#include <windows.h> #include <string.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <commdlg.h> #include <math.h> #ifndef WIN32 #include <print.h> #endif #include "mswint.h" /* ***************************************************************************** * * PRINT * ***************************************************************************** */ struct wDraw_t print_d; #ifdef WIN32 struct tagPDA printDlg; #else struct tagPD printDlg; #endif static int printStatus = FALSE; static DOCINFO docInfo; static double pageSizeW = 8.5, pageSizeH = 11.0; static double physSizeW = 8.5, physSizeH = 11.0; static int pageCount = -1; static HPALETTE newPrintPalette; static HPALETTE oldPrintPalette; void wPrintClip( wPos_t x, wPos_t y, wPos_t w, wPos_t h ) { wDrawClip( &print_d, x, y, w, h ); } void getPageDim( HDC hDc ) { int rc; POINT dims; POINT offs; int res_w, res_h, size_w, size_h; rc = Escape( hDc, GETPHYSPAGESIZE, 0, NULL, (LPPOINT)&dims ); if (rc <0) { mswFail( "GETPHYPAGESIZE" ); } rc = Escape( hDc, GETPRINTINGOFFSET, 0, NULL, (LPPOINT)&offs ); if (rc <0) { mswFail( "GETPRINTINGOFFSET" ); } print_d.wFactor = (double)GetDeviceCaps( hDc, LOGPIXELSX ); print_d.hFactor = (double)GetDeviceCaps( hDc, LOGPIXELSY ); if (print_d.wFactor <= 0 || print_d.hFactor <= 0) { mswFail( "getPageDim: LOGPIXELS... <= 0" ); abort(); } print_d.DPI = min( print_d.wFactor, print_d.hFactor ); size_w = GetDeviceCaps( hDc, HORZSIZE ); size_h = GetDeviceCaps( hDc, VERTSIZE ); print_d.w = res_w = GetDeviceCaps( hDc, HORZRES ); print_d.h = res_h = GetDeviceCaps( hDc, VERTRES ); pageSizeW = ((double)res_w)/print_d.wFactor; pageSizeH = ((double)res_h)/print_d.hFactor; physSizeW = ((double)dims.x)/print_d.wFactor; physSizeH = ((double)dims.y)/print_d.hFactor; } static wBool_t printInit( void ) { static int initted = FALSE; static int printerOk = FALSE; if (initted) { if (!printerOk) { mswFail( "No Printers are defined" ); } return printerOk; } initted = TRUE; printDlg.lStructSize = sizeof printDlg; printDlg.hwndOwner = NULL; printDlg.Flags = PD_RETURNDC|PD_RETURNDEFAULT; if (PrintDlg(&printDlg) != 0 && printDlg.hDC) { getPageDim( printDlg.hDC ); DeleteDC( printDlg.hDC ); } #ifdef LATER DEVMODE * printMode; HDC hDc; char ptrInfo[80]; char ptrDrvrDvr[80]; char *temp; char *ptrDevice; char *ptrDrvr; char *ptrPort; int size; int rc; FARPROC extDeviceMode; FARPROC deviceMode; HINSTANCE hDriver; GetProfileString("windows", "device", "", ptrInfo, sizeof ptrInfo ); if (ptrInfo[0] == 0) { mswFail( "No Printers are defined" ); return FALSE; } temp = ptrDevice = ptrInfo; ptrDrvr = ptrPort = NULL; while (*temp) { if (*temp == ',') { *temp++ = 0; while( *temp == ' ' ) temp++; if (!ptrDrvr) ptrDrvr = temp; else { ptrPort = temp; break; } } else temp = AnsiNext(temp); } strcpy( ptrDrvrDvr, ptrDrvr ); strcat( ptrDrvrDvr, ".drv" ); if ((long)(hDriver = LoadLibrary( ptrDrvrDvr )) <= 32) { mswFail( "printInit: LoadLibrary" ); return FALSE; } if (( extDeviceMode = GetProcAddress( hDriver, "ExtDeviceMode" )) != NULL) { size = extDeviceMode( mswHWnd, (HANDLE)hDriver, (LPDEVMODE)NULL, (LPSTR)ptrDevice, (LPSTR)ptrPort, (LPDEVMODE)NULL, (LPSTR)NULL, 0 ); printMode = (DEVMODE*)malloc( size ); rc = extDeviceMode( mswHWnd, (HANDLE)hDriver, (LPDEVMODE)printMode, (LPSTR)ptrDevice, (LPSTR)ptrPort, (LPDEVMODE)NULL, (LPSTR)NULL, DM_OUT_BUFFER ); #ifdef LATER if (rc != IDOK && rc != IDCANCEL) { mswFail( "printInit: extDeviceMode" ); return FALSE; } #endif } else if (( deviceMode = GetProcAddress( hDriver, "DeviceMode" )) != NULL) { rc = deviceMode( mswHWnd, (HANDLE)hDriver, (LPSTR)ptrDevice, (LPSTR)ptrPort ); #ifdef LATER if (rc != IDOK && rc != IDCANCEL) { mswFail( "printInit: deviceMode" ); return FALSE; } #endif } hDc = CreateDC( (LPSTR)ptrDrvr, (LPSTR)ptrDevice, (LPSTR)ptrPort, NULL ); if (hDc == NULL) { mswFail("printInit: createDC" ); abort(); } getPageDim( hDc ); DeleteDC( hDc ); FreeLibrary( hDriver ); #endif printerOk = TRUE; return TRUE; } wBool_t wPrintInit( void ) { if (!printInit()) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void wPrintSetup( wPrintSetupCallBack_p callback ) { if (!printInit()) { return; } /*memset( &printDlg, 0, sizeof printDlg );*/ printDlg.lStructSize = sizeof printDlg; printDlg.hwndOwner = NULL; printDlg.Flags = PD_RETURNDC|PD_PRINTSETUP; if (PrintDlg(&printDlg) != 0 && printDlg.hDC) { getPageDim( printDlg.hDC ); } if ( callback ) { callback( TRUE ); } } void wPrintGetPageSize( double *w, double *h ) { printInit(); *w = pageSizeW; *h = pageSizeH; } void wPrintGetPhysSize( double *w, double *h ) { printInit(); *w = physSizeW; *h = physSizeH; } HDC mswGetPrinterDC( void ) { if (!printInit()) { return (HDC)0; } /*memset( &printDlg, 0, sizeof printDlg );*/ printDlg.lStructSize = sizeof printDlg; printDlg.hwndOwner = NULL; printDlg.Flags = PD_RETURNDC|PD_NOPAGENUMS|PD_NOSELECTION; if (PrintDlg(&printDlg) != 0) return printDlg.hDC; else return (HDC)0; } static wBool_t printAbort = FALSE; HWND hAbortDlgWnd; FARPROC lpAbortDlg, lpAbortProc; static int pageNumber; int FAR PASCAL mswAbortDlg( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND) { if (WCMD_PARAM_ID == IDCANCEL) { printAbort = TRUE; EndDialog( hWnd, wParam ); return TRUE; } } else if (msg == WM_INITDIALOG) { SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hWnd, IDCANCEL ) ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } int FAR PASCAL _export mswAbortProc( HDC hdcPrinter, int Code ) { MSG msg; while (PeekMessage((LPMSG)&msg, (HWND)0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (!IsDialogMessage(hAbortDlgWnd, (LPMSG)&msg) ) { TranslateMessage( (LPMSG)&msg ); DispatchMessage( (LPMSG)&msg ); } } return !printAbort; } wBool_t wPrintDocStart( const char * title, int fpageCount, int * copiesP ) { printStatus = FALSE; pageCount = fpageCount; pageNumber = 0; print_d.hDc = mswGetPrinterDC(); if (print_d.hDc == (HDC)0) { return FALSE; } printStatus = TRUE; docInfo.cbSize = sizeof docInfo; docInfo.lpszDocName = title; docInfo.lpszOutput = NULL; lpAbortDlg = MakeProcInstance( (FARPROC)mswAbortDlg, mswHInst ); lpAbortProc = MakeProcInstance( (FARPROC)mswAbortProc, mswHInst ); SetAbortProc( print_d.hDc, (ABORTPROC)lpAbortProc ); if (StartDoc( print_d.hDc, &docInfo ) < 0) { MessageBox( mswHWnd, "Unable to start print job", NULL, MB_OK|MB_ICONHAND ); FreeProcInstance( lpAbortDlg ); FreeProcInstance( lpAbortProc ); DeleteDC( print_d.hDc ); return FALSE; } printAbort = FALSE; hAbortDlgWnd = CreateDialog( mswHInst, "MswAbortDlg", mswHWnd, (DLGPROC)lpAbortDlg ); /*SetDlgItemText( hAbortDlgWnd, IDM_PRINTAPP, title );*/ SetWindowText( hAbortDlgWnd, title ); ShowWindow( hAbortDlgWnd, SW_NORMAL ); UpdateWindow( hAbortDlgWnd ); EnableWindow( mswHWnd, FALSE ); if (copiesP) *copiesP = printDlg.nCopies; if (printDlg.nCopies>1) pageCount *= printDlg.nCopies; if ( (GetDeviceCaps( printDlg.hDC, RASTERCAPS ) & RC_PALETTE) ) { newPrintPalette = mswCreatePalette(); oldPrintPalette = SelectPalette( printDlg.hDC, newPrintPalette, 0 ); RealizePalette( printDlg.hDC ); } return TRUE; } wDraw_p wPrintPageStart( void ) { char pageL[80]; if (!printStatus) return NULL; pageNumber++; if (pageCount > 0) wsprintf( pageL, "Page %d of %d", pageNumber, pageCount ); else wsprintf( pageL, "Page %d", pageNumber ); SetDlgItemText( hAbortDlgWnd, IDM_PRINTPAGE, pageL ); StartPage( printDlg.hDC ); #ifdef LATER if (mswPrintPalette) { SelectPalette( printDlg.hDC, mswPrintPalette, 0 ); RealizePalette( printDlg.hDC ); } #endif getPageDim( printDlg.hDC ); SelectClipRgn( print_d.hDc, NULL ); return &print_d; } wBool_t wPrintPageEnd( wDraw_p d ) { return EndPage( printDlg.hDC ) >= 0; } wBool_t wPrintQuit( void ) { MSG msg; while (PeekMessage((LPMSG)&msg, (HWND)0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (!IsDialogMessage(hAbortDlgWnd, (LPMSG)&msg) ) { TranslateMessage( (LPMSG)&msg ); DispatchMessage( (LPMSG)&msg ); } } return printAbort; } void wPrintDocEnd( void ) { if (!printStatus) return; EndDoc( printDlg.hDC ); if ( newPrintPalette ) { SelectPalette( printDlg.hDC, oldPrintPalette, 0 ); DeleteObject( newPrintPalette ); newPrintPalette = (HPALETTE)0; } EnableWindow( mswHWnd, TRUE ); DestroyWindow( hAbortDlgWnd ); FreeProcInstance( lpAbortDlg ); FreeProcInstance( lpAbortProc ); DeleteDC( printDlg.hDC ); printStatus = FALSE; } wBool_t wPrintFontAlias( const char * font, const char * alias ) { return TRUE; } wBool_t wPrintNewPrinter( const char * printer ) { return TRUE; } wBool_t wPrintNewMargin( const char * name, double t, double b, double l, double r ) { return TRUE; } void wPrintSetCallBacks( wAddPrinterCallBack_p newPrinter, wAddMarginCallBack_p newMargin, wAddFontAliasCallBack_p newFontAlias ) { }