/** \file mswmenu.c * Pulldown menu creation and handling * \todo Code for accelerator keys was copied and pasted, replace with utility function */ /* XTrkCad - Model Railroad CAD * Copyright (C) (C) 2005 Dave Bullis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #define OEMRESOURCE #include <windows.h> #include <string.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <commdlg.h> #include <math.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <assert.h> #include "mswint.h" #include "i18n.h" /* ***************************************************************************** * * Menus * ***************************************************************************** */ typedef enum { M_MENU, M_SEPARATOR, M_PUSH, M_LIST, M_LISTITEM, M_TOGGLE, M_RADIO } mtype_e; typedef enum { MM_BUTT, MM_MENU, MM_BAR, MM_POPUP } mmtype_e; typedef struct wMenuItem_t * wMenuItem_p; struct radioButtonGroup { int firstButton; /* id of first button in group */ int lastButton; /* id of last button in group */ }; /* NOTE: first field must be the same as WOBJ_COMMON */ #define MOBJ_COMMON \ WOBJ_COMMON \ int index; \ mtype_e mtype; \ wMenu_p parentMenu; \ wMenuItem_p mnext; struct wMenuItem_t { MOBJ_COMMON }; struct wMenu_t { MOBJ_COMMON mmtype_e mmtype; wMenuItem_p first, last; struct radioButtonGroup *radioGroup; HMENU menu; wButton_p button; wMenuTraceCallBack_p traceFunc; void * traceData; }; struct wMenuPush_t { MOBJ_COMMON wMenu_p mparent; wMenuCallBack_p action; long acclKey; wBool_t enabled; }; struct wMenuRadio_t { MOBJ_COMMON wMenu_p mparent; wMenuCallBack_p action; long acclKey; wBool_t enabled; }; struct wMenuToggle_t { MOBJ_COMMON wMenu_p mparent; wMenuCallBack_p action; long acclKey; wBool_t enabled; }; typedef struct wMenuListItem_t * wMenuListItem_p; struct wMenuList_t { MOBJ_COMMON wMenuListItem_p left, right; wMenu_p mlparent; int max; int count; wMenuListCallBack_p action; }; struct wMenuListItem_t { MOBJ_COMMON wMenuListItem_p left, right; wMenuListCallBack_p action; }; #define UNCHECK (0) #define CHECK (1) #define RADIOCHECK (2) #define RADIOUNCHECK (3) static HBITMAP checked; static HBITMAP unchecked; static HBITMAP checkedRadio; static HBITMAP uncheckedRadio; /* ***************************************************************************** * * Internal Functions * ***************************************************************************** */ char * mswStrdup( const char * str ) { char * ret; if (str) { ret = (char*)malloc( strlen(str)+1 ); strcpy( ret, str ); } else ret = NULL; return ret; } static LRESULT menuPush( wControl_p b, HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { wMenuItem_p m = (wMenuItem_p)b; wBool_t set; mswAllowBalloonHelp = TRUE; switch( message ) { case WM_COMMAND: switch (m->mtype) { default: mswFail( "pushMenu" ); break; case M_PUSH: if (((wMenuPush_p)m)->action) ((wMenuPush_p)m)->action(((wMenuPush_p)m)->data); break; case M_TOGGLE: set = wMenuToggleGet((wMenuToggle_p)m); set = !set; wMenuToggleSet((wMenuToggle_p)m,set); if (((wMenuToggle_p)m)->action) ((wMenuToggle_p)m)->action(((wMenuPush_p)m)->data); break; case M_LISTITEM: if (((wMenuListItem_p)m)->action) ((wMenuListItem_p)m)->action(0, "", ((wMenuListItem_p)m)->data); break; case M_RADIO: if (((wMenuRadio_p)m)->action) ((wMenuRadio_p)m)->action(((wMenuRadio_p)m)->data); break; } return (LRESULT)0; } if ( (m->parentMenu)->traceFunc ) { (m->parentMenu)->traceFunc( m->parentMenu, m->labelStr, ((wMenu_p)m->parentMenu)->traceData ); } return DefWindowProc( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam ); } static void menuDone( wControl_p b ) { wMenuItem_p m = (wMenuItem_p)b; switch ( m->mtype ) { case M_MENU: if ( ((wMenu_p)m)->mmtype == MM_BUTT || ((wMenu_p)m)->mmtype == MM_POPUP ) DestroyMenu( ((wMenu_p)m)->menu ); break; } } static callBacks_t menuItemCallBacks = { NULL, menuDone, menuPush }; static wMenuItem_p createMenuItem( wMenu_p m, mtype_e mtype, const char * helpStr, const char * labelStr, int size ) { wMenuItem_p mi; mi = (wMenuItem_p)calloc( 1, size ); mi->type = B_MENUITEM; /*mi->messageProc = menuPush;*/ mi->index = mswRegister( (wControl_p)mi ); mi->mtype = mtype; if (m) { if (m->last != NULL) { m->last->mnext = mi; } else { m->first = m->last = mi; } m->last = mi; } mi->mnext = NULL; mi->labelStr = mswStrdup( labelStr ); // if (helpStr != NULL) { // char *string; // string = malloc( strlen(helpStr) + 1 ); // strcpy( string, helpStr ); // /*xv_set(mi->menu_item, XV_HELP_DATA, string, 0 );*/ // } mswCallBacks[B_MENUITEM] = &menuItemCallBacks; return mi; } /* ***************************************************************************** * * Accelerators * ***************************************************************************** */ typedef struct { long acclKey; wMenuPush_p mp; wAccelKeyCallBack_p action; wAccelKey_e key; void * data; } acclTable_t, *acclTable_p; static dynArr_t acclTable_da; #define acclTable(N) DYNARR_N( acclTable_t, acclTable_da, N ) int mswMenuAccelerator( wWin_p win, long acclKey ) { acclTable_p at; if ( ((wControl_p)win)->type != W_MAIN && ((wControl_p)win)->type != W_POPUP ) return 0; for ( at = &acclTable(0); at<&acclTable(acclTable_da.cnt); at++ ) { if (at->acclKey == acclKey) { if (at->mp) { if (at->mp->enabled && at->mp->action) at->mp->action(at->mp->data); return 1; } else if (at->action) { at->action( at->key, at->data ); return 1; } else { return 0; } } } return 0; } static long acclKeyMap[] = { 0, /* wAccelKey_None, */ VK_DELETE, /* wAccelKey_Del, */ VK_INSERT, /* wAccelKey_Ins, */ VK_HOME, /* wAccelKey_Home, */ VK_END, /* wAccelKey_End, */ VK_PRIOR, /* wAccelKey_Pgup, */ VK_NEXT, /* wAccelKey_Pgdn, */ VK_UP, /* wAccelKey_Up, */ VK_DOWN, /* wAccelKey_Down, */ VK_RIGHT, /* wAccelKey_Right, */ VK_LEFT, /* wAccelKey_Left, */ VK_BACK, /* wAccelKey_Back, */ VK_F1, /* wAccelKey_F1, */ VK_F2, /* wAccelKey_F2, */ VK_F3, /* wAccelKey_F3, */ VK_F4, /* wAccelKey_F4, */ VK_F5, /* wAccelKey_F5, */ VK_F6, /* wAccelKey_F6, */ VK_F7, /* wAccelKey_F7, */ VK_F8, /* wAccelKey_F8, */ VK_F9, /* wAccelKey_F9, */ VK_F10, /* wAccelKey_F10, */ VK_F11, /* wAccelKey_F11, */ VK_F12, /* wAccelKey_F12, */ VK_ADD, /* wAccelKey_Numpad_Add, */ VK_SUBTRACT /* wAccelKey_Numpad_Subtract, */ }; void wAttachAccelKey( wAccelKey_e key, int modifier, wAccelKeyCallBack_p action, void * data ) { acclTable_t * ad; if ( key < 1 || key > wAccelKey_Numpad_Subtract ) { mswFail( "wAttachAccelKey: key out of range" ); return; } DYNARR_APPEND( acclTable_t, acclTable_da, 10 ); ad = &acclTable(acclTable_da.cnt-1); ad->acclKey = acclKeyMap[key] | (modifier<<8); ad->key = key; ad->action = action; ad->data = data; ad->mp = NULL; } /* ***************************************************************************** * * Menu Item Create * ***************************************************************************** */ HBITMAP GetMyCheckBitmaps(UINT