/* * PostScript Type 1 font file support for Halibut */ /* * Type 1 font file formats are specified by Adobe Technical Note * #5040: "Supporting Downloadable PostScript Language Fonts". * Halibut supports hexadecimal format (section 3.1) and IBM PC format * (section 3.3), commonly called PFA and PFB respectively. */ #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "halibut.h" #include "paper.h" #define PFB_ASCII 1 #define PFB_BINARY 2 #define PFB_EOF 3 typedef struct t1_font_Tag t1_font; typedef struct t1_data_Tag t1_data; struct t1_font_Tag { t1_data *data; size_t length1; size_t length2; filepos pos; }; struct t1_data_Tag { char type; size_t length; unsigned char *data; t1_data *next; }; typedef struct pfstate_Tag { t1_data *data; t1_data *curblock; size_t offset; } pfstate; static void pf_identify(t1_font *tf); static t1_data *load_pfb_file(FILE *fp, filepos *pos) { t1_data *head = NULL, *tail = NULL; int c, i; char type; pos->line = 0; for (;;) { if (fgetc(fp) != 128) abort(); type = fgetc(fp); if (type == PFB_EOF) return head; if (tail) { tail->next = snew(t1_data); tail = tail->next; } else { head = snew(t1_data); tail = head; } tail->type = type; tail->length = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { c = fgetc(fp); if (c == EOF) abort(); tail->length |= c << (8 * i); } tail->data = snewn(tail->length, unsigned char); if (fread(tail->data, 1, tail->length, fp) != tail->length) abort(); } } static t1_data *load_pfa_file(FILE *fp, filepos *pos) { t1_data *ret = snew(t1_data); size_t off = 0, len, got; pos->line = 0; ret->type = PFB_ASCII; len = 32768; ret->data = snewn(len, unsigned char); for (;;) { got = fread(ret->data + off, 1, len - off, fp); off += got; if (off != len) break; len *= 2; ret->data = sresize(ret->data, len, unsigned char); } ret->data = sresize(ret->data, off, unsigned char); ret->length = off; return ret; } void read_pfa_file(input *in) { t1_font *tf = snew(t1_font); tf->data = load_pfa_file(in->currfp, &in->pos); tf->pos = in->pos; tf->length1 = tf->length2 = 0; fclose(in->currfp); pf_identify(tf); } void read_pfb_file(input *in) { t1_font *tf = snew(t1_font); tf->data = load_pfb_file(in->currfp, &in->pos); tf->pos = in->pos; tf->length1 = tf->length2 = 0; fclose(in->currfp); pf_identify(tf); } static char *pf_read_token(pfstate *); /* * Read a character from the initial plaintext part of a Type 1 font */ static int pf_getc(pfstate *pf) { if (pf->offset == pf->curblock->length) { if (pf->curblock->next == NULL) return EOF; pf->curblock = pf->curblock->next; pf->offset = 0; } if (pf->curblock->type != PFB_ASCII) return EOF; return pf->curblock->data[pf->offset++]; } static void pf_ungetc(int c, pfstate *pf) { assert(pf->offset > 0); pf->offset--; assert(c == pf->curblock->data[pf->offset]); } static void pf_rewind(pfstate *pf) { pf->curblock = pf->data; pf->offset = 0; } static void pf_seek(pfstate *pf, size_t off) { t1_data *td = pf->data; while (td->length < off) { off -= td->length; td = td->next; } pf->curblock = td; pf->offset = off; } static size_t pf_tell(pfstate *pf) { t1_data *td = pf->data; size_t o = 0; while (td != pf->curblock) { o += td->length; td = td->next; } return o + pf->offset; } static void pf_identify(t1_font *tf) { rdstringc rsc = { 0, 0, NULL }; char *p; size_t len; char *fontname; font_info *fi; int c; pfstate pfs, *pf = &pfs; pf->data = tf->data; pf_rewind(pf); do { c = pf_getc(pf); if (c == EOF) { sfree(rsc.text); error(err_pfeof, &tf->pos); return; } rdaddc(&rsc, c); } while (c != 012 && c != 015); p = rsc.text; if ((p = strchr(p, ':')) == NULL) { sfree(rsc.text); error(err_pfhead, &tf->pos); return; } p++; p += strspn(p, " \t"); len = strcspn(p, " \t"); fontname = snewn(len + 1, char); memcpy(fontname, p, len); fontname[len] = 0; sfree(rsc.text); for (fi = all_fonts; fi; fi = fi->next) { if (strcmp(fi->name, fontname) == 0) { fi->fontfile = tf; sfree(fontname); return; } } error(err_pfnoafm, &tf->pos, fontname); sfree(fontname); } /* * PostScript white space characters; PLRM3 table 3.1 */ static int pf_isspace(int c) { return c == 000 || c == 011 || c == 012 || c == 014 || c == 015 || c == ' '; } /* * PostScript special characters; PLRM3 page 27 */ static int pf_isspecial(int c) { return c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '/' || c == '%'; } static size_t pf_findtoken(t1_font *tf, size_t off, char const *needle) { char *tok; pfstate pfs, *pf = &pfs; pf->data = tf->data; pf_seek(pf, off); for (;;) { tok = pf_read_token(pf); if (tok == NULL) { if (pf->offset == 0 && pf->curblock->type == PFB_BINARY) pf->curblock = pf->curblock->next; else return (size_t)-1; } else { if (strcmp(tok, needle) == 0) { sfree(tok); return pf_tell(pf); } sfree(tok); } } } static size_t pf_length1(t1_font *tf) { size_t ret; ret = pf_findtoken(tf, 0, "eexec"); if (ret == (size_t)-1) { error(err_pfeof, &tf->pos); return 0; } return ret; } static size_t pf_length2(t1_font *tf) { size_t ret; if (tf->length1 == 0) tf->length1 = pf_length1(tf); ret = pf_findtoken(tf, tf->length1, "cleartomark"); if (ret == (size_t)-1) { error(err_pfeof, &tf->pos); return 0; } return ret - 12 - tf->length1; /* backspace over "cleartomark\n" */ } static void pf_getascii(t1_font *tf, size_t off, size_t len, char **bufp, size_t *lenp) { t1_data *td = tf->data; size_t blk, i; char *p; while (td && off >= td->length) { off -= td->length; td = td->next; } *bufp = NULL; *lenp = 0; while (td && len) { blk = len < td->length ? len : td->length; if (td->type == PFB_ASCII) { *bufp = sresize(*bufp, *lenp + blk, char); memcpy(*bufp + *lenp, td->data + off, blk); *lenp += blk; } else { *bufp = sresize(*bufp, *lenp + blk * 2 + blk / 39 + 3, char); p = *bufp + *lenp; for (i = 0; i < blk; i++) { if (i % 39 == 0) p += sprintf(p, "\n"); p += sprintf(p, "%02x", td->data[off + i]); } p += sprintf(p, "\n"); *lenp = p - *bufp; } len -= blk; td = td->next; off = 0; } } void pf_writeps(font_info const *fi, FILE *ofp) { char *buf; size_t len; pf_getascii(fi->fontfile, 0, INT_MAX, &buf, &len); fwrite(buf, 1, len, ofp); sfree(buf); } static int hexval(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 0xA; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 0xa; return 0; } static void pf_getbinary(t1_font *tf, size_t off, size_t len, char **bufp, size_t *lenp) { t1_data *td = tf->data; size_t blk, i; int havenybble = 0; char *p, nybble; while (td && off >= td->length) { off -= td->length; td = td->next; } *bufp = NULL; *lenp = 0; while (td && len) { blk = len < td->length ? len : td->length; if (td->type == PFB_BINARY) { *bufp = sresize(*bufp, *lenp + blk, char); memcpy(*bufp + *lenp, td->data + off, blk); *lenp += blk; } else { *bufp = sresize(*bufp, *lenp + blk / 2 + 1, char); p = *bufp + *lenp; for (i = 0; i < blk; i++) { if (pf_isspace(td->data[off + i])) continue; if (!havenybble) nybble = hexval(td->data[off+i]); else *p++ = (nybble << 4) | hexval(td->data[off+i]); havenybble = !havenybble; } *lenp = p - *bufp; } len -= blk; td = td->next; off = 0; } } /* * Return the initial, unencrypted, part of a font. */ void pf_part1(font_info *fi, char **bufp, size_t *lenp) { t1_font *tf = fi->fontfile; if (tf->length1 == 0) tf->length1 = pf_length1(tf); pf_getascii(tf, 0, tf->length1, bufp, lenp); } /* * Return the middle, encrypted, part of a font. */ void pf_part2(font_info *fi, char **bufp, size_t *lenp) { t1_font *tf = fi->fontfile; if (tf->length2 == 0) tf->length2 = pf_length2(tf); pf_getbinary(tf, tf->length1, tf->length2, bufp, lenp); if (*lenp >= 256) *lenp -= 256; } static char *pf_read_litstring(pfstate *pf) { rdstringc rsc = { 0, 0, NULL }; int depth = 1; int c; rdaddc(&rsc, '('); do { c = pf_getc(pf); switch (c) { case '(': depth++; break; case ')': depth--; break; case '\\': rdaddc(&rsc, '\\'); c = pf_getc(pf); break; } if (c != EOF) rdaddc(&rsc, c); } while (depth > 0 && c != EOF); return rsc.text; } static char *pf_read_hexstring(pfstate *pf) { rdstringc rsc = { 0, 0, NULL }; int c; rdaddc(&rsc, '<'); do { c = pf_getc(pf); if (c != EOF) rdaddc(&rsc, c); } while (c != '>' && c != EOF); return rsc.text; } static char *pf_read_word(pfstate *pf, int c) { rdstringc rsc = { 0, 0, NULL }; rdaddc(&rsc, c); if (c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '[' || c == ']') return rsc.text; for (;;) { c = pf_getc(pf); if (pf_isspecial(c) || pf_isspace(c) || c == EOF) break; rdaddc(&rsc, c); } if (pf_isspecial(c)) pf_ungetc(c, pf); return rsc.text; } static char *pf_read_token(pfstate *pf) { int c; do { c = pf_getc(pf); } while (pf_isspace(c)); if (c == EOF) return NULL; if (c == '%') { do { c = pf_getc(pf); } while (c != 012 && c != 015); return pf_read_token(pf); } if (c == '(') return pf_read_litstring(pf); if (c == '<') return pf_read_hexstring(pf); return pf_read_word(pf, c); }