only) && (flags & MARKUP)) element_open(ho, "em"); else if ((style == word_Code || style == word_WeakCode) && (attraux(w->aux) == attr_First || attraux(w->aux) == attr_Only) && (flags & MARKUP)) element_open(ho, "code"); else if (style == word_Strong && (attraux(w->aux) == attr_First || attraux(w->aux) == attr_Only) && (flags & MARKUP)) element_open(ho, "strong"); if (type == word_WhiteSpace) html_text(ho, L" "); else if (type == word_Quote) { if (quoteaux(w->aux) == quote_Open) html_text(ho, cfg->lquote); else html_text(ho, cfg->rquote); } else { if (!w->alt || cvt_ok(ho->restrict_charset, w->text)) html_text_nbsp(ho, w->text); else html_words(ho, w->alt, flags, file, keywords, cfg); } if (style == word_Emph && (attraux(w->aux) == attr_Last || attraux(w->aux) == attr_Only) && (flags & MARKUP)) element_close(ho, "em"); else if ((style == word_Code || style == word_WeakCode) && (attraux(w->aux) == attr_Last || attraux(w->aux) == attr_Only) && (flags & MARKUP)) element_close(ho, "code"); else if (style == word_Strong && (attraux(w->aux) == attr_Last || attraux(w->aux) == attr_Only) && (flags & MARKUP)) element_close(ho, "strong"); break; } } static void html_codepara(htmloutput *ho, word *words) { element_open(ho, "pre"); element_open(ho, "code"); for (; words; words = words->next) if (words->type == word_WeakCode) { char *open_tag; wchar_t *t, *e; t = words->text; if (words->next && words->next->type == word_Emph) { e = words->next->text; words = words->next; } else e = NULL; while (e && *e && *t) { int n; int ec = *e; for (n = 0; t[n] && e[n] && e[n] == ec; n++); open_tag = NULL; if (ec == 'i') open_tag = "em"; else if (ec == 'b') open_tag = "b"; if (open_tag) element_open(ho, open_tag); html_text_limit(ho, t, n); if (open_tag) element_close(ho, open_tag); t += n; e += n; } html_text(ho, t); html_nl(ho); } element_close(ho, "code"); element_close(ho, "pre"); } static void html_charset_cleanup(htmloutput *ho) { char outbuf[256]; int bytes; bytes = charset_from_unicode(NULL, NULL, outbuf, lenof(outbuf), ho->charset, &ho->cstate, NULL); if (ho->fp && bytes > 0) fwrite(outbuf, 1, bytes, ho->fp); } static void return_mostly_to_neutral(htmloutput *ho) { if (ho->fp) { if (ho->state == HO_IN_EMPTY_TAG && is_xhtml(ho->ver)) { fprintf(ho->fp, " />"); } else if (ho->state == HO_IN_EMPTY_TAG || ho->state == HO_IN_TAG) { fprintf(ho->fp, ">"); } } ho->state = HO_NEUTRAL; } static void return_to_neutral(htmloutput *ho) { if (ho->state == HO_IN_TEXT) { html_charset_cleanup(ho); } return_mostly_to_neutral(ho); } static void element_open(htmloutput *ho, char const *name) { return_to_neutral(ho); if (ho->fp) fprintf(ho->fp, "<%s", name); ho->state = HO_IN_TAG; } static void element_close(htmloutput *ho, char const *name) { return_to_neutral(ho); if (ho->fp) fprintf(ho->fp, "</%s>", name); ho->state = HO_NEUTRAL; } static void element_empty(htmloutput *ho, char const *name) { return_to_neutral(ho); if (ho->fp) fprintf(ho->fp, "<%s", name); ho->state = HO_IN_EMPTY_TAG; } static void html_nl(htmloutput *ho) { return_to_neutral(ho); if (ho->fp) fputc('\n', ho->fp); } static void html_raw(htmloutput *ho, char *text) { return_to_neutral(ho); if (ho->fp) fputs(text, ho->fp); } static void html_raw_as_attr(htmloutput *ho, char *text) { assert(ho->state == HO_IN_TAG || ho->state == HO_IN_EMPTY_TAG); if (ho->fp) { fputc(' ', ho->fp); fputs(text, ho->fp); } } static void element_attr(htmloutput *ho, char const *name, char const *value) { html_charset_cleanup(ho); assert(ho->state == HO_IN_TAG || ho->state == HO_IN_EMPTY_TAG); if (ho->fp) fprintf(ho->fp, " %s=\"%s\"", name, value); } static void element_attr_w(htmloutput *ho, char const *name, wchar_t const *value) { html_charset_cleanup(ho); if (ho->fp) fprintf(ho->fp, " %s=\"", name); html_text_limit_internal(ho, value, 0, TRUE, FALSE); html_charset_cleanup(ho); if (ho->fp) fputc('"', ho->fp); } static void html_text(htmloutput *ho, wchar_t const *text) { return_mostly_to_neutral(ho); html_text_limit_internal(ho, text, 0, FALSE, FALSE); } static void html_text_nbsp(htmloutput *ho, wchar_t const *text) { return_mostly_to_neutral(ho); html_text_limit_internal(ho, text, 0, FALSE, TRUE); } static void html_text_limit(htmloutput *ho, wchar_t