fuCheck) { COLORREF crBackground; /* background color */ HBRUSH hbrBackground; /* background brush */ HBRUSH hbrTargetOld; /* original background brush */ HDC hdcSource; /* source device context */ HDC hdcTarget; /* target device context */ HBITMAP hbmpCheckboxes; /* handle to check-box bitmap */ BITMAP bmCheckbox; /* structure for bitmap data */ HBITMAP hbmpSourceOld; /* handle to original source bitmap */ HBITMAP hbmpTargetOld; /* handle to original target bitmap */ HBITMAP hbmpCheck; /* handle to check-mark bitmap */ RECT rc; /* rectangle for check-box bitmap */ WORD wBitmapX; /* width of check-mark bitmap */ WORD wBitmapY; /* height of check-mark bitmap */ WORD wMenuH; /* height of menu line */ /* Get the menu background color and create a solid brush with that color. */ crBackground = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU); hbrBackground = CreateSolidBrush(crBackground); /* Create memory device contexts for the source and destination bitmaps. */ hdcSource = CreateCompatibleDC((HDC) NULL); hdcTarget = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcSource); /* Get the size of the system default check-mark bitmap and create a compatible bitmap of the same size. */ wBitmapX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK); wBitmapY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENUCHECK); wMenuH = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU); hbmpCheck = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcSource, wBitmapX, wBitmapY); /* Select the background brush and bitmap into the target DC. */ hbrTargetOld = SelectObject(hdcTarget, hbrBackground); hbmpTargetOld = SelectObject(hdcTarget, hbmpCheck); /* Use the selected brush to initialize the background color of the bitmap in the target device context. */ PatBlt(hdcTarget, 0, 0, wBitmapX, wBitmapY, PATCOPY); /* Load the predefined check box bitmaps and select it into the source DC. */ hbmpCheckboxes = LoadBitmap((HINSTANCE) NULL, (LPTSTR) OBM_CHECKBOXES); hbmpSourceOld = SelectObject(hdcSource, hbmpCheckboxes); /* Fill a BITMAP structure with information about the check box bitmaps, and then find the upper-left corner of the unchecked check box or the checked check box. */ GetObject(hbmpCheckboxes, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmCheckbox); switch( fuCheck ) { case UNCHECK: rc.left = 0; rc.right = (bmCheckbox.bmWidth / 4); rc.top = 0; rc.bottom = (bmCheckbox.bmHeight / 3); break; case CHECK: rc.left = (bmCheckbox.bmWidth / 4); rc.right = (bmCheckbox.bmWidth / 4) * 2; rc.top = 0; rc.bottom = (bmCheckbox.bmHeight / 3); break; case RADIOCHECK: rc.left = (bmCheckbox.bmWidth / 4); rc.right = (bmCheckbox.bmWidth / 4) * 2; rc.top = (bmCheckbox.bmHeight / 3); rc.bottom = (bmCheckbox.bmHeight / 3) * 2; break; case RADIOUNCHECK: rc.top = (bmCheckbox.bmHeight / 3); rc.bottom = (bmCheckbox.bmHeight / 3) * 2; rc.left = 0; rc.right = (bmCheckbox.bmWidth / 4); break; } /* Copy the appropriate bitmap into the target DC. If the check-box bitmap is larger than the default check-mark bitmap, use StretchBlt to make it fit; otherwise, just copy it. */ if (((rc.right - rc.left) > (int) wBitmapX) || ((rc.bottom - rc.top) > (int) wBitmapY)) { StretchBlt(hdcTarget, 0, 0, wBitmapX, wBitmapY, hdcSource, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, SRCCOPY); } else { // Center it vertically WORD dy = (wMenuH > wBitmapY) ? (wMenuH - wBitmapY) / 2 : 