/* * Paper printing pre-backend for Halibut. * * This module does all the processing common to both PostScript * and PDF output: selecting fonts, line wrapping and page breaking * in accordance with font metrics, laying out the contents and * index pages, generally doing all the page layout. After this, * bk_ps.c and bk_pdf.c should only need to do linear translations * into their literal output format. */ /* * TODO in future work: * * - linearised PDF, perhaps? * * - I'm uncertain of whether I need to include a ToUnicode CMap * in each of my font definitions in PDF. Currently things (by * which I mean cut and paste out of acroread) seem to be * working fairly happily without it, but I don't know. * * - rather than the ugly aux_text mechanism for rendering chapter * titles, we could actually build the correct word list and * wrap it as a whole. * * - get vertical font metrics and use them to position the PDF * xref boxes more pleasantly * * - configurability * * page header and footer should be configurable; we should * be able to shift the page number elsewhere, and add other * things such as the current chapter/section title and fixed * text * * remove the fixed mapping from heading levels to heading * styles; offer a menu of styles from which the user can * choose at every heading level * * first-line indent in paragraphs * * fixed text: `Contents', `Index', the colon-space and full * stop in chapter title constructions * * configurable location of contents? * * certainly configurably _remove_ the contents, and possibly * also the index * * double-sided document switch? * + means you have two header/footer formats which * alternate * + and means that mandatory page breaks before chapter * titles should include a blank page if necessary to * start the next section to a right-hand page * * - title pages * * - ability to use Type 1 fonts without AFM files * * we need to parse the font to extract its metrics * * - character substitution for better typography? * * use real ellipsis rather than ... * * a hyphen in a word by itself might prefer to be an en-dash * * (Americans might even want a convenient way to use an * em-dash) * * DON'T DO ANY OF THE ABOVE WITHIN \c OR \cw! * * substituting `minus' for `hyphen' in the standard encoding * is probably preferable in Courier, though certainly not in * the main text font * * if I do do this lot, I'm rather inclined to at least try * to think up a configurable way to do it so that Americans * can do em-dash tricks without my intervention and other * people can do other odd things too. */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "halibut.h" #include "paper.h" typedef struct paper_conf_Tag paper_conf; typedef struct paper_idx_Tag paper_idx; typedef struct { font_data *fonts[NFONTS]; int font_size; } font_cfg; struct paper_conf_Tag { int paper_width; int paper_height; int left_margin; int top_margin; int right_margin; int bottom_margin; int indent_list_bullet; int indent_list_after; int indent_list; int indent_quote; int base_leading; int base_para_spacing; int chapter_top_space; int sect_num_left_space; int chapter_underline_depth; int chapter_underline_thickness; int rule_thickness; font_cfg fbase, fcode, ftitle, fchapter, *fsect; int nfsect; int contents_indent_step; int contents_margin; int leader_separation; int index_gutter; int index_cols; int index_minsep; int pagenum_fontsize; int footer_distance; wchar_t *lquote, *rquote, *bullet; wchar_t *contents_text, *index_text; /* These are derived from the above */ int base_width; int page_height; int index_colwidth; }; struct paper_idx_Tag { /* * Word list giving the page numbers on which this index entry * appears. Also the last word in the list, for ease of * construction. */ word *words; word *lastword; /* * The last page added to the list (so we can ensure we don't * add one twice). */ page_data *lastpage; }; enum { word_PageXref = word_NotWordType + 1 }; /* Flags for render_string() */ #define RS_NOLIG 1 static font_data *make_std_font(font_list *fontlist, char const *name); static void wrap_paragraph(para_data *pdata, word *words, int w, int i1, int i2, paper_conf *conf); static page_data *page_breaks(line_data *first, line_data *last, int page_height, int ncols, int headspace); static int render_string(page_data *page, font_data *font, int fontsize, int x, int y, wchar_t *str, unsigned flags); static int render_line(line_data *ldata, int left_x, int top_y, xref_dest *dest, keywordlist *keywords, indexdata *idx, paper_conf *conf); static void render_para(para_data *pdata, paper_conf *conf, keywordlist *keywords, indexdata *idx, paragraph *index_placeholder, page_data *index_page); static int string_width(font_data *font, wchar_t const *string, int *errs, unsigned flags); static int paper_width_simple(para_data *pdata, word *text, paper_conf *conf); static para_data *code_paragraph(int indent, word *words, paper_conf *conf); static para_data *rule_paragraph(int indent, paper_conf *conf); static void add_rect_to_page(page_data *page, int x, int y, int w, int h); static para_data *make_para_data(int ptype, int paux, int indent, int rmargin, word *pkwtext, word *pkwtext2, word *pwords, paper_conf *conf); static void standard_line_spacing(para_data *pdata, paper_conf *conf); static wchar_t *prepare_outline_title(word *first, wchar_t *separator, word *second); static word *fake_word(wchar_t *text); static word *fake_space_word(void); static word *fake_page_ref(page_data *page); static word *fake_end_ref(void); static word *prepare_contents_title(word *first, wchar_t *separator, word *second); static void fold_into_page(page_data *dest, page_data *src, int right_shift); static int fonts_ok(wchar_t *string, ...) { font_data *font; va_list ap; int ret = TRUE; va_start(ap, string); while ( (font = va_arg(ap, font_data *)) != NULL) { int errs; (void) string_width(font, string, &errs, 0); if (errs) { ret = FALSE; break; } } va_end(ap); return ret; } static void paper_cfg_fonts(font_data **fonts, font_list *fontlist, wchar_t *wp, filepos *fpos) { font_data *f; char *fn; int i; for (i = 0; i < NFONTS && *wp; i++, wp = uadv(wp)) { fn = utoa_dup(wp, CS_ASCII); f = make_std_font(fontlist, fn); if (f) fonts[i] = f; else /* FIXME: proper error */ error(err_nofont, fpos, wp); } } static paper_conf paper_configure(paragraph *source, font_list *fontlist) { paragraph *p; paper_conf ret; /* * Defaults. */ ret.paper_width = 595 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.paper_height = 842 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.left_margin = 72 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.top_margin = 72 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.right_margin = 72 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.bottom_margin = 108 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.indent_list_bullet = 6 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.indent_list_after = 18 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.indent_quote = 18 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.base_leading = UNITS_PER_PT; ret.base_para_spacing = 10 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.chapter_top_space = 72 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.sect_num_left_space = 12 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.chapter_underline_depth = 14 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.chapter_underline_thickness = 3 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.rule_thickness = 1 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.fbase.font_size = 12; ret.fbase.fonts[FONT_NORMAL] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Times-Roman"); ret.fbase.fonts[FONT_EMPH] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Times-Italic"); ret.fbase.fonts[FONT_CODE] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Courier"); ret.fcode.font_size = 12; ret.fcode.fonts[FONT_NORMAL] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Courier-Bold"); ret.fcode.fonts[FONT_EMPH] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Courier-Oblique"); ret.fcode.fonts[FONT_CODE] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Courier"); ret.ftitle.font_size = 