/** \file print.c
 * Printing functions using GTK's print API

/*  XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD
 *  Copyright (C) 2015 Martin Fischer
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <locale.h>

#include <stdint.h>

#include "gtkint.h"
#include <gtk/gtkprintunixdialog.h>
#include <gtk/gtkprintjob.h>

#include "wlib.h"
#include "i18n.h"

extern wDrawColor wDrawColorWhite;
extern wDrawColor wDrawColorBlack;


#define PRINT_PORTRAIT  (0)

#define PPI (72.0)
#define P2I( P ) ((P)/PPI)

#define CENTERMARK_LENGTH (60)				/**< size of cross marking center of circles */
#define DASH_LENGTH (8.0)					/**< length of single dash */

#define PAGESETTINGS "xtrkcad.page"			/**< filename for page settings */
#define PRINTSETTINGS "xtrkcad.printer"		/**< filename for printer settings */


static GtkPrintSettings *settings;			/**< current printer settings */
static GtkPageSetup *page_setup;			/**< current paper settings */
static GtkPrinter *selPrinter;				/**< printer selected by user */
static GtkPrintJob *curPrintJob;			/**< currently active print job */
extern struct wDraw_t psPrint_d;

static wBool_t printContinue;	/**< control print job, FALSE for cancelling */

static wIndex_t pageCount;		/**< unused, could be used for progress indicator */
static wIndex_t totalPageCount; /**< unused, could be used for progress indicator */

static double paperWidth;		/**< physical paper width */
static double paperHeight;		/**< physical paper height */
static double tBorder;			/**< top margin */
static double rBorder;			/**< right margin */
static double lBorder;			/**< left margin */
static double bBorder;			/**< bottom margin */

static long printFormat = PRINT_LANDSCAPE;


static void WlibGetPaperSize( void );

 * Initialize printer und paper selection using the saved settings
 * \param op IN print operation to initialize. If NULL only the global
 * 				settings are loaded.

WlibApplySettings( GtkPrintOperation *op )
	gchar *filename;
	GError *err = NULL;
	GtkWidget *dialog;

	filename = g_build_filename( wGetAppWorkDir(), PRINTSETTINGS, NULL );

	if( !(settings = gtk_print_settings_new_from_file( filename, &err ))) {
		if( err->code != G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT ) {
			// ignore file not found error as defaults will be used
			dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (gtkMainW->gtkwin),
			gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
			gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
		} else {
			// create  default print settings
			settings = gtk_print_settings_new();
		g_error_free (err);
	g_free( filename );

	if (settings && op )
			gtk_print_operation_set_print_settings (op, settings);

	err = NULL;
	filename = g_build_filename( wGetAppWorkDir(), PAGESETTINGS, NULL );
	if( !(page_setup = gtk_page_setup_new_from_file( filename, &err ))) {
		// ignore file not found error as defaults will be used
		if( err->code != G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT ) {
			dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (gtkMainW->gtkwin),
			gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
			gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
		} else {
			page_setup = gtk_page_setup_new();
		g_error_free (err);
	} else {
		// on success get the paper dimensions
	g_free( filename );

	if( page_setup && op )
		gtk_print_operation_set_default_page_setup (op, page_setup);


 * Save the printer settings. If op is not NULL the settings are retrieved
 * from the print operation. Otherwise the state of the globals is saved.
 * \param op IN printer operation. If NULL the glabal variables are used

WlibSaveSettings( GtkPrintOperation *op )
	GError *err = NULL;
	gchar *filename;
	GtkWidget *dialog;

	if( op ) {
		if (settings != NULL)
			g_object_unref (settings);
		settings = g_object_ref (gtk_print_operation_get_print_settings (op));
    filename = g_build_filename( wGetAppWorkDir(), PRINTSETTINGS, NULL );
    if( !gtk_print_settings_to_file( settings, filename, &err )) {
		dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (gtkMainW->gtkwin),
                                     GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE,

		g_error_free (err);
		gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
		gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
	g_free( filename );

	if( op ) {
		if (page_setup != NULL)
			g_object_unref (page_setup);
		page_setup = g_object_ref (gtk_print_operation_get_default_page_setup (op));
    filename = g_build_filename( wGetAppWorkDir(), PAGESETTINGS, NULL );
    if( !gtk_page_setup_to_file( page_setup, filename, &err )) {
		dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (gtkMainW->gtkwin),
                                     GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE,

		g_error_free (err);
		gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
		gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
	g_free( filename );