0; BitBlt(hdcTarget, 0, dy, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, hdcSource, rc.left, rc.top, SRCCOPY); } /* Select the old source and destination bitmaps into the source and destination DCs, and then delete the DCs and the background brush. */ SelectObject(hdcSource, hbmpSourceOld); SelectObject(hdcTarget, hbrTargetOld); hbmpCheck = SelectObject(hdcTarget, hbmpTargetOld); DeleteObject(hbrBackground); DeleteObject(hdcSource); DeleteObject(hdcTarget); /* Return a handle to the new check-mark bitmap. */ return hbmpCheck; } void mswCreateCheckBitmaps() { checked = GetMyCheckBitmaps( CHECK ); unchecked = GetMyCheckBitmaps( UNCHECK ); checkedRadio = GetMyCheckBitmaps( RADIOCHECK ); uncheckedRadio = GetMyCheckBitmaps( RADIOUNCHECK ); } wMenuRadio_p wMenuRadioCreate( wMenu_p m, const char * helpStr, const char * labelStr, long acclKey, wMenuCallBack_p action, void *data ) { wMenuRadio_p mi; int rc; char label[80]; char *cp; char ac; UINT vk; long modifier; mi = (wMenuRadio_p)createMenuItem( m, M_RADIO, helpStr, labelStr, sizeof *mi ); mi->action = action; mi->data = data; mi->mparent = m; mi->acclKey = acclKey; mi->enabled = TRUE; strcpy( label, mi->labelStr ); modifier = 0; if ( acclKey != 0 ) { DYNARR_APPEND( acclTable_t, acclTable_da, 10 ); cp = label + strlen( label ); *cp++ = '\t'; if (acclKey & WCTL ) { strcpy( cp, "Ctrl+" ); cp += 5; modifier |= WKEY_CTRL; } if (acclKey & WALT ) { strcpy( cp, "Alt+" ); cp += 4; modifier |= WKEY_ALT; } if (acclKey & WSHIFT ) { strcpy( cp, "Shift+" ); cp += 6; modifier |= WKEY_SHIFT; } *cp++ = toupper( (char)(acclKey & 0xFF) ); *cp++ = '\0'; ac = (char)(acclKey & 0xFF); if (isalpha(ac)) { ac = tolower( ac ); } vk = VkKeyScan( ac ); if ( vk & 0xFF00 ) modifier |= WKEY_SHIFT; acclTable(acclTable_da.cnt-1).acclKey = (modifier<<8) | (vk&0x00FF); acclTable(acclTable_da.cnt-1).mp = (wMenuPush_p)mi; } rc = AppendMenu( m->menu, MF_STRING, mi->index, label ); /* add the correct bitmaps for radio buttons */ rc = SetMenuItemBitmaps(m->menu, mi->index, FALSE, uncheckedRadio, checkedRadio ); if( m->radioGroup == NULL ) { m->radioGroup = malloc( sizeof( struct radioButtonGroup )); assert( m->radioGroup ); m->radioGroup->firstButton = mi->index; } else { m->radioGroup->lastButton = mi->index; } return mi; } void wMenuRadioSetActive(wMenuRadio_p mi ) { BOOL rc; rc = CheckMenuRadioItem( mi->mparent->menu, mi->mparent->radioGroup->firstButton, mi->mparent->radioGroup->lastButton, mi->index, MF_BYCOMMAND ); } wMenuPush_p wMenuPushCreate( wMenu_p m, const char * helpStr, const char * labelStr, long acclKey, wMenuCallBack_p action, void *data ) { wMenuPush_p mi; int rc; char *label = malloc(strlen(labelStr) + 30 ); /**< The label and sufficient space for the keyboard shortcut */ char *cp; char ac; UINT vk; long modifier; mi = (wMenuPush_p)createMenuItem( m, M_PUSH, helpStr, labelStr, sizeof *mi ); mi->action = action; mi->data = data; mi->mparent = m; mi->acclKey = acclKey; mi->enabled = TRUE; strcpy(label, labelStr); modifier = 0; if ( acclKey != 0 && strlen(label ) < 60 ) { DYNARR_APPEND( acclTable_t, acclTable_da, 10 ); cp = label + strlen( label ); *cp++ = '\t'; if (acclKey & WCTL ) { strcpy( cp, "Ctrl+" ); cp += 5; modifier |= WKEY_CTRL; } if (acclKey & WALT ) { strcpy( cp, "Alt+" ); cp += 4; modifier |= WKEY_ALT; } if (acclKey & WSHIFT ) { strcpy( cp, "Shift+" ); cp += 6; modifier |= WKEY_SHIFT; } *cp++ = toupper( (char)(acclKey & 