/* * charset.h - header file for general character set conversion * routines. */ #ifndef charset_charset_h #define charset_charset_h #include <stddef.h> /* * Enumeration that lists all the multibyte or single-byte * character sets known to this library. */ typedef enum { CS_NONE, /* used for reporting errors, etc */ CS_ASCII, /* ordinary US-ASCII is worth having! */ CS_ISO8859_1, CS_ISO8859_1_X11, /* X font encoding with VT100 glyphs */ CS_ISO8859_2, CS_ISO8859_3, CS_ISO8859_4, CS_ISO8859_5, CS_ISO8859_6, CS_ISO8859_7, CS_ISO8859_8, CS_ISO8859_9, CS_ISO8859_10, CS_ISO8859_11, CS_ISO8859_13, CS_ISO8859_14, CS_ISO8859_15, CS_ISO8859_16, CS_CP437, CS_CP850, CS_CP866, CS_CP1250, CS_CP1251, CS_CP1252, CS_CP1253, CS_CP1254, CS_CP1255, CS_CP1256, CS_CP1257, CS_CP1258, CS_KOI8_R, CS_KOI8_U, CS_KOI8_RU, CS_JISX0201, CS_MAC_ROMAN, CS_MAC_TURKISH, CS_MAC_CROATIAN, CS_MAC_ICELAND, CS_MAC_ROMANIAN, CS_MAC_GREEK, CS_MAC_CYRILLIC, CS_MAC_THAI, CS_MAC_CENTEURO, CS_MAC_SYMBOL, CS_MAC_DINGBATS, CS_MAC_ROMAN_OLD, CS_MAC_CROATIAN_OLD, CS_MAC_ICELAND_OLD, CS_MAC_ROMANIAN_OLD, CS_MAC_GREEK_OLD, CS_MAC_CYRILLIC_OLD, CS_MAC_UKRAINE, CS_MAC_VT100, CS_MAC_VT100_OLD, CS_VISCII, CS_HP_ROMAN8, CS_DEC_MCS, CS_UTF8, CS_UTF7, CS_UTF7_CONSERVATIVE, CS_UTF16, CS_UTF16BE, CS_UTF16LE, CS_EUC_JP, CS_EUC_CN, CS_EUC_KR, CS_ISO2022_JP, CS_ISO2022_KR, CS_BIG5, CS_SHIFT_JIS, CS_HZ, CS_CP949, CS_PDF, CS_PSSTD, CS_CTEXT, CS_ISO2022, CS_BS4730, CS_DEC_GRAPHICS, CS_EUC_TW } charset_t; typedef struct { unsigned long s0, s1; } charset_state; /* * This macro is used to initialise a charset_state structure: * * charset_state mystate = CHARSET_INIT_STATE; */ #define CHARSET_INIT_STATE { 0L, 0L } /* a suitable initialiser */ /* * This external variable contains the same data, but is provided * for easy structure-copy assignment: * * mystate = charset_init_state; */ extern const charset_state charset_init_state; /* * Routine to convert a MB/SB character set to Unicode. * * This routine accepts some number of bytes, updates a state * variable, and outputs some number of Unicode characters. There * are no guarantees. You can't even guarantee that at most one * Unicode character will be output per byte you feed in; for * example, suppose you're reading UTF-8, you've seen E1 80, and * then you suddenly see FE. Now you need to output _two_ error * characters - one for the incomplete sequence E1 80, and one for * the completely invalid UTF-8 byte FE. * * Returns the number of wide characters output; will never output * more than the size of the buffer (as specified on input). * Advances the `input' pointer and decrements `inlen', to indicate * how far along the input string it got. * * The sequence of `errlen' wide characters pointed to by `errstr' * will be used to indicate a conversion error. If `errstr' is * NULL, `errlen' will be ignored, and the library will choose * something sensible to do on its own. For Unicode, this will be * U+FFFD (REPLACEMENT CHARACTER). */ int charset_to_unicode(const char **input, int *inlen, wchar_t *output, int outlen, int charset, charset_state *state, const wchar_t *errstr, int errlen); /* * Routine to convert Unicode to an MB/SB character set. * * This routine accepts some number of Unicode characters, updates * a state variable, and outputs some number of bytes. * * Returns the number of bytes output; will never output more than * the size of the buffer (as specified on input), and will never * output a partial MB character. Advances the `input' pointer and * decrements `inlen', to indicate how far along the input string * it got. * * If `error' is non-NULL and a character is found which cannot be * expressed in the output charset, conversion will terminate at * that character (so `input' points to the offending character) * and `*error' will be set to TRUE; if `error' is non-NULL and no * difficult characters are encountered, `*error' will be set to * FALSE. If `error' is NULL, difficult characters will simply be * ignored. * * If `input' is NULL, this routine will output the necessary bytes * to reset the encoding state in any way which might be required * at the end of an output piece of text. */ int charset_from_unicode(const wchar_t **input, int *inlen, char *output, int outlen, int charset, charset_state *state, int *error); /* * Convert X11 encoding names to and from our charset identifiers. */ const char *charset_to_xenc(int charset); int charset_from_xenc(const char *name); /* * Convert MIME encoding names to and from our charset identifiers. */ const char *charset_to_mimeenc(int charset); int charset_from_mimeenc(const char *name); /* * Convert our own encoding names to and from our charset * identifiers. */ const char *charset_to_localenc(int charset); int charset_from_localenc(const char *name); int charset_localenc_nth(int n); /* * Convert Mac OS script/region/font to our charset identifiers. */ int charset_from_macenc(int script, int region, int sysvers, const char *fontname); /* * Upgrade a charset identifier to a superset charset which is * often confused with it. For example, people whose MUAs report * their mail as ASCII or ISO8859-1 often in practice turn out to * be using CP1252 quote characters, so when parsing incoming mail * it is prudent to treat ASCII and ISO8859-1 as aliases for CP1252 * - and since it's a superset of both, this will cause no * genuinely correct mail to be parsed wrongly. */ int charset_upgrade(int charset); /* * This function returns TRUE if the input charset is a vaguely * sensible superset of ASCII. That is, it returns FALSE for 7-bit * encoding formats such as HZ and UTF-7. */ int charset_contains_ascii(int charset); /* * This function tries to deduce the CS_* identifier of the charset * used in the current C locale. It falls back to CS_ASCII if it * can't figure it out at all, so it will always return a valid * charset. * * (Note that you should have already called setlocale(LC_CTYPE, * "") to guarantee that this function will do the right thing.) */ int charset_from_locale(void); #endif /* charset_charset_h */