/** \file mswint.h * Windows specific definitions and prototypes for wlib */ /* XTrackCAD - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "wlib.h" #include "mswlib.h" #include "dynarr.h" #include <FreeImage.h> #include <stdio.h> #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef FAR #undef FAR #endif #define FAR #define _export #define MoveTo(HDC,X,Y) MoveToEx(HDC,X,Y,NULL) #define READ (0) #define WRITE (1) #define XEXPORT #define XWNDPROC WNDPROC #define WCMD_PARAM_HWND lParam #define WCMD_PARAM_NOTF HIWORD(wParam) #define WCMD_PARAM_ID LOWORD(wParam) #define WSCROLL_PARAM_CODE LOWORD(wParam) #define WSCROLL_PARAM_NPOS HIWORD(wParam) #define WSCROLL_PARAM_HWND lParam #else #define XEXPORT _export #define XWNDPROC FARPROC #define WCMD_PARAM_HWND LOWORD(lParam) #define WCMD_PARAM_NOTF HIWORD(lParam) #define WCMD_PARAM_ID wParam #define WSCROLL_PARAM_CODE wParam #define WSCROLL_PARAM_NPOS LOWORD(lParam) #define WSCROLL_PARAM_HWND HIWORD(lParam) #endif #ifndef CAST_AWAY_CONST #define CAST_AWAY_CONST (char *) #endif #define BOOL_T wBool_t #define INDEX_T wIndex_t #define INTEGER_T wInteger_t typedef enum { W_MAIN, W_POPUP, B_BUTTON, B_STRING, B_INTEGER, B_FLOAT, B_LIST, B_DROPLIST, B_COMBOLIST, B_RADIO, B_TOGGLE, B_DRAW, B_TEXT, B_MESSAGE, B_LINES, B_MENUITEM, B_CHOICEITEM, B_BOX, B_BITMAP } wType_e; typedef void ( *repaintProcCallback_p )( HWND, wControl_p ); typedef void ( *doneProcCallback_p )( wControl_p b ); typedef LRESULT( *messageCallback_p )( wControl_p, HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM ); typedef void ( *setTriggerCallback_p )( wControl_p b ); typedef void ( *setBusyCallback_p )( wControl_p, BOOL_T ); typedef void ( *showCallback_p )( wControl_p, BOOL_T ); typedef void ( *setPosCallback_p )( wControl_p, wWinPix_t, wWinPix_t ); typedef struct { repaintProcCallback_p repaintProc; doneProcCallback_p doneProc; messageCallback_p messageProc; setBusyCallback_p setBusyProc; showCallback_p showProc; setPosCallback_p setPosProc; } callBacks_t; #define CALLBACK_CNT (B_BOX+1) extern callBacks_t *mswCallBacks[CALLBACK_CNT]; #define WOBJ_COMMON \ wType_e type; \ wControl_p next; \ wControl_p synonym; \ wWin_p parent; \ wWinPix_t x, y; \ wWinPix_t w, h; \ long option; \ wWinPix_t labelX, labelY; \ const char * labelStr; \ const char * helpStr; \ const char * tipStr; \ char * errStr; \ HWND hWnd; \ void * data;\ wControl_p focusChainNext; \ wBool_t shown; \ wBool_t hilite; struct wControl_t { WOBJ_COMMON }; typedef struct { unsigned key; wDrawColor color; } wIconColorMap_t; #define mswIcon_bitmap (1) #define mswIcon_pixmap (2) struct wIcon_t { int type; wWinPix_t w; /**< width */ wWinPix_t h; /**< height */ wDrawColor color; int colorcnt; /**< number of colors */ RGBQUAD *colormap; char *pixels; /**< pointer to pixel information */ int transparent; /**< index of transparent color */ }; struct wDraw_t { WOBJ_COMMON HDC hDc; double wFactor; double hFactor; double DPI; wDrawRedrawCallBack_p drawRepaint; wDrawActionCallBack_p action; HBITMAP hBmMain; HBITMAP hBmTemp; HBITMAP hBmOld; HPEN hPen; HBRUSH hBrush; wDraw_p drawNext; wBool_t hasPalette; int paletteClock; HBITMAP hBmBackup; HDC hDcBackup; HBITMAP hBmBackupOld; FIBITMAP *background; wBool_t bTempMode; wBool_t bCopiedMain; wDrawPix_t lastX; wDrawPix_t lastY; }; extern HINSTANCE mswHInst; extern char mswTmpBuff[1024]; extern HWND mswHWnd; extern const char *mswDrawWindowClassName; char *mswProfileFile; extern int mswEditHeight; extern int mswAllowBalloonHelp; extern HFONT mswOldTextFont; extern HFONT mswLabelFont; extern wDrawColor wDrawColorWhite; extern wDrawColor wDrawColorBlack; extern double mswScale; DWORD mswGetBaseStyle( wWin_p ); char * mswStrdup( const char * ); HBITMAP mswCreateBitMap( COLORREF, COLORREF, COLORREF, int, int, const char * ); void mswFail( const char * ); void mswResize( wWin_p ); wControl_p mswMapIndex( INDEX_T ); void mswButtPush( wControl_p ); void * mswAlloc( wWin_p, wType_e, const char *, int, void *, int * ); void mswComputePos( wControl_p, wWinPix_t, wWinPix_t ); void mswAddButton( wControl_p, BOOL_T, const char * ); void mswRepaintLabel( HWND, wControl_p ); int mswRegister( wControl_p ); void mswUnregister( int ); void mswChainFocus( wControl_p ); void mswSetFocus( wControl_p ); void mswSetTrigger( wControl_p, setTriggerCallback_p ); void mswMenuPush( wControl_p ); void mswCreateCheckBitmaps( void ); LRESULT FAR PASCAL XEXPORT mswDrawPush( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM ); #ifdef WIN32 DWORD GetTextExtent( HDC, CHAR *, UINT ); #endif void mswRedrawAll( void ); void mswRepaintAll( void ); HDC mswGetPrinterDC( void ); int mswMenuAccelerator( wWin_p, long ); void mswMenuMove( wMenu_p, wWinPix_t, wWinPix_t ); void mswRegisterBitMap( HBITMAP ); void mswFontInit( void ); void mswInitColorPalette( void ); void mswPutCustomColors( void ); COLORREF mswGetColor( wBool_t, wDrawColor ); int mswGetColorList( RGBQUAD * ); int mswGetPaletteClock( void ); HPALETTE mswPalette; HPALETTE mswCreatePalette( void ); /* mswbitmaps.c */ void deleteBitmaps( void ); void mswDrawIcon( HDC, int, int, wIcon_p, int, COLORREF, COLORREF ); /* gwin32.c*/ char *g_win32_getlocale( void );