0xFF) ); *cp++ = '\0'; ac = (char)(acclKey & 0xFF); if (isalpha(ac)) { ac = tolower( ac ); } vk = VkKeyScan( ac ); if ( vk & 0xFF00 ) modifier |= WKEY_SHIFT; acclTable(acclTable_da.cnt-1).acclKey = (modifier<<8) | (vk&0x00FF); acclTable(acclTable_da.cnt-1).mp = mi; } rc = AppendMenu( m->menu, MF_STRING, mi->index, label ); free(label); return mi; } void wMenuPushEnable( wMenuPush_p mi, BOOL_T enable ) { EnableMenuItem( mi->mparent->menu, mi->index, MF_BYCOMMAND|(enable?MF_ENABLED:(MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED)) ); mi->enabled = enable; } wMenu_p wMenuMenuCreate( wMenu_p m, const char * helpStr, const char * labelStr ) { wMenu_p mm; int rc; mm = (wMenu_p)createMenuItem( NULL, M_MENU, NULL, labelStr, sizeof *mm ); mm->menu = CreatePopupMenu(); mm->mmtype = MM_MENU; /*mm->parent = (wControl_p)m;*/ mm->first = mm->last = NULL; rc = AppendMenu( m->menu, MF_STRING|MF_ENABLED|MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)(mm->menu), mm->labelStr ); return mm; } void wMenuSeparatorCreate( wMenu_p m ) { int rc; createMenuItem( m, M_SEPARATOR, NULL, NULL, sizeof *(wMenuItem_p)NULL ); rc = AppendMenu( m->menu, MF_SEPARATOR, (UINT)0, NULL ); } /* ***************************************************************************** * * Menu List * ***************************************************************************** */ static void appendItem( wMenuListItem_p ml, wMenuListItem_p mi ) { mi->right = ml->right; ml->right->left = mi; mi->left = ml; ml->right = mi; } static void removeItem( wMenuListItem_p mi ) { mi->left->right = mi->right; mi->right->left = mi->left; mi->right = mi->left = mi; } wMenuList_p wMenuListCreate( wMenu_p m, const char * helpStr, int max, wMenuListCallBack_p action ) { wMenuList_p mi; mi = (wMenuList_p)createMenuItem( m, M_LIST, helpStr, NULL, sizeof *mi ); mi->count = 0; mi->max = max; mi->mlparent = m; mi->action = action; mi->right = mi->left = (wMenuListItem_p)mi; return mi; } int getMlistOrigin( wMenu_p m, wMenuList_p ml ) { wMenuItem_p mi; int count; count = 0; for ( mi = m->first; mi != NULL; mi = mi->mnext ) { switch( mi->mtype ) { case M_SEPARATOR: case M_PUSH: case M_MENU: count++; break; case M_LIST: if (mi == (wMenuItem_p)ml) return count; count += ((wMenuList_p)mi)->count; break; default: mswFail( "getMlistOrigin" ); } } return count; } void wMenuListAdd( wMenuList_p ml, int index, const char * labelStr, void * data ) { int origin; wMenuListItem_p wl_p; wMenuListItem_p mi; int count; int rc; origin = getMlistOrigin(ml->mlparent, ml); for ( count=0,wl_p=ml->right; wl_p!=(wMenuListItem_p)ml; count++,wl_p=wl_p->right ) { if (wl_p->labelStr != NULL && strcmp( labelStr, wl_p->labelStr ) == 0) { /* move item */ if (count != index) { RemoveMenu( ml->mlparent->menu, origin+count, MF_BYPOSITION ); removeItem( wl_p ); goto add; } ((wMenuListItem_p)wl_p)->data = data; return; } } if (ml->max > 0 && ml->count >= ml->max) { RemoveMenu( ml->mlparent->menu, origin+ml->count-1, MF_BYPOSITION ); wl_p = ml->left; removeItem( ml->left ); add: ml->count--; if (wl_p->labelStr ) free( CAST_AWAY_CONST wl_p->labelStr ); wl_p->labelStr = mswStrdup( labelStr ); } else { wl_p = (wMenuListItem_p)createMenuItem( NULL, M_LISTITEM, NULL, labelStr, sizeof *wl_p ); } ((wMenuListItem_p)wl_p)->data = data; ((wMenuListItem_p)wl_p)->action = ml->action; if (index < 0 || index > ml->count) index = ml->count; for ( mi=(wMenuListItem_p)ml,count=0; count<index; mi=mi->right,count++); rc = InsertMenu( ml->mlparent->menu, origin+index, MF_BYPOSITION|MF_STRING, wl_p->index, wl_p->labelStr ); appendItem( mi, wl_p ); ml->count++; } void wMenuListDelete( wMenuList_p ml, const char * labelStr ) { int origin, count; wMenuListItem_p wl_p; origin = getMlistOrigin(ml->mlparent, ml); for ( count=0,wl_p=ml->right; wl_p!