 * Page setup function. Previous settings are loaded and the setup 
 * dialog is shown. The settings are saved after the dialog ends.
 * \param callback IN unused

void wPrintSetup( wPrintSetupCallBack_p callback )
	GtkPageSetup *new_page_setup;
	gchar *filename;
	GError *err;
	GtkWidget *dialog;

	WlibApplySettings( NULL );

	new_page_setup = gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gtkMainW->gtkwin),
														page_setup, settings);
	if (page_setup)
		g_object_unref (page_setup);

	page_setup = new_page_setup;
	WlibSaveSettings( NULL );


 * set the current line type for printing operations
 * \param lineWidth IN new line width
 * \param lineType IN flag for line type (dashed or full)
 * \param opts IN unused
 * \return

static void setLineType(
		double lineWidth,
		wDrawLineType_e lineType,
		wDrawOpts opts )
	cairo_t *cr = psPrint_d.printContext;
	double dashLength = DASH_LENGTH;
	if (lineWidth < 0.0) {
		lineWidth = P2I(-lineWidth)*2.0;

	// make sure that there is a minimum line width used
	if ( lineWidth == 0.0 )
		lineWidth = 0.1;
	cairo_set_line_width( cr, lineWidth );

	if (lineType == wDrawLineDash)
		cairo_set_dash( cr, &dashLength, 1, 0.0 );
		cairo_set_dash( cr, NULL, 0, 0.0 );

 * set the color for the following print operations
 * \param color IN the new color
 * \return

static void psSetColor(
		wDrawColor color )
	cairo_t *cr = psPrint_d.printContext;
	GdkColor* const gcolor = gtkGetColor(color, TRUE);

	cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, gcolor->red / 65535.0,
							 gcolor->green / 65535.0,
							 gcolor->blue / 65535.0);

 * Print a straight line
 * \param x0, y0 IN  starting point in pixels
 * \param x1, y1 IN  ending point in pixels
 * \param width line width
 * \param lineType
 * \param color color
 * \param opts ?

void psPrintLine(
		wPos_t x0, wPos_t y0,
		wPos_t x1, wPos_t y1,
		wDrawWidth width,
		wDrawLineType_e lineType,
		wDrawColor color,
		wDrawOpts opts )
	if (color == wDrawColorWhite)
	if (opts&wDrawOptTemp)

	setLineType( width, lineType, opts );

	cairo_move_to( psPrint_d.printContext,
					x0, y0 );
	cairo_line_to( psPrint_d.printContext,
					x1, y1 );
	cairo_stroke( psPrint_d.printContext );

 * Print an arc around a specified center
 * \param x0, y0 IN  center of arc
 * \param r IN radius
 * \param angle0, angle1 IN start and end angle
 * \param drawCenter draw marking for center
 * \param width line width
 * \param lineType
 * \param color color
 * \param opts ?

void psPrintArc(
		wPos_t x0, wPos_t y0,
		wPos_t r,
		double angle0,
		double angle1,
		wBool_t drawCenter,
		wDrawWidth width,
		wDrawLineType_e lineType,
		wDrawColor color,
		wDrawOpts opts )
	cairo_t *cr = psPrint_d.printContext;

	if (color == wDrawColorWhite)
	if (opts&wDrawOptTemp)

	setLineType(width, lineType, opts);

	if (angle1 >= 360.0)
		angle1 = 359.999;
	angle1 = 90.0-(angle0+angle1);
	while (angle1 < 0.0) angle1 += 360.0;
	while (angle1 >= 360.0) angle1 -= 360.0;
	angle0 = 90.0-angle0;
	while (angle0 < 0.0) angle0 += 360.0;
	while (angle0 >= 360.0) angle0 -= 360.0;

