/* * Paper printing definitions. * * This header file defines data structures and constants which are * shared between bk_paper.c and its clients bk_ps.c and bk_pdf.c. */ #ifndef HALIBUT_PAPER_H #define HALIBUT_PAPER_H /* Number of internal units per PostScript point. */ #define UNITS_PER_PT 1000 #define FUNITS_PER_PT 1000.0 /* Glyphs are represented by integer indicies into a table of names. */ typedef unsigned short glyph; #define NOGLYPH 0xFFFF typedef struct document_Tag document; typedef struct glyph_width_Tag glyph_width; typedef struct kern_pair_Tag kern_pair; typedef struct ligature_Tag ligature; typedef struct font_info_Tag font_info; typedef struct font_data_Tag font_data; typedef struct font_encoding_Tag font_encoding; typedef struct font_list_Tag font_list; typedef struct para_data_Tag para_data; typedef struct line_data_Tag line_data; typedef struct page_data_Tag page_data; typedef struct subfont_map_entry_Tag subfont_map_entry; typedef struct text_fragment_Tag text_fragment; typedef struct xref_Tag xref; typedef struct xref_dest_Tag xref_dest; typedef struct rect_Tag rect; typedef struct outline_element_Tag outline_element; /* * This data structure represents the overall document, in the form * it will be given to the client backends. */ struct document_Tag { int paper_width, paper_height; font_list *fonts; page_data *pages; outline_element *outline_elements; int n_outline_elements; }; /* * This data structure represents the normal width of a single glyph * in a font. */ struct glyph_width_Tag { glyph glyph; int width; }; /* * This data structure represents a kerning pair within a font. */ struct kern_pair_Tag { /* Glyph indices. */ glyph left, right; /* Kern amount, in internal units. */ int kern; }; /* * ... and this one represents a ligature. */ struct ligature_Tag { glyph left, right, lig; }; /* * This data structure holds static information about a font that doesn't * depend on the particular document. It gets generated when the font's * metrics are read in. */ struct font_info_Tag { font_info *next; /* * Specify the PostScript name of the font and its point size. */ const char *name; /* * Pointer to data about the file containing the font, if any. */ void *fontfile; /* A tree of glyph_widths */ tree234 *widths; /* A tree of kern_pairs */ tree234 *kerns; /* ... and one of ligatures */ tree234 *ligs; /* * For reasonably speedy lookup, we set up a 65536-element * table representing the Unicode BMP (I can conveniently * restrict myself to the BMP for the moment since I happen to * know that no glyph in the Adobe Glyph List falls outside * it), whose elements are indices into the above two arrays. */ glyph bmp[65536]; /* * Various bits of metadata needed for the /FontDescriptor dictionary * in PDF. */ float fontbbox[4]; float capheight; float xheight; float ascent; float descent; float stemv; float stemh; float italicangle; }; extern font_info *all_fonts; /* * This structure holds the information about how a font is used * in a document. */ struct font_data_Tag { font_info const *info; /* * At some point I'm going to divide the font into sub-fonts * with largely non-overlapping encoding vectors. This tree * will track which glyphs go into which subfonts. Also here I * keep track of the latest subfont of any given font, so I can * go back and extend its encoding. */ tree234 *subfont_map; font_encoding *latest_subfont; /* * The font list to which this font belongs. */ font_list *list; }; struct subfont_map_entry_Tag { font_encoding *subfont; unsigned char position; }; /* * This data structure represents a sub-font: a font with an * encoding vector. */ struct font_encoding_Tag { font_encoding *next; char *name; /* used by client backends */ font_data *font; /* the parent font structure */ glyph vector[256]; /* the actual encoding vector */ wchar_t to_unicode[256]; /* PDF will want to know this */ int free_pos; /* space left to extend encoding */ }; /* * This data structure represents the overall list of sub-fonts in * the whole document. */ struct font_list_Tag { font_encoding *head; font_encoding *tail; }; /* * Constants defining array indices for the various fonts used in a * paragraph. */ enum { FONT_NORMAL, FONT_EMPH, FONT_CODE, NFONTS }; /* * This is the data structure which is stored in the private_data * field of each paragraph. It divides the paragraph up into a * linked list of lines, while at the same time providing for those * lines to be linked together into a much longer list spanning the * whole document for page-breaking purposes. */ struct para_data_Tag { para_data *next; /* * Data about the fonts used in this paragraph. Indices are the * FONT_* constants defined above. */ font_data *fonts[NFONTS]; int sizes[NFONTS]; /* * Pointers to the first and last line of the paragraph. The * line structures are linked into a list, which runs from * `first' to `last' as might be expected. However, the list * does not terminate there: first->prev will end up pointing * to the last line of the previous paragraph in most cases, * and likewise last->next will point to the first line of the * next paragraph. */ line_data *first; /* first line in paragraph */ line_data *last; /* last line in paragraph */ /* * Some paragraphs have associated graphics; currently this is * nothing more complex than a single black rectangle. */ enum { RECT_NONE, RECT_CHAPTER_UNDERLINE, RECT_RULE } rect_type; /* * We left- and right-justify in special circumstances. */ enum { JUST, LEFT, RIGHT } justification; /* * Sometimes (in code paragraphs) we want to override the flags * passed to render_string(). */ unsigned extraflags; /* * For constructing the page outline. */ int outline_level; /* 0=title 1=C 2=H 3=S 4=S2... */ wchar_t *outline_title; /* * For adding the page number of a contents entry afterwards. */ paragraph *contents_entry; }; struct line_data_Tag { /* * The parent paragraph. */ para_data *pdata; /* * Pointers to join lines into a linked list. */ line_data *prev; line_data *next; /* * The extent of the text displayed on this line. Also mention * its starting x position, and by how much the width of spaces * needs to be adjusted for paragraph justification. * * (Unlike most of the `last' pointers defined in this file, * this `end' pointer points to the word _after_ the last one * that should be displayed on the line. This is how it's * returned from wrap_para().) */ word *first; word *end; int xpos; int hshortfall, nspaces; /* for justifying paragraphs */ int real_shortfall; /* * Auxiliary text: a section number in a margin, or a list item * bullet or number. Also mention where to display this text * relative to the left margin. */ word *aux_text; word *aux_text_2; int aux_left_indent; /* * This line might have a non-negotiable page break before it. * Also there will be space required above and below it; also I * store the physical line height (defined as the maximum of * the heights of the three fonts in the pdata) because it's * easier than looking it up repeatedly during page breaking. */ int page_break; int space_before; int space_after; int line_height; /* * Penalties for page breaking before or after this line. */ int penalty_before, penalty_after; /* * These fields are used in the page breaking algorithm. */ int *bestcost; int *vshortfall, *text, *space; line_data **page_last; /* last line on a page starting here */ /* * After page breaking, we can assign an actual y-coordinate on * the page to each line. Also we store a pointer back to the * page structure itself. */ int ypos; page_data *page; }; /* * This data structure is constructed to describe each page of the * printed output. */ struct page_data_Tag { /* * Pointers to join pages into a linked list. */ page_data *prev; page_data *next; /* * The set of lines displayed on this page. */ line_data *first_line; line_data *last_line; /* * After text rendering: the set of actual pieces of text * needing to be displayed on this page. */ text_fragment *first_text; text_fragment *last_text; /* * Cross-references. */ xref *first_xref; xref *last_xref; /* * Rectangles to be drawn. (These are currently only used for * underlining chapter titles and drawing horizontal rules.) */ rect *first_rect; rect *last_rect; /* * The page number, as a string. */ wchar_t *number; /* * This spare pointer field is for use by the client backends. */ void *spare; }; struct text_fragment_Tag { text_fragment *next; int x, y; font_encoding *fe; int fontsize; char *text; int width; }; struct xref_dest_Tag { enum { NONE, PAGE, URL } type; page_data *page; char *url; }; struct xref_Tag { xref *next; int lx, rx, ty, by; xref_dest dest; }; struct rect_Tag { rect *next; int x, y, w, h; }; struct outline_element_Tag { int level; /* 0=title 1=C 2=H 3=S 4=S2... */ para_data *pdata; }; /* * Functions exported from bk_paper.c */ int width_cmp(void *, void *); /* use when setting up widths */ int kern_cmp(void *, void *); /* use when setting up kern_pairs */ int lig_cmp(void *, void *); /* use when setting up ligatures */ int find_width(font_data *, glyph); /* * Functions and data exported from psdata.c. */ glyph glyph_intern(char const *); char const *glyph_extern(glyph); wchar_t ps_glyph_to_unicode(glyph); extern const char *const ps_std_glyphs[]; void init_std_fonts(void); const int *ps_std_font_widths(char const *fontname); const kern_pair *ps_std_font_kerns(char const *fontname); /* * Function from bk_pdf.c borrowed by bk_ps.c */ char *pdf_outline_convert(wchar_t *s, int *len); /* * Backend functions exported by in_pf.c */ void pf_part1(font_info *fi, char **bufp, size_t *lenp); void pf_part2(font_info *fi, char **bufp, size_t *lenp); void pf_writeps(font_info const *fi, FILE *ofp); #endif