=(wMenuListItem_p)ml; count++,wl_p=wl_p->right ) { if (wl_p->labelStr != NULL && strcmp( labelStr, wl_p->labelStr ) == 0) { /* delete item */ mswUnregister( wl_p->index ); RemoveMenu( ml->mlparent->menu, origin+count, MF_BYPOSITION ); removeItem( wl_p ); ml->count--; free( wl_p ); return; } } } const char * wMenuListGet( wMenuList_p ml, int index, void ** data ) { int origin, count; wMenuListItem_p wl_p; if (index >= ml->count) return NULL; origin = getMlistOrigin(ml->mlparent, ml); for ( count=0,wl_p=ml->right; wl_p&&count<index; count++,wl_p=wl_p->right ); if (wl_p==NULL) return NULL; if ( data ) *data = wl_p->data; return wl_p->labelStr; } void wMenuListClear( wMenuList_p ml ) { int origin, count; wMenuListItem_p wl_p, wl_q; origin = getMlistOrigin(ml->mlparent, ml); for ( count=0,wl_p=ml->right; count<ml->count; count++,wl_p=wl_q ) { /* delete item */ mswUnregister( wl_p->index ); RemoveMenu( ml->mlparent->menu, origin, MF_BYPOSITION ); wl_q = wl_p->right; free( wl_p ); } ml->count = 0; ml->right = ml->left = (wMenuListItem_p)ml; } wMenuToggle_p wMenuToggleCreate( wMenu_p m, const char * helpStr, const char * labelStr, long acclKey, wBool_t set, wMenuCallBack_p action, void * data ) { wMenuToggle_p mt; int rc; char label[80]; char *cp; char ac; UINT vk; long modifier; mt = (wMenuToggle_p)createMenuItem( m, M_TOGGLE, helpStr, labelStr, sizeof *mt ); /*setAcclKey( m->parent, m->menu, mt->menu_item, acclKey );*/ mt->action = action; mt->data = data; mt->mparent = m; mt->enabled = TRUE; mt->parentMenu = m; strcpy( label, mt->labelStr ); modifier = 0; if ( acclKey != 0 ) { DYNARR_APPEND( acclTable_t, acclTable_da, 10 ); cp = label + strlen( label ); *cp++ = '\t'; if (acclKey & WCTL ) { strcpy( cp, _("Ctrl+") ); // cp += 5; modifier |= WKEY_CTRL; } if (acclKey & WALT ) { strcpy( cp, _("Alt+") ); // cp += 4; modifier |= WKEY_ALT; } if (acclKey & WSHIFT ) { strcpy( cp, _("Shift+") ); // cp += 6; modifier |= WKEY_SHIFT; } cp = label + strlen( label ); if( ((char)acclKey & 0xFF ) == ' ' ) { strcat( label, _("Space") ); } else { *cp++ = toupper( (char)(acclKey & 0xFF) ); *cp++ = '\0'; } ac = (char)(acclKey & 0xFF); if (isalpha(ac)) { ac = tolower( ac ); } vk = VkKeyScan( ac ); if ( vk & 0xFF00 ) modifier |= WKEY_SHIFT; acclTable(acclTable_da.cnt-1).acclKey = (modifier<<8) | (vk&0x00FF); acclTable(acclTable_da.cnt-1).mp = (wMenuPush_p)mt; } rc = AppendMenu( m->menu, MF_STRING, mt->index, label ); wMenuToggleSet( mt, set ); return mt; } wBool_t wMenuToggleGet( wMenuToggle_p mt ) { return (GetMenuState( mt->mparent->menu, mt->index, MF_BYCOMMAND ) & MF_CHECKED) != 0; } wBool_t wMenuToggleSet( wMenuToggle_p mt, wBool_t set ) { wBool_t rc; CheckMenuItem( mt->mparent->menu, mt->index, MF_BYCOMMAND|(set?MF_CHECKED:MF_UNCHECKED) ); rc = (GetMenuState( mt->mparent->menu, mt->index, MF_BYCOMMAND ) & MF_CHECKED) != 0; return rc; } void wMenuToggleEnable( wMenuToggle_p mt, wBool_t enable ) { EnableMenuItem( mt->mparent->menu, mt->index, MF_BYCOMMAND|(enable?MF_ENABLED:(MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED)) ); mt->enabled = enable; } /* ***************************************************************************** * * Menu Create * ***************************************************************************** */ void mswMenuMove( wMenu_p m, wWinPix_t x, wWinPix_t y ) { wControl_p b; b = (wControl_p)m->parent; if (b && b->hWnd) if (!SetWindowPos( b->hWnd, HWND_TOP, x, y, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER)) mswFail("mswMenuMove"); } static void pushMenuButt( void * data ) { wMenu_p m = (wMenu_p)data; RECT rect; mswAllowBalloonHelp = FALSE; GetWindowRect( m->hWnd, &rect ); TrackPopupMenu( m->menu, TPM_LEFTALIGN, rect.left, rect.bottom, 0, ((wControl_p)(m->parent))->hWnd, NULL ); } wMenu_p wMenuCreate( wWin_p parent, wWinPix_t x, wWinPix_t y, const char * helpStr, const char * labelStr, long option ) { wMenu_p m; wControl_p b; long buttOption = 0; const char * label = labelStr; if (option & BM_ICON) { buttOption = BO_ICON; label = "ICON"; } m = (wMenu_p)createMenuItem( NULL, M_MENU, helpStr, label, sizeof *m ); m->button = wButtonCreate( parent, x, y, helpStr, labelStr, buttOption, 0, pushMenuButt, (void*)m ); b = (wControl_p)m->button; m->parent = b->parent; m->x = b->x; m->y = b->y; m->w = b->w; m->h = b->h; m->hWnd = b->hWnd; m->helpStr = b->helpStr; m->menu = CreatePopupMenu(); m->mmtype = MM_BUTT; m->first = m->last = NULL; return m; } wMenu_p wMenuBarAdd( wWin_p w, const char * helpStr, const char * labelStr ) { HMENU menu; wMenu_p m; int rc; menu = GetMenu( ((wControl_p)w)->hWnd ); if (menu == (HMENU)0) { menu = CreateMenu(); SetMenu( ((wControl_p)w)->hWnd, menu ); } m = (wMenu_p)createMenuItem( NULL, M_MENU, helpStr, labelStr, sizeof *m ); m->menu = CreateMenu(); m->parent = w; m->mmtype = MM_BAR; m->first = m->last = NULL; rc = AppendMenu( menu, MF_STRING|MF_POPUP|MF_ENABLED, (UINT_PTR)(m->menu), labelStr ); DrawMenuBar( ((wControl_p)w)->hWnd ); return m; } wMenu_p wMenuPopupCreate( wWin_p w, const char * labelStr ) { wMenu_p m; long buttOption = 0; const char * label = labelStr; m = (wMenu_p)createMenuItem( NULL, M_MENU, NULL, label, sizeof *m ); m->button = NULL; m->parent = w; m->x = 0; m->y = 0; m->w = 0; m->h = 0; m->hWnd = ((wControl_p)w)->hWnd; m->helpStr = NULL; m->menu = CreatePopupMenu(); m->mmtype = MM_POPUP; m->first = m->last = NULL; return m; } void wMenuPopupShow( wMenu_p mp ) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos( &pt ); TrackPopupMenu( mp->menu, TPM_LEFTALIGN, pt.x, pt.y, 0, mp->hWnd, NULL ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void wMenuSetTraceCallBack( wMenu_p m, wMenuTraceCallBack_p func, void * data ) { m->traceFunc = func; m->traceData = data; } wBool_t wMenuAction( wMenu_p m, const char * label ) { wMenuItem_p mi; wMenuToggle_p mt; wBool_t set; for ( mi = m->first; mi != NULL; mi = (wMenuItem_p)mi->mnext ) { if ( mi->labelStr != NULL && strcmp( mi->labelStr, label ) == 0 ) { switch( mi->mtype ) { case M_SEPARATOR: break; case M_PUSH: if ( ((wMenuPush_p)mi)->enabled == FALSE ) wBeep(); else ((wMenuPush_p)mi)->action( ((wMenuPush_p)mi)->data ); break; case M_TOGGLE: mt = (wMenuToggle_p)mi; if ( mt->enabled == FALSE ) { wBeep(); } else { set = wMenuToggleGet( mt ); wMenuToggleSet( mt, !set ); mt->action( mt->data ); } break; case M_MENU: break; case M_LIST: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Oops: wMenuAction\n"); } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }