path: root/src/app-window.vala
diff options
authorJörg Frings-Fürst <>2024-07-21 19:58:31 +0200
committerJörg Frings-Fürst <>2024-07-21 19:58:31 +0200
commit5a514d891db203b803a37c2110184f537fcd5608 (patch)
tree0c85f179d5cfeb471f3227bd4a94998e3aaf4ee1 /src/app-window.vala
parent408791709f23be34de957320384d02b228ea488f (diff)
parent35c7b263d4fc6910be51005193095cfbdeaa969a (diff)
Merge branch 'release/debian/46.0-1'debian/46.0-1
Diffstat (limited to 'src/app-window.vala')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 1019 deletions
diff --git a/src/app-window.vala b/src/app-window.vala
index c4f9af7..402065a 100644
--- a/src/app-window.vala
+++ b/src/app-window.vala
@@ -14,11 +14,13 @@ private const int DEFAULT_TEXT_DPI = 150;
private const int DEFAULT_PHOTO_DPI = 300;
[GtkTemplate (ui = "/org/gnome/SimpleScan/ui/app-window.ui")]
-public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
+public class AppWindow : Adw.ApplicationWindow
private const GLib.ActionEntry[] action_entries =
{ "new_document", new_document_cb },
+ { "scan_type", scan_type_action_cb, "s", "'single'"},
+ { "document_hint", document_hint_action_cb, "s", "'text'"},
{ "scan_single", scan_single_cb },
{ "scan_adf", scan_adf_cb },
{ "scan_batch", scan_batch_cb },
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
{ "copy_page", copy_page_cb },
{ "delete_page", delete_page_cb },
{ "reorder", reorder_document_cb },
- { "save", save_document_activate_cb },
+ { "save", save_document_cb },
{ "email", email_document_cb },
{ "print", print_document_cb },
{ "preferences", preferences_cb },
@@ -38,6 +40,16 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
{ "about", about_cb },
{ "quit", quit_cb }
+ private GLib.SimpleAction scan_type_action;
+ private GLib.SimpleAction document_hint_action;
+ private GLib.SimpleAction delete_page_action;
+ private GLib.SimpleAction page_move_left_action;
+ private GLib.SimpleAction page_move_right_action;
+ private GLib.SimpleAction copy_to_clipboard_action;
+ private CropActions crop_actions;
private Settings settings;
private ScanType scan_type = ScanType.SINGLE;
@@ -48,52 +60,21 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
private bool user_selected_device;
- private unowned Hdy.HeaderBar header_bar;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.Menu page_menu;
+ private unowned Gtk.PopoverMenu page_menu;
private unowned Gtk.Stack stack;
- private unowned Hdy.StatusPage status_page;
+ private unowned Adw.StatusPage status_page;
private unowned Gtk.Label status_secondary_label;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.ListStore device_model;
+ private ListStore device_model;
private unowned Gtk.Box device_buttons_box;
- private unowned Gtk.ComboBox device_combo;
+ private unowned Gtk.DropDown device_drop_down;
private unowned Gtk.Box main_vbox;
- private unowned Gtk.RadioMenuItem custom_crop_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.RadioMenuItem a3_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.RadioMenuItem a4_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.RadioMenuItem a5_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.RadioMenuItem a6_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.RadioMenuItem letter_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.RadioMenuItem legal_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.RadioMenuItem four_by_six_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.RadioMenuItem no_crop_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.MenuItem page_move_left_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.MenuItem page_move_right_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.MenuItem page_delete_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.MenuItem crop_rotate_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.MenuItem copy_to_clipboard_menuitem;
- [GtkChild]
private unowned Gtk.Button save_button;
private unowned Gtk.Button stop_button;
@@ -101,23 +82,11 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
private unowned Gtk.Button scan_button;
private unowned Gtk.ActionBar action_bar;
- private Gtk.ToggleButton crop_button;
- private Gtk.Button delete_button;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.Image scan_options_image;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.Image scan_hint_image;
- private unowned Gtk.RadioButton scan_single_radio;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.RadioButton scan_adf_radio;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.RadioButton scan_batch_radio;
- [GtkChild]
- private unowned Gtk.RadioButton text_radio;
+ private unowned Gtk.ToggleButton crop_button;
- private unowned Gtk.RadioButton photo_radio;
+ private unowned Adw.ButtonContent scan_button_content;
private unowned Gtk.MenuButton menu_button;
@@ -156,8 +125,8 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
scanning_ = value;
stack.set_visible_child_name ("document");
- page_delete_menuitem.sensitive = !value;
- delete_button.sensitive = !value;
+ delete_page_action.set_enabled (!value);
scan_button.visible = !value;
stop_button.visible = value;
@@ -191,22 +160,32 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
public signal void start_scan (string? device, ScanOptions options);
public signal void stop_scan ();
public signal void redetect ();
+ static string get_device_label (ScanDevice device) {
+ return device.label;
+ }
public AppWindow ()
settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.SimpleScan");
- var renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
- renderer.set_property ("xalign", 0.5);
- device_combo.pack_start (renderer, true);
- device_combo.add_attribute (renderer, "text", 1);
+ device_model = new ListStore (typeof (ScanDevice));
+ device_drop_down.model = device_model;
+ device_drop_down.expression = new Gtk.CClosureExpression (
+ typeof (string),
+ null,
+ {},
+ (Callback) get_device_label,
+ null,
+ null
+ );
book = new Book ();
book.page_added.connect (page_added_cb);
book.reordered.connect (reordered_cb);
book.page_removed.connect (page_removed_cb);
book.changed.connect (book_changed_cb);
load ();
clear_document ();
@@ -221,29 +200,22 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
public void show_error_dialog (string error_title, string error_text)
- var dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog (this,
- Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL,
- Gtk.MessageType.WARNING,
- Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE,
- "%s", error_title);
- dialog.add_button (_("_Close"), 0);
- dialog.format_secondary_markup ("%s", error_text);
- ();
- dialog.destroy ();
+ var dialog = new Adw.MessageDialog (this,
+ error_title,
+ error_text);
+ dialog.add_response ("close", _("_Close"));
+ dialog.set_response_appearance ("close", Adw.ResponseAppearance.SUGGESTED);
+ ();
- public void authorize (string resource, out string username, out string password)
+ public async AuthorizeDialogResponse authorize (string resource)
/* Label in authorization dialog. “%s” is replaced with the name of the resource requesting authorization */
var description = _("Username and password required to access “%s”").printf (resource);
- var authorize_dialog = new AuthorizeDialog (description);
- authorize_dialog.visible = true;
+ var authorize_dialog = new AuthorizeDialog (this, description);
authorize_dialog.transient_for = this;
- ();
- authorize_dialog.destroy ();
- username = authorize_dialog.get_username ();
- password = authorize_dialog.get_password ();
+ return yield ();
private void update_scan_status ()
@@ -265,7 +237,7 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
status_secondary_label.visible = false;
device_buttons_box.visible = true;
device_buttons_box.sensitive = true;
- device_combo.sensitive = true;
+ device_drop_down.sensitive = true;
else if (this.missing_driver != null)
@@ -285,7 +257,7 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
status_secondary_label.visible = true;
device_buttons_box.visible = true;
device_buttons_box.sensitive = true;
- device_combo.sensitive = false; // We would like to be refresh button to be active
+ device_drop_down.sensitive = false; // We would like to be refresh button to be active
@@ -294,83 +266,31 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
have_devices = true;
this.missing_driver = missing_driver;
+ // Ignore selected events during this code, to prevent updating "selected-device"
setting_devices = true;
- /* If the user hasn't chosen a scanner choose the best available one */
- var have_selection = false;
- if (user_selected_device)
- have_selection = >= 0;
- /* Add new devices */
- int index = 0;
- Gtk.TreeIter iter;
- foreach (var device in devices)
- int n_delete = -1;
+ /*
+ Technically this could be optimized, but:
+ a) for the typical amount of scanners that would probably be overkill
+ b) we rescan only on user action so this is rarely called
+ */
+ device_model.remove_all ();
- /* Find if already exists */
- if (device_model.iter_nth_child (out iter, null, index))
- {
- int i = 0;
- do
- {
- string name;
- bool matched;
- device_model.get (iter, 0, out name, -1);
- matched = name ==;
- if (matched)
- {
- n_delete = i;
- break;
- }
- i++;
- } while (device_model.iter_next (ref iter));
- }
- /* If exists, remove elements up to this one */
- if (n_delete >= 0)
- {
- int i;
- /* Update label */
- device_model.set (iter, 1, device.label, -1);
- for (i = 0; i < n_delete; i++)
- {
- device_model.iter_nth_child (out iter, null, index);
-#if VALA_0_36
- device_model.remove (ref iter);
- device_model.remove (iter);
- }
- }
- else
+ /* Add new devices */
+ foreach (var device in devices)
- device_model.insert (out iter, index);
- device_model.set (iter, 0,, 1, device.label, -1);
+ device_model.append (device);
- index++;
- }
- /* Remove any remaining devices */
- while (device_model.iter_nth_child (out iter, null, index))
-#if VALA_0_36
- device_model.remove (ref iter);
- device_model.remove (iter);
- /* Select the previously selected device or the first available device */
- if (!have_selection)
- {
- var device = settings.get_string ("selected-device");
- if (device != null && find_scan_device (device, out iter))
- device_combo.set_active_iter (iter);
+ /* Select the previously selected device or the first available device */
+ var device_name = settings.get_string ("selected-device");
+ uint position = 0;
+ if (device_name != null && find_device_by_name (device_name, out position) != null)
+ device_drop_down.selected = position;
- device_combo.set_active (0);
+ device_drop_down.selected = 0;
setting_devices = false;
@@ -378,29 +298,40 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
update_scan_status ();
- private bool prompt_to_load_autosaved_book ()
+ private async bool prompt_to_load_autosaved_book ()
- var dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog (this,
- Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL,
- Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION,
- Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO,
+ var dialog = new Adw.MessageDialog (this,
+ "",
/* Contents of dialog that shows if autosaved book should be loaded. */
_("An autosaved book exists. Do you want to open it?"));
- dialog.set_default_response(Gtk.ResponseType.YES);
- var response = ();
- dialog.destroy ();
- return response == Gtk.ResponseType.YES;
+ dialog.add_response ("no", _("_No"));
+ dialog.add_response ("yes", _("_Yes"));
+ dialog.set_response_appearance ("no", Adw.ResponseAppearance.DESTRUCTIVE);
+ dialog.set_response_appearance ("yes", Adw.ResponseAppearance.SUGGESTED);
+ dialog.set_default_response("yes");
+ ();
+ string response = "yes";
+ SourceFunc callback = prompt_to_load_autosaved_book.callback;
+ dialog.response.connect((res) => {
+ response = res;
+ callback();
+ });
+ yield;
+ return response == "yes";
private string? get_selected_device ()
- Gtk.TreeIter iter;
- if (device_combo.get_active_iter (out iter))
+ if (device_drop_down.selected != Gtk.INVALID_LIST_POSITION)
- string device;
- device_model.get (iter, 0, out device, -1);
- return device;
+ return ((ScanDevice) device_model.get_item (device_drop_down.selected)).name;
return null;
@@ -408,13 +339,9 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
private string? get_selected_device_label ()
- Gtk.TreeIter iter;
- if (device_combo.get_active_iter (out iter))
+ if (device_drop_down.selected != Gtk.INVALID_LIST_POSITION)
- string label;
- device_model.get (iter, 1, out label, -1);
- return label;
+ return ((ScanDevice) device_model.get_item (device_drop_down.selected)).label;
return null;
@@ -424,32 +351,31 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
user_selected_device = true;
- Gtk.TreeIter iter;
- if (!find_scan_device (device, out iter))
+ uint position;
+ find_device_by_name (device, out position);
+ if (position != Gtk.INVALID_LIST_POSITION)
- device_combo.set_active_iter (iter);
+ device_drop_down.selected = position;
- private bool find_scan_device (string device, out Gtk.TreeIter iter)
+ private ScanDevice? find_device_by_name(string name, out uint position)
- bool have_iter = false;
- if (device_model.get_iter_first (out iter))
+ for (uint i = 0; i < device_model.get_n_items (); i++)
- do
- {
- string d;
- device_model.get (iter, 0, out d, -1);
- if (d == device)
- have_iter = true;
- } while (!have_iter && device_model.iter_next (ref iter));
+ var item = (ScanDevice?) device_model.get_item (i);
+ if (item.label == name) {
+ position = i;
+ return item;
+ }
- return have_iter;
+ return null;
- private string? choose_file_location ()
+ private async string? choose_file_location ()
/* Get directory to save to */
string? directory = null;
@@ -457,161 +383,110 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
if (directory == null || directory == "")
directory = GLib.Filename.to_uri(Environment.get_user_special_dir (UserDirectory.DOCUMENTS));
+ var save_dialog = new Gtk.FileDialog ();
+ save_dialog.title = _("Save As…");
+ save_dialog.modal = true;
+ save_dialog.accept_label = _("_Save");
- var save_dialog = new Gtk.FileChooserNative (/* Save dialog: Dialog title */
- _("Save As…"),
- this,
- Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE,
- _("_Save"),
- _("_Cancel"));
- save_dialog.local_only = false;
+ // TODO(gtk4)
+ // save_dialog.local_only = false;
var save_format = settings.get_string ("save-format");
if (book_uri != null)
- save_dialog.set_uri (book_uri);
- else {
- save_dialog.set_current_folder_uri (directory);
+ {
+ save_dialog.initial_file = GLib.File.new_for_uri (book_uri);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ save_dialog.initial_folder = GLib.File.new_for_uri (directory);
/* Default filename to use when saving document. */
/* To that filename the extension will be added, eg. "Scanned Document.pdf" */
- save_dialog.set_current_name (_("Scanned Document") + "." + mime_type_to_extension (save_format));
+ save_dialog.initial_name = (_("Scanned Document") + "." + mime_type_to_extension (save_format));
- /* Filter to only show images by default */
- var filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
- filter.set_filter_name (/* Save dialog: Filter name to show only supported image files */
- _("Image Files"));
- filter.add_mime_type ("image/jpeg");
- filter.add_mime_type ("image/png");
- filter.add_mime_type ("image/webp");
- filter.add_mime_type ("application/pdf");
- save_dialog.add_filter (filter);
- filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
- filter.set_filter_name (/* Save dialog: Filter name to show all files */
- _("All Files"));
- filter.add_pattern ("*");
- save_dialog.add_filter (filter);
- var file_type_store = new Gtk.ListStore (2, typeof (string), typeof (string));
- Gtk.TreeIter iter;
- file_type_store.append (out iter);
- file_type_store.set (iter,
- /* Save dialog: Label for saving in PDF format */
- 0, _("PDF (multi-page document)"),
- 1, "application/pdf",
- -1);
- file_type_store.append (out iter);
- file_type_store.set (iter,
- /* Save dialog: Label for saving in JPEG format */
- 0, _("JPEG (compressed)"),
- 1, "image/jpeg",
- -1);
- file_type_store.append (out iter);
- file_type_store.set (iter,
- /* Save dialog: Label for saving in PNG format */
- 0, _("PNG (lossless)"),
- 1, "image/png",
- -1);
- file_type_store.append (out iter);
- file_type_store.set (iter,
- /* Save dialog: Label for sabing in WEBP format */
- 0, _("WebP (compressed)"),
- 1, "image/webp",
- -1);
+ var filters = new ListStore (typeof (Gtk.FileFilter));
+ var pdf_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
+ pdf_filter.set_filter_name (_("PDF (multi-page document)"));
+ pdf_filter.add_pattern ("*.pdf" );
+ pdf_filter.add_mime_type ("application/pdf");
+ filters.append (pdf_filter);
+ var jpeg_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
+ jpeg_filter.set_filter_name (_("JPEG (compressed)"));
+ jpeg_filter.add_pattern ("*.jpg" );
+ jpeg_filter.add_pattern ("*.jpeg" );
+ jpeg_filter.add_mime_type ("image/jpeg");
+ filters.append (jpeg_filter);
+ var png_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
+ png_filter.set_filter_name (_("PNG (lossless)"));
+ png_filter.add_pattern ("*.png" );
+ png_filter.add_mime_type ("image/png");
+ filters.append (png_filter);
+ var webp_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
+ webp_filter.set_filter_name (_("WebP (compressed)"));
+ webp_filter.add_pattern ("*.webp" );
+ webp_filter.add_mime_type ("image/webp");
+ filters.append (webp_filter);
+ var all_filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
+ all_filter.set_filter_name (_("All Files"));
+ all_filter.add_pattern ("*");
+ filters.append (all_filter);
+ save_dialog.filters = filters;
+ switch (save_format)
+ {
+ case "application/pdf":
+ save_dialog.default_filter = pdf_filter;
+ break;
+ case "image/jpeg":
+ save_dialog.default_filter = jpeg_filter;
+ break;
+ case "image/png":
+ save_dialog.default_filter = png_filter;
+ break;
+ case "image/webp":
+ save_dialog.default_filter = webp_filter;
+ break;
+ }
var box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 6);
box.visible = true;
box.spacing = 10;
- save_dialog.set_extra_widget (box);
- /* Label in save dialog beside combo box to choose file format (PDF, JPEG, PNG, WEBP) */
- var label = new Gtk.Label (_("File format:"));
- label.visible = true;
- box.add (label);
- var file_type_combo = new Gtk.ComboBox.with_model (file_type_store);
- file_type_combo.visible = true;
- var renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
- file_type_combo.pack_start (renderer, true);
- file_type_combo.add_attribute (renderer, "text", 0);
- box.add (file_type_combo);
+ box.set_halign (Gtk.Align.CENTER);
- if (file_type_store.get_iter_first (out iter))
- {
- do
- {
- string mime_type;
- file_type_store.get (iter, 1, out mime_type, -1);
- if (mime_type == save_format)
- file_type_combo.set_active_iter (iter);
- } while (file_type_store.iter_next (ref iter));
- }
- /* Label in save dialog beside compression slider */
- var quality_label = new Gtk.Label (_("Compression:"));
- box.add (quality_label);
- var quality_adjustment = new Gtk.Adjustment (75, 0, 100, 1, 10, 0);
- var quality_scale = new Gtk.Scale (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, quality_adjustment);
- quality_scale.width_request = 250;
- quality_scale.draw_value = false;
- var minimum_size_label = "<small>%s</small>".printf (_("Minimum size"));
- quality_scale.add_mark (quality_adjustment.lower, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, minimum_size_label);
- quality_scale.add_mark (75, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, null);
- quality_scale.add_mark (90, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, null);
- var full_detail_label = "<small>%s</small>".printf (_("Full detail"));
- quality_scale.add_mark (quality_adjustment.upper, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, full_detail_label);
- quality_adjustment.value = settings.get_int ("jpeg-quality");
- quality_adjustment.value_changed.connect (() => { settings.set_int ("jpeg-quality", (int) quality_adjustment.value); });
- box.add (quality_scale);
- /* Quality not applicable to PNG */
- quality_scale.visible = quality_label.visible = (save_format != "image/png");
- file_type_combo.changed.connect (() =>
+ while (true)
- var mime_type = "";
- Gtk.TreeIter i;
- if (file_type_combo.get_active_iter (out i))
+ File? file = null;
+ try {
+ file = yield (this, null);
+ }
+ catch (Error e)
- file_type_store.get (i, 1, out mime_type, -1);
- settings.set_string ("save-format", mime_type);
+ warning ("Failed to open save dialog: %s", e.message);
- var filename = save_dialog.get_current_name ();
- /* Replace extension */
- var extension_index = filename.last_index_of_char ('.');
- if (extension_index >= 0)
- filename = filename.slice (0, extension_index);
- filename = filename + "." + mime_type_to_extension (mime_type);
- save_dialog.set_current_name (filename);
- /* Quality not applicable to PNG */
- quality_scale.visible = quality_label.visible = (mime_type != "image/png");
- });
- while (true)
- {
- var response = ();
- if (response != Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT)
+ if (file == null)
- save_dialog.destroy ();
return null;
- var mime_type = "";
- Gtk.TreeIter i;
- if (file_type_combo.get_active_iter (out i))
- file_type_store.get (i, 1, out mime_type, -1);
+ var uri = file.get_uri ();
+ var extension = uri_extension(uri);
- var uri = save_dialog.get_uri ();
+ var mime_type = extension_to_mime_type(extension);
+ mime_type = mime_type != null ? mime_type : "application/pdf";
- var extension_index = uri.last_index_of_char ('.');
- if (extension_index < 0)
+ settings.set_string ("save-format", mime_type);
+ if (extension == null)
uri += "." + mime_type_to_extension (mime_type);
/* Check the file(s) don't already exist */
@@ -623,35 +498,58 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
files.append (File.new_for_uri (uri));
+ var overwrite_check = true;
+ // We assume that GTK or system file dialog asked about overwrite already so we reask only if there is more than one file or we changed the name
+ // Ideally in flatpack era we should not modify file name after save dialog is done
+ // but for the sake of keeping old functionality in tact we leave it as it
+ if (files.length () > 1 || file.get_uri () != uri)
+ {
+ overwrite_check = yield check_overwrite (this, files);
+ }
- if (check_overwrite (save_dialog.transient_for, files))
+ if (overwrite_check)
var directory_uri = uri.substring (0, uri.last_index_of ("/") + 1);
settings.set_string ("save-directory", directory_uri);
- save_dialog.destroy ();
return uri;
- private bool check_overwrite (Gtk.Window parent, List<File> files)
+ private async bool check_overwrite (Gtk.Window parent, List<File> files)
foreach (var file in files)
if (!file.query_exists ())
- var dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog (parent, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE,
+ var title = _("A file named “%s” already exists. Do you want to replace it?").printf(file.get_basename ());
+ var dialog = new Adw.MessageDialog (parent,