	// draw the curve
	cairo_arc( cr, x0, y0, r, angle1 * M_PI / 180.0, angle0 * M_PI / 180.0 );

	if( drawCenter ) {
		// draw crosshair for center of curve
		cairo_move_to( cr, x0 - CENTERMARK_LENGTH / 2, y0 );
		cairo_line_to( cr, x0 + CENTERMARK_LENGTH / 2, y0 );
		cairo_move_to( cr, x0, y0 - CENTERMARK_LENGTH / 2 );
		cairo_line_to( cr, x0, y0 + CENTERMARK_LENGTH / 2 );
	cairo_stroke( psPrint_d.printContext );

 * Print a filled rectangle
 * \param x0, y0 IN top left corner
 * \param x1, y1 IN bottom right corner
 * \param color IN fill color
 * \param opts IN options
 * \return

void psPrintFillRectangle(
		wPos_t x0, wPos_t y0,
		wPos_t x1, wPos_t y1,
		wDrawColor color,
		wDrawOpts opts )
	cairo_t *cr = psPrint_d.printContext;
	double width = x0 - x1;
	double height = y0 - y1;

	if (color == wDrawColorWhite)
	if (opts&wDrawOptTemp)

	cairo_rectangle( cr, x0, y0, width, height );

	cairo_fill( cr );

 * Print a filled polygon
 * \param p IN a list of x and y coordinates
 * \param cnt IN the number of points
 * \param color IN fill color
 * \param opts IN options
 * \return

void psPrintFillPolygon(
		wPos_t p[][2],
		int cnt,
		wDrawColor color,
		wDrawOpts opts )
	int inx;
	cairo_t *cr = psPrint_d.printContext;

	if (color == wDrawColorWhite)
	if (opts&wDrawOptTemp)


	cairo_move_to( cr, p[ 0 ][ 0 ], p[ 0 ][ 1 ] );
	for (inx=0; inx<cnt; inx++)
		cairo_line_to( cr, p[ inx ][ 0 ], p[ inx ][ 1 ] );
	cairo_fill( cr );

 * Print a filled circle
 * \param x0, y0  IN coordinates of center (in pixels )
 * \param r IN radius
 * \param color IN fill color
 * \param opts IN options
 * \return

void psPrintFillCircle(
		wPos_t x0, wPos_t y0,
		wPos_t r,
		wDrawColor color,
		wDrawOpts opts )
	if (color == wDrawColorWhite)
	if (opts&wDrawOptTemp)

	cairo_arc( psPrint_d.printContext,
				x0, y0, r, 0.0, 2 * M_PI );

	cairo_fill( psPrint_d.printContext );

 * Print a string at the given position using specified font and text size.
 * The orientatoion of the y-axis in XTrackCAD is wrong for cairo. So for
 * all other print primitives a flip operation is done. As this would
 * also affect the string orientation, printing a string has to be
 * treated differently. The starting point is transformed, then the
 * string is rotated and scaled as needed. Finally the string position
 * translated to the starting point calculated previously. The same
 * solution would have to be applied to a bitmap should printing
 * bitmaps ever be implemented.
 * \param x IN x position in pixels
 * \param y IN y position in pixels
 * \param a IN angle of baseline in degrees. Positive is clockwise, 0 is direction of positive x axis
 * \param s IN string to print
 * \param fp IN font
 * \param fs IN font size
 * \param color IN text color
 * \param opts IN ???
 * \return

void psPrintString(
		wPos_t x, wPos_t y,
		double a,
		char * s,
		wFont_p fp,
		double fs,
		wDrawColor color,
		wDrawOpts opts )
	char * cp;
	double x0 = (double)x, y0 = (double)y;
	double text_height;

	cairo_t *cr;
	cairo_matrix_t matrix;

	PangoLayout *layout;
	PangoFontDescription *desc;
	PangoFontMetrics *metrics;
	PangoContext *pcontext;

	if (color == wDrawColorWhite)

	cr = psPrint_d.printContext;

	// get the current transformation matrix and transform the starting
	// point of the string
	cairo_get_matrix( cr, &matrix );
	cairo_matrix_transform_point( &matrix, &x0, &y0 );

	cairo_save( cr );

	layout = pango_cairo_create_layout( cr );