24; ret.ftitle.fonts[FONT_NORMAL] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Helvetica-Bold"); ret.ftitle.fonts[FONT_EMPH] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Helvetica-BoldOblique"); ret.ftitle.fonts[FONT_CODE] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Courier-Bold"); ret.fchapter.font_size = 20; ret.fchapter.fonts[FONT_NORMAL]= make_std_font(fontlist, "Helvetica-Bold"); ret.fchapter.fonts[FONT_EMPH] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Helvetica-BoldOblique"); ret.fchapter.fonts[FONT_CODE] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Courier-Bold"); ret.nfsect = 3; ret.fsect = snewn(ret.nfsect, font_cfg); ret.fsect[0].font_size = 16; ret.fsect[0].fonts[FONT_NORMAL]= make_std_font(fontlist, "Helvetica-Bold"); ret.fsect[0].fonts[FONT_EMPH] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Helvetica-BoldOblique"); ret.fsect[0].fonts[FONT_CODE] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Courier-Bold"); ret.fsect[1].font_size = 14; ret.fsect[1].fonts[FONT_NORMAL]= make_std_font(fontlist, "Helvetica-Bold"); ret.fsect[1].fonts[FONT_EMPH] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Helvetica-BoldOblique"); ret.fsect[1].fonts[FONT_CODE] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Courier-Bold"); ret.fsect[2].font_size = 13; ret.fsect[2].fonts[FONT_NORMAL]= make_std_font(fontlist, "Helvetica-Bold"); ret.fsect[2].fonts[FONT_EMPH] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Helvetica-BoldOblique"); ret.fsect[2].fonts[FONT_CODE] = make_std_font(fontlist, "Courier-Bold"); ret.contents_indent_step = 24 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.contents_margin = 84 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.leader_separation = 12 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.index_gutter = 36 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.index_cols = 2; ret.index_minsep = 18 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.pagenum_fontsize = 12; ret.footer_distance = 32 * UNITS_PER_PT; ret.lquote = L"\x2018\0\x2019\0'\0'\0\0"; ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote); ret.bullet = L"\x2022\0-\0\0"; ret.contents_text = L"Contents"; ret.index_text = L"Index"; /* * Two-pass configuration so that we can pick up global config * (e.g. `quotes') before having it overridden by specific * config (`paper-quotes'), irrespective of the order in which * they occur. */ for (p = source; p; p = p->next) { if (p->type == para_Config) { if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"quotes")) { if (*uadv(p->keyword) && *uadv(uadv(p->keyword))) { ret.lquote = uadv(p->keyword); ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote); } } } } for (p = source; p; p = p->next) { p->private_data = NULL; if (p->type == para_Config) { if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-quotes")) { if (*uadv(p->keyword) && *uadv(uadv(p->keyword))) { ret.lquote = uadv(p->keyword); ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote); } } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"contents")) { ret.contents_text = uadv(p->keyword); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"index")) { ret.index_text = uadv(p->keyword); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-bullet")) { ret.bullet = uadv(p->keyword); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-page-width")) { ret.paper_width = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-page-height")) { ret.paper_height = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-left-margin")) { ret.left_margin = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-top-margin")) { ret.top_margin = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-right-margin")) { ret.right_margin = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-bottom-margin")) { ret.bottom_margin = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-list-indent")) { ret.indent_list_bullet = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-listitem-indent")) { ret.indent_list = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-quote-indent")) { ret.indent_quote = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-base-leading")) { ret.base_leading = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-base-para-spacing")) { ret.base_para_spacing = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-chapter-top-space")) { ret.chapter_top_space = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-sect-num-left-space")) { ret.sect_num_left_space = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-chapter-underline-depth")) { ret.chapter_underline_depth = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-chapter-underline-thickness")) { ret.chapter_underline_thickness = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-rule-thickness")) { ret.rule_thickness = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-contents-indent-step")) { ret.contents_indent_step = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-contents-margin")) { ret.contents_margin = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-leader-separation")) { ret.leader_separation = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-index-gutter")) { ret.index_gutter = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-index-minsep")) { ret.index_minsep = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-footer-distance")) { ret.footer_distance = (int) 0.5 + FUNITS_PER_PT * utof(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-base-font-size")) { ret.fbase.font_size = utoi(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-index-columns")) { ret.index_cols = utoi(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-pagenum-font-size")) { ret.pagenum_fontsize = utoi(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-base-fonts")) { paper_cfg_fonts(ret.fbase.fonts, fontlist, uadv(p->keyword), &p->fpos); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-code-font-size")) { ret.fcode.font_size = utoi(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-code-fonts")) { paper_cfg_fonts(ret.fcode.fonts, fontlist, uadv(p->keyword), &p->fpos); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-title-font-size")) { ret.ftitle.font_size = utoi(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-title-fonts")) { paper_cfg_fonts(ret.ftitle.fonts, fontlist, uadv(p->keyword), &p->fpos); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-chapter-font-size")) { ret.fchapter.font_size = utoi(uadv(p->keyword)); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-chapter-fonts")) { paper_cfg_fonts(ret.fchapter.fonts, fontlist, uadv(p->keyword), &p->fpos); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-section-font-size")) { wchar_t *q = uadv(p->keyword); int n = 0; if (uisdigit(*q)) { n = utoi(q); q = uadv(q); } if (n >= ret.nfsect) { int i; ret.fsect = sresize(ret.fsect, n+1, font_cfg); for (i = ret.nfsect; i <= n; i++) ret.fsect[i] = ret.fsect[ret.nfsect-1]; ret.nfsect = n+1; } ret.fsect[n].font_size = utoi(q); } else if (!ustricmp(p->keyword, L"paper-section-fonts")) { wchar_t *q = uadv(p->keyword); int n = 0; if (uisdigit(*q)) { n = utoi(q); q = uadv(q); } if (n >= ret.nfsect) { int i; ret.fsect = sresize(ret.fsect, n+1, font_cfg); for (i = ret.nfsect; i <= n; i++) ret.fsect[i] = ret.fsect[ret.nfsect-1]; ret.nfsect = n+1; } paper_cfg_fonts(ret.fsect[n].fonts, fontlist, q, &p->fpos); } } } /* * Set up the derived fields in the conf structure. */ ret.base_width = ret.paper_width - ret.left_margin - ret.right_margin; ret.page_height = ret.paper_height - ret.top_margin - ret.bottom_margin; ret.indent_list = ret.indent_list_bullet + ret.indent_list_after; ret.index_colwidth = (ret.base_width - (ret.index_cols-1) * ret.index_gutter) / ret.index_cols; /* * Now process fallbacks on quote characters and bullets. We * use string_width() to determine whether all of the relevant * fonts contain the same character, and fall back whenever we * find a character which not all of them support. */ /* Quote characters need not be supported in the fixed code fonts, * but must be in the title and body fonts. */ while (*uadv(ret.rquote) && *uadv(uadv(ret.rquote))) { int n; if (fonts_ok(ret.lquote, ret.fbase.fonts[FONT_NORMAL], ret.fbase.fonts[FONT_EMPH], ret.ftitle.fonts[FONT_NORMAL], ret.ftitle.fonts[FONT_EMPH], ret.fchapter.fonts[FONT_NORMAL], ret.fchapter.fonts[FONT_EMPH], NULL) && fonts_ok(ret.rquote, ret.fbase.fonts[FONT_NORMAL], ret.fbase.fonts[FONT_EMPH], ret.ftitle.fonts[FONT_NORMAL], ret.ftitle.fonts[FONT_EMPH], ret.fchapter.fonts[FONT_NORMAL], ret.fchapter.fonts[FONT_EMPH], NULL)) { for (n = 0; n < ret.nfsect; n++) if (!fonts_ok(ret.lquote, ret.fsect[n].fonts[FONT_NORMAL], ret.fsect[n].fonts[FONT_EMPH], NULL) || !fonts_ok(ret.rquote, ret.fsect[n].fonts[FONT_NORMAL], ret.fsect[n].fonts[FONT_EMPH], NULL)) break; if (n == ret.nfsect) break; } ret.lquote = uadv(ret.rquote); ret.rquote = uadv(ret.lquote); } /* The bullet character only needs to be supported in the normal body * font (not even in italics). */ while (*ret.bullet && *uadv(ret.bullet) && !fonts_ok(ret.bullet, ret.fbase.fonts[FONT_NORMAL], NULL)) ret.bullet = uadv(ret.bullet); return ret; } void *paper_pre_backend(paragraph *sourceform, keywordlist *keywords, indexdata *idx) { paragraph *p; document *doc; int indent, used_contents; para_data *pdata, *firstpara = NULL, *lastpara = NULL; para_data *firstcont, *lastcont; line_data *firstline, *lastline, *firstcontline, *lastcontline; page_data *pages; font_list *fontlist; paper_conf *conf, ourconf; int has_index; int pagenum; paragraph index_placeholder_para; page_data *first_index_page; init_std_fonts(); fontlist = snew(font_list); fontlist->head = fontlist->tail = NULL; ourconf = paper_configure(sourceform, fontlist); conf = &ourconf; /* * Set up a data structure to collect page numbers for each * index entry. */ { int i; indexentry *entry; has_index = FALSE; for (i = 0; (entry = index234(idx->entries, i)) != NULL; i++) { paper_idx *pi = snew(paper_idx); has_index = TRUE; pi->words = pi->lastword = NULL; pi->lastpage = NULL; entry->backend_data = pi; } } /* * Format the contents entry for each heading. */ { word *contents_title; contents_title = fake_word(conf->contents_text); firstcont = make_para_data(para_UnnumberedChapter, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, contents_title, conf); lastcont = firstcont; lastcont->next = NULL; firstcontline = firstcont->first; lastcontline = lastcont->last; for (p = sourceform; p; p = p->next) { word *words; int indent; switch (p->type) { case para_Chapter: case para_Appendix: case para_UnnumberedChapter: case para_Heading: case para_Subsect: switch (p->type) { case para_Chapter: case para_Appendix: words = prepare_contents_title(p->kwtext, L": ", p->words); indent = 0; break; case para_UnnumberedChapter: words = prepare_contents_title(NULL, NULL, p->words); indent = 0; break; case para_Heading: case para_Subsect: words = prepare_contents_title(p->kwtext2, L" ", p->words); indent = (p->aux + 1) * conf->contents_indent_step; break; } pdata = make_para_data(para_Normal, p->aux, indent, conf->contents_margin, NULL, NULL, words, conf); pdata->next = NULL; pdata->contents_entry = p; lastcont->next = pdata; lastcont = pdata; /* * Link all contents line structures together into * a big list. */ if (pdata->first) { if (lastcontline) { lastcontline->next = pdata->first; pdata->first->prev = lastcontline; } else { firstcontline = pdata->first; pdata->first->prev = NULL; } lastcontline = pdata->last; lastcontline->next = NULL; } break; } } /* * And one extra one, for the index. */ if (has_index) { pdata = make_para_data(para_Normal, 0, 0, conf->contents_margin, NULL, NULL, fake_word(conf->index_text), conf); pdata->next = NULL; pdata->contents_entry = &index_placeholder_para; lastcont->next = pdata; lastcont = pdata; if (pdata->first) { if (lastcontline) { lastcontline->next = pdata->first; pdata->first->prev = lastcontline; } else { firstcontline = pdata->first; pdata->first->prev = NULL; } lastcontline = pdata->last; lastcontline->next = NULL; } } } /* * Do the main paragraph formatting. */ indent = 0; used_contents = FALSE; firstline = lastline = NULL; for (p = sourceform; p; p = p->next) { p->private_data = NULL; switch (p->type) { /* * These paragraph types are either invisible or don't * define text in the normal sense. Either way, they * don't require wrapping. */ case para_IM: case para_BR: case para_Biblio: case para_NotParaType: case para_Config: case para_VersionID: case para_NoCite: break; /* * These paragraph types don't require wrapping, but * they do affect the line width to which we wrap the * rest of the paragraphs, so we need to pay attention. */ case para_LcontPush: indent += conf->indent_list; break; case para_LcontPop: indent -= conf->indent_list; assert(indent >= 0); break; case para_QuotePush: indent += conf->indent_quote; break; case para_QuotePop: indent -= conf->indent_quote; assert(indent >= 0); break; /* * This paragraph type is special. Process it * specially. */ case para_Code: pdata = code_paragraph(indent, p->words, conf); p->private_data = pdata; if (pdata->first != pdata->last) { pdata->first->penalty_after += 100000; pdata->last->penalty_before += 100000; } break; /* * This paragraph is also special. */ case para_Rule: pdata = rule_paragraph(indent, conf); p->private_data = pdata; break; /* * All of these paragraph types require wrapping in the * ordinary way. So we must supply a set of fonts, a * line width and auxiliary information (e.g. bullet * text) for each one. */ case para_Chapter: case para_Appendix: case para_UnnumberedChapter: case para_Heading: case para_Subsect: case para_Normal: case para_BiblioCited: case para_Bullet: case para_NumberedList: case para_DescribedThing: case para_Description: case para_Copyright: case para_Title: pdata = make_para_data(p->type, p->aux, indent, 0, p->kwtext, p->kwtext2, p->words, conf); p->private_data = pdata; break; } if (p->private_data) { pdata = (para_data *)p->private_data; /* * If this is the first non-title heading, we link the * contents section in before it. */ if (!used_contents && pdata->outline_level > 0) { used_contents = TRUE; if (lastpara) lastpara->next = firstcont; else firstpara = firstcont; lastpara = lastcont; assert(lastpara->next == NULL); if (lastline) { lastline->next = firstcontline; firstcontline->prev = lastline; } else { firstline = firstcontline; firstcontline->prev = NULL; } assert(lastcontline != NULL); lastline = lastcontline; lastline->next = NULL; } /* * Link all line structures together into a big list. */ if (pdata->first) { if (lastline) { lastline->next = pdata->first; pdata->first->prev = lastline; } else { firstline = pdata->first; pdata->first->prev = NULL; } lastline = pdata->last; lastline->next = NULL; } /* * Link all paragraph structures together similarly. */ pdata->next = NULL; if (lastpara) lastpara->next = pdata; else firstpara = pdata; lastpara = pdata; } } /* * Now we have an enormous linked list of every line of text in * the document. Break it up into pages. */ pages = page_breaks(firstline, lastline, conf->page_height, 0, 0); /* * Number the pages. */ { char buf[40]; page_data *page; pagenum = 0; for (page = pages; page; page = page->next) { sprintf(buf, "%d", ++pagenum); page->number = ufroma_dup(buf, CS_ASCII); } if (has_index) { first_index_page = snew(page_data); first_index_page->next = first_index_page->prev = NULL; first_index_page->first_line = NULL; first_index_page->last_line = NULL; first_index_page->first_text = first_index_page->last_text = NULL; first_index_page->first_xref = first_index_page->last_xref = NULL; first_index_page->first_rect = first_index_page->last_rect = NULL; /* And don't forget the as-yet-uncreated index. */ sprintf(buf, "%d", ++pagenum); first_index_page->number = ufroma_dup(buf, CS_ASCII); } } /* * Now we're ready to actually lay out the pages. We do this by * looping over _paragraphs_, since we may need to track cross- * references between lines and even across pages. */ for (pdata = firstpara; pdata; pdata = pdata->next) render_para(pdata, conf, keywords, idx, &index_placeholder_para, first_index_page); /* * Now we've laid out the main body pages, we should have * acquired a full set of page numbers for the index. */ if (has_index) { int i; indexentry *entry; word *index_title; para_data *firstidx, *lastidx; line_data *firstidxline, *lastidxline, *ldata; page_data *ipages, *ipages2, *page; /* * Create a set of paragraphs for the index. */ index_title = fake_word(conf->index_text); firstidx = make_para_data(para_UnnumberedChapter, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, index_title, conf); lastidx = firstidx; lastidx->next = NULL; firstidxline = firstidx->first; lastidxline = lastidx->last; for (i = 0; (entry = index234(idx->entries, i)) != NULL; i++) { paper_idx *pi = (paper_idx *)entry->backend_data; para_data *text, *pages; if (!pi->words) continue; text = make_para_data(para_Normal, 0, 0, conf->base_width - conf->index_colwidth, NULL, NULL, entry->text, conf); pages = make_para_data(para_Normal, 0, 0, conf->base_width - conf->index_colwidth, NULL, NULL, pi->words, conf); text->justification = LEFT; pages->justification = RIGHT; text->last->space_after = pages->first->space_before = conf->base_leading / 2; pages->last->space_after = text->first->space_before = conf->base_leading; assert(text->first); assert(pages->first); assert(lastidxline); assert(lastidx); /* * If feasible, fold the two halves of the index entry * together. */ if (text->last->real_shortfall + pages->first->real_shortfall > conf->index_colwidth + conf->index_minsep) { text->last->space_after = -1; pages->first->space_before = -pages->first->line_height+1; } lastidx->next = text; text->next = pages; pages->next = NULL; lastidx = pages; /* * Link all index line structures together into * a big list. */ text->last->next = pages->first; pages->first->prev = text->last; lastidxline->next = text->first; text->first->prev = lastidxline; lastidxline = pages->last; /* * Breaking an index entry anywhere is so bad that I * think I'm going to forbid it totally. */ for (ldata = text->first; ldata && ldata->next; ldata = ldata->next) { ldata->next->space_before += ldata->space_after + 1; ldata->space_after = -1; } } /* * Now break the index into pages. */ ipages = page_breaks(firstidxline, firstidxline, conf->page_height, 0, 0); ipages2 = page_breaks(firstidxline->next, lastidxline, conf->page_height, conf->index_cols, firstidxline->space_before + firstidxline->line_height + firstidxline->space_after); /* * This will have put each _column_ of the index on a * separate page, which isn't what we want. Fold the pages * back together. */ page = ipages2; while (page) { int i; for (i = 1; i < conf->index_cols; i++) if (page->next) { page_data *tpage; fold_into_page(page, page->next, i * (conf->index_colwidth + conf->index_gutter)); tpage = page->next; page->next = page->next->next; if (page->next) page->next->prev = page; sfree(tpage); } page = page->next; } /* Also fold the heading on to the same page as the index items. */ fold_into_page(ipages, ipages2, 0); ipages->next = ipages2->next; if (ipages->next) ipages->next->prev = ipages; sfree(ipages2); fold_into_page(first_index_page, ipages, 0); first_index_page->next = ipages->next; if (first_index_page->next) first_index_page->next->prev = first_index_page; sfree(ipages); ipages = first_index_page; /* * Number the index pages, except the already-numbered * first one. */ for (page = ipages->next; page; page = page->next) { char buf[40]; sprintf(buf, "%d", ++pagenum); page->number = ufroma_dup(buf, CS_ASCII); } /* * Render the index pages. */ for (pdata = firstidx; pdata; pdata = pdata->next) render_para(pdata, conf, keywords, idx, &index_placeholder_para, first_index_page); /* * Link the index page list on to the end of the main page * list. */ if (!pages) pages = ipages; else { for (page = pages; page->next; page = page->next); page->next = ipages; } /* * Same with the paragraph list, which will cause the index * to be mentioned in the document outline. */ if (!firstpara) firstpara = firstidx; else lastpara->next = firstidx; lastpara = lastidx; } /* * Draw the headers and footers. * * FIXME: this should be fully configurable, but for the moment * I'm just going to put in page numbers in the centre of a * footer and leave it at that. */ { page_data *page; for (page = pages; page; page = page->next) { int width; width = conf->pagenum_fontsize * string_width(conf->fbase.fonts[FONT_NORMAL], page->number, NULL, 0); render_string(page, conf->fbase.fonts[FONT_NORMAL], conf->pagenum_fontsize, conf->left_margin + (conf->base_width - width)/2, conf->bottom_margin - conf->footer_distance, page->number, 0); } } /* * Start putting together the overall document structure we're * going to return. */ doc = snew(document); doc->fonts = fontlist; doc->pages = pages; doc->paper_width = conf->paper_width; doc->paper_height = conf->paper_height; /* * Collect the section heading paragraphs into a document * outline. This is slightly fiddly because the Title paragraph * isn't required to be at the start, although all the others * must be in order. */ { int osize = 20; doc->outline_elements = snewn(osize, outline_element); doc->n_outline_elements = 0; /* First find the title. */ for (pdata = firstpara; pdata; pdata = pdata->next) { if (pdata->outline_level == 0) { doc->outline_elements[0].level = 0; doc->outline_elements[0].pdata = pdata; doc->n_outline_elements++; break; } } /* Then collect the rest. */ for (pdata = firstpara; pdata; pdata = pdata->next) { if (pdata->outline_level > 0) { if (doc->n_outline_elements >= osize) { osize += 20; doc->outline_elements = sresize(doc->outline_elements, osize, outline_element); } doc->outline_elements[doc->n_outline_elements].level = pdata->outline_level; doc->outline_elements[doc->n_outline_elements].pdata = pdata; doc->n_outline_elements++; } } } return doc; } static void setfont(para_data *p, font_cfg *f) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NFONTS; i++) { p->fonts[i] = f->fonts[i]; p->sizes[i] = f->font_size; } } static para_data *make_para_data(int ptype, int paux, int indent, int rmargin, word *pkwtext, word *pkwtext2, word *pwords, paper_conf *conf) { para_data *pdata; line_data *ldata; int extra_indent, firstline_indent, aux_indent; word *aux, *aux2; pdata = snew(para_data); pdata->outline_level = -1; pdata->outline_title = NULL; pdata->rect_type = RECT_NONE; pdata->contents_entry = NULL; pdata->justification = JUST; pdata->extraflags = 0; /* * Choose fonts for this paragraph. */ switch (ptype) { case para_Title: setfont(pdata, &conf->ftitle); pdata->outline_level = 0; break; case para_Chapter: case para_Appendix: case para_UnnumberedChapter: setfont(pdata, &conf->fchapter); pdata->outline_level = 1; break; case para_Heading: case para_Subsect: setfont(pdata, &conf->fsect[paux >= conf->nfsect ? conf->nfsect - 1 : paux]); pdata->outline_level = 2 + paux; break; case para_Normal: case para_BiblioCited: case para_Bullet: case para_NumberedList: case para_DescribedThing: case para_Description: case para_Copyright: setfont(pdata, &conf->fbase); break; } /* * Also select an indentation level depending on the * paragraph type (list paragraphs other than * para_DescribedThing need extra indent). * * (FIXME: Perhaps at some point we might even arrange * for the user to be able to request indented first * lines in paragraphs.) */ if (ptype == para_Bullet || ptype == para_NumberedList || ptype == para_Description) { extra_indent = firstline_indent = conf->indent_list; } else { extra_indent = firstline_indent = 0; } /* * Find the auxiliary text for this paragraph. */ aux = aux2 = NULL; aux_indent = 0; switch (ptype) { case para_Chapter: case para_Appendix: case para_Heading: case para_Subsect: /* * For some heading styles (FIXME: be able to * configure which), the auxiliary text contains * the chapter number and is arranged to be * right-aligned a few points left of the primary * margin. For other styles, the auxiliary text is * the full chapter _name_ and takes up space * within the (wrapped) chapter title, meaning that * we must move the first line indent over to make * space for it. */ if (ptype == para_Heading || ptype == para_Subsect) { int len; aux = pkwtext2; len = paper_width_simple(pdata, pkwtext2, conf); aux_indent = -len - conf->sect_num_left_space; pdata->outline_title = prepare_outline_title(pkwtext2, L" ", pwords); } else { aux = pkwtext; aux2 = fake_word(L": "); aux_indent = 0; firstline_indent += paper_width_simple(pdata, aux, conf); firstline_indent += paper_width_simple(pdata, aux2, conf); pdata->outline_title = prepare_outline_title(pkwtext, L": ", pwords); } break; case para_Bullet: /* * Auxiliary text consisting of a bullet. */ aux = fake_word(conf->bullet); aux_indent = indent + conf->indent_list_bullet; break; case para_NumberedList: /* * Auxiliary text consisting of the number followed * by a (FIXME: configurable) full stop. */ aux = pkwtext; aux2 = fake_word(L"."); aux_indent = indent + conf->indent_list_bullet; break; case para_BiblioCited: /* * Auxiliary text consisting of the bibliography * reference text, and a trailing space. */ aux = pkwtext; aux2 = fake_word(L" "); aux_indent = indent; firstline_indent += paper_width_simple(pdata, aux, conf); firstline_indent += paper_width_simple(pdata, aux2, conf); break; } if (pdata->outline_level >= 0 && !pdata->outline_title) { pdata->outline_title = prepare_outline_title(NULL, NULL, pwords); } wrap_paragraph(pdata, pwords, conf->base_width - rmargin, indent + firstline_indent, indent + extra_indent, conf); pdata->first->aux_text = aux; pdata->first->aux_text_2 = aux2; pdata->first->aux_left_indent = aux_indent; /* * Line breaking penalties. */ switch (ptype) { case para_Chapter: case para_Appendix: case para_Heading: case para_Subsect: case para_UnnumberedChapter: /* * Fixed and large penalty for breaking straight * after a heading; corresponding bonus for * breaking straight before. */ pdata->first->penalty_before = -500000; pdata->last->penalty_after = 500000; for (ldata = pdata->first; ldata; ldata = ldata->next) ldata->penalty_after = 500000; break; case para_DescribedThing: /* * This is treated a bit like a small heading: * there's a penalty for breaking after it (i.e. * between it and its description), and a bonus for * breaking before it (actually _between_ list * items). */ pdata->first->penalty_before = -200000; pdata->last->penalty_after = 200000; break; default: /* * Most paragraph types: widow/orphan control by * discouraging breaking one line from the end of * any paragraph. */ if (pdata->first != pdata->last) { pdata->first->penalty_after = 100000; pdata->last->penalty_before = 100000; } break; } standard_line_spacing(pdata, conf); /* * Some kinds of section heading require a page break before * them and an underline after. */ if (ptype == para_Title || ptype == para_Chapter || ptype == para_Appendix || ptype == para_UnnumberedChapter) { pdata->first->page_break = TRUE; pdata->first->space_before = conf->chapter_top_space; pdata->last->space_after += (conf->chapter_underline_depth + conf->chapter_underline_thickness); pdata->rect_type = RECT_CHAPTER_UNDERLINE; } return pdata; } static void standard_line_spacing(para_data *pdata, paper_conf *conf) { line_data *ldata; /* * Set the line spacing for each line in this paragraph. */ for (ldata = pdata->first; ldata; ldata = ldata->next) { if (ldata == pdata->first) ldata->space_before = conf->base_para_spacing / 2; else ldata->space_before = conf->base_leading / 2; if (ldata == pdata->last) ldata->space_after = conf->base_para_spacing / 2; else ldata->space_after = conf->base_leading / 2; ldata->page_break = FALSE; } } static font_encoding *new_font_encoding(font_data *font) { font_encoding *fe; int i; fe = snew(font_encoding); fe->next = NULL; if (font->list->tail) font->list->tail->next = fe; else font->list->head = fe; font->list->tail = fe; fe->font = font; fe->free_pos = 0x21; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { fe->vector[i] = NOGLYPH; fe->to_unicode[i] = 0xFFFF; } return fe; } static subfont_map_entry *encode_glyph_at(glyph g, wchar_t u, font_encoding *fe, int pos) { subfont_map_entry *sme = snew(subfont_map_entry); sme->subfont = fe; sme->position = pos; fe->vector[pos] = g; fe->to_unicode[pos] = u; add234(fe->font->subfont_map, sme); return sme; } static int new_sfmap_cmp(void *a, void *b) { glyph ga = *(glyph *)a; subfont_map_entry *sb = b; glyph gb = sb->subfont->vector[sb->position]; if (ga < gb) return -1; if (ga > gb) return 1; return 0; } static subfont_map_entry *encode_glyph(glyph g, wchar_t u, font_data *font) { subfont_map_entry *sme; int c; sme = find234(font->subfont_map, &g, new_sfmap_cmp); if (sme) return sme; /* * This character is not yet in a subfont. Assign one. */ if (font->latest_subfont->free_pos >= 0x100) font->latest_subfont = new_font_encoding(font); c = font->latest_subfont->free_pos++; if (font->latest_subfont->free_pos == 0x7F) font->latest_subfont->free_pos = 0xA1; return encode_glyph_at(g, u, font->latest_subfont, c); } static int sfmap_cmp(void *a, void *b) { subfont_map_entry *sa = a, *sb = b; glyph ga = sa->subfont->vector[sa->position]; glyph gb = sb->subfont->vector[sb->position]; if (ga < gb) return -1; if (ga > gb) return 1; return 0; } int width_cmp(void *a, void *b) { glyph_width const *wa = a, *wb = b; if (wa->glyph < wb->glyph) return -1; if (wa->glyph > wb->glyph) return 1; return 0; } int kern_cmp(void *a, void *b) { kern_pair const *ka = a, *kb = b; if (ka->left < kb->left) return -1; if (ka->left > kb->left) return 1; if (ka->right < kb->right) return -1; if (ka->right > kb->right) return 1; return 0; } int lig_cmp(void *a, void *b) { ligature const *la = a, *lb = b; if (la->left < lb->left) return -1; if (la->left > lb->left) return 1; if (la->right < lb->right) return -1; if (la->right > lb->right) return 1; return 0; } static int utoglyph(font_info const *fi, wchar_t u) { return (u < 0 || u > 0xFFFF ? NOGLYPH : fi->bmp[u]); } static font_data *make_std_font(font_list *fontlist, char const *name) { font_info const *fi; font_data *f; font_encoding *fe; int i; for (fe = fontlist->head; fe; fe = fe->next) if (strcmp(fe->font->info->name, name) == 0) return fe->font; for (fi = all_fonts; fi; fi = fi->next) if (strcmp(fi->name, name) == 0) break; if (!fi) return NULL; f = snew(font_data); f->list = fontlist; f->info = fi; f->subfont_map = newtree234(sfmap_cmp); /* * Our first subfont will contain all of US-ASCII. This isn't * really necessary - we could just create custom subfonts * precisely as the whim of render_string dictated - but * instinct suggests that it might be nice to have the text in * the output files look _marginally_ recognisable. */ fe = new_font_encoding(f); fe->free_pos = 0xA1; /* only the top half is free */ f->latest_subfont = fe; for (i = 0x20; i <= 0x7E; i++) { glyph g = utoglyph(fi, i); if (g != NOGLYPH) encode_glyph_at(g, i, fe, i); } return f; } /* NB: arguments are glyph numbers from font->bmp. */ int find_width(font_data *font, glyph index) { glyph_width wantw; glyph_width const *w; wantw.glyph = index; w = find234(font->info->widths, &wantw, NULL); if (!w) return 0; return w->width; } static int find_kern(font_data *font, int lindex, int rindex) { kern_pair wantkp; kern_pair const *kp; if (lindex == NOGLYPH || rindex == NOGLYPH) return 0; wantkp.left = lindex; wantkp.right = rindex; kp = find234(font->info->kerns, &wantkp, NULL); if (kp == NULL) return 0; return kp->kern; } static int find_lig(font_data *font, int lindex, int rindex) { ligature wantlig; ligature const *lig; if (lindex == NOGLYPH || rindex == NOGLYPH) return NOGLYPH; wantlig.left = lindex; wantlig.right = rindex; lig = find234(font->info->ligs, &wantlig, NULL); if (lig == NULL) return NOGLYPH; return lig->lig; } static int string_width(font_data *font, wchar_t const *string, int *errs, unsigned flags) { int width = 0; int nindex, index, oindex, lindex; if (errs) *errs = 0; oindex = NOGLYPH; index = utoglyph(font->info, *string); for (; *string; string++) { nindex = utoglyph(font->info, string[1]); if (index == NOGLYPH) { if (errs) *errs = 1; } else { if (!(flags & RS_NOLIG) && (lindex = find_lig(font, index, nindex)) != NOGLYPH) { index = lindex; continue; } width += find_kern(font, oindex, index) + find_width(font, index); } oindex = index; index = nindex; } return width; } static int paper_width_internal(void *vctx, word *word, int *nspaces); struct paper_width_ctx { int minspacewidth; para_data *pdata; paper_conf *conf; }; static int paper_width_list(void *vctx, word *text, word *end, int *nspaces) { int w = 0; while (text && text != end) { w += paper_width_internal(vctx, text, nspaces); text = text->next; } return w; } static int paper_width_internal(void *vctx, word *word, int *nspaces) { struct paper_width_ctx *ctx = (struct paper_width_ctx *)vctx; int style, type, findex, width, errs; wchar_t *str; unsigned flags = 0; switch (word->type) { case word_HyperLink: case word_HyperEnd: case word_UpperXref: case word_LowerXref: case word_PageXref: case word_XrefEnd: case word_IndexRef: return 0; } style = towordstyle(word->type); type = removeattr(word->type); findex = (style == word_Normal ? FONT_NORMAL : style == word_Emph ? FONT_EMPH : FONT_CODE); if (style == word_Code || style == word_WeakCode) flags |= RS_NOLIG; if (type == word_Normal) { str = word->text; } else if (type == word_WhiteSpace) { if (findex != FONT_CODE) { if (nspaces) (*nspaces)++; return ctx->minspacewidth; } else str = L" "; } else /* if (type == word_Quote) */ { if (word->aux == quote_Open) str = ctx->conf->lquote; else str = ctx->conf->rquote; } width = string_width(ctx->pdata->fonts[findex], str, &errs, flags); if (errs && word->alt) return paper_width_list(vctx, word->alt, NULL, nspaces); else return ctx->pdata->sizes[findex] * width; } static int paper_width(void *vctx, word *word) { return paper_width_internal(vctx, word, NULL); } static int paper_width_simple(para_data *pdata, word *text, paper_conf *conf) { struct paper_width_ctx ctx; ctx.pdata = pdata; ctx.minspacewidth = (pdata->sizes[FONT_NORMAL] * string_width(pdata->fonts[FONT_NORMAL], L" ", NULL, 0)); ctx.conf = conf; return paper_width_list(&ctx, text, NULL, NULL); } static void wrap_paragraph(para_data *pdata, word *words, int w, int i1, int i2, paper_conf *conf) { wrappedline *wrapping, *p; int spacewidth; struct paper_width_ctx ctx; int line_height; /* * We're going to need to store the line height in every line * structure we generate. */ { int i; line_height = 0; for (i = 0; i < NFONTS; i++) if (line_height < pdata->sizes[i]) line_height = pdata->sizes[i]; line_height *= UNITS_PER_PT; } spacewidth = (pdata->sizes[FONT_NORMAL] * string_width(pdata->fonts[FONT_NORMAL], L" ", NULL, 0)); if (spacewidth == 0) { /* * A font without a space?! Disturbing. I hope this never * comes up, but I'll make a random guess anyway and set my * space width to half the point size. */ spacewidth = pdata->sizes[FONT_NORMAL] * UNITS_PER_PT / 2; } /* * I'm going to set the _minimum_ space width to 3/5 of the * standard one, and use the standard one as the optimum. */ ctx.minspacewidth = spacewidth * 3 / 5; ctx.pdata = pdata; ctx.conf = conf; wrapping = wrap_para(words, w - i1, w - i2, paper_width, &ctx, spacewidth); /* * Having done the wrapping, we now concoct a set of line_data * structures. */ pdata->first = pdata->last = NULL; for (p = wrapping; p; p = p->next) { line_data *ldata; word *wd; int len, wid, spaces; ldata = snew(line_data); ldata->pdata = pdata; ldata->first = p->begin; ldata->end = p->end; ldata->line_height = line_height; ldata->xpos = (p == wrapping ? i1 : i2); if (pdata->last) { pdata->last->next = ldata; ldata->prev = pdata->last; } else { pdata->first = ldata; ldata->prev = NULL; } ldata->next = NULL; pdata->last = ldata; spaces = 0; len = paper_width_list(&ctx, ldata->first, ldata->end, &spaces); wid = (p == wrapping ? w - i1 : w - i2); wd = ldata->first; ldata->hshortfall = wid - len; ldata->nspaces = spaces; /* * This tells us how much the space width needs to * change from _min_spacewidth. But we want to store * its difference from the _natural_ space width, to * make the text rendering easier. */ ldata->hshortfall += ctx.minspacewidth * spaces; ldata->hshortfall -= spacewidth * spaces; ldata->real_shortfall = ldata->hshortfall; /* * Special case: on the last line of a paragraph, we * never stretch spaces. */ if (ldata->hshortfall > 0 && !p->next) ldata->hshortfall = 0; ldata->aux_text = NULL; ldata->aux_text_2 = NULL; ldata->aux_left_indent = 0; ldata->penalty_before = ldata->penalty_after = 0; } } static page_data *page_breaks(line_data *first, line_data *last, int page_height, int ncols, int headspace) { line_data *l, *m; page_data *ph, *pt; int n, n1, this_height; /* * Page breaking is done by a close analogue of the optimal * paragraph wrapping algorithm used by wrap_para(). We work * backwards from the end of the document line by line; for * each line, we contemplate every possible number of lines we * could put on a page starting with that line, determine a * cost function for each one, add it to the pre-computed cost * function for optimally page-breaking everything after that * page, and pick the best option. * * This is made slightly more complex by the fact that we have * a multi-column index with a heading at the top of the * _first_ page, meaning that the first _ncols_ pages must have * a different length. Hence, we must do the wrapping ncols+1 * times over, hypothetically trying to put every subsequence * on every possible page. * * Since my line_data structures are only used for this * purpose, I might as well just store the algorithm data * directly in them. */ for (l = last; l; l = l->prev) { l->bestcost = snewn(ncols+1, int); l->vshortfall = snewn(ncols+1, int); l->text = snewn(ncols+1, int); l->space = snewn(ncols+1, int); l->page_last = snewn(ncols+1, line_data *); for (n = 0; n <= ncols; n++) { int minheight, text = 0, space = 0; int cost; n1 = (n < ncols ? n+1 : ncols); if (n < ncols) this_height = page_height - headspace; else this_height = page_height; l->bestcost[n] = -1; for (m = l; m; m = m->next) { if (m != l && m->page_break) break; /* we've gone as far as we can */ if (m != l) { if (m->prev->space_after > 0) space += m->prev->space_after; else text += m->prev->space_after; } if (m != l || m->page_break) { if (m->space_before > 0) space += m->space_before; else text += m->space_before; } text += m->line_height; minheight = text + space; if (m != l && minheight > this_height) break; /* * If the space after this paragraph is _negative_ * (which means the next line is folded on to this * one, which happens in the index), we absolutely * cannot break here. */ if (m->space_after >= 0) { /* * Compute the cost of this arrangement, as the * square of the amount of wasted space on the * page. Exception: if this is the last page * before a mandatory break or the document * end, we don't penalise a large blank area. */ if (m != last && m->next && !m->next->page_break) { int x = (this_height - minheight) / FUNITS_PER_PT * 4096.0; int xf; xf = x & 0xFF; x >>= 8; cost = x*x; cost += (x * xf) >> 8; } else cost = 0; if (m != last && m->next && !m->next->page_break) { cost += m->penalty_after; cost += m->next->penalty_before; } if (m != last && m->next && !m->next->page_break) cost += m->next->bestcost[n1]; if (l->bestcost[n] == -1 || l->bestcost[n] > cost) { /* * This is the best option yet for this * starting point. */ l->bestcost[n] = cost; if (m != last && m->next && !m->next->page_break) l->vshortfall[n] = this_height - minheight; else l->vshortfall[n] = 0; l->text[n] = text; l->space[n] = space; l->page_last[n] = m; } } if (m == last) break; } } } /* * Now go through the line list forwards and assemble the * actual pages. */ ph = pt = NULL; l = first; n = 0; while (l) { page_data *page; int text, space, head; page = snew(page_data); page->next = NULL; page->prev = pt; if (pt) pt->next = page; else ph = page; pt = page; page->first_line = l; page->last_line = l->page_last[n]; page->first_text = page->last_text = NULL; page->first_xref = page->last_xref = NULL; page->first_rect = page->last_rect = NULL; /* * Now assign a y-coordinate to each line on the page. */ text = space = 0; head = (n < ncols ? headspace : 0); for (l = page->first_line; l; l = l->next) { if (l != page->first_line) { if (l->prev->space_after > 0) space += l->prev->space_after; else text += l->prev->space_after; } if (l != page->first_line || l->page_break) { if (l->space_before > 0) space += l->space_before; else text += l->space_before; } text += l->line_height; l->page = page; l->ypos = text + space + head; if (page->first_line->space[n]) { l->ypos += space * (float)page->first_line->vshortfall[n] / page->first_line->space[n]; } if (l == page->last_line) break; } l = page->last_line; if (l == last) break; l = l->next; n = (n < ncols ? n+1 : ncols); } return ph; } static void add_rect_to_page(page_data *page, int x, int y, int w, int h) { rect *r = snew(rect); r->next = NULL; if (page->last_rect) page->last_rect->next = r; else page->first_rect = r; page->last_rect = r; r->x = x; r->y = y; r->w = w; r->h = h; } static void add_string_to_page(page_data *page, int x, int y, font_encoding *fe, int size, char *text, int width) { text_fragment *frag; frag = snew(text_fragment); frag->next = NULL; if (page->last_text) page->last_text->next = frag; else page->first_text = frag; page->last_text = frag; frag->x = x; frag->y = y; frag->fe = fe; frag->fontsize = size; frag->text = dupstr(text); frag->width = width; } /* * Returns the updated x coordinate. */ static int render_string(page_data *page, font_data *font, int fontsize, int x, int y, wchar_t *str, unsigned flags) { char *text; int textpos, textwid, kern, nglyph, glyph, oglyph, lig; font_encoding *subfont = NULL, *sf; subfont_map_entry *sme; text = snewn(1 + ustrlen(str), char); textpos = textwid = 0; glyph = NOGLYPH; nglyph = utoglyph(font->info, *str); while (*str) { oglyph = glyph; glyph = nglyph; nglyph = utoglyph(font->info, str[1]); if (glyph == NOGLYPH) { str++; continue; /* nothing more we can do here */ } if (!(flags & RS_NOLIG) && (lig = find_lig(font, glyph, nglyph)) != NOGLYPH) { nglyph = lig; str++; continue; } /* * Find which subfont this character is going in. */ sme = encode_glyph(glyph, *str, font); sf = sme->subfont; kern = find_kern(font, oglyph, glyph) * fontsize; if (!subfont || sf != subfont || kern) { if (subfont) { text[textpos] = '\0'; add_string_to_page(page, x, y, subfont, fontsize, text, textwid); x += textwid + kern; } else { assert(textpos == 0); } textpos = 0; textwid = 0; subfont = sf; } text[textpos++] = sme->position; textwid += find_width(font, glyph) * fontsize; str++; } if (textpos > 0) { text[textpos] = '\0'; add_string_to_page(page, x, y, subfont, fontsize, text, textwid); x += textwid; } return x; } /* * Returns the updated x coordinate. */ static int render_text(page_data *page, para_data *pdata, line_data *ldata, int x, int y, word *text, word *text_end, xref **xr, int shortfall, int nspaces, int *nspace, keywordlist *keywords, indexdata *idx, paper_conf *conf) { while (text && text != text_end) { int style, type, findex, errs; wchar_t *str; xref_dest dest; unsigned flags = 0; switch (text->type) { /* * Start a cross-reference. */ case word_HyperLink: case word_UpperXref: case word_LowerXref: case word_PageXref: if (text->type == word_HyperLink) { dest.type = URL; dest.url = utoa_dup(text->text, CS_ASCII); dest.page = NULL; } else if (text->type == word_PageXref) { dest.type = PAGE; dest.url = NULL; dest.page = (page_data *)text->private_data; } else { keyword *kwl = kw_lookup(keywords, text->text); para_data *pdata; if (kwl) { assert(kwl->para->private_data); pdata = (para_data *) kwl->para->private_data; dest.type = PAGE; dest.page = pdata->first->page; dest.url = NULL; } else { /* * Shouldn't happen, but *shrug* */ dest.type = NONE; dest.page = NULL; dest.url = NULL; } } if (dest.type != NONE) { *xr = snew(xref); (*xr)->dest = dest; /* structure copy */ if (page->last_xref) page->last_xref->next = *xr; else page->first_xref = *xr; page->last_xref = *xr; (*xr)->next = NULL; /* * FIXME: Ideally we should have, and use, some * vertical font metric information here so that * our cross-ref rectangle can take account of * descenders and the font's cap height. This will * do for the moment, but it isn't ideal. */ (*xr)->lx = (*xr)->rx = x; (*xr)->by = y; (*xr)->ty = y + ldata->line_height; } goto nextword; /* * Finish extending a cross-reference box. */ case word_HyperEnd: case word_XrefEnd: *xr = NULL; goto nextword; /* * Add the current page number to the list of pages * referenced by an index entry. */ case word_IndexRef: /* * We don't create index references in contents entries. */ if (!pdata->contents_entry) { indextag *tag; int i; tag = index_findtag(idx, text->text); if (!tag) goto nextword; for (i = 0; i < tag->nrefs; i++) { indexentry *entry = tag->refs[i]; paper_idx *pi = (paper_idx *)entry->backend_data; /* * If the same index term is indexed twice * within the same section, we only want to * mention it once in the index. */ if (pi->lastpage != page) { word **wp; if (pi->lastword) { pi->lastword = pi->lastword->next = fake_word(L","); pi->lastword = pi->lastword->next = fake_space_word(); wp = &pi->lastword->next; } else wp = &pi->words; pi->lastword = *wp = fake_page_ref(page); pi->lastword = pi->lastword->next = fake_word(page->number); pi->lastword = pi->lastword->next = fake_end_ref(); } pi->lastpage = page; } } goto nextword; } style = towordstyle(text->type); type = removeattr(text->type); findex = (style == word_Normal ? FONT_NORMAL : style == word_Emph ? FONT_EMPH : FONT_CODE); if (style == word_Code || style == word_WeakCode) flags |= RS_NOLIG; flags |= pdata->extraflags; if (type == word_Normal) { str = text->text; } else if (type == word_WhiteSpace) { x += pdata->sizes[findex] * string_width(pdata->fonts[findex], L" ", NULL, 0); if (nspaces && findex != FONT_CODE) { x += (*nspace+1) * shortfall / nspaces; x -= *nspace * shortfall / nspaces; (*nspace)++; } goto nextword; } else /* if (type == word_Quote) */ { if (text->aux == quote_Open) str = conf->lquote; else str = conf->rquote; } (void) string_width(pdata->fonts[findex], str, &errs, flags); if (errs && text->alt) x = render_text(page, pdata, ldata, x, y, text->alt, NULL, xr, shortfall, nspaces, nspace, keywords, idx, conf); else x = render_string(page, pdata->fonts[findex], pdata->sizes[findex], x, y, str, flags); if (*xr) (*xr)->rx = x; nextword: text = text->next; } return x; } /* * Returns the last x position used on the line. */ static int render_line(line_data *ldata, int left_x, int top_y, xref_dest *dest, keywordlist *keywords, indexdata *idx, paper_conf *conf) { int nspace; xref *xr; int ret = 0; if (ldata->aux_text) { int x; xr = NULL; nspace = 0; x = render_text(ldata->page, ldata->pdata, ldata, left_x + ldata->aux_left_indent, top_y - ldata->ypos, ldata->aux_text, NULL, &xr, 0, 0, &nspace, keywords, idx, conf); if (ldata->aux_text_2) render_text(ldata->page, ldata->pdata, ldata, x, top_y - ldata->ypos, ldata->aux_text_2, NULL, &xr, 0, 0, &nspace, keywords, idx, conf); } nspace = 0; if (ldata->first) { /* * There might be a cross-reference carried over from a * previous line. */ if (dest->type != NONE) { xr = snew(xref); xr->next = NULL; xr->dest = *dest; /* structure copy */ if (ldata->page->last_xref) ldata->page->last_xref->next = xr; else ldata->page->first_xref = xr; ldata->page->last_xref = xr; xr->lx = xr->rx = left_x + ldata->xpos; xr->by = top_y - ldata->ypos; xr->ty = top_y - ldata->ypos + ldata->line_height; } else xr = NULL; { int extra_indent, shortfall, spaces; int just = ldata->pdata->justification; /* * All forms of justification become JUST when we have * to squeeze the paragraph. */ if (ldata->hshortfall < 0) just = JUST; switch (just) { case JUST: shortfall = ldata->hshortfall; spaces = ldata->nspaces; extra_indent = 0; break; case LEFT: shortfall = spaces = extra_indent = 0; break; case RIGHT: shortfall = spaces = 0; extra_indent = ldata->real_shortfall; break; } ret = render_text(ldata->page, ldata->pdata, ldata, left_x + ldata->xpos + extra_indent, top_y - ldata->ypos, ldata->first, ldata->end, &xr, shortfall, spaces, &nspace, keywords, idx, conf); } if (xr) { /* * There's a cross-reference continued on to the next line. */ *dest = xr->dest; } else dest->type = NONE; } return ret; } static void render_para(para_data *pdata, paper_conf *conf, keywordlist *keywords, indexdata *idx, paragraph *index_placeholder, page_data *index_page) { int last_x; xref *cxref; page_data *cxref_page; xref_dest dest; para_data *target; line_data *ldata; dest.type = NONE; cxref = NULL; cxref_page = NULL; for (ldata = pdata->first; ldata; ldata = ldata->next) { /* * If this is a contents entry, we expect to have a single * enormous cross-reference rectangle covering the whole * thing. (Unless, of course, it spans multiple pages.) */ if (pdata->contents_entry && ldata->page != cxref_page) { cxref_page = ldata->page; cxref = snew(xref); cxref->next = NULL; cxref->dest.type = PAGE; if (pdata->contents_entry == index_placeholder) { cxref->dest.page = index_page; } else { assert(pdata->contents_entry->private_data); target = (para_data *)pdata->contents_entry->private_data; cxref->dest.page = target->first->page; } cxref->dest.url = NULL; if (ldata->page->last_xref) ldata->page->last_xref->next = cxref; else ldata->page->first_xref = cxref; ldata->page->last_xref = cxref; cxref->lx = conf->left_margin; cxref->rx = conf->paper_width - conf->right_margin; cxref->ty = conf->paper_height - conf->top_margin - ldata->ypos + ldata->line_height; } if (pdata->contents_entry) { assert(cxref != NULL); cxref->by = conf->paper_height - conf->top_margin - ldata->ypos; } last_x = render_line(ldata, conf->left_margin, conf->paper_height - conf->top_margin, &dest, keywords, idx, conf); if (ldata == pdata->last) break; } /* * If this is a contents entry, add leaders and a page * number. */ if (pdata->contents_entry) { word *w; wchar_t *num; int wid; int x; if (pdata->contents_entry == index_placeholder) { num = index_page->number; } else { assert(pdata->contents_entry->private_data); target = (para_data *)pdata->contents_entry->private_data; num = target->first->page->number; } w = fake_word(num); wid = paper_width_simple(pdata, w, conf); sfree(w); for (x = 0; x < conf->base_width; x += conf->leader_separation) if (x - conf->leader_separation > last_x - conf->left_margin && x + conf->leader_separation < conf->base_width - wid) render_string(pdata->last->page, pdata->fonts[FONT_NORMAL], pdata->sizes[FONT_NORMAL], conf->left_margin + x, (conf->paper_height - conf->top_margin - pdata->last->ypos), L".", 0); render_string(pdata->last->page, pdata->fonts[FONT_NORMAL], pdata->sizes[FONT_NORMAL], conf->paper_width - conf->right_margin - wid, (conf->paper_height - conf->top_margin - pdata->last->ypos), num, 0); } /* * Render any rectangle (chapter title underline or rule) * that goes with this paragraph. */ switch (pdata->rect_type) { case RECT_CHAPTER_UNDERLINE: add_rect_to_page(pdata->last->page, conf->left_margin, (conf->paper_height - conf->top_margin - pdata->last->ypos - conf->chapter_underline_depth), conf->base_width, conf->chapter_underline_thickness); break; case RECT_RULE: add_rect_to_page(pdata->first->page, conf->left_margin + pdata->first->xpos, (conf->paper_height - conf->top_margin - pdata->last->ypos - pdata->last->line_height), conf->base_width - pdata->first->xpos, pdata->last->line_height); break; default: /* placate gcc */ break; } } static para_data *code_paragraph(int indent, word *words, paper_conf *conf) { para_data *pdata = snew(para_data); /* * For code paragraphs, I'm going to hack grievously and * pretend the three normal fonts are the three code paragraph * fonts. */ setfont(pdata, &conf->fcode); pdata->first = pdata->last = NULL; pdata->outline_level = -1; pdata->rect_type = RECT_NONE; pdata->contents_entry = NULL; pdata->justification = LEFT; pdata->extraflags = RS_NOLIG; for (; words; words = words->next) { wchar_t *t, *e, *start; word *lhead = NULL, *ltail = NULL, *w; line_data *ldata; int prev = -1, curr; t = words->text; if (words->next && words->next->type == word_Emph) { e = words->next->text; words = words->next; } else e = NULL; start = t; while (*start) { while (*t) { if (!e || !*e) curr = 0; else if (*e == L'i') curr = 1; else if (*e == L'b') curr = 2; else curr = 0; if (prev < 0) prev = curr; if (curr != prev) break; t++; if (e && *e) e++; } /* * We've isolated a maximal subsequence of the line * which has the same emphasis. Form it into a word * structure. */ w = snew(word); w->next = NULL; w->alt = NULL; w->type = (prev == 0 ? word_WeakCode : prev == 1 ? word_Emph : word_Normal); w->text = snewn(t-start+1, wchar_t); memcpy(w->text, start, (t-start) * sizeof(wchar_t)); w->text[t-start] = '\0'; w->breaks = FALSE; if (ltail) ltail->next = w; else lhead = w; ltail = w; start = t; prev = -1; } ldata = snew(line_data); ldata->pdata = pdata; ldata->first = lhead; ldata->end = NULL; ldata->line_height = conf->fcode.font_size * UNITS_PER_PT; ldata->xpos = indent; if (pdata->last) { pdata->last->next = ldata; ldata->prev = pdata->last; } else { pdata->first = ldata; ldata->prev = NULL; } ldata->next = NULL; pdata->last = ldata; ldata->hshortfall = 0; ldata->nspaces = 0; ldata->aux_text = NULL; ldata->aux_text_2 = NULL; ldata->aux_left_indent = 0; /* General opprobrium for breaking in a code paragraph. */ ldata->penalty_before = ldata->penalty_after = 50000; } standard_line_spacing(pdata, conf); return pdata; } static para_data *rule_paragraph(int indent, paper_conf *conf) { para_data *pdata = snew(para_data); line_data *ldata; ldata = snew(line_data); ldata->pdata = pdata; ldata->first = NULL; ldata->end = NULL; ldata->line_height = conf->rule_thickness; ldata->xpos = indent; ldata->prev = NULL; ldata->next = NULL; ldata->hshortfall = 0; ldata->nspaces = 0; ldata->aux_text = NULL; ldata->aux_text_2 = NULL; ldata->aux_left_indent = 0; /* * Better to break after a rule than before it */ ldata->penalty_after += 100000; ldata->penalty_before += -100000; pdata->first = pdata->last = ldata; pdata->outline_level = -1; pdata->rect_type = RECT_RULE; pdata->contents_entry = NULL; pdata->justification = LEFT; pdata->extraflags = 0; standard_line_spacing(pdata, conf); return pdata; } /* * Plain-text-like formatting for outline titles. */ static void paper_rdaddw(rdstring *rs, word *text) { for (; text; text = text->next) switch (text->type) { case word_HyperLink: case word_HyperEnd: case word_UpperXref: case word_LowerXref: case word_XrefEnd: case word_IndexRef: break; case word_Normal: case word_Emph: case word_Code: case word_WeakCode: case word_WhiteSpace: case word_EmphSpace: case word_CodeSpace: case word_WkCodeSpace: case word_Quote: case word_EmphQuote: case word_CodeQuote: case word_WkCodeQuote: assert(text->type != word_CodeQuote && text->type != word_WkCodeQuote); if (towordstyle(text->type) == word_Emph && (attraux(text->aux) == attr_First || attraux(text->aux) == attr_Only)) rdadd(rs, L'_'); /* FIXME: configurability */ else if (towordstyle(text->type) == word_Code && (attraux(text->aux) == attr_First || attraux(text->aux) == attr_Only)) rdadd(rs, L'\''); /* FIXME: configurability */ if (removeattr(text->type) == word_Normal) { rdadds(rs, text->text); } else if (removeattr(text->type) == word_WhiteSpace) { rdadd(rs, L' '); } else if (removeattr(text->type) == word_Quote) { rdadd(rs, L'\''); /* fixme: configurability */ } if (towordstyle(text->type) == word_Emph && (attraux(text->aux) == attr_Last || attraux(text->aux) == attr_Only)) rdadd(rs, L'_'); /* FIXME: configurability */ else if (towordstyle(text->type) == word_Code && (attraux(text->aux) == attr_Last || attraux(text->aux) == attr_Only)) rdadd(rs, L'\''); /* FIXME: configurability */ break; } } static wchar_t *prepare_outline_title(word *first, wchar_t *separator, word *second) { rdstring rs = {0, 0, NULL}; if (first) paper_rdaddw(&rs, first); if (separator) rdadds(&rs, separator); if (second) paper_rdaddw(&rs, second); return rs.text; } static word *fake_word(wchar_t *text) { word *ret = snew(word); ret->next = NULL; ret->alt = NULL; ret->type = word_Normal; ret->text = ustrdup(text); ret->breaks = FALSE; ret->aux = 0; return ret; } static word *fake_space_word(void) { word *ret = snew(word); ret->next = NULL; ret->alt = NULL; ret->type = word_WhiteSpace; ret->text = NULL; ret->breaks = TRUE; ret->aux = 0; return ret; } static word *fake_page_ref(page_data *page) { word *ret = snew(word); ret->next = NULL; ret->alt = NULL; ret->type = word_PageXref; ret->text = NULL; ret->breaks = FALSE; ret->aux = 0; ret->private_data = page; return ret; } static word *fake_end_ref(void) { word *ret = snew(word); ret->next = NULL; ret->alt = NULL; ret->type = word_XrefEnd; ret->text = NULL; ret->breaks = FALSE; ret->aux = 0; return ret; } static word *prepare_contents_title(word *first, wchar_t *separator, word *second) { word *ret; word **wptr, *w; wptr = &ret; if (first) { w = dup_word_list(first); *wptr = w; while (w->next) w = w->next; wptr = &w->next; } if (separator) { w = fake_word(separator); *wptr = w; wptr = &w->next; } if (second) { *wptr = dup_word_list(second); } return ret; } static void fold_into_page(page_data *dest, page_data *src, int right_shift) { line_data *ldata; if (!src->first_line) return; if (dest->last_line) { dest->last_line->next = src->first_line; src->first_line->prev = dest->last_line; } dest->last_line = src->last_line; for (ldata = src->first_line; ldata; ldata = ldata->next) { ldata->page = dest; ldata->xpos += right_shift; if (ldata == src->last_line) break; } }