/* Contents of dialog that shows if saving would overwrite and existing file. %s is replaced with the name of the file. */
- _("A file named “%s” already exists. Do you want to replace it?"), file.get_basename ());
- dialog.add_button (_("_Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
- dialog.add_button (/* Button in dialog that shows if saving would overwrite and existing file. Clicking the button allows simple-scan to overwrite the file. */
- _("_Replace"), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT);
- var response = ();
- dialog.destroy ();
- if (response != Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT)
+ title,
+ null);
+ dialog.add_response ("cancel", _("_Cancel"));
+ dialog.add_response ("replace", _("_Replace"));
+ dialog.set_response_appearance ("replace", Adw.ResponseAppearance.DESTRUCTIVE);
+ SourceFunc callback = check_overwrite.callback;
+ string response = "cancel";
+ dialog.response.connect ((res) => {
+ response = res;
+ callback ();
+ });
+ ();
+ yield;
+ if (response != "replace")
return false;
@@ -677,7 +575,7 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
var extension_lower = extension.down ();
if (extension_lower == "pdf")
return "application/pdf";
- else if (extension_lower == "jpg")
+ else if (extension_lower == "jpg" || extension_lower == "jpeg")
return "image/jpeg";
else if (extension_lower == "png")
return "image/png";
@@ -687,12 +585,20 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
return null;
- private string uri_to_mime_type (string uri)
+ private string? uri_extension (string uri)
var extension_index = uri.last_index_of_char ('.');
if (extension_index < 0)
+ return null;
+ return uri.substring (extension_index + 1);
+ }
+ private string uri_to_mime_type (string uri)
+ {
+ var extension = uri_extension(uri);
+ if (extension == null)
return "image/jpeg";
- var extension = uri.substring (extension_index + 1);
var mime_type = extension_to_mime_type (extension);
if (mime_type == null)
@@ -703,7 +609,7 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
private async bool save_document_async ()
- var uri = choose_file_location ();
+ var uri = yield choose_file_location ();
if (uri == null)
return false;
@@ -739,7 +645,7 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
return false;
save_button.sensitive = true;
- progress_bar.destroy_with_delay (500);
+ progress_bar.remove_with_delay (500, action_bar);
book_needs_saving = false;
book_uri = uri;
@@ -751,29 +657,36 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
if (!book_needs_saving || (book.n_pages == 0))
return true;
- var dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog (this,
- Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL,
- Gtk.MessageType.WARNING,
- Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE,
- "%s", title);
- dialog.format_secondary_text ("%s",
- /* Text in dialog warning when a document is about to be lost*/
- _("If you don’t save, changes will be permanently lost."));
- dialog.add_button (discard_label, Gtk.ResponseType.NO);
- dialog.add_button (_("_Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
- dialog.add_button (_("_Save"), Gtk.ResponseType.YES);
- var response = ();
- dialog.destroy ();
+ var dialog = new Adw.MessageDialog (this,
+ title,
+ _("If you don’t save, changes will be permanently lost."));
+ dialog.add_response ("discard", discard_label);
+ dialog.add_response ("cancel", _("_Cancel"));
+ dialog.add_response ("save", _("_Save"));
+ dialog.set_response_appearance ("discard", Adw.ResponseAppearance.DESTRUCTIVE);
+ dialog.set_response_appearance ("save", Adw.ResponseAppearance.SUGGESTED);
+ ();
+ string response = "cancel";
+ SourceFunc callback = prompt_to_save_async.callback;
+ dialog.response.connect((res) => {
+ response = res;
+ callback ();
+ });
+ yield;
switch (response)
- case Gtk.ResponseType.YES:
+ case "save":
if (yield save_document_async ())
return true;
return false;
- case Gtk.ResponseType.NO:
+ case "discard":
return true;
return false;
@@ -786,7 +699,7 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
book_needs_saving = false;
book_uri = null;
save_button.sensitive = false;
- copy_to_clipboard_menuitem.sensitive = false;
+ copy_to_clipboard_action.set_enabled (false);
update_scan_status ();
stack.set_visible_child_name ("startup");
@@ -814,19 +727,46 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
if (uri == "install-firmware")
- install_drivers ();
+ var dialog = new DriversDialog (this, missing_driver);
+ (() => {});
return true;
return false;
+ [GtkCallback]
private void new_document_cb ()
new_document ();
+ private void crop_toggle_cb (Gtk.ToggleButton btn)
+ {
+ if (updating_page_menu)
+ return;
+ var page = book_view.selected_page;
+ if (page == null)
+ {
+ warning ("Trying to set crop but no selected page");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (
+ {
+ // Avoid overwriting crop name if there is already different crop active
+ if (!page.has_crop)
+ set_crop ("custom");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ set_crop (null);
+ }
+ }
+ [GtkCallback]
private void redetect_button_clicked_cb (Gtk.Button button)
have_devices = false;
@@ -843,6 +783,31 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
start_scan (get_selected_device (), options);
+ private void scan_type_action_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? value)
+ {
+ var type = value.get_string ();
+ switch (type) {
+ case "single":
+ set_scan_type (ScanType.SINGLE);
+ break;
+ case "adf":
+ set_scan_type (ScanType.ADF);
+ break;
+ case "batch":
+ set_scan_type (ScanType.BATCH);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ private void document_hint_action_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? value)
+ {
+ var hint = value.get_string ();
+ set_document_hint(hint, true);
+ }
private void scan_single_cb ()
var options = make_scan_options ();
@@ -871,32 +836,48 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
private void rotate_left_cb ()
- rotate_left_button_clicked_cb ();
+ if (updating_page_menu)
+ return;
+ var page = book_view.selected_page;
+ if (page != null)
+ page.rotate_left ();
private void rotate_right_cb ()
- rotate_right_button_clicked_cb ();
+ if (updating_page_menu)
+ return;
+ var page = book_view.selected_page;
+ if (page != null)
+ page.rotate_right ();
private void move_left_cb ()
- page_move_left_menuitem_activate_cb ();
+ var page = book_view.selected_page;
+ var index = book.get_page_index (page);
+ if (index > 0)
+ book.move_page (page, index - 1);
private void move_right_cb ()
- page_move_right_menuitem_activate_cb ();
+ var page = book_view.selected_page;
+ var index = book.get_page_index (page);
+ if (index < book.n_pages - 1)
+ book.move_page (page, book.get_page_index (page) + 1);
private void copy_page_cb ()
- copy_to_clipboard_button_clicked_cb ();
+ var page = book_view.selected_page;
+ if (page != null)
+ page.copy_to_clipboard (this);
private void delete_page_cb ()
- page_delete_menuitem_activate_cb ();
+ (book_view.selected_page);
private void set_scan_type (ScanType scan_type)
@@ -906,83 +887,33 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
switch (scan_type)
case ScanType.SINGLE:
- = true;
- scan_options_image.icon_name = "scanner-symbolic";
+ scan_type_action.set_state ("single");
+ scan_button_content.icon_name = "scanner-symbolic";
scan_button.tooltip_text = _("Scan a single page from the scanner");
case ScanType.ADF:
- = true;
- scan_options_image.icon_name = "scan-type-adf-symbolic";
+ scan_type_action.set_state ("adf");
+ scan_button_content.icon_name = "scan-type-adf-symbolic";
scan_button.tooltip_text = _("Scan multiple pages from the scanner");
case ScanType.BATCH:
- = true;
- scan_options_image.icon_name = "scan-type-batch-symbolic";
+ scan_type_action.set_state ("batch");
+ scan_button_content.icon_name = "scan-type-batch-symbolic";
scan_button.tooltip_text = _("Scan multiple pages from the scanner");
- [GtkCallback]
- private void scan_single_radio_toggled_cb (Gtk.ToggleButton button)
- {
- if (
- set_scan_type (ScanType.SINGLE);
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void scan_adf_radio_toggled_cb (Gtk.ToggleButton button)
- {
- if (
- set_scan_type (ScanType.ADF);
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void scan_batch_radio_toggled_cb (Gtk.ToggleButton button)
- {
- if (
- set_scan_type (ScanType.BATCH);
- }
private void set_document_hint (string document_hint, bool save = false)
this.document_hint = document_hint;
- if (document_hint == "text")
- {
- = true;
- scan_hint_image.icon_name = "x-office-document-symbolic";
- }
- else if (document_hint == "photo")
- {
- = true;
- scan_hint_image.icon_name = "image-x-generic-symbolic";
- }
+ document_hint_action.set_state (document_hint);
if (save)
settings.set_string ("document-type", document_hint);
- [GtkCallback]
- private void text_radio_toggled_cb (Gtk.ToggleButton button)
- {
- if (
- set_document_hint ("text", true);
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void photo_radio_toggled_cb (Gtk.ToggleButton button)
- {
- if (
- set_document_hint ("photo", true);
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void preferences_button_clicked_cb (Gtk.Button button)
- {
- preferences_dialog.present ();
- }
private ScanOptions make_scan_options ()
var options = new ScanOptions ();
@@ -1008,7 +939,7 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
- private void device_combo_changed_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+ private void device_drop_down_changed_cb (Object widget, ParamSpec spec)
if (setting_devices)
@@ -1045,14 +976,14 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
var page = book_view.selected_page;
if (page == null)
- page_move_left_menuitem.sensitive = false;
- page_move_right_menuitem.sensitive = false;
+ page_move_left_action.set_enabled (false);
+ page_move_right_action.set_enabled (false);
var index = book.get_page_index (page);
- page_move_left_menuitem.sensitive = index > 0;
- page_move_right_menuitem.sensitive = index < book.n_pages - 1;
+ page_move_left_action.set_enabled (index > 0);
+ page_move_right_action.set_enabled (index < book.n_pages - 1);
@@ -1064,33 +995,8 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
updating_page_menu = true;
update_page_menu ();
- var menuitem = no_crop_menuitem;
- if (page.has_crop)
- {
- var crop_name = page.crop_name;
- if (crop_name != null)
- {
- if (crop_name == "A3")
- menuitem = a3_menuitem;
- else if (crop_name == "A4")
- menuitem = a4_menuitem;
- else if (crop_name == "A5")
- menuitem = a5_menuitem;
- else if (crop_name == "A6")
- menuitem = a6_menuitem;
- else if (crop_name == "letter")
- menuitem = letter_menuitem;
- else if (crop_name == "legal")
- menuitem = legal_menuitem;
- else if (crop_name == "4x6")
- menuitem = four_by_six_menuitem;
- }
- else
- menuitem = custom_crop_menuitem;
- }
- = true;
+ crop_actions.update_current_crop (page.crop_name); = page.has_crop;
updating_page_menu = false;
@@ -1113,50 +1019,29 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
- try
- {
- Gtk.show_uri (screen, file.get_uri (), Gtk.get_current_event_time ());
- }
- catch (Error e)
- {
- show_error_dialog (/* Error message display when unable to preview image */
- _("Unable to open image preview application"),
- e.message);
- }
+ var launcher = new Gtk.FileLauncher(file);
+ launcher.launch.begin (this, null);
- private void show_page_menu_cb (BookView view, Gdk.Event event)
+ private void show_page_menu_cb (BookView view, Gtk.Widget from, double x, double y)
- page_menu.popup_at_pointer (event);
- }
+ double tx, ty;
+ from.translate_coordinates(this, x, y, out tx, out ty);
- [GtkCallback]
- private void rotate_left_button_clicked_cb ()
- {
- if (updating_page_menu)
- return;
- var page = book_view.selected_page;
- if (page != null)
- page.rotate_left ();
- }
+ Gdk.Rectangle rect = { x: (int) tx, y: (int) ty, w: 1, h: 1 };
- [GtkCallback]
- private void rotate_right_button_clicked_cb ()
- {
- if (updating_page_menu)
- return;
- var page = book_view.selected_page;
- if (page != null)
- page.rotate_right ();
+ page_menu.set_pointing_to (rect);
+ page_menu.popup ();
private void set_crop (string? crop_name)
- crop_rotate_menuitem.sensitive = crop_name != null;
if (updating_page_menu)
+ if (crop_name == "none")
+ crop_name = null;
var page = book_view.selected_page;
if (page == null)
@@ -1177,73 +1062,17 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
page.set_named_crop (crop_name);
+ crop_actions.update_current_crop (crop_name);
+ = page.has_crop;
- [GtkCallback]
- private void no_crop_menuitem_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem widget)
- {
- if (
- set_crop (null);
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void custom_crop_menuitem_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem widget)
- {
- if (
- set_crop ("custom");
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void four_by_six_menuitem_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem widget)
- {
- if (
- set_crop ("4x6");
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void legal_menuitem_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem widget)
- {
- if (
- set_crop ("legal");
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void letter_menuitem_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem widget)
- {
- if (
- set_crop ("letter");
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void a6_menuitem_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem widget)
- {
- if (
- set_crop ("A6");
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void a5_menuitem_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem widget)
- {
- if (
- set_crop ("A5");
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void a4_menuitem_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem widget)
+ public void crop_set_action_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? value)
- if (
- set_crop ("A4");
+ set_crop (value.get_string ());
- [GtkCallback]
- private void a3_menuitem_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem widget)
- {
- if (
- set_crop ("A3");
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void crop_rotate_menuitem_activate_cb ()
+ public void crop_rotate_action_cb ()
var page = book_view.selected_page;
if (page == null)
@@ -1251,210 +1080,54 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
page.rotate_crop ();
- [GtkCallback]
- private void page_move_left_menuitem_activate_cb ()
- {
- var page = book_view.selected_page;
- var index = book.get_page_index (page);
- if (index > 0)
- book.move_page (page, index - 1);
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void page_move_right_menuitem_activate_cb ()
- {
- var page = book_view.selected_page;
- var index = book.get_page_index (page);
- if (index < book.n_pages - 1)
- book.move_page (page, book.get_page_index (page) + 1);
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void page_delete_menuitem_activate_cb ()
- {
- (book_view.selected_page);
- }
- private void reorder_document ()
+ private void reorder_document_cb ()
- var dialog = new Gtk.Window ();
- dialog.type_hint = Gdk.WindowTypeHint.DIALOG;
- dialog.modal = true;
- dialog.border_width = 12;
- /* Title of dialog to reorder pages */
- dialog.title = C_("dialog title", "Reorder Pages");
+ var dialog = new ReorderPagesDialog ();
dialog.set_transient_for (this);
- dialog.key_press_event.connect ((e) =>
- {
- if (e.state == 0 && e.keyval == Gdk.Key.Escape)
- {
- dialog.destroy ();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- });
- dialog.visible = true;
- var g = new Gtk.Grid ();
- g.row_homogeneous = true;
- g.row_spacing = 6;
- g.column_homogeneous = true;
- g.column_spacing = 6;
- g.visible = true;
- dialog.add (g);
- /* Label on button for combining sides in reordering dialog */
- var b = make_reorder_button (_("Combine sides"), "F1F2F3B1B2B3-F1B1F2B2F3B3");
- b.clicked.connect (() =>
+ /* Button for combining sides in reordering dialog */
+ dialog.combine_sides.clicked.connect (() =>
book.combine_sides ();
- dialog.destroy ();
+ dialog.close ();
- b.visible = true;
- g.attach (b, 0, 0, 1, 1);
- /* Label on button for combining sides in reverse order in reordering dialog */
- b = make_reorder_button (_("Combine sides (reverse)"), "F1F2F3B3B2B1-F1B1F2B2F3B3");
- b.clicked.connect (() =>
+ /* Button for combining sides in reverse order in reordering dialog */
+ dialog.combine_sides_rev.clicked.connect (() =>
book.combine_sides_reverse ();
- dialog.destroy ();
+ dialog.close ();
- b.visible = true;
- g.attach (b, 1, 0, 1, 1);
- /* Label on button for reversing in reordering dialog */
- b = make_reorder_button (_("Reverse"), "C1C2C3C4C5C6-C6C5C4C3C2C1");
- b.clicked.connect (() =>
+ /* Button for reversing in reordering dialog */
+ dialog.reverse.clicked.connect (() =>
book.reverse ();
- dialog.destroy ();
+ dialog.close ();
- b.visible = true;
- g.attach (b, 0, 2, 1, 1);
- /* Label on button for cancelling page reordering dialog */
- b = make_reorder_button (_("Keep unchanged"), "C1C2C3C4C5C6-C1C2C3C4C5C6");
- b.clicked.connect (() =>
+ /* Button for keeping the ordering, but flip every second upside down */
+ dialog.flip_odd.clicked.connect (() =>
- dialog.destroy ();
+ book.flip_every_second(FlipEverySecond.Odd);
+ dialog.close ();
- b.visible = true;
- g.attach (b, 1, 2, 1, 1);
- /* Label on button for keeping the ordering, but flip every second upside down */
- b = make_reorder_button (_("Flip even pages upside-down"), "R1U2R3U4R5U6-R1R2R3R4R5R6");
- b.clicked.connect (() =>
+ /* Button for keeping the ordering, but flip every second upside down */
+ dialog.flip_even.clicked.connect (() =>
+ dialog.close ();
- dialog.destroy ();
- b.visible = true;
- g.attach (b, 0, 3, 1, 1);
- /* Label on button for keeping the ordering, but flip every second upside down */
- b = make_reorder_button (_("Flip odd pages upside-down"), "U1R2U3R4U5R6-R1R2R3R4R5R6");
- b.clicked.connect (() =>
- {
- book.flip_every_second(FlipEverySecond.Odd);
- dialog.destroy ();
- });
- b.visible = true;
- g.attach (b, 1, 3, 1, 1);
dialog.present ();
- private void reorder_document_cb ()
- {
- reorder_document ();
- }
- private Gtk.Button make_reorder_button (string text, string items)
- {
- var b = new Gtk.Button ();
- var vbox = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 6);
- vbox.visible = true;
- b.add (vbox);
- var label = new Gtk.Label (text);
- label.visible = true;
- label.vexpand = true;
- vbox.add (label);
- var rb = make_reorder_box (items);
- rb.visible = true;
- rb.vexpand = true;
- vbox.add (rb);
- return b;
- }
- private Gtk.Box make_reorder_box (string items)
- {
- var box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 6);
- box.visible = true;
- Gtk.Box? page_box = null;
- for (var i = 0; items[i] != '\0'; i++)
- {
- if (items[i] == '-')
- {
- var a = new Gtk.Label ("➤");
- a.visible = true;
- box.add (a);
- page_box = null;
- continue;
- }
- /* First character describes side */
- var side = items[i];
- i++;
- if (items[i] == '\0')
- break;
- if (page_box == null)
- {
- page_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 3);
- page_box.visible = true;
- box.add (page_box);
- }
- if (side == 'U') {
- var icon = new PageIcon (side, items[i] - '1', 180);
- icon.visible = true;
- page_box.add (icon);
- } else {
- var icon = new PageIcon (side, items[i] - '1', 0);
- icon.visible = true;
- page_box.add (icon);
- }
- }
- return box;
- }
- [GtkCallback]
- private void save_file_button_clicked_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
- {
- save_document_async.begin ();
- }
- public void save_document_activate_cb ()
+ public void save_document_cb ()
save_document_async.begin ();
- [GtkCallback]
- private void copy_to_clipboard_button_clicked_cb ()
- {
- var page = book_view.selected_page;
- if (page != null)
- page.copy_to_clipboard (this);
- }
private void draw_page (Gtk.PrintOperation operation,
Gtk.PrintContext print_context,
int page_number)
@@ -1549,16 +1222,8 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
private void launch_help ()
- try
- {
- Gtk.show_uri (screen, "help:simple-scan", Gtk.get_current_event_time ());
- }
- catch (Error e)
- {
- show_error_dialog (/* Error message displayed when unable to launch help browser */
- _("Unable to open help file"),
- e.message);
- }
+ var launcher = new Gtk.UriLauncher ("help:simple-scan");
+ launcher.launch.begin (this, null);
private void help_cb ()
@@ -1570,23 +1235,22 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
string[] authors = { "Robert Ancell <>" };
- string title = _("About Document Scanner");
- string description = _("Simple document scanning tool");
- Gtk.show_about_dialog (this,
- "title", title,
- "authors", authors,
- "translator-credits", _("translator-credits"),
- "comments", description,
- "copyright", "Copyright © 2009-2018 Canonical Ltd.",
- "license-type", Gtk.License.GPL_3_0,
- "program-name", _("Document Scanner"),
- "logo-icon-name", "org.gnome.SimpleScan",
- "version", VERSION,
- "website", "",
- "wrap-license", true);
- }
+ var about = new Adw.AboutWindow ()
+ {
+ transient_for = this,
+ developers = authors,
+ translator_credits = _("translator-credits"),
+ copyright = "Copyright © 2009-2018 Canonical Ltd.",
+ license_type = Gtk.License.GPL_3_0,
+ application_name = _("Document Scanner"),
+ application_icon = "org.gnome.SimpleScan",
+ version = VERSION,
+ website = "",
+ issue_url = "",
+ };
+ about.present ();
+ }
private void about_cb ()
@@ -1617,200 +1281,29 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
on_quit ();
- public override void size_allocate (Gtk.Allocation allocation)
+ public override void size_allocate (int width, int height, int baseline)
- base.size_allocate (allocation);
+ base.size_allocate (width, height, baseline);
if (!window_is_maximized && !window_is_fullscreen)
- get_size (out window_width, out window_height);
+ window_width = this.get_width();
+ window_height = this.get_height();
save_state ();
- private void install_drivers ()
+ public override void unmap ()
- var message = "", instructions = "";
- string[] packages_to_install = {};
- switch (missing_driver)
- {
- case "brscan":
- case "brscan2":
- case "brscan3":
- case "brscan4":
- /* Message to indicate a Brother scanner has been detected */
- message = _("You appear to have a Brother scanner.");
- /* Instructions on how to install Brother scanner drivers */
- instructions = _("Drivers for this are available on the <a href=\"\">Brother website</a>.");
- break;
- case "pixma":
- /* Message to indicate a Canon Pixma scanner has been detected */
- message = _("You appear to have a Canon scanner, which is supported by the <a href=\"\">Pixma SANE backend</a>.");
- /* Instructions on how to resolve issue with SANE scanner drivers */
- instructions = _("Please check if your <a href=\"\">scanner is supported by SANE</a>, otherwise report the issue to the <a href=\"\">SANE mailing list</a>.");
- break;
- case "samsung":
- /* Message to indicate a Samsung scanner has been detected */
- message = _("You appear to have a Samsung scanner.");
- /* Instructions on how to install Samsung scanner drivers.
- Because HP acquired Samsung's global printing business in 2017, the support is made on HP site. */
- instructions = _("Drivers for this are available on the <a href=\"\">HP website</a> (HP acquired Samsung's printing business).");
- break;
- case "hpaio":
- case "smfp":
- /* Message to indicate a HP scanner has been detected */
- message = _("You appear to have an HP scanner.");
- if (missing_driver == "hpaio")
- packages_to_install = { "libsane-hpaio" };
- else
- /* Instructions on how to install HP scanner drivers.
- smfp is rebranded and slightly modified Samsung devices,
- for example: HP Laser MFP 135a is rebranded Samsung Xpress SL-M2070.
- It require custom drivers, not available in hpaio package */
- instructions = _("Drivers for this are available on the <a href=\"\">HP website</a>.");
- break;
- case "epkowa":
- /* Message to indicate an Epson scanner has been detected */
- message = _("You appear to have an Epson scanner.");
- /* Instructions on how to install Epson scanner drivers */
- instructions = _("Drivers for this are available on the <a href=\"\">Epson website</a>.");
- break;
- case "lexmark_nscan":
- /* Message to indicate a Lexmark scanner has been detected */
- message = _("You appear to have a Lexmark scanner.");
- /* Instructions on how to install Lexmark scanner drivers */
- instructions = _("Drivers for this are available on the <a href=\"\">Lexmark website</a>.");
- break;
- }
- var dialog = new Gtk.Dialog.with_buttons (/* Title of dialog giving instructions on how to install drivers */
- _("Install drivers"), this, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, _("_Close"), Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE);
- dialog.get_content_area ().border_width = 12;
- dialog.get_content_area ().spacing = 6;
- var label = new Gtk.Label (message);
- label.visible = true;
- label.xalign = 0f;
- label.vexpand = true;
- label.use_markup = true;
- dialog.get_content_area ().add (label);
- var instructions_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 6);
- instructions_box.visible = true;
- instructions_box.vexpand = true;
- dialog.get_content_area ().add (instructions_box);
- var stack = new Gtk.Stack ();
- instructions_box.add (stack);
- var spinner = new Gtk.Spinner ();
- spinner.visible = true;
- stack.add (spinner);
- var status_label = new Gtk.Label ("");
- status_label.visible = true;
- stack.add (status_label);
- var instructions_label = new Gtk.Label (instructions);
- instructions_label.visible = true;
- instructions_label.xalign = 0f;
- instructions_label.use_markup = true;
- instructions_box.add (instructions_label);
- label = new Gtk.Label (/* Message in driver install dialog */
- _("Once installed you will need to restart this app."));
- label.visible = true;
- label.xalign = 0f;
- label.vexpand = true;
- dialog.get_content_area ().border_width = 12;
- dialog.get_content_area ().add (label);
- if (packages_to_install.length > 0)
- {
- stack.visible = true;
- = true;
- instructions_label.set_text (/* Label shown while installing drivers */
- _("Installing drivers…"));
- install_packages.begin (packages_to_install, () => {}, (object, result) =>
- {
- status_label.visible = true;
- = false;
- status_label.set_text ("☒");
- stack.visible_child = status_label;
- /* Label shown once drivers successfully installed */
- var result_text = _("Drivers installed successfully!");
- try
- {
- var results = install_packages.end (result);
- if (results.get_error_code () == null)
- status_label.set_text ("☑");
- else
- {
- var e = results.get_error_code ();
- /* Label shown if failed to install drivers */
- result_text = _("Failed to install drivers (error code %d).").printf (e.code);
- }
- }
- catch (Error e)
- {
- /* Label shown if failed to install drivers */
- result_text = _("Failed to install drivers.");
- warning ("Failed to install drivers: %s", e.message);
- }
- instructions_label.set_text (result_text);
- });
- instructions_label.set_text (/* Label shown to prompt user to install packages (when PackageKit not available) */
- ngettext ("You need to install the %s package.", "You need to install the %s packages.", packages_to_install.length).printf (string.joinv (", ", packages_to_install)));
- }
- ();
- dialog.destroy ();
- }
- private async Pk.Results? install_packages (string[] packages, Pk.ProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error
- {
- var task = new Pk.Task ();
- Pk.Results results;
- results = yield task.resolve_async (Pk.Filter.NOT_INSTALLED, packages, null, progress_callback);
- if (results == null || results.get_error_code () != null)
- return results;
- var package_array = results.get_package_array ();
- var package_ids = new string[package_array.length + 1];
- package_ids[package_array.length] = null;
- for (var i = 0; i < package_array.length; i++)
- package_ids[i] =[i].get_id ();
- return yield task.install_packages_async (package_ids, null, progress_callback);
- }
- public override bool window_state_event (Gdk.EventWindowState event)
- {
- var result = Gdk.EVENT_PROPAGATE;
- if (base.window_state_event != null)
- result = base.window_state_event (event);
- if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0)
- {
- window_is_maximized = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0;
- save_state ();
- }
- if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0)
- {
- window_is_fullscreen = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0;
- save_state ();
- }
- return result;
+ window_is_maximized = is_maximized ();
+ window_is_fullscreen = is_fullscreen ();
+ save_state ();
+ base.unmap ();
- private bool window_delete_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.EventAny event)
+ private bool window_close_request_cb (Gtk.Window window)
on_quit ();
return true; /* Let us quit on our own terms */
@@ -1835,13 +1328,13 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
save_button.sensitive = true;
book_needs_saving = true;
- copy_to_clipboard_menuitem.sensitive = true;
+ copy_to_clipboard_action.set_enabled (true);
private void load ()
preferences_dialog = new PreferencesDialog (settings);
- preferences_dialog.delete_event.connect (() => {
+ preferences_dialog.close_request.connect (() => {
preferences_dialog.visible = false;
return true;
@@ -1852,13 +1345,18 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
var app = Application.get_default () as Gtk.Application;
- /* Set HeaderBar title here because Glade doesn't keep it translated */
- /* */
- /* Title of scan window */
- header_bar.title = _("Document Scanner");
+ crop_actions = new CropActions (this);
app.add_action_entries (action_entries, this);
+ scan_type_action = (GLib.SimpleAction) app.lookup_action("scan_type");
+ document_hint_action = (GLib.SimpleAction) app.lookup_action("document_hint");
+ delete_page_action = (GLib.SimpleAction) app.lookup_action("delete_page");
+ page_move_left_action = (GLib.SimpleAction) app.lookup_action("move_left");
+ page_move_right_action = (GLib.SimpleAction) app.lookup_action("move_right");
+ copy_to_clipboard_action = (GLib.SimpleAction) app.lookup_action("copy_page");
app.set_accels_for_action ("app.new_document", { "<Ctrl>N" });
app.set_accels_for_action ("app.scan_single", { "<Ctrl>1" });
app.set_accels_for_action ("app.scan_adf", { "<Ctrl>F" });
@@ -1894,79 +1392,15 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
app.add_window (this);
- /* Populate ActionBar (not supported in Glade) */
- /* */
- var button = new Gtk.Button.with_mnemonic (/* Label on new document button */
- _("_New Document"));
- button.visible = true;
- button.clicked.connect (new_document_cb);
- action_bar.pack_start (button);
- var box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 10);
- box.visible = true;
- action_bar.set_center_widget (box);
- var rotate_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0);
- rotate_box.get_style_context ().add_class (Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_LINKED);
- rotate_box.visible = true;
- box.add (rotate_box);
- button = new Gtk.Button.from_icon_name ("object-rotate-left-symbolic");
- button.visible = true;
- button.image.margin_start = 18;
- button.image.margin_end = 18;
- /* Tooltip for rotate left (counter-clockwise) button */
- button.tooltip_text = _("Rotate the page to the left (counter-clockwise)");
- button.clicked.connect (rotate_left_button_clicked_cb);
- rotate_box.add (button);
- button = new Gtk.Button.from_icon_name ("object-rotate-right-symbolic");
- button.visible = true;
- button.image.margin_start = 18;
- button.image.margin_end = 18;
- /* Tooltip for rotate right (clockwise) button */
- button.tooltip_text = _("Rotate the page to the right (clockwise)");
- button.clicked.connect (rotate_right_button_clicked_cb);
- rotate_box.add (button);
- crop_button = new Gtk.ToggleButton ();
- crop_button.visible = true;
- var image = new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name ("crop-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON);
- image.visible = true;
- image.margin_start = 18;
- image.margin_end = 18;
- crop_button.add (image);
- /* Tooltip for crop button */
- crop_button.tooltip_text = _("Crop the selected page");
- crop_button.toggled.connect ((widget) =>
- {
- if (updating_page_menu)
- return;
- if (
- = true;
- else
- = true;
- });
- box.add (crop_button);
- delete_button = new Gtk.Button.from_icon_name ("user-trash-symbolic");
- delete_button.visible = true;
- delete_button.image.margin_start = 18;
- delete_button.image.margin_end = 18;
- /* Tooltip for delete button */
- delete_button.tooltip_text = _("Delete the selected page");
- delete_button.clicked.connect (() => { (book_view.selected_page); });
- box.add (delete_button);
var document_type = settings.get_string ("document-type");
if (document_type != null)
set_document_hint (document_type);
book_view = new BookView (book);
- book_view.border_width = 18;
book_view.vexpand = true;
- main_vbox.add (book_view);
+ main_vbox.prepend (book_view);
book_view.page_selected.connect (page_selected_cb);
book_view.show_page.connect (show_page_cb);
book_view.show_menu.connect (show_page_menu_cb);
@@ -2099,34 +1533,45 @@ public class AppWindow : Hdy.ApplicationWindow
visible = true;
autosave_manager = new AutosaveManager (); = book;
- if (autosave_manager.exists () && prompt_to_load_autosaved_book ())
- autosave_manager.load ();
- if (book.n_pages == 0)
- book_needs_saving = false;
- else
+ if (autosave_manager.exists ())
- stack.set_visible_child_name ("document");
- book_view.selected_page = book.get_page (0);
- book_needs_saving = true;
- book_changed_cb (book);
+ prompt_to_load_autosaved_book.begin ((obj, res) => {
+ bool restore = prompt_to_load_autosaved_book.end (res);
+ if (restore)
+ {
+ autosave_manager.load ();
+ }
+ if (book.n_pages == 0)
+ book_needs_saving = false;
+ else
+ {
+ stack.set_visible_child_name ("document");
+ book_view.selected_page = book.get_page (0);
+ book_needs_saving = true;
+ book_changed_cb (book);
+ }
+ });
-private class CancellableProgressBar : Gtk.HBox
+private class CancellableProgressBar : Gtk.Box
private Gtk.ProgressBar bar;
private Gtk.Button? button;
public CancellableProgressBar (string? text, Cancellable? cancellable)
+ this.orientation = Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL;
bar = new Gtk.ProgressBar ();
bar.visible = true;
bar.set_text (text);
bar.set_show_text (true);
- pack_start (bar);
+ prepend (bar);
if (cancellable != null)
@@ -2138,7 +1583,7 @@ private class CancellableProgressBar : Gtk.HBox
set_visible (false);
cancellable.cancel ();
- pack_start (button);
+ prepend (button);
@@ -2147,14 +1592,49 @@ private class CancellableProgressBar : Gtk.HBox
bar.set_fraction (fraction);
- public void destroy_with_delay (uint delay)
+ public void remove_with_delay (uint delay, Gtk.ActionBar parent)
button.set_sensitive (false);
Timeout.add (delay, () =>
- this.destroy ();
+ parent.remove (this);
return false;
+private class CropActions
+ private GLib.SimpleActionGroup group;
+ private GLib.SimpleAction crop_set;
+ private GLib.SimpleAction crop_rotate;
+ private GLib.ActionEntry[] crop_entries =
+ {
+ { "set", AppWindow.crop_set_action_cb, "s", "'none'" },
+ { "rotate", AppWindow.crop_rotate_action_cb },
+ };
+ public CropActions (AppWindow window)
+ {
+ group = new GLib.SimpleActionGroup ();
+ group.add_action_entries (crop_entries, window);
+ crop_set = (GLib.SimpleAction) group.lookup_action ("set");
+ crop_rotate = (GLib.SimpleAction) group.lookup_action ("rotate");
+ window.insert_action_group ("crop", group);
+ }
+ public void update_current_crop (string? crop_name)
+ {
+ crop_rotate.set_enabled (crop_name != null);
+ if (crop_name == null)
+ crop_set.set_state ("none");
+ else
+ crop_set.set_state (crop_name);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file