	// set the correct font and size
	/** \todo use a getter function instead of double conversion */
	desc = pango_font_description_from_string (gtkFontTranslate( fp ));

	//don't know why the size has to be reduced to 75% :-(
	pango_font_description_set_size(desc, fs * PANGO_SCALE *0.75 );

	// render the string to a Pango layout
	pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, desc);
	pango_layout_set_text (layout, s, -1);
	pango_layout_set_width (layout, -1);
	pango_layout_set_alignment (layout, PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT);

	// get the height of the string
	pcontext = pango_cairo_create_context( cr );
	metrics = pango_context_get_metrics(pcontext, desc, pango_context_get_language(pcontext));
	text_height = pango_font_metrics_get_ascent(metrics) / PANGO_SCALE;
	// transform the string to the correct position
	cairo_identity_matrix( cr );
	cairo_translate( cr, x0 + text_height * sin ( -a * M_PI / 180.0) , y0 - text_height * cos ( a * M_PI / 180.0) );
	cairo_rotate( cr, -a * M_PI / 180.0  );
	// set the color
	psSetColor( color );

	// and show the string
	pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout);

	// free unused objects
	g_object_unref( layout );
	g_object_unref( pcontext );

	cairo_restore( cr );

 * Create clipping retangle.
 * \param x, y IN starting position
 * \param w, h IN width and height of rectangle
 * \return    

void wPrintClip( wPos_t x, wPos_t y, wPos_t w, wPos_t h )
	cairo_move_to( psPrint_d.printContext, x, y );
	cairo_rel_line_to( psPrint_d.printContext, w, 0 );
	cairo_rel_line_to( psPrint_d.printContext, 0, h );
	cairo_rel_line_to( psPrint_d.printContext, -w, 0 );
	cairo_close_path( psPrint_d.printContext );
	cairo_clip( psPrint_d.printContext );

 * Get the paper dimensions and margins and setup the internal variables
 * \return

static void
WlibGetPaperSize( void )
	double temp;
	bBorder = gtk_page_setup_get_bottom_margin( page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH );
	tBorder = gtk_page_setup_get_top_margin( page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH );
	lBorder = gtk_page_setup_get_left_margin( page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH );
	rBorder = gtk_page_setup_get_right_margin( page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH );
	paperHeight = gtk_page_setup_get_paper_height( page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH );
	paperWidth = gtk_page_setup_get_paper_width( page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH );
	// XTrackCAD does page orientation itself. Basic assumption is that the
	// paper is always oriented in portrait mode. Ignore settings by user
	if( paperHeight < paperWidth ) {
		temp = paperHeight;
		paperHeight = paperWidth;
		paperWidth = temp;

 * Get the paper size. The size returned is the printable area of the
 * currently selected paper, ie. the physical size minus the margins.
 * \param w OUT printable width of the paper in inches
 * \param h OUT printable height of the paper in inches
 * \return

void wPrintGetPageSize(
		double * w,
		double * h )
	// if necessary load the settings
	if( !settings )
		WlibApplySettings( NULL );


	*w = paperWidth -lBorder - rBorder;
	*h = paperHeight - tBorder - bBorder;

 * Get the paper size. The size returned is the physical size of the
 * currently selected paper.
 * \param w OUT physical width of the paper in inches
 * \param h OUT physical height of the paper in inches
 * \return

void wPrintGetPhysSize(
		double * w,
		double * h )
	// if necessary load the settings
	if( !settings )
		WlibApplySettings( NULL );


	*w = paperWidth;
	*h = paperHeight;
 * Cancel the current print job. This function is preserved here for 
 * reference in case the function should be implemented again. 
 * \param context IN unused
 * \return
static void printAbort( void * context )
	printContinue = FALSE;
//	wWinShow( printAbortW, FALSE );

 * Initialize new page.
 * The cairo_save() / cairo_restore() cycle was added to solve problems
 * with a multi page print operation. This might actually be a bug in 
 * cairo but I didn't examine that any further.
 * \return   print context for the print operation
wDraw_p wPrintPageStart( void )

	cairo_save( psPrint_d.printContext );
	return &psPrint_d;

 * End of page. This function returns the contents of printContinue. The
 * caller continues printing as long as TRUE is returned. Setting 
 * printContinue to FALSE in an asynchronous handler therefore cleanly 
 * terminates a print job at the end of the page.
 * \param p IN ignored
 * \return    always printContinue

wBool_t wPrintPageEnd( wDraw_p p )
	cairo_show_page( psPrint_d.printContext );
	cairo_restore( psPrint_d.printContext );
	return printContinue;

 * Start a new document
 * \param title IN title of document ( name of layout )
 * \param fTotalPageCount IN number of pages to print (unused)
 * \param copiesP OUT ???
 * \return TRUE if successful, FALSE if cancelled by user

wBool_t wPrintDocStart( const char * title, int fTotalPageCount, int * copiesP )
	GtkWidget *printDialog;
	gint res;
	cairo_surface_type_t surface_type;
	cairo_matrix_t matrix;

	printDialog = gtk_print_unix_dialog_new( title, GTK_WINDOW(gtkMainW->gtkwin));

	// load the settings
	WlibApplySettings( NULL );

	// and apply them to the printer dialog
	gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_settings( (GtkPrintUnixDialog *)printDialog, settings );
	gtk_print_unix_dialog_set_page_setup( (GtkPrintUnixDialog *)printDialog, page_setup );

	res = gtk_dialog_run( (GtkDialog *)printDialog );
	if( res == GTK_RESPONSE_OK ) {
		selPrinter = gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_selected_printer( (GtkPrintUnixDialog *)printDialog );

		if( settings )
			g_object_unref (settings);
		settings = gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_settings( (GtkPrintUnixDialog *)printDialog );

		if( page_setup )
			g_object_unref( page_setup );
		page_setup = gtk_print_unix_dialog_get_page_setup( (GtkPrintUnixDialog *)printDialog );

		curPrintJob = gtk_print_job_new( title,
							 page_setup );

		psPrint_d.curPrintSurface = gtk_print_job_get_surface( curPrintJob,
								   NULL );
		psPrint_d.printContext = cairo_create( psPrint_d.curPrintSurface );

		//update the paper dimensions

		/* for the file based surfaces the resolution is 72 dpi (see documentation) */
		surface_type = cairo_surface_get_type( psPrint_d.curPrintSurface );
		if( surface_type == CAIRO_SURFACE_TYPE_PDF ||
			surface_type == CAIRO_SURFACE_TYPE_PS  ||
			surface_type == CAIRO_SURFACE_TYPE_SVG )
			psPrint_d.dpi = 72;
			psPrint_d.dpi = (double)gtk_print_settings_get_resolution( settings );
		// in XTrackCAD 0,0 is top left, in cairo bottom left. This is 
		// corrected via the following transformations. 
		// also the translate makes sure that the drawing is rendered
		// within the paper margins
		cairo_scale( psPrint_d.printContext, 1.0, -1.0 );
		cairo_translate( psPrint_d.printContext, lBorder * psPrint_d.dpi, -(paperHeight-bBorder) *psPrint_d.dpi );

		WlibSaveSettings( NULL );
	gtk_widget_destroy (printDialog);

	if (copiesP)
		*copiesP = 1;

	printContinue = TRUE;
	if( res != GTK_RESPONSE_OK )
		return FALSE;
		return TRUE;

 * Callback for job finished event. Destroys the cairo context.
 * \param job IN unused
 * \param data IN unused
 * \param err IN if != NULL, an error dialog ist displayed
 * \return

doPrintJobFinished( GtkPrintJob *job, void *data, GError *err )
	GtkWidget *dialog;

	cairo_destroy( psPrint_d.printContext );
	if( err ) {
		dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (gtkMainW->gtkwin),
                                     GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE,

 * Finish the print operation
 * \return

void wPrintDocEnd( void )
	cairo_surface_finish( psPrint_d.curPrintSurface );

	gtk_print_job_send( curPrintJob,
						NULL );

//	wWinShow( printAbortW, FALSE );

wBool_t wPrintQuit( void )
	return FALSE;

wBool_t wPrintInit( void )
	return TRUE;