const *text, int maxlen) { return_mostly_to_neutral(ho); html_text_limit_internal(ho, text, maxlen, FALSE, FALSE); } static void html_text_limit_internal(htmloutput *ho, wchar_t const *text, int maxlen, int quote_quotes, int nbsp) { int textlen = ustrlen(text); char outbuf[256]; int bytes, err; if (ho->hackflags & (HO_HACK_QUOTEQUOTES | HO_HACK_OMITQUOTES)) quote_quotes = TRUE; /* override the input value */ if (maxlen > 0 && textlen > maxlen) textlen = maxlen; if (ho->hacklimit >= 0) { if (textlen > ho->hacklimit) textlen = ho->hacklimit; ho->hacklimit -= textlen; } while (textlen > 0) { /* Scan ahead for characters we really can't display in HTML. */ int lenbefore, lenafter; for (lenbefore = 0; lenbefore < textlen; lenbefore++) if (text[lenbefore] == L'<' || text[lenbefore] == L'>' || text[lenbefore] == L'&' || (text[lenbefore] == L'"' && quote_quotes) || (text[lenbefore] == L' ' && nbsp)) break; lenafter = lenbefore; bytes = charset_from_unicode(&text, &lenafter, outbuf, lenof(outbuf), ho->charset, &ho->cstate, &err); textlen -= (lenbefore - lenafter); if (bytes > 0 && ho->fp) fwrite(outbuf, 1, bytes, ho->fp); if (err) { /* * We have encountered a character that cannot be * displayed in the selected output charset. Therefore, * we use an HTML numeric entity reference. */ assert(textlen > 0); if (ho->fp) fprintf(ho->fp, "&#%ld;", (long int)*text); text++, textlen--; } else if (lenafter == 0 && textlen > 0) { /* * We have encountered a character which is special to * HTML. */ if (ho->fp) { if (*text == L'"' && (ho->hackflags & HO_HACK_OMITQUOTES)) { fputc('\'', ho->fp); } else if (ho->hackflags & HO_HACK_QUOTENOTHING) { fputc(*text, ho->fp); } else { if (*text == L'<') fprintf(ho->fp, "<"); else if (*text == L'>') fprintf(ho->fp, ">"); else if (*text == L'&') fprintf(ho->fp, "&"); else if (*text == L'"') fprintf(ho->fp, """); else if (*text == L' ') { assert(nbsp); fprintf(ho->fp, " "); } else assert(!"Can't happen"); } } text++, textlen--; } } } static void cleanup(htmloutput *ho) { return_to_neutral(ho); if (ho->fp) fclose(ho->fp); } static void html_href(htmloutput *ho, htmlfile *thisfile, htmlfile *targetfile, char *targetfrag) { rdstringc rs = { 0, 0, NULL }; char *url; if (targetfile != thisfile) rdaddsc(&rs, targetfile->filename); if (targetfrag) { rdaddc(&rs, '#'); rdaddsc(&rs, targetfrag); } url = rs.text; element_open(ho, "a"); element_attr(ho, "href", url); sfree(url); } static void html_fragment(htmloutput *ho, char const *fragment) { element_open(ho, "a"); element_attr(ho, "name", fragment); if (is_xhtml(ho->ver)) element_attr(ho, "id", fragment); element_close(ho, "a"); } static char *html_format(paragraph *p, char *template_string) { char *c, *t; word *w; wchar_t *ws, wsbuf[2]; rdstringc rs = { 0, 0, NULL }; t = template_string; while (*t) { if (*t == '%' && t[1]) { int fmt; t++; fmt = *t++; if (fmt == '%') { rdaddc(&rs, fmt); continue; } w = NULL; ws = NULL; if (p->kwtext && fmt == 'n') w = p->kwtext; else if (p->kwtext2 && fmt == 'b') { /* * HTML fragment names must start with a letter, so * simply `1.2.3' is not adequate. In this case I'm * going to cheat slightly by prepending the first * character of the first word of kwtext, so that * we get `C1' for chapter 1, `S2.3' for section * 2.3 etc. */ if (p->kwtext && p->kwtext->text[0]) { ws = wsbuf; wsbuf[1] = '\0'; wsbuf[0] = p->kwtext->text[0]; } w = p->kwtext2; } else if (p->keyword && *p->keyword && fmt == 'k') ws = p->keyword; else /* %N comes here; also failure cases of other fmts */ w = p->words; if (ws) { c = utoa_dup(ws, CS_ASCII); rdaddsc(&rs,c); sfree(c); } while (w) { if (removeattr(w->type) == word_Normal) { c = utoa_dup(w->text, CS_ASCII); rdaddsc(&rs,c); sfree(c); } w = w->next; } } else { rdaddc(&rs, *t++); } } return rdtrimc(&rs); } static char *html_sanitise_fragment(htmlfilelist *files, htmlfile *file, char *text) { /* * The HTML 4 spec's strictest definition of fragment names (<a * name> and "id" attributes) says that they `must begin with a * letter and may be followed by any number of letters, digits, * hyphens, underscores, colons, and periods'. * * So here we unceremoniously rip out any characters not * conforming to this limitation. */ char *p = text, *q = text; while (*p && !((*p>='A' && *p<='Z') || (*p>='a' && *p<='z'))) p++; if ((*q++ = *p++) != '\0') { while (*p) { if ((*p>='A' && *p<='Z') || (*p>='a' && *p<='z') || (*p>='0' && *p<='9') || *p=='-' || *p=='_' || *p==':' || *p=='.') *q++ = *p; p++; } *q = '\0'; } /* If there's nothing left, make something valid up */ if (!*text) { static const char anonfrag[] = "anon"; text = sresize(text, lenof(anonfrag), char); strcpy(text, anonfrag); } /* * Now we check for clashes with other fragment names, and * adjust this one if necessary by appending a hyphen followed * by a number. */ { htmlfragment *frag = snew(htmlfragment); int len = 0; /* >0 indicates we have resized */ int suffix = 1; frag->file = file; frag->fragment = text; while (add234(files->frags, frag) != frag) { if (!len) { len = strlen(text); frag->fragment = text = sresize(text, len+20, char); } sprintf(text + len, "-%d", ++suffix); } } return text; } static char *html_sanitise_filename(htmlfilelist *files, char *text) { /* * Unceremoniously rip out any character that might cause * difficulty in some filesystem or another, or be otherwise * inconvenient. * * That doesn't leave much punctuation. I permit alphanumerics * and +-.=_ only. */ char *p = text, *q = text; while (*p) { if ((*p>='A' && *p<='Z') || (*p>='a' && *p<='z') || (*p>='0' && *p<='9') || *p=='-' || *p=='_' || *p=='+' || *p=='.' || *p=='=') *q++ = *p; p++; } *q = '\0'; /* If there's nothing left, make something valid up */ if (!*text) { static const char anonfrag[] = "anon.html"; text = sresize(text, lenof(anonfrag), char); strcpy(text, anonfrag); } /* * Now we check for clashes with other filenames, and adjust * this one if necessary by appending a hyphen followed by a * number just before the file extension (if any). */ { int len, extpos; int suffix = 1; p = NULL; while (find234(files->files, text, NULL)) { if (!p) { len = strlen(text); p = text; text = snewn(len+20, char); for (extpos = len; extpos > 0 && p[extpos-1] != '.'; extpos--); if (extpos > 0) extpos--; else extpos = len; } sprintf(text, "%.*s-%d%s", extpos, p, ++suffix, p+extpos); } if (p) sfree(p); } return text; } static void html_contents_entry(htmloutput *ho, int depth, htmlsect *s, htmlfile *thisfile, keywordlist *keywords, htmlconfig *cfg, int toc_yes) { while (ho->contents_level > depth) { element_close(ho, "ul"); ho->contents_level--; html_nl(ho); if (toc_yes && ho->contents_level == 1 && depth == 1) { element_close(ho, "div"); html_nl(ho); } } while (ho->contents_level < depth) { if (toc_yes && ho->contents_level == 1 && depth == 2) { element_open(ho,"div"); element_attr(ho,"class","panel"); html_nl(ho); } element_open(ho, "ul"); if (toc_yes && ho->contents_level < 1) element_attr(ho,"class","top-list"); html_nl(ho); ho->contents_level++; } if (!s) return; element_open(ho, "li"); if (toc_yes && ho->contents_level > 0 && depth == 1) { element_open(ho,"button"); element_attr(ho,"class","accordion"); element_close(ho,"button"); } html_href(ho, thisfile, s->file, s->fragments[0]); html_section_title(ho, s, thisfile, keywords, cfg, FALSE); element_close(ho, "a"); element_close(ho, "li"); html_nl(ho); } static void html_section_title(htmloutput *ho, htmlsect *s, htmlfile *thisfile, keywordlist *keywords, htmlconfig *cfg, int real) { if (s->title) { sectlevel *sl; word *number; int depth = heading_depth(s->title); if (depth < 0) sl = NULL; else if (depth == 0) sl = &cfg->achapter; else if (depth <= cfg->nasect) sl = &cfg->asect[depth-1]; else sl = &cfg->asect[cfg->nasect-1]; if (!sl) number = NULL; else if (sl->just_numbers) number = s->title->kwtext2; else number = s->title->kwtext; if (number) { html_words(ho, number, MARKUP, thisfile, keywords, cfg); html_text(ho, sl->number_suffix); } html_words(ho, s->title->words, real ? ALL : MARKUP, thisfile, keywords, cfg); } else { assert(s->type != NORMAL); /* * If we're printing the full document title for _real_ and * there isn't one, won't want to print `Preamble' at * the top of what ought to just be some text. If we need * it in any other context such ae ds TOCs, we need to print * `Preamble'. */ if (s->type == TOP && !real) html_text(ho, cfg->preamble_text); else if (s->type == INDEX) html_text(ho, cfg